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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
  2. Darje

    Darje Groundskeeper

    Sep 18, 2007
    Yesterday's leftovers.
    I've been following this thread and it's been fairly entertaining to read it all, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

    I started an emerald run with a mudkip, named MUDKIPZORZ, and had a pretty easy time fighting my way to my rival and back. After I got my pokeballs I caught a poochyena, named HOUND-DOG, and a wingull, named OI MATE, on the two routes above and below oldale then used my heal for that town. Caught a wurmple, named NERDY-WORM, and ground everyone up around 7ish because I thought that the first gym was in petalburg, wurmple evolved into cascoon.

    I caught a zigzagoon, named TRICKSY, before the woods but lost my poochyena to a peck critical strike from a taillow on the beach. Nearly lost my cascoon to a rich lady's zigzagoon.

    Inside the forest I used a repel my zigzagoon picked up to avoid running into anything until I got the greatball from the devon guy. I was lucky enough to land an abra, named FOXY LAD, which was awesome! I put him out first in all of the fights between the forest and rustboro before swapping him out to get him some experience.

    I used up my berries and some potions to heal everyone up before the gym, which I demolished with wingull and mudkip. After the gym I fought my way through the trainers on the way to the rustboro tunnel, losing my zigzagoon to another damned taillow. Caught another zigzagoon, named HAMBURGLAR, before entering the tunnel. Caught a whismur, named BANSHEE, inside of the tunnel before I defeated the thug and returned to the town.

    After getting my pokenav I saved.

    Team so far:
    Mudkip - 14
    Abra - 12
    Cascoon - 9
    Wingull - 11
    Zigzagoon - 10
    Whismur - 7

    Poochyena - 8
    Zigzagoon - 9
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  3. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    You just won the internets.
  4. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    That fucking Taillow has wiped me three times so far. I keep forgetting it's there.
  5. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    K, a few of us on IRC have decided to dedicate this month to a Nuzlocke run. Since other people want to particpate, I'm bumping this thread so we can all post our progress here.

    I'm playing HeartGold, though I haven't offically started yet.
  6. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Starting mine on Fire Red or Light Platinum today, not sure which yet.

    Unless Shiny Gold is good (I've heard it is)
  7. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Hm, forgot about this. I was doing a Ruby Nuzlocke way-early last year before giving it up, though I did complete a hard as balls HG Nuzlocke back in July. By the time I was done with the League, all I had left was my starter :\

    Protip: Don't underlevel and try to type-advantage your way through the Gyms and League. There will be tragedies if you follow that example as I did.

    Also: Fuck you Lance and your four Full Restores.

    I might go ahead and try to Nuzlocke Black version.
  8. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Just started my run of Leaf Green. We'll see how it goes.
  9. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    In the end I chose to do Emerald, each log post will start with a mourning (if any), then list the State of the Active Team, then a graveyard (if any of them eventually die).

    JakDaniels – Torchic – lvl 11
    Irene – Poochyena – lvl 7
    CinderMana – Wingull – lvl 15
    Ashaya – Whismur – lvl 8

    I’ve got my first badge, and that battle was intense, seeing as I downed the two Geodudes no problem, but that Nosepass used Rock Tomb after my first water gun. I had one HP and if I didn’t get a crit I would’ve been so anally fucked by that massive rock/nose monstrosity.
    I’m stopping the playthrough for now, but once I get back, I’m grinding more then off to Dewford. Thank god no one has died yet.
  10. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Just started my run on FireRed.

    Was playing with a shit emulator that crashed when I went into Pokecenters.

    Chose Bulbasaur for its insanely easy catching mechanic (SleepSeeding), also, Grass/Poison. Named it Ashaya.

    First wild Poke available for catch was a Pidgey, Level 4, named it Vira. Took her to the PokeCenter, got cocky and got ohko'd by a Ratata through crit. D8

    I found a Pikachu on my first run through the grass in Viridian <333. Named it Matt. It was level 3.

    Ran out of there, to Route 2, catch another Pidgey, Vira 2.0, but that dies exactly the same way the original did.

    So... Level 14 Bulbasaur before Brock, level 4 Pikachu. I decided to powerlevel Pikachu by Thundershocking Pidgeys out of the air. It was lulzy as fuck-all when they all died faster than my Bulba could kill them.

    Fought Brock and his lackey. Ashaya SleepSeeded all the Pokes and killed them with Vine Whip. In fact, you can say that she really... Taure it up.

    Sorry for the terrible pun.

    First pickup on the path to Mt. Moon was a Jigglypuff (so fucking lucky, I know :3) - level 5, knew Sing and Defense Curl. Named it Mishie.

    So... about to enter Mt. Moon.

