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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Working Title: It's All Greek To Me: An Athenian Adventure

    Synopsis: Two years after Voldemort's defeat in the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry has graduated and, after prodding from Ginny, is preparing to give in and ask the girl to marry him. He's unsure but he knows he loves the Weasleys, and doesn't want to ruin that by dumping their daughter, plus she's a fox in bed anyway despite her fiery temper and the fact they haven't had a conversation last more than fifteen minutes.

    As he's considering popping the question, he receives a missive post-marked the Acropolis, Athens, Greece that hints at knowing the purpose of the Veil in the Department of Mysteries. It also asks him to meet the unknown author there in three days if Harry wants to know the answer.

    Ginny begs him not to go, but Harry is stubborn and doesn't relent. The night before he leaves for Greece, the family guilts him into at least taking someone with him in case its dangerous, and George, who is bored out of his mind since his twin brother's death and needs a break from the shop, volunteers to accompany him to Athens. Harry grudgingly accepts but not without laying down a few ground rules to keep George in check.

    George agrees much too easily for his tastes, but all in all, Harry's happy to have him go and to get his girlfriend off his back.

    They check into the hotel, and Harry notices a beautiful woman in red just outside the hotel. Harry wants to grab a bite to eat before dinner and George sites 'Portkey shits' as a reason to stay in for the night so Harry goes alone. When he gets downstairs he finds the same beautiful woman is pondering what to eat. Though his fame has died down in the last two years, his face is well known so the woman approaches him and strikes up a conversation.

    Harry is worried because his girlfriend's older brother is upstairs and could walk down at any minute to bust in on their chat, but he eventually agrees to try Byzantine cuisine at a restaraunt a few blocks down that is one of her favorites. The woman, Tatiana, is from Athens but graduated from Durmstrang and at one point even dated Viktor Krum, though she found him an absolute bore and a spoiled prat, which causes Harry to smile.

    5 glasses of wine and many different courses later and Harry finds himself having the most interesting conversation he's had in years. She puts a hand on his thigh, looks him in the eye when he talks, and she far outclasses Ginny in pretty much every way possible.

    At the end of the night they return to the hotel laughing like he hasn't in years, and he finds himself actually disappointed when he leaves her at her hotel door. She thanks him for a good night, kisses him on the cheek and closes the door.

    George is still asleep when he gets back, so he takes a quick shower and goes to bed. The next morning he is a little hungover but otherwise unimpaired so they grab breakfast and set out for the Acropolis.

    The Acropolis is packed with witches and wizards and yet Muggles walk right past them without ever noticing anything strange. Eventually George and Harry make their way through the crowd and find the place they are supposed to meet, and right on time a handsome, clean-shaven middle aged man approaches them revealing himself to be Harry's previously-deceased Godfather Sirius Black.

    After some tears and quite a few beers, Sirius reveals that Dumbledore devised a plan to remove Sirius from England and thus take the heat off of him from the Ministry and the Death Eaters. As soon as Bellatrix let loose a not-so-harmful spell he let it hit him and fell directly into the Veil which led him to underneath the Acropolis as it was a precursor to Portkeys and was a portal between Greece and England.

    George is out-raged but Harry simply accepts it as another plot by Dumbledore, though he's actually happy with how this one turned out. Sirius explains that he is getting along great in Greece (and with a name like that, why wouldn't he?) and has even found a woman that he wants to make his bride. Harry and George congratulate him and Sirius mentions that she was supposed to me him for dinner in a few minutes.

    The three men continue to talk and Harry notices out of the corner of his eye the woman from the night before, Tatiana, entering the restaraunt and walking towards them. Smiling happily, he stands to greet her at the same time that Sirius does, with Harry's godfather planting a wet kiss on her lips.

    Harry's jaw drops, as does George's, and Sirius begins to explain how they are planning on coming back to England so he can introduce her to everyone before they plan the wedding ceremony. Tatiana and Harry lock eyes and Harry has to turn away from embarrassment as the monster in his chest is roaring at the injustice of it all.


