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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. mangaguy

    mangaguy Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2010
    All through the fic, I've always seen Harry as extremely competitive. Seeing him accept that he might have, frankly, lost to time, without any rage at the situation is frustrating.

    Also, I found something off with his reaction to Nathan being the champion. His first reaction, I felt, was too composed. It felt flat at this moment that should have been complex for Harry.
  2. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    About why different teachers let Harry make an attempt to circumvent the age line, I think that is obvious. Nobody expected (except Karkaroff) that he could bypass an age line created by Dumbledore himself.

    With regard to the reaction of other students who saw with their own eyes the Harry's failed attempt, I think the fellow Durmstrang subtly make fun of him (we should remember the past events that occurred around Harry in Durmstrang. After that battle on the outskirts of Durmstrang, it shot numerous rumors that both Harry and Calypso used the Cruciatus Curse on their attackers, and they have not been punished or scolded for it.), while the other students told him more respect (Dumbledore himself are said he had managed to avoid completely the line of age, and only failed because he get his parchment in the Goblet of Fire a few moments after it is off).

    However, the impression that Harry will be completely different. For him, he would have failed in front of all Hogwarts, of the Durmstrang's peers older, and Beauxbatons' students older, and without counting the presence of his own director. It have been the greatest failure of his aspiration to become a great wizard, and above it will have been completely public. That will make him completely, but he hasn't yet fully assimilated (and I suppose that assimilating will be exhibited throughout the next chapter).

    However, I think the most interesting thing is how Harry has publicly support Viktor and as he helps secretly to his twin brother (hiding from Karkaroff and his fellow Durmstrang, except Calypso and Viktor). That way, we will have more presence of Karkaroff in the fic, whose character has been quite obscured by Romulus (who has replaced him as the main antagonist of the story in Durmstrang, because we should remember that Karkaroff's presence in Durmstrang was the main argument of James and Lily to try to forbid their son studies at Durmstrang).

    PS: Some users of this forum have accused me of having plagiarized some of his comments. That was not my intention (my intention was to express my opinion about the new update, and to avoid a repetition of errors in a failed translation (as it has happened me in previous occasions), use certain expressions that others had previously expressed, and were consistent with the position I wanted to express in this thread), but if they have felt that way, I ask my most sincere apologies. In addition, should be taken in mind that when I wrote that comment, it was already late night and I was falling asleep.
  3. Amoral Philosopher

    Amoral Philosopher Seventh Year

    Oct 19, 2010
    Personally, I am not disappointed in the least with Harry not being in the tournament, though I do agree that his reaction upon waking up was a bit too mellow. I wasn't expecting him to fly into an unholy fit of rage, but I was expecting a bit more annoyance on his part. I also agree that having all the teachers not stopping him when he was explicitly trying to break the rules did break my suspension of disbelief more than a bit.

    As for the lack of action/adventure up to this point, I was never seriously expecting it to happen in 4th year. My prediction is for stuff to go down in 5th year since that is when Voldemort is around again. Sure the guy gets resurrected at the end of 4th year, but he doesn't really begin doing anything until 5th year. I view 4th year simply as the period to finish up the final preparations of getting Harry capable enough in terms of magic to deal with whatever is thrown at him the following year. I could very well be wrong about all of this, but those are my thoughts on the matter.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I agree that in this fic Harry will not become as powerful as these two, but saying that Voldemort could never close the gap on Dumbledore, because Albus is older is just silly. It's like saying that a younger chess master will never close the gap on an older chess master for the same reason.

    As for the lack of reaction from Harry, the explanation is pretty obvious. Dumbledore told Poppy to drug him enough to make him peaceful. This old manipulative bastard. :p
  5. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Dumbledore also said that Nathan would make a fine champion and we know that's a complete bullshit. What Dumbledore said was something teachers say when their charge utterly and completely fails. It doesn't matter if it was true this time, that's how it will be interpreted by other students.

    Btw, remember how enraged Harry was when he was told he couldn't compete back at Durmstrang? How come he's completely calm now, when he should be raging ten times harder?
  6. SoftRogue

    SoftRogue Squib

    Sep 26, 2008
    I think that there is several reason's Harry's not raging at the moment. Firstly; he did what was though of as impossible by everyone by crossing the Age Line. Secondly; the one person he respects above all others (Dumbledore) was impressed by Harry's solution. Thirdly; Harry just found out one of the few people he cares about (Nathan) was somehow entered into a highly dangerous situation that he can only help in a limited faction. And, finally, fourthly; Harry hasn't had the time to actually think about his failure.

    Think about it, from Harry's perspective by the end of that segment it's been less than 30 minutes since he failed; he hasn't had the time to really realize that he failed and to completely accomplish his goal and that there's no one he can blame except for himself.

    However, I expect that after he get's out of the Hospital Wing, he's going to be pissed as all hell and going to be blowing stuff up.

    Speaking of which...I wonder how Harry's going to react to Ron when the ginger pulls his jealousy snit on Nathan.
  7. false morality

    false morality First Year

    Jul 1, 2011
    I just had an awesome picture in my head about malfoy making some comment about Harrys failure and Harry destroying him in a rage fit.
  8. silvanatri

    silvanatri Second Year

    Aug 17, 2010
    I am starting to doubt my like for this story. The writing is good and the characterization is some of the best, but I am doubting my liking for the direction this story is going.

    Like Taure posted, is what he hypothesised true? Is this story really just a drama/romance while following a smart OC who isn't going to be involved with the war with Voldemort? Because if that is true, i doubt i will read anymore. I was just hoping this was going to be a long story or the early years was just going to be some kind of prologue.
  9. Viewtiful

    Viewtiful Groundskeeper

    Jan 9, 2010
    I'm glad he isn't in the tournament to be honest. Canon Harry won pretty easily with just some help from Crouch in the final task, he walked the first two on his own. Unless The Santi had been planning on completely revamping the tournament, I can't see it being remotely challenging to this Harry at all, there's certainly no 'adventure' in it.
  10. Speakers

    Speakers Backtraced

    Feb 7, 2010
    You got major balls santi, I'll give you that. Like everyone, I'll repeat that Harry's reaction to failure was not up to par.
  11. bastur2

    bastur2 DA Member

    May 8, 2009
    You know, I just can't understand why everyone is bad mouthing Harry's reaction.
    He just wake up after being in a coma, for treatment of psych damage, for, at least, 2 days.
    How was he treated?
    I believe that with mind altering potions, you know the like of dreamless sleep potions, calming draught and others of the kind.
    To expect a natural response at this time is absurd.
    At this very moment we haven't watched his actual response to the events.
    We will only see that in the next chapter.
    As an after thought, I should mention that this segment make me remember Harry's detention, and the response of this list to that segment when it was released.
    We knew that something was wrong with how it was portrait, but what that was, only become clear as the history progressed.
    Said that, we should await the next part, as it will bring the answer that we crave.

    (edit for clarity)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  12. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    Viktor dies in Cedric's stead. Cue Harry's growing divide with his family and increased hatred towards Voldemort.
  13. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:

    .... this would actually work.
  14. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    Good news: Santi updated for Christmas.

    Bad news: no matter how you cut it, it's pretty much the worst and least thought out chapter yet, for reasons that many others have already brought up.
  15. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:

    Also, as was noted before... wtf dude? That's just odd, to plagiarize a post in a forum? I mean, what's the point?
  16. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    That would be a good idea for the development of the fic. However, Viktor never would die as Cedrid died.

    Besides, I doubt very much that Nathan and Viktor shared victory in the Triwizard Tournament, and both were transferred to the Riddle's graveyard. It makes much more sense to share it with Cedric to try to legitimize the victory of Hogwarts, although Harry knowing (which is the instructor of his brother), if Nathan gets an advantage for the final task, Harry will be encouraged him to earn the Triwizard Tournament.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  17. Aye Aye

    Aye Aye Squib

    Jul 11, 2011
    The Santi's teaser at the end of the recent update about the advanced magic Harry would be learning this year did nothing to ease the disappointment of this update. The past 15/16 chapters have been full of that shit.

    Rita Skeeter's inevitably inflammatory article is the only current plot line that holds any interest at the moment because it has the potential to blow open a whole can of worms. The reveal of Harry's descent into dark magic and Calypso's past has to come out soon, an entire year of Harry tutoring his brother and having a few rows with his former classmates isn't enough.

    I want to see some conflict.
  18. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Not going to read through 50+ reviews to see if it's already been mentioned but I did call it about 20 pages ago, and I stand by what I wrote: this tournament, and more specifically Harry not being involved, is meant to show the rift that is inevitably going to grow between himself and his family, and how Harry struggles to balance loyalty to his family and to Durmstrang, it seems like this will be the turning point in his life, the year that most shapes who he's going to become. Nathans resolve not to learn any "dark magic" should exasperate this rift and truly test the entire families resolve, especially with Rita Skeeter listening in. I can see the headline of the Prophet now:

    "Brother of the Boy-Who-Lived Practicing Advanced Dark Magic!"
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  19. Animagiman

    Animagiman Squib

    Aug 17, 2011
    I still don't get why people were expecting Harry to rage in anger upon waking up/ hearing about Nathan. He was allowed to try an enter, Dumbledore gave him good advice, particularly on not what to do, and he had a method that would have worked.

    Certainly he would be pissed at himself for not getting the parchment in the flame in time, but anger at ones self manifests differently than when directed at another.

    Additionally, I didn't think his response to Nathan was out of line. He arrogantly/accurately noted that he was better than his brother, and that his brother had no chance of winning. I'm sure there will be some continued bitterness, but he knows his brother didn't enter himself, and won't even be representing his own school.

    And finally, he had already lost his composure in front of Dumbledore only a few days ago. I'm sure he's more than a little embarrassed about acting childish in front of a man he greatly admires, respects, and loves. It seems unlikely he'd want to repeat that kind of performance
  20. Tempus Fugit

    Tempus Fugit Third Year

    Feb 22, 2011
    Even though the new focus might be conflicting loyalties, IMO this could have been also been portrayed by his involvement in the tournament. Loyalty to his family against his own desire to shine an prove his worth. Being worried about his brother's wellbeing against his jealousy at an inferior wizard excelling on every task and being the focus on the media.
    However this rift would have probably been more abrupt than what we will see now, that's perhaps the aim of Santi, a more gradual rift.
    As for the reason the reaction felt lacking, Harry raged when he was told he wasn't allowed to compete, his desire to prove himself, his belief on the rewards of hardwork, he was certain he would be able to enter only for this dream to shatter in front of him. I expected a more of reaction from him.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
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