    Ashaya the Ivysaur (Level 16 - high Def, spe. D, Sleep, Seed, PoiPowder, Vine Whip)
    Matt the Pikachu (Level 13 - high Speed, Thundershock, Twave, Quick Attack, Tail Whip)
    Mishie the Jigglypuff (Level 5 - Sing, Defense Curl)

    I honestly don't want to bother with Mishie, but... Wigglytuff is a high bulk tank which soaks up damage and hurts people back, so... idk.

    All my Pokes are NU tier. /me cries. I'll catch a Lapras or something at some point. D8

    Maybe a Machoke. Found out that I can't catch a Staryu in FireRed, so... no BoltBeam for me. /me rages like a KrzaQ crazy Polish man.

    Edit: Level 11 Mishie ganked by a Paras. Fuck this world. It learned Pound too. It's probably a good thing though... Normal types with mediocre attack is probably a no-no.

    Edit2: Level 24 Ashaya stomped Misty. SleepSeed, Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf. Nice and mixed. I don't know what I'll replace for growth in the near future :(

    Level 16 Matt now knows Mega Paunch.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  11. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Well I started too, with the decision to play Pokemon Platinum ('Cause I've done FireRed and White already, and I decided my other choice, SoulSilver, would end badly on account of Red probably stomping me by endgame). So when I booted up Platinum and hit the ol' character creation screen, I tried to put in The Traveller as my name. 'Cause, of course, that's how I roll. Couldn't, so just shortened it and decided to go all out Traveller for this here thread.

    So, it's now Traveller's Log time, Nuzlocke style.


    Traveller's Log, Week 2.

    Just purchased this log from a mart in Jubilife City, after a harrowing fortnight journey from the town of Twinleaf, which is apparently The Traveller's hometown now. Gods know how The Traveller ended up in a land where slavery of cute critters is common, but, assured that it wasn't Disneyland, The Traveller was planning to just go with it. The Traveller kinda thought The Traveller was still supposed to be in Skyrim, anyway, being an elf and running away from bears while wondering where the reincarnation of AshayaTravellerSlayer was, but, in the language of the 21st Century, whatevs.

    Anyway, The Traveller has been told the basics of Pokemon training as The Traveller is supposed to follow. If the Pokemon is killed in battle, it is dead and unusable.

    The Traveller thought the "killed" part was sort-of obvious to the latter conclusion, unless the corpse can be used as some sort of elaborate club in more close combat battles between trainers/wayward necromancers.

    The second rule is that the first Pokemon discovered on every route is the only one that can be captured. If a Pokemon is discovered on a route, killed or captured and then discovered later on, it cannot be captured; no duplicates. The Traveller suspects magic is keeping The Traveller from actually disobeying that rule, but, again, whatevs.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, The Traveller has five Pokemon on hand, and no casualties, and is currently heading for Oreburgh City, a place where The Traveller must pit the creatures against more creatures for some kind of initiation rite. Pure savagery, and yet, no worse than Disneyland. The Traveller learnt this from the blond-haired ADHD-ridden kid who apparently is best friends with The Traveller in this world, though for the life of The Traveller, GODS. KNOW. WHY.

    Current Team: Stormy the Piplup, gifted by Professor Rowan and the only gifted Pokemon The Traveller will take, and named as such off a chap The Traveller met on the road named Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All. Stormy is reliable enough, for a female penguin that shoots bubbles. The Traveller will keep her close.

    The Traveller's first capture was Gatsby the Starly, captured at Lake Verity, named as such because... It's catchy. Then there's Rickety the Kricketune, captured on Route 202 as a Kricketot and evolved at Trainer's School in Jubilife, and named as such because The Traveller liked the idea of naming all of The Traveller's creatures of destruction with "y" at the end. 'Cause why not.

    Buddy the Budew (Route 204) and Blindy the Zubat (Ravaged Path) round out the rest of the team, and their additions have only served to tell The Traveller that, really, maybe the naming scheme needs retooling.

    Either way. No losses, no bears... Yet.

    Be ever vigilant of bears.

    Traveller out.

    Traveller's Addendum: The Traveller is always on the lookout for AshayaTravellerSlayer, but feels The Traveller may have already encountered her: On Route 201, the first encounter with a wild Pokemon The Traveller had was a creature known as a Bidoof. It was a female, the lowest level that could be found around those parts, and held malicious intent behind beady little eyes. Stormy dispatched it, but... The Traveller feels Ashaya will be back.


    So yeah, more The Traveller lulz as it comes, and updates at the end of every playday/death/milestone/whenever. And "weeks" in Traveller log time will correspond by hours in game. I'm about an hour and a half in now, so just rounded up.
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:

    y u let me die. ;_;
  13. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I've been contemplating making a Nuzlocke diary blog for some time. Would anyone give half a shit and want to follow it, or is it a self-effacing writesturbation trip?
  14. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I'd read the shit out of it.
  15. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Ever since the original DLP streamed run by Mindless introduced me to the wonderful world of Nuzlocke's I've been having one going almost constantly. I've completed runs in Yellow, Fire Red, Silver and Ruby several times under various rules.

