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Mass Effect 3 General

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Iztiak, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Yes because I'm clearly in the position that BioWare can do no wrong. Perhaps you did not read what I said to Chengar?

    As for this point, I was simply countering Coyote's argument of using sites like metacritic to compare. He points out that DAO was better because it got better scores than DA2. I pointed out that many feel ME1 is superior yet ME2 got better scores. Does this reflect what I personally think? Maybe or maybe not.
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    When has this not been true lately? It used to be totally true, when the demo would be released a year before the game, if not more sometimes to stir up press.

    I want to keep faith in them more then any other company who has ever made a game. DA2 shrunk that to next to nothing. They sold out, harder then anyone ever had in the history of the world. I hope to god they redeem some faith with this game. I hope to god the demo was cut to hell and back to get it super limited.

    The demo talk is what brought it up. People claimed the DA2 demo showing it to be little more then an arcadey action game couldn't possibly be the real game, it was just a tech demo. Then they spent hours wandering through the same few cave levels over..and over...and over. The game got dumbed down. HARD. For the console crowd, because every game now has to be cross platform since they cost so much money to make. People are just worried about ME3, since ME2 shows some signs of going DA2 full retard with how action orientated it was, moving so much away from a RPG.

    ME2 had it's good points. They gutted the story and stripped it down to a shadow of what it could've been. One good overarching line, with all the sideline stories mostly being a waste of time. They threw out almost all the RPG elements, most choices didn't matter. They upgraded the FPS to the forefront of the game, and now they've got an option to skip.. well..everything.

    Dark Forces v Jedi Knight 2, is another great example. I see you mentioned other examples I'd name as well further down

    As will any person who's visited this thread, no matter what they say. It's just one of those game universes.
  3. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    Well, Microsoft just accidently leaked details on some day 1 DLC for a Prothean squad member. Link to gameinformer article.

    This reeks of content cut from the game to sell back on day 1. A Prothean that is still alive and isn't a Collector? Sounds like something pretty important to the entire series that shouldn't be relelegated to DLC like that.
  4. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Seems more like a "Preorder you cheap bas-customers... I mean."

    Still in principle I agree shouldnt be a day one dlc since it seems so important.
  5. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Yeah, something that important really should be included in the full game. Nice to know I'll be getting it though since I already pre-ordered the Collectors Edition. It's actually not too bad of a deal, especially now, with all the add-ons they give you, unlike some other collectors editions out there *cough*$150 Skyrim*cough*.
  6. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    So it's going to be the same as Shale in Dragon Age: Origins, Zaeed in Mass Effect 2 and Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City then. Publishers really want people to buy games new instead of used.

    As much as I want to see the end of the trilogy, I really do mean it when I say I'm not buying it as long as Origin is attached. I don't see that changing any time soon.
  7. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Except all of those examples were at least free (as long as you bought the game new, as you said). This is $10.00 if you didn't preorder the Collector's Edition.

    Fucking bullshit.
  8. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Huh, didn't see it was collector's only. That's... yeah, that's bullshit.
  9. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006

    True enough. I forgot to mention that in the previous post o mine.

    If it was connected to both standard and collector's Sure fine. I dont think there'd be this minor uproar about it.

    But since its only connected to collector's?

    Feels like a massive blow to standards. "Aw... you couldn't pony up the extra 20 USD? FUCK YOU. 10 bucks more for shit that was supposed to be in the game already. chump."

    I say this because lol day one dlc. Even if it was completed after the game went gold(production) it still feels and gives the impression of "lets cut off a part of the game and monetize it more."
  10. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I feel the need to link to TB again, who discusses that very topic in depth. Here is the link.

    It's fucking ridiculous too be honest. It's just blatantly extorting money out of a franchise.
  11. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    I'm honestly refusing to pick this up now, I love this series but I can wait the time it takes for them to either wise up and make it part of the game as it should be, or when it goes on steam or something in a year or so with all its inevitable DLC.
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I'd love to see the conclusion to this trilogy. The previous Mass Effect games were the last two games I ever bought. The franchise could have gone three for three, but I'm not buying the third one because this is unacceptable behavior.

    Maybe it's a slim chance that it's all overblown and the Prothean is a cosmetic thing, in which case, what the hell? It's a huge ethical miscalculation or a huge artistic one, and either way, Bioware disappoints me. And it's still a breach of good principles to lock away content that's already there on the disk, but I expect companies to take refuge in the grey area of "It's only marginally plot-important", but this is too audacious.

    I admit I had a very dim view of Bioware after the catastrophic Dragon Age 2. I was fully expecting that they'd decided to cash in on the goodwill it had built, and milk its allotment of four or five bad games before gamers caught on and closed their wallets.

    From the demo though, Mass Effect 3 looks like it's going to be an amazing game, which only makes me sadder.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  13. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    In other news, I had a 1500 word TL;DR review ready to post when the thread cropped up that I forgot about and then lost due to a Firefox crash.

    Also multiplayer's actually rather quite fun unless you're a level 1 Infiltrator because everybody leaves your team before the game even starts Vanguards ftw.
  14. LittleBlackGoