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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I killed surge with ease, but with Olliek dead I attempted to level Vash the sparrow... who ended up dying to a fury attack crit from another sparrow... Vladia can't turn into a crobat so I am fucked unless I find something decent soon.
  2. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    So, the day kicked off with an escapade in Mt. Moon. After a long bout of power levelling, Tinn Tam evolved into a Gyarados, and combined with my reasonably levelled team, we reached Cerulean without casualties and crushed my rival.

    However, tragedy struck on the Nugget Bridge, as the fifth trainer had a Mankey who brought down Calz, my own Mankey of considerable strength. It was a loss, but it was soon remedied by a catch of a brave female Oddish I named Irene. So, before I chose to face Misty, I raced down to Vermilion to get the one item that will save me buckets of time power-levelling: the Vs. Seeker, which allows me fight trainers I already faced and thus accumulate craploads of XP.

    And with that, I'm preparing to face Misty tonight - either that or work on Renegade Cause, not sure which at the moment. But overall, things are looking up.

    Current Team:

    Mattsilver, the Nidorino, lvl 21
    Tinn Tam, the Gyarados, lvl 21
    Palindrome, the Raticate, lvl 21
    Ashaya, the Charmeleon, lvl 22
    Moridin, the Geodude, lvl 22
    Irene, the Gloom, lvl 22
  3. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Right before the first gym battle, Kens the Geodude learned Rock Throw, so he swept the entire battle with hardly any hits taken. With that done, I left Violet and went to Union Cave. Didn’t really want a poke from there, but I saw a Geodude anyways so I was forced to kill it. Arrived at Azalea Town, the only other Pokemon I saw on the way being a Ratatta, which I killed. Slowpoke Well provided a Zubat, which I wanted to box for emergencies, but Cheddar the Pidgey was like, ‘Fuck no, Zubat are shit,’ and crit-haxed it to death.

    After dealing with the Rockets, I ran around a lot to get my Togepi egg to hatch. It hatched male and with Extrasensory, so I named him Lutris. Then I realized he had Hustle, so into the box he went. :(

    Also took a peek into Ilex Forest and caught a Paras, male, who I named Mishie. He also went into the box.

    Next up was the Azalea gym. Found out that rock was super-effective against bug, so I had Kens and Cheddar rape the place. Bugsy’s Scyther was no threat at all with Kens Rock Polish / Rock Throw combo.

    After that, my rival Klael said some mean things to me, so I raped him. He fought bitterly, his Bayleef Synthesis-ing away all the damage my Pidgey did, so I had her Sand-Attack x4 it before continuing with the Gust-rape.

    That finished, I’m just about to enter the forest again. Time to go to Goldenrod~

    Current Team:
    Calz the Totodile, level 17,
    Kens the Geodude, level 17,
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 16,
    Anya the Gastly, level 16.

    Lutris the Togepi, level 4 (if I catch a Ditto, I’ll use him to breed a new Togepi),
    Mishie the Paras, level 7.
  4. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Green’s journey began with a very rocky start. She started with a bulbasaur named Gomez from Professor Oak and defeated Red’s charmander. Routes 1 and 2 were failures, with both of the first pokemon she encountered being fainted in one shot.

    Luck was with her in the Viridian Forest though, as her first encounter was a Pikachu which was named Wednesday for its sadistic nature.

    The Pewter City gym was a cake-walk, since Gomez was level 15 and Wednesday was 10 when Green hit the gym. Wednesday started each fight in order to gain xp and Gomez one-shot every single pokemon with vine-whip. Gomez became an Ivysaur after fighting Onix too, much to Green’s satisfaction.

    Route 3 came and went, with the addition of Morticia the level 8 Spearow. Entering Route 4, and subsequently Mt. Moon, Morticia had reached level 10 and Wednesday had reached 15. Gomez was still 16.