    Recently begun with a friend a run of Platinum. This is our first gen four run so we're taking it easy with the rules - usual only first Pokemon in the route and dead is dead, but unlike our recent runs we are allowed to fight wild Pokemon.

    For reference, Yellow and Silver are very possible (sans Red) to only fight the first wild Pokemon in a route and trainers, no wild Pokemon otherwise at all. Ruby? Yeah, no. Got stuck on Drake (last of the Elite Four) for well over two and a half hours and gave up. Too much had to go right. Thunder had to hit three times in a row and paralyse on one of the first two, Salamance's Fly had to miss, and one of the Flygon's had to be a moron and waste a turn using Sandstorm. Usually I could get the Flygon and the Thunder's to work, but Fly only ever missed once in at least twenty times I reached Salamance.

    Oh, our punishment for a lost Pokemon wasn't the best though. If we sacrificed three Pokemon we could revive the one that died. But all that wasted exp in a run like that was catastrophic. Just not possible. Trying to think of a better punishment for our next run under those rules.

    At any rate, my team:

    Pippy the Prinplup - 17
    Piiiiiidgey the Staravia - 16
    Geo Geo the Geodude - 16
    Luxie the Luxio - 16


    Slughorn the Shellos - 12
    Balloon the Drifloon - 15


    Budew - 5. Sacrificed to beat Barry outside of Jubilife after a crit from his Turtwig almost finished Starly.

    Passed on catching three Zubat's because I've raised them too much as it is.

    Just finished at the Valley Windworks and heading north to Eterna Forest.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Started my FireRed run.
    Get Joe the Squirtle from Oak.
    Beat up Rival's Bulbafag.
    Deliver shit.
    Catch HoS the Rattata on Route 1.
    Catch Ash the Pidgey on Route 2.
    Catch Sesc the Weedle in Viridian Forest.
    Go to Pewter. Level up HoS and Ash. Evolve Sesc into Kakuna.
    Joe 1-shots everything inside Brock's gym LIKE A BOSS.

    End session 1. Now starting session 2.

    Edit1: Catch CareOtters the Spearow on Route 3. Bastard nearly killed Sesc the Kakuna with a crit.
    Edit2: catch Gio the Geodude in Mt. Moon. That makes six. Evolve Joe the Squirtle into Joe the Wartortle. Evolve Sesc the Kakuna into Sesc the Beedrill.
    Edit3: Some random fucker's Magnemite nearly killed half my team. Gio, weak though he was, managed to bring down the magnemite to ~1 health, but all the confusions nearly killed him, so I switched in HoS for a quick kill.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  17. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Started HG last night, and got up to Burned Tower before turning off. Went in this morning, and lost two to a Magmar. Who I then caught.

    So my team now consists of:
    Snappy, lvl 23, Croconaw.
    Edward, lvl 21, Scyther.
    Puddles, lvl 25, Graveler.
    Shaun, lvl 20, Flaafy.
    Matches, lvl 16, Magmar.

    With MrAnderson the Gastly dead at lvl 24, and McGraw the Pidgey at lvl 15. Also, I have togepi, sudowoodo, abra and oddish boxed.

    One thing I've wondered about nuzlocke runs - does Route 1/2 count when you go through on a package delivery before you can actually catch anything? I played on my Ruby that it didn't, and my first encounter once I could catch was a Ralts (Oberon, lvl 60), but it wasn't the first thing I actually saw on the route since I started.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  18. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    In the middle of an Emerald run, with the most unbelievable luck. Got a Ralts early, which blew my mind, considering I've spent hours looking for one on previous normal plays. Started with Treeko, lucked out with a Trapinch, Numel, Wailmer and Magickarp over the course of the game and managed to evolve them into final form badasses.

    Then that ridiculous Manuel type gym leader at Sootopolis wiped my Gyarados, Wailord, Flygon and Gardevoir in a bizarre sequence of flukes. So I'm taking on the League with Sceptile and Camerupt.

    I forsee much grinding in my future :sherlock:.
  19. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    This is a public service announcement from the government of Canada


    Gary Motherfucking Oak; you cannot ignore his girth.

    (My way of saying I derped and forgot where Gary Motherfucking Oak was going to show up and am restarting my Nuzlocke run.)
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

    On other news:
    HoS' Hyperfang is OP.
    Kai the Mankey joins the team.
    Now with Sesc's death, CareOtters the Spearow rejoins the team.

    Say hello to Ash the Pidgeotto.
    I have no idea what to battle Misty with, will probably skip her altogether until I have something more suitable.

    Edit: Also, FUCK PECK.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012