    Any thoughts? I'd like to get started on this soon, I think it has great potential as a hilarious comedy.
  2. Warheart

    Warheart Sixth Year

    Apr 8, 2010
    Sounds good. Now get Started.
  3. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Apart from jealousy, where is the conflict? Where is it headed? Sounds boring...
  4. Warheart

    Warheart Sixth Year

    Apr 8, 2010
    If it's a one-shot comedy (which seems appropriate) then conflict is not really necessary.
  5. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Also, the Veil (according to JKR) isn't a unique structure: many of them have been found across the world.

    Which also begs the question of how they were created, and by whom.

    Why would someone build Veils that accept souls (the curtain rustling apparently marking their passage) to the afterlife?
  6. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Bloody Stupid Johnson would, in his attempt to build a televisual device.

    So I had a bunny bite me the other day. I've often seen people complain that the 'seventh month' is arbitrarily chosen, and that someone else is the One with the Power. Normally Hermione.
    And so the basic idea. When Voldemort hears Trelawney's prophecy, he decides he cannot be too careful - after all, many children in the orphanage defied him, refusing to stop their bullying when he cried for them to stop. Many people throughout his years at Hogwarts had people say no to him.
    Because this offers no clue as to who it is who might defeat him, nor does the hint about the seventh month mean anything (see above), Voldemort kills all magical children under the age of seven months. He becomes more paranoid, ordering his Death Eaters to bring him records of all magical children born. This takes time to do, so he continues on his streak, specifically targetting newborns. He manages to kill most of them in the order they are born, but one couple elude him for several months, before he finally manages to track them down, hiding in their cottage in Godric's Hollow.

    Harry Potter enters Hogwarts, the only child in first year. Second year does not exist. The year below will only have five students, and two of them came from abroad.

    See, I was wondering where I could actually take the idea from there. I couldn't decide if he would be lauded as a hero for stopping Voldemort, or despised for being the only child born over three(ish) years to survive past the age of one. The problem with it, would be that there would be nobody to bounce Harry off - the older years wouldn't be in his classes, and teachers wouldn't spend that much time with him, they're too busy. My current plan is to write it up as a oneshot, maybe about 10k, dealing more with what Voldemort does around 1980 than anything else, and finishing with Harry getting sorted, and wondering where all the other kids where.
  7. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I would read the shit out of it. Seriously, having Harry alone in his year would make a great fic, with a lot of funny things to do. Having a bored Harry around would be amusing...

    Also what about the muggleborns, how would Voldemort know to kill them?
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Cliche it might be, but I always assumed the Ministry had a magic book, similar to what Hogwarts must have, so they knew who they could govern.

    I don't know how canon based the Hogwarts Book of Names is, but I can see it being real without much of a stretch.
  9. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    and how would voldemort get access to that book, I mean the ministry is obvious, but in hogwarts there is Dumbledore...
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Magic. :p

    As for the idea, it's interesting. Personally, I'd make it story with 7 chapters with point of view of:
    1) Harry at the start of his education at Hogwarts as the only child in his year. I think this would make him extremely shy later on, but also very talented, because what he has to do other than learning?
    2) Ginny/Tom observing Harry's loneliness and his constantly unsuccessful attempts to make a friend.
    3) Remus comparing this very closed boy to James.
    4) Cedric/Krum/Fleur and their thought about an unexpected Champion.
    5) Tonks seeing how detached the Boy Who Survived became from everyone.
    6) Albus worrying if Harry will care enough about anyone to sacrifice himself when the time comes.
    7) Voldemort judging the young man before him to decide if he was a worthy enemy.
  11. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    We saw in Karkaroff's trial just how much Voldemort had managed to infiltrate the MoM - he had at least one Unspeakable (with connections, as he offered Bagman a position in the Ministry too) on his side. He also has well-connected (read: rich) backers. With the right amount of force applied to the right members of the Wizengamot, he attempts to pass a new law through.

    "Every child born of magic must be aware of their power, and their responsibilities to the Ministry of Magic under which they live", or some such drivel. Of course, this would be before Voldemort goes completely batshit - only half-blood or squib children would be having 'accidents' at this point, and that is how they would appear. the war would still be waging, so a few extra children dying wouldn't seem that odd.

    But to see how much of an undertaking this would be, Gaius Higgs asks that the Book of Records be opened and read in the next session, so that "dutiful members of this esteemed body could determine how much funding such an undertaking would require".