    Mt. Moon saw the addition of Zelda the Zubat, bringing Green’s team up to four. But tragedy struck, as against a Team Rocket grunt, Zelda fell. Green was forced to retreat back to the beginning of Route 4 to recuperate. Vengeance was swift upon her return, and Green tore the rest of the Rockets to shreds. Green exited Mt. Moon no worse for wear, with Gomez at level 21, Wednesday at 17 and Morticia at 15.

    And so Green came to the Cerulean City Gym with a mere three pokemon. The fight was surprisingly tough, with both Morticia and Wednesday coming close to defeat. But Gomez was more than capable of finishing Gym leader Misty's Starmie and earning Green the Cascade badge.

    Our heroine shall take a rest for a while before continuing on. It seems some intensive training, particularly for Morticia is in order, but green will allow nothing to stop her.

    Current Team:
    Gomez the Ivysaur: lvl 21
    Wednesday the Pikachu: lvl 19
    Morticia the Spearow: lvl 16

    Zelda the Zubat: lvl 10
  5. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Today was not a good day.

    I made my way through the forest okay and picked up Head-butt on the way. Goldenrod has tons of awesome Pokemon, so I was hoping for something special. On the route before Goldenrod, I was looking for a Ditto (to get a new Togepi), but found a female Drowzee instead. Caught her, named her Ashaya. Haven’t decided whether to train her or not; might trade her for a Machop. Anyways, I shrugged and moved on.

    I wasn’t interested in any of the game-corner Pokemon because I was going to come back for an Eevee later, so I decided it was time to pick up a Yanma or a Scyther (hopefully).

    And this is where it happens.

    After zig-zagging around trainers, I came across the grass where Yanma lived. I crossed my fingers and entered. Cue Drowzee. I facepalmed and rolled my eyes. I was annoyed, so I had my first Pokemon, Anya the Gastly, deliver a Night Shade to the annoying thing. Then I looked away from the screen for a second and I hear the mournful cry of my Gastly. I turned back in shock, but it was too late. I didn’t even see the move that killed her. Blinded by tears, I fled from the Drowzee, and then sobbed in a corner, as my colleagues on IRC, Lucky and Jwlk, can confirm.

    After a few more seconds of bawling, I get over myself and go on to the Bug Catching Contest. I’m hoping for a Scyther, Pinsir, or a Venonat. I got a Butterfree, female, which was… decent, I guess. Didn’t win the contest, but wasn’t expecting too. I named the Butterfree Anya in rememberance of that beautiful Gastly that had so much potential. ;_;

    Current Team:
    Calz the Croconaw, level 18,
    Kens the Geodude, level 17,
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 17,
    Ashaya the Drowzee, level 12 (temp?),
    Mishie the Paras, level 7 (for Cut).

    Lutris the Togepi.

    Rest in Peace:
    Anya the Gastly, level 17.
  6. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Alright guys, here's another question I have that is probably entirely simplistic in its answer. Is it the first Pokemon you encounter on that route, ever? What I mean is, let's say I have a Super Rod on Route X. Route X has water and tall grass. Can I capture a pokemon from the grass and then go fishing, capturing the first Pokemon I encounter while fishing?
  7. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Today was a good day, I caught a new Spearow on the way to Rock Tunnel and named her Anya. I taught Venesaur flash and went through the tunnel with ease, of course I attempted it without flash and shortly gave up after raging for 5mins. I went through lavender and stomped my rival Gary in the Poke Tower. I just finished beating up Team Rocket and getting the Silph Scope, I am now going to get the tea for the guards and then head back to the Poke Tower to get Fly.

    Current Team
  8. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #2

    As the day draws to a close, I feel optimistic of my future.

    Today was productive. I start it off by stopping in at the Market in Goldenrod and picking up Solarbeam for Scramble the Exeggcute. I also give him Bullet Seed and the Miracle Seed that dick from Route 32 gave me.

    Next I head to the Game Corner and spend nearly an hour of my life struggling through the 2100 coins I need to get a Dratini. I contemplated getting an Eevee for a bit, but ultimately decide that a Dragonite will be better than any Eeveelution in the long run. I name her Clarice and am on my way.

    Luckily enough, she knows Dragon Rage, which at this stage of my quest is invaluable. It was most useful in Whitney's gym. I'd previously entertained thoughts of letting Gar handle the place, due to his invulnerability, but at the last minute remembered Whitney's Miltank had Scrappy. Thank god for that.

    Dragon Rage takes out everything but Whitney's pokemon in one hit. The Clefairy and Miltank each take two.

    Plain Badge - Obtained

    After that I wander onto Route 35, still in search of a decent bug pokemon. A few headbutts later I'm furiously fist pumping as I catch Prickles the Pineco. I set out to training the little guy, and he dies to a crit Thunder Shock a minute later. D:

    Saddened, I respectfully bury him by the tree I knocked him out of and head into the big pokeball shaped garden. My first encounter is nothing special (another Caterpie), but my spirits lift when the first evolution of my tenure as a trainer occurs.

    Gar is now a beastly Haunter and finally has hands to use Sucker Punch with. I feel a bit better now that he isn't quite so fragile anymore, but I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for someone to trade evolve him with before I take on Morty.

    To end the day I scope out the Pokeathlon dome and end up competing, earning myself a Leaf Stone to evolve Scramble when he's ready. All in all, I'd say this was a positive day. I only hope I can keep it up.
  9. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Trade that bitch for a Machop in the Dept Store. Winning.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    IDK, I wouldn't give up Eevee or the ability to get something from Game Corner over that.
  11. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Teach it Payback and you will have a hard hitter that covers Ice, Steel, and Ghost. 3 of the more deadlier types of pokemon the further you get in the challenge. Makes sense compared to all the Eevee family and the shit from the Game Corner.
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I don't count trades as breaking the one-Pokemon-per-route rule, so I can easily take both the Machop and the Eevee. And since I'm planning on evolving the Eevee into Espeon, I'll probably end up trading the Drowzee for Machop. Besides, I can't remember the last time I used a Machop.
  13. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Are you allowed to grind levels through grass?

    I started this on Fire Red. Caught a Mani the Mankey(lv2), was delighted. Leveled to 5 then he gets one shot by a spearow crit D:
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  14. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Yes, you are allowed to grind.
  15. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Decided to start a Nuzlocke, as I got tired of AshGray. I chose Crystal.

    Here begins the tale of Ash the Pokemon Trainer. (no not that one)

    I woke up, scurried down the stairs, and saw my mother sitting with that foxy neighbor lady. Damn. Half-listening to my mother, I told her that it was 8 am when it was in fact midnight. Stupid bitch.

    Finally she let me go, and I rushed to Elm's house. Long story short, he gave me my choice of Pokemon. I chose the Chikorita. It looked like a penis, kinda. I named him Matt. ^_^

    I also noticed a creepy ginger lurking outside his lab. Weird.

    Then Elm sent me on a stupid errand, and then THAT guy sent me on an errand. I finished it all, then I set out to CATCH SOME POKEMON.

    I stepped gingerly into the grass on Route 29, and a Ledyba popped out. Well, look at that, I caught that little bug. I named her Irene.

    I continued on my merry way, finally reaching Route 30. Lo and behold, a Pidgey attacked. Just the Pokemon I wanted. I caught that bitch too, and named him Mishie, because Mishirene is teh otp.

    Now, perhaps I got cocky here. I forgot that Pokemon could really die. I reached Route 31, and a wild Weedle attacked Irene. I refer to it as Dildo1. In the course of that battle, I discovered that it doesn't matter if it's 1 or 2 dildos, Irene does not know how to defend herself against them. I was determined for her to beat the dildo off by herself. This was a mistake. Irene was poisoned, and got down to 2 health before I stopped myself in my revenge-mad fury, and brought in Mishie to save Irene for certain death. One hit, and Dildo1 was defeated.

    In the aftermath, I realized that I had forgotten to capture Dildo1. This was devastating. However, Matt, Mishie, and Irene would live another day, and Irene was safe from at least one dildo....for the time being.

    I rushed to the Pokemon Center, healing those three. I found out that my first gym would be a Flying type gym. I wouldn't take my chances there. Next stop, Dark Cave.

    I took not even 3 steps into Dark Cave when I ran across a rockin' female Geodude. She was easy to catch, and I promptly named her Anya.

    Time for bed, we shall see how the Battle Against the Birds goes tomorrow.

    Matt: Level 10 Chikorita
    Irene: Level 8 Ledyba
    Mishie: Level 8 Pidgey
    Anya: Level 3 Geodude

    Irene shall miss you...
    Dildo1, Weedle.
  16. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I started my run on Soul Silver. I had a good run going with a female Chikorita, but lost the next two hours after a mishap with my save files.

    So I'm rolling with Flicker the quirky Cyndaquil, showed him off to mom who could hardly herself over his cuteness. Made the trek to Mr. Pokemon's house without trouble, and began building a comraderie. I made a point of conditioning Flicker to victory, as he. He would grow knowing the way of winning.

    Alas, trouble struck, and I raced homeward, and ran into a fiery-haired boy not much older than myself. He came out with a Totodile that went down like a bitch before the might of the confident Flicker.

    I reached the lab, and told the policeman the thief's name was Demetrius. I gave him a black name to inject some ethnic tension into the story's conflict. I was angered that I had unwittingly intercepted the thief, and let him go.

    I was armed with five pokeballs, and set off on my true quest.

    My second companion was Aerie the Pidgey, who Flicker comfortably subdued.

    Next came Rattata, who I didn't name because I fully intend to use him as a sacrificial goat at some point. Poor fella.

    By the time they arrived in Violet City, Pidgey had learned Gust and Flicker had learned Ember. In short, they were poised to take the Bellsprout Tower in a flurry of nimble wings and searing fire.

    I held back, however, and bided my time till nighttime before setting foot in the Bellsprout Tower, and was rewarded for my patience by the appearance of a Gastly.

    A conservative Gust and two pokeballs later, and I welcomed aboard Grimmace the Gastly, named as such because of that eerie, unmoving smile that had sent a chill down my spine upon first seeing him. At level 5, I carefully worked with him, casting him into battle against his own kin.

    As the night darkened and the sages of the tower left to their chambers, I was faced with the first uncertainties of my young, undeveloped morals. Gastly devoured the essence of his lesser brothers and sisters, his purple hue deepening into a near-black. There were a few near misses, when Hypnosis went awry and the other Gastly nearly defeated him, but I guarded him carefully until he rose to level 11.

    As dusk arrived, Flicker and Aerie tore through the tower in a storm of violence, Cyndaquil's fire flashing in the windows for brief moments that banished the early gloom. Room by room, they defeated the Bellsprouts until they ascended to the top - and there we met again.


    Demetrius, the black-but-not-black guy defeated the Head Sage, and flung a few choice insults before leaving by way of escape rope before I could force a confrontation and relieve him of the ill-gotten Totodile.

    I waited respectfully for the Head Sage to recover, and engaged him. Flicker was moving swiftly, his Ember was growing in intensity, and his physical strength seemed to be growing even throughout the course of the match.

    At least, the Hoothoot collapsed in a badly-burned heap, and I won my prize. And then, as morning dawned, I raised my hand to shield my eyes as Flicker began shining, and watched with awestruck eyes as his body lengthened into a lithe, nearly feline shape, and the light vanished to reveal Quilava to me. The eyes that were shut as a Cyndaquil were now wide open, and Quilava embraced me with his paws, rearing up onto strong hind legs.

