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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. cuco

    cuco Squib

    Sep 12, 2011
    miami, fl
    Great update santi! Keep up the good work!
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I don't know. I waited so long for 4th year and the Tournament only for Harry to not participate in it? Talk about a big disappointment. But not as big as it will be if he will not have his own heroic adventure this year. There was already two years of waiting for the real action in this fic that suppose to start in 4th year, so I expect really epic things for Harry to happen that will make facing off with a dragon look like walking in the park.

    Don't make me more disappointed, Santi. You wouldn't like me when I'm disappointed. ;)
  3. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Yeah him not being in the tournament is such a let down. But knowing Santi he will have something just as epic planned
  4. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    I literally shook a fist in victory when I read that Harry didn't make it.

    Though he did seem to be a bit complacent about it, I think the manner in which he failed softened the blow a bit. Of all the ways to fail (e.g. not being judged worthy, or his method failing against the protections), this has to be the 'easiest' to take. He did everything right, but simply ran out of time. And although I expect his failure to bother him from time to time throughout the year, he now has tons of things to distract him, like his hapless brother.

    I know a lot of readers disagree with me, but I am really looking forward to seeing the Triwizard Tournament from this angle. Harry's primary responsibilities are preparing Nathan (and less critically, Viktor) for the tournament tasks. It'll probably end up being his job to figure out what the tasks are, and then how best to prepare for them.

    But I suspect things will look a bit more sinister from Santi!Harry's angle than they looked from canon!Harry's angle. Unlike canon!Harry, this version of the character is closer to Snape, and also has more contact with Karkaroff. He'll be in position to see the dark storm clouds on the horizon - and because he's not distracted by the duties of a Champion, he'll be more receptive to them, and what they mean to his friends and family.

    He'll also still be involved with a lot of the more light-hearted stuff from canon, like the Yule Ball, and interactions with characters from Durmstrang and Hogwarts. So really, there's plenty for him to do this year. Plenty. The only thing we lose out on is one of the most cliche devices in HP fanfiction: a more talented version of Harry doing a better job in the Triwizard than canon!Harry.

    No great loss.
  5. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    Yeah, I won't deny I'm dissapointed that Harry isn't participating, but I'll reserve judgement until I see what the Santi has in store for 4th year.

    What did actually annoy me about this chapter though was the virtual non-reaction from Harry at having the goal he'd been working passionately towards for months and obsessing about snatched away at the last second.

    I mean, he'd been training for months, putting all his hopes of proving himself on getting into the tournament, manipulated his way into the Durmstrang contingent, all for nothing. And then he was just sort of... fine with it.
  6. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I cant wait to see Harry whip Nathan in to magical shape, all with the backing of his parents.
    How long do you think Rita was spying? SHe could be accusing dumbledore of attempting to cheat, blaming the ministry for creating a tornement that will kill the boy who lived, that Harry if a Dark Art Prodigy seeing as mind magics are restricted, or thatr calypso is the daughter of a living death eater.
    She is sure to research the girl who kissed harry, so leading to professor rossier.

    Wanna bet Harry will have his revenge on the beetle?
    If he can ask albus academic questions, will he also ask if hee can use his private library, he will definatly need to get his brother a pass to the restricted section of the library.
    Dobby is likly at the school and harry are sure to take full advantage of having such a devoted elf at school.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  7. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Woo, best Christmas gift ever!

    But I have to admit, Harry's reaction (or somewhat lack thereof) disappointed me. Like if you're going to do a plot twist like that, Harry losing out due to *time* of all things, I'd have liked to see a huge emotional hit to him. Occlumency or not, he spent a lot of time aiming towards this and to lose due to something silly like a deadline should be more shattering for him.
  8. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Completely agreed. My first thought after the initial let down was 'where's the rage?'

    Harry put way to much time and effort into this, going so far as to let Calypso affect his mind, for him to shrug it off and say 'oh well'. And to fail because he was an instant too late? Harry should have been downright enraged that after going through so much he could fail by a mere second.

    But in any case I am eager to read more.
  9. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    I know why you had to do it, Santi. And from a storytelling aspect, maybe it will be good, but it just sucks.

    It isn't rational, and I know that from a dramaturgical point of view, this will probably be better. But when I think about The Goblet of Fire, I wanted to see this intelligent Harry to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. That's all. Because nobody else is nearly as interesting.

    However, unlike other readers have reported in their reviews, I'm not disappointed with the reaction of Harry in the face of Dumbledore for his failure in extremis (We should remember that Harry was under the influence of a severe headache caused by the conscious manipulation suffered by his own mind. In addition, Harry has always been someone very pragmatic).

    Fortunately, Rita finally appeared in this fic, and I hope that soon she published a very negative news story of Harry Potter and his girlfriend (I doubt very much that you find out the true parentage of Calypso, saved by Kira Megara), that encourages future there must be confrontation between Harry and his family because of Calypso.