    The law wouldn't pass, as Voldemort had no intention of that. All he wanted was the chance for his followers to read the book, and find where muggleborn students live. Instead, the law is altered so that the Ministry keeps a closer eye on muggleborns, ready to step in if need be, but without the expenditure that keeping full track of the status through a Department.

    In fact, it could be more fun to write this than the actual part of the story where Harry goes through school. Voldemort needs to work through layers upon layers of cat's paws (there's already a blood-purity war going on), smearing names of potential opponents before they gain too much power, but also having to sacrifice some of his own supporters here and there, to make the game look balanced.
  12. Alive and Free

    Alive and Free Groundskeeper

    Aug 14, 2011
    This is less a plot bunny and more a vague idea;

    Lily gets the credit for Voldemort's downfall - maybe to keep the attention off of Harry - and becomes famous in the wizarding world. Cue Harry coming to Hogwarts, the son of Lily Potter, the woman who defeated Voldemort, and all that entails in terms of living up to her legacy.

    Harry not being the Boy-Who-Lived could also see him raised somewhere other than the Dursleys or at least not as isolated maybe. Then there's the whole idea of muggle-born Lily being the face of an equality movement.

  13. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Potential. You could even have the equality movement begin to mirror Voldemort's activities as those not of pure blood took an opportunity to strike back at their persecutors. Lily might use the movement to push her own agenda, embittered by her husbands' death and seeking change, or perhaps certain fringe groups might use her as an unwilling figurehead for their own purposes.

    Harry with the reputation of his famous mother to live up to would also be more compelled to improve himself. Be interesting/amusing to see his reaction to any suitors Lily might have, as well.
  14. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Fair point...

    There are a few potential conflicts. Harry is thrilled to have his godfather back and wants to spend time with him but its difficult because he's also falling for his godfather's potential wife. The fact that they want to come to England to meet with the Weasleys, the Tonks, etc. and explain the circumstances leading to Sirius' exile means that Harry is constantly tormented by the girl, who seems to be developing feelings for him, and he's trying to hide it from everyone.

    Conflict with: Ginny... "How dare you? You leave for one night and suddenly you're in love with a girl you barely even know that's been fucking your godfather for months! I've always loved you!"

    Conflict with: Ron... "Come on, Harry. You've been like a brother to me, but you know I have to take Ginny's side here. Tatiana seems nice, but she's Sirius' fiancee! Even I'm not that stupid!"

    Conflict with: George... "Let me get this straight... While we were all worried you were facing the next incarnation of Voldemort in Athens, you were actually out picking up strange women and getting drunk... AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN INVITE ME TO GO?"


    Most of the conflict is between friendly characters and in the fact that they have no idea there's even a conflict at all. For example, Ginny trying to convince Harry to open up to Sirius about how he feels betrayed when Harry is actually betraying Sirius by making moves on his girl; Mr. Weasley giving him advice to go for what he really wants in life no matter how anybody else feels on the subject.

    You know, shit like that. The irony of the situation appeals to me and honestly, I see it in the same vein as Nonjon's Black Comedy except Voldemort is replaced by a smoking hottie...

    Actually, come to think of it, that sounds more like T3t's Thunderstorm...
  15. anks

    anks Squib

    Aug 3, 2011
    The only issue I have with this plot-line is Sirius hiding out in Acropolis, while Harry battle for his life back in Britain seem a bit OC of him.

    Alternative, can be Dumbledore some how mind-wiped him or he get some kind of amnesia and he just regained his memories.(Both these ideas are very cliche though).

    Other than that, this sounds like an awesome story to me.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2012
  16. Tesla

    Tesla Auror

    Sep 26, 2010
    How's this for an idea?

    Some crazy, extremist, grief-stricken 'good guy' (the kind of guy that would be prefectly at home in Circular Reasoning) finding out that Harry's the Chosen One during the worst moments of Voldemort's siege of terror. He digs, discovers that Pettigrew is the Secret Keeper - and that he's not exactly impervious to imdimidation. After torturing the information out of him, he attacks the Potters - killing them - and steals Harry from them.