    We rested and played in the wildgrasses as the next hours whiled by. Ever emboldened, we made our final preparations before going forth to our first true challenge - Falkner, the Windmaster and Gym Leader of Violet City. I squared my shoulders and turned my cap backwards as I set foot on the lifting mechanism that took me far, far into the air - even past the apex of the Bellsprout Tower.

    His apprentices went down quickly to Aerie's sheer power, overwhelming the spearows and weaker pidgeys by attrition, but becoming too injured himself by the time I reached Falkner. I acknowledged his efforts, and led with Flicker against Falkner.

    Flicker's ember was by now well-practiced, and accurate enough to blast the younger birds out of the air. Falkner was unfazed as I inched closer to victory, and for good reason.

    In a great bout, Pidgeotto clashed with Flicker. Flicker's inexperience and mine were finally exposed. We'd beaten weak pokemon and novice trainers on account of our talent and drive and my leveraging of type advantages, but had yet to face the crucible to harden us. Flicker, still young as a Qiulava, was still unused to his own newfound power, and the Pidgeotto had flown in its form for many a season. My first companion, my champion, fought like a demon, exhaling fire when he could and clawing the Pidgeotto as he tried to grapple with it, enduring the tearing beaks and talons. The graceful bird skillfully avoided being pinned down and ascended to the rafters to roost and recover the damage dealt by Quilava, who began to labor under the accumulated strain of his wounds. Pidgeotto looked as fierce and fresh as ever, and its movements were becoming sharper as it sensed that Flicker was nearing his end.

    It used Roost again, and I began to despair of breaking the pattern.

    So I stopped. I looked away from the battleground and gazed out into the city and the horizon beyond. I glimpsed the path I had taken, the first steps of my journey with my companions. There, I had met Aerie. There, I had defeated my first trainer. There, I had defeated a whole slew of wild pokemon and remembered the thrill of exhilaration I felt as we made it to Violet City by the slimmest of margins separating us from collapse. We had been so successful, had grown strong enough to defeat experienced trainers in so short a time. But now my dream campaign was running headlong into reality, manifested in a will as unyielding and iron as mine - Falkner's.

    Flicker looked at me anxiously, but my mind was racing. I spared him a gaze and a tight smile before focusing solely on my next move.

    Change of tactics.

    Quilava carried the bulk of the team's firepower, but was on his last legs. I considered bringing out the untested Rattata, but he would be helpless before Pidgeotto's power. Pidgey was a strong bird, but in his condition would hardly last a few moments against his senior before being overwhelmed.

    That left Grimmace.

    "Okay," I said fiercely, "Now we win."

    Pidgeotto, nestled high in its unreachable alcove, awoke, only to find itself staring into the glistening fangs and eyes of Gastly, and plunged straight back into sleep.

    Quilava took the field once more, and blasted at Pidgeotto from afar eagerly, focusing his fire. Falkner looked stunned at how swiftly things had changed around, and I bared a triumphant smile.

    Pidgeotto broke free of Gastly's hypnosis, and panicked at finding itself burning and in so battered a state. It unleashed a deafening screech, but Flicker and I held firm. Ignoring - amazingly - Falkner's orders, it threw itself at Flicker, enraged beyond reason.

    It had worked. I'd succeeded in breaking the deadly rhythm Falkner was using with roost and broken Pidgeotto down.

    Flicker mustered up the last of his strength, and caught the maddened Pidgeotto in a plume of fire in mid-dive, and pounced as it landed, dealing the final blow.

    And so I earned the Zephyr badge, Falkner looking crestfallen, but then collecting himself to congratulate me. He looked shaken slightly, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had ever lost control of his birds.

    By now, Flicker and Aerie had developed an impressive bromance, and looked upon Grimmace with an air of mistrust, for neither of the young pokemon had laid eyes on such a dark spirit. But Grimmace was contest, and hovered at my side as he proceeded to the Union Cave, the dream beginning of my quest intact.

    The A-Team:
    Flicker the Quilava, level 14
    Aerie the Pidgey, level 12
    Grimmace the Gastly, level 12

    The Sacrificial Goat:
    Rattata level 4

    Unevenly narrated/novelized, but I'm really enjoying this. Hopefully the path to Bugsy won't lead me to any deaths. Aside from that, the chances of getting a strong female Pokemon are somewhat slim and I'm not sure what to expect out of Whitney. She has traditionally been one of my worst performances, even without playing Nuzlocke. One of the reasons I'm so fond of female Chikorita.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  17. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Alas, Green's adventure in the world of pokemon has come to an unfortunate end. Tragedy after tragedy struck Green after she boarded the S.S. Anne. It should have been a cakewalk, with two grass-types and an electric, but luck was gainst her. Wednesday fell to a vengeful Tentacool's poison, Cleopatra, the newly caught bellsprout, was done in by a Machop that surprised Green, Morticia never stood a chance, and Gomez, green's most faithful, fell to our Rival Red's last pokemon by mere sliver of HP.

    It seems I need some practice at Nuzlocke. 'Twas fun though.
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Trainer: Albus
    Rival: Tom

    Current Roster, as of 1 Badge:
    Cormac the Nidoran - 14
    Luna the Pikachu - 12
    Neville the Butterfree - 12

    I set out on Route 3, intent on starting my journey anew. I fry, doublekick, and confuse the trainers on my way, and happily pick up a few levels, rounding out my team all at 15 upon reaching the pokecenter at the end of the route. I heal up, and spot a rather shady fellow lurking off to the side. He offers me a Magikarp, promising that while it may be a tad useless at the moment, it'll eventually evolve into a something far more useful. I figure, hey, why not, I didn't set foot in any tall grass on my way here, so.... Harry the Magikarp is obtained, and I head into Mt. Moon.

    Route 3: First pokemon encountered = Magikarp (Obtained, named Harry)

    I stroll into Mt. Moon with Harry at the top of my roster, intent on leveling his useless ass into something respectable as I go. Instantly, a wild Zubat appears! Sigh. I already have a flying psychic debuff bot in Butterfree, so I swap to Pikachu and fry it. I don't really feel like wasting levels on things I won't actually use, if all goes well. I carefully make my way through the dungeon, making frequent use of out of combat potions to keep my three powerhouses healthy and effective. Luna and Neville alternate one-shotting Zubats, while Cormac handles any Geodudes or Clefairys that pop up. As I approach the end, Cormac evolves! He reaches the second stage in his bitch-railroading form, And I immediately evolve him once more with a nifty moon stone I picked up somewhere. It was shiny, and I can't help myself. Cormac is now a fully grown beast, prepared to take on the world. Neville and Cormac easily dispatch the ambush Team Rocket lays for me, and I exit Mt Moon in good spirits, at near full health (albiet with low PP on some moves).

    Mt. Moon: First pokemon encountered = Zubat (KIlled)

    Route 4 is a short, effortless pass, but I do dip my toe into the tall grass to see if there's anything interesting to be had. Rattata. Nope. Double kicked to the face. My roster remains at four, as I advance into Cerulean City.

    Route 4: First pokemon encountered = Rattata (Killed)

    First stop is the pokecenter, as I heal up and restore depleted PP. I also blow all my cash on potions to feed my obsession for keeping my roster healed once out of combat. I am mindful of my previous failure at Misty's place, and resolve to both level, and expand my roster with a second water slayer. And I have just the thing in mind. There's a nice lady that nurses pokemon back to health, or something. And she has a Bulbasaur for me. I named it Hermione. Because it's busy. Grassy. Something. Whatever. Either way, my roster reaches five. I head north to Nugget bridge and am ambused by Tom. Swapping Hermione out each fight for free exp causes a close call, but Luna fries Tom's Spearow, and Cormac is a boss, and smashes the rest to victory.

    Cerulean City: First pokemon encountered = Bulbasaur (Obtained, named Hermione)

    Nugget bridge serves no problems whatsoever, as Hermione gets some quick levels, and my power triumverate of Luna, Neville, and Cormac shits all over the pathetic offerings the trainers put forth. I obtain a nugget - more potions, yay, and spot a chap standing all by his lonesome up ahead. Turns out he's a bit of a waste of oxygen, and therefore is giving up his pokemon. I get a Charmander for my troubles, that I promptly name Ron. Because red. This gives me a full party of six pokemon, with a decent variety of types and coverages. I approve, and set about getting all six to level 18 to take on Misty. It's a rather arbitrary endpoint, admittedly, but whatever, I'm Batman. Er, Albus. Whatever. I swap Ron in and out a bit on some trainers, Hermione eventually evolves, and I meet Bill. Nice chap. He gave me a ticket for a boat ride. Score. I retreated to a patch of grass I had notice, and burned a plethora of grass types to a crisp, carefully leveling Ron to 18 and rounding out my roster. Even if Harry is still useless as fuck.

    Route 24: First pokemon encountered = Charmander (Obtained, named Ron)

    Back to Cerulean I go, to heal and and face Misty. Armed with a level 18 Luna and Hermione, it figures to be much easier than my previous venture. Just please, god, no fucking bubblebeam crits. Fucking Starmie. I dismiss the lackies with ease, and then challenge Misty herself. Staryu gets fried like a slab of bacon, and out comes the monster. The initial thundershock takes it a little above half health. And Misty is apparently a retard, for it increases its defense. And then again after another thundershock. And then the third thundershock finishes Starmie off without Luna ever suffering damage. Idiots. Regardless, it nets me another badge, and my roster is well balanced and complete, for the time being.

    Team Status (2 Badges):
    Luna the Pikachu - 20
    Hermione the Ivysaur - 19
    Ron the Charmeleon- 18
    Neville the Butterfree - 18
    Cormac the Nidoking - 18
    Harry the Magikarp - 18

    I decide I've spent quite enough time here, and that it's time to venture south and check out potential cruise ship shenanigans. I pop down route 5, and Abra appears. Ooh, I wouldn't mind a real psychic pokemon to replace my imitation in Butterfree... Oh. He teleported away. Fuck. I take the underground pass, and carry on.

    Route 5: First pokemon encountered = Abra (Fled)

    Route 6 has a nice path for me, but hey, I figure I might as well level up Harry a bit so that he evolves. Lugging around his useless carcass has been annoying, so... oy. Another Abra. Goddammit. It teleports away instantly, as I don't have anything on a fucking Magikarp to keep it from doing so. Whatever. I poke at some trainers and wild pokemon, and Harry evolves soon after, and into Vermillion City I go, mildly annoyed at not one, but two Abras slipping out of my grasp. Fucking game.

    Route 6: First pokemon encountered = Abra (Fled)

    I explore the city a bit, and Yay, Super Potions. I sell the nugget I obtained on nugget bridge, and stock up a bit. I also find the pokemon fan club and oh dear god this this old man ever shut the fuck up. Oh, cool. Bike Voucher. There's nothing else all that interesting around, aside from the Gym I can't access quite yet, and a Squirtle some bitch won't give me yet. So, onto the ship it is.

    Vermilion City: First pokemon encountered = None, as of yet.

    Ah, the SS Anne, in all of its glory. I flashed my ticket, and stepped inside. I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, take a good hard look at the motherfucking boat. Ahem. Right. So, I worked my way around the ship, Luna and Hermoione easily dispatching the variety of water types that opposed us, and the rest of my well rounded team proving useful as well. And then I run into him. Tom. My rival, who has proved to be barely a nuisance, if that. Spearow was felled by a burst of light. Rattata, Sandshrew and Eevee bowed to the superior might of Cormac's double kick, and victory was secured. Tom rushes off once more, defeated, and I proceed on to find... a seasick boat captain. I slowly rub his back with aching tenderness, enjoying the feel of flesh I'd not felt since Gellert... but that's a story for another time. Anyways, he forks over the HM Cut, and I vacate the premesis. Next up, train my full roster to 24, and face Lt. Surge, in what is certain to be a shocking experience.