    While I love the fic as a whole, the only thing I could ask for would be for some more intrigue and elements of mystery, and that Santi update quickly this great fic. It will therefore be very exciting to see how Harry teaches his twin brother.
  10. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Why is first two and last paragraphs of your post a composite of Zennith's and Crash's? Nearly word for word in places. You've even used dramaturgical, a word I'd never heard before today.

    As for the update, it's fine. Not excellent, but closer than most writers get.

    But I have to agree with a lot of the reviewers: the non-reaction was strange. Also, Dumbledore not answering Harry's query felt like a cheap attempt at mystery. I didn't feel as if Harry was going to spend a lot of time figuring out what he could've done differently, and if all we're going to get is a 'how could I be so stupid?' moment, I'm not seeing the point of it from an overall plot/character development standpoint.
  11. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    People are asking where is the rage from harry, well he is suppressing it, but it will be seen. This harry wants to haveanswers so will search out the threat against nathan by finding who entered him in the tornement.
    Harry has always been slightly conflicted about dark magic, but still want to be able to fight dangerously, so he could potentiallly seek out moody for his advice. he is famed for fighting dark magic, so know how to combat it.
  12. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    @scaryisntit: once you have an idea that works for being simpler/more elegant than Harry's, and also new and logical, you should let Santi know.

    I agree with people saying that Harry isn't resentful enough, but I think that 2-3 sentences about his pounding headache stopping his bitter remarks would be enough to fix that.
  13. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    I thought the update was weak. Not nearly up to par. Harry's lack of reaction has already been mentioned by numerous people, but I think it's a glaring flaw. Calypso seemed completely emotionally detached from everything that happened.

    But the biggest issue for me, is the way in which you have Harry try and enter the Goblet while everyone just watches. It's not remotely believable. It's especially not believable that all of the gathered teachers sit there at the High Table and watch Harry as he goes through what they know to be an attempt to break a clearly stated rule--no one under 17 in the tournament. It's not realistic at all. I can understand the Durmstrang teachers doing so, but not the Beauxbatons teachers and certainly not the Hogwarts teachers.

    What exactly are the (several) teachers who are friends with his parents going to say if he gets in? I watched your underage son enter himself in the Goblet and I could have stopped him but chose not too? I love most of your work Santi, but that was, to be frank, stupid.
  14. Relic

    Relic High Inquisitor

    Apr 9, 2011
    I was confused about this too, it seemed odd that the teachers wouldn't, you know, stop him. The Age Line was just the mechanism to help enforce the rule, so if they saw someone trying to break it - I'd assume they'd stop him.
  15. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    Yeah, I felt a bit like Harry entering in front of everyone was sort of shoe horned in because the Santi wanted to eliminate Harry solely due to time, and to do that he had to enter in front of everyone. Problem was there wasn't any sort of reasoning on Harry's behalf to do so, and no good reason for why the teachers let him do it right in front of them, aside from Dumbledore perhaps. Even so, I can hardly see Maxime sitting around passively and watching Durmstrang break the rules.
  16. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    Very nice update overall, I have two sore points though. First off was that everyone just stood by and watched as Harry broke the rules, I understand the people from Durmstrang letting him but I don't see all the teachers and students from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons just sitting there and watching. The second thing was the how calmly he took his failure, after months of preparation him just going, "Oh well, better luck next time," seemed very off. Apart from that it was great and I can't wait for more. I'm especially looking forward to seeing how much Rita heard and what she does with that information.
  17. Canonised Caprice

    Canonised Caprice Squib

    Apr 25, 2011
    I don't understand what everyone's problem is with the teachers letting Harry enter - after all, they sat by and watched while Fred and George attempted in canon.
    Also, the impression I had when Harry woke up was that he would be angry later, but at first he was understandably out of it, and later he wanted to deal with his brother being in the tournament.
    And on that note, an awesome update - awesome enough that I am breaking my rule of not writing in this overly large thread.
  18. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    You could argue that Hogwarts teachers discipline Hogwarts students, and so on. So its up to the Durmstrang teachers to decide whether or not to punish Harry, and as people have stated, it's not terribly out of character for them not to.

    This as well.
  19. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    The crap's about to hit the fan. Though he's not the champion we know that his family's about to get a insight into his dark magic views because of Rita.
  20. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Many people have pointed out issues with the chapter that I agree with, but it isn't the chapter that concerned me. It was the note at the end of the chapter...plenty of advanced magic and character interaction in this year. It looks like a another year of the same with no adventure for Harry.

    I could put up with such things for awhile thinking that this story was eventually building towards something in the 4th year, but this leaves me feeling disappointed. Advanced magic and character interactions...oh joy. Please tell me there is more to it than that. Some sort of adventure or struggle on a more epic scale than look at my ridiculously awesome final project and hiding their views on dark magic.
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