    What would follow would be a fucked up version of the 'Harry gets an awesome teacher and in turn becomes awesome' cliche. The wizard who takes him is reasonably strong - not even approaching Voldemort/Dumbledore levels though - and very hardcore. When Harry's a kid the wizard simply takes care of him whilst on the run; he doesn't care that much about him or his happiness, but they both need to survive so it's best if baby!Harry is healthy and not miserable. Once Harry begins to grow and learns to walk and talk and so on, the wizard begins indoctrinating him to despise all dark wizards and telling him that he's the only weapon people have against Voldemort and co - and he tells Harry that those are the people who killed his parents. During this time, the Death Eaters are still fighting against the rest of Wizarding Britain - and winning.

    That's all I've got so far, but I think it could be a pretty interesting start point. What I think would be cool would be making Harry into a kind of DE-hunting obsessive who desperately wants to kill Voldemort - who's enjoying a position of power in Britain by the time Harry's older. But once Harry is unleashed onto the world and begins really interacting with others (during his indoctrination he would've been damn isolated) he starts to actually see other ways of living. Maybe he meets up with Dumbledore and co who are freedom fighters of sorts, maybe he discovers that his teacher was the one who murdered his parents, who knows? I think there's potential for something there.

    Bear in mind I thought this up and typed it over the course of about 5 minutes, so it's not exactly been planned out or anything.
  17. Alive and Free

    Alive and Free Groundskeeper

    Aug 14, 2011
    I didn't intend for Lily to survive. James either. The major difference between this and canon is that Lily, not Harry, is credited for killing Voldemort and Harry's scar is passed off as a random injury, not a curse scar. Basically it's a bluff on Dumbledore's part to protect Harry that has unforeseen consequences.

    On another note. I've been thinking of ways to get Harry to Beauxbatons;

    What about if, before his first year, something happens to Harry (I'm going with him being possessed by Voldemort at the moment purely because of Sitra Ahra's influence) and Lucius Malfoy uses this to keep him out of Hogwarts citing the danger to the other students. Cue Dumbledore calling in a favour in France and Harry being enrolled in Beauxbatons.

  18. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Averis it still sound like a bad romance fic, that would be same without magic... If I read magic I want to read about magic being used...
  19. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Sirius chilling in Greece while Harry has to fight to the death against Voldemort is a irreconcilably story-killing hole. It's against Sirius's character, against Dumbledore's character, it's just bad. You'd have to contrive this scenario while preserving their characters' integrity.

    Also, the sentence at the end where their eyes lock together reek of the woman trying to play two guys against each other. Like how girls string along guys in real life and then bring in her boyfriend and look at him challengingly/smugly. The readers would have to be able to get behind Harry, but no one would want him to actually win her from Sirius. And Hero's reason.
  20. Hw597

    Hw597 Seventh Year

    Jun 13, 2008
    Okay I was doing my weekly (futile) search for anything decent to read and happened to come across a fic I cannot for the life of me remember the name of. It had a young Harry at the Dursleys spontaneously awakening the sharingan and using it to beat up Vernon and then Dudley. By the time he received his Hogwarts letter he had developed Mangekyou (his pet snake was murdered by Petunia). I seem to remember him using Kamui to return his acceptance letter, and then amaterasu-ing the owl for seemingly no reason at all.

    Yes I know, absolutely terrible.

    However reading the fic did get me to thinking -Is there a way to make a Harry Potter/ Naruto cross that works. Whenever I come across that particular crossover, I will freely admit I don’t even bothered trying to read it. In my mind the two worlds and stories simply aren’t compatible. I am confident that the one exception would have been Howdy’s- Rolling with the Changes but I am working on the assumption that is abandoned. Plus even in that story, there isn’t enough to truly prove it could be done.
    I do think the aforementioned terrible fic did get something right; a melding would work better than a crossover. So I got to planning out what part of me still thinks is impossible, frame working a Naruto /Harry Potter meld.

    The first thing to accept is that either or both universes will have to be massively changed to make this possible. I am thinking loosely using the Naruto-verse as the ancient history of the Harry potter world, having the use of the handseals and fuinjutsu as an early form of channelling magic. History is definitely not a strength of mine but I am thinking to having the Naruto history take place immediately BC and therefore before the founding of Hogwarts. The other option would be to have it take place around 1100~1200AD (Assassins Creed period) simply because it seems more fitting. For plot simplicity I think BC pips it.

    With the Naruto-verse being its history, the Harry Potter world the story would be set in would obviously be massively alternative. At this point I would kindly ask you to remove the mental image of Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort going at it with taijutsu; I have absolutely no desire to make anyone in the HP world a ninja. What I am imagining is

    • Descendents of bloodlines becoming the purebloods.
    Examples- The Malfoy’s (very proudly) being able to trace their lineage right through to the Hyuuga’s, and having an incredibly rare physical manifestation of their bloodline. Pale lavender eye’s (please stop thinking of those massive manga-esque sclera) and the ability to see magic.

    This would obviously lend some credence to the pureblood agenda and therefore increase it.​

    • Clan abilities becoming something like magical strengths.

    • An increased historical antagonism between magical + normal nations (not yet 100% decided).

    • Shunshin becoming HP movie streak travelling
    - (I am a little reluctant to put this in but I can’t really get around the fact that a technique like shunshin would definitely exist in one form or another, if the Naruto-verse was historical).

    That is some very basic ideas, please feel free to input any ideas you feel like.

    Now down to a basic Story Framework.

    Tom Riddle + Gaunts being Sasuke’s descendents (very direct due to inbreeding). Young Tom Riddle would have begun with an ability to speak to snakes (remnants of absorbed Orochimaru) Incredible use of magic in general particularly fire-based, hate based (dark arts), and illusion spells. Plus his eyes would have a tendency to flash red when angry.

    In his obsession with his bloodline and the Dark arts he would later dive deeper into the search of his history and during his travels discover the truth of his Uchiha blood. Through research and great magical experimentation in his travels he would fully awaken his bloodline –the sharingan, and become Lord Voldemort- legilimency monster, Amaterasu (a spell from his wand- none of this bleeding eye nonsense). In awakening the sharingan he would have inadvertendly pulled the attention of a being less than the weakest of wraiths, Tobi (or whatever his name turns out to be). Tobi would have the ability to attach himself to the sharingan but being next to nothing after his defeat and millennia in abyss, would be relegated to a whisper in the mind of his last true descendent. He would tell LV of the bijuu and advise him to hunt them out as with his eyes he could control them.

    Now I am not entirely sure but I was planning on having the bijuu be sealed inside items hidden in archaic designed magical tombs around the globe (think a less well executed Conloadh’s Song).
    With the Dumbledore’s as a strong descendent on the Uzumaki clan, his line would have been tasked as the defenders of these locations. I think it would be better to have his line to have mostly forgotten its purpose, for it to have been relegated to something of an old family bedtime tale that. He would only really remember and research it after Voldemort gains the first bijuu object.

    At this point tobi/ + somekind of prophecy would warn LV of others who are his eternal enemies and could wrestle control of the bijuu out of his hands, the descendents of the Senju. I am thinking there would be a few scattered families with sufficient inherited traits that LV would consider a threat. He would hunt them out and kill them. One of them would be the Potters. I think you know what happens here.

    However instead of the reflected killing curse transferring Harry with the Sharingan ( just irritating), it would act the same way as Voldemort’s rituals to awaken his sharingan did. Harry would be left with greatly strengthened Mokuton traits. Very high natural predisposition for transfiguration (earth based-so water, wood, earth, metals* + animals-due to what I believe is mokuton natural chakra draw) + a unique ability to suppress a rampaging bijuu.

    Okay that is the basis of the fic so far. There are a few things I can’t quite iron out, for example what to do about the various summons e.t.c. The year by year stories will naturally be very different but I think it could work.
    Serious thanks if you have managed to read this far.

    Some examples of what I mean by blood line traits
    Very Strong Hyoton desendent- Incredible with Ice, water and wind based spells. Maybe with some very limited wandless ability with it (the air chills when they are angry e.t.c).
    Uzumaki descendents (based off the clans sealing abilities)- Great at complex arts like warding and enchantment

    Obviously because the lines of heritage would stretch back for multiple generations, most magical people would be affected to at least some degree. I don’t want to change the existent magic system hugely. In the vast majority these leanings will be no different than in the original HP-verse.
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