    S.S. Anne: First pokemon encountered = None

    It is around this time, that I gaze at my roster, and feel something akin to pride swell in my chest. They are a good team; nay, a great team, and I want to keep all six of them alive until my journey is over. Luna, the whimsically jolting Pikachu. Hermione, the steady and sturdy Ivysaur. Ron the tempermental and fiery Charmelean. Neville, the quiet and effective Butterfree, Cormac, the railroader of bitches, and Harry, once useless, now provides quite the Bite at the back end of my roster. I shall use these six, and only these six, as long as they live, leaving any future pokemon I capture or obtain in the bank, unleveled and unloved. Well, at least unleveled.

    I shake my head, clearing it of thoughts, and head north of Vermilion to level my roster to my arbitrary breakpoint, 24. I like having six levels gained between each gym, as it seems to provide a bit of a challenge, without presenting much of a problem either, thus far. 12 for Brock, 18 for Misty, and now 24 for Lt Surge. A few minutes of battlign and shuffling, and my roster is settled, with Cormac fucking Nidoking at the top, ready to do battle with Lt. Surge.

    I teach Ron cut, and inform him that if he feels the need, to go down the street, not across the tracks. He doesnt' get the joke, turns his head, and breathes a puff of fire. Alas. He cuts the tree effectively regardless, and I enter Lt. Surge's domain. What the fuck, trashcans, everywhere. I do battle with all his lackeys, with Cormac doublekicking them in the face with great glee. I then dig through his trash until I find a lever. And then another one, and carry on to do battle with the hardened man that awaits. Doublekick. To the face. And again. And Raichu bites the dust. Victory!

    Current Team Status (3 Badges):
    Luna the Pikachu - 24
    Hermione the Ivysaur - 24
    Ron the Chameleon - 24
    Neville the Butterfree - 24
    Cormac the Nidoking - 27
    Harry the Gyarados - 24

    Albus, signing out.
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Yesterday I lost Calz and spent about 10minutes raging in IRC pokemanz. Some Team Rocket Grunt used a Koffing and decided to troll me by using a self destruct which also crit, and killed Calz... Poketower was an apt place for Calz to die I suppose.

    So today I woke up hella early and thought a great way to start the day would be Nuzlocke, however I soon learned the terror of Cycling Road. I thought I was over leveled so I cockily went with Oz to level him and fought a biker who brought out a 28 machop, so I thought Oz my 31 Snorlax could 1 shot it with Headbutt. I was almost correct, headbutt brought the Machop to red HP status however Machop countered with Revenge and killed Oz...

    With Oz dead I pull out Anya and go against another biker thinking I should level her up in case of problems, but of course he pulls out a 33 Muk. I am still rather confident so I use fly thinking I will 1 shot the Muk, but it barely dents it. It then uses sludge and takes a third of Anya's health, so with that in mind think I can take another before I switch out. I quickly use Fly again and prepare to use Irene but after Anya bravely attacks Muk again, it backlashes with extreme prejudice and crits with Sludge killing Anya.

    I then go to the Pokecenter to heal, I quickly check my reserves and realize I have nothing to fall on. So I go to the middle of Cycling Road to catch a new Pokemon, hoping for another flying type. My hopes weren't unfounded it would seem as I quickly came upon a 26 Dodou who I caught with ease and named Fiat. I am now at the Pokecenter resting and reflecting upon the deaths of Anya and Oz...

    Current Team

    Anya the Fearow
    Oz the Snorlax
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  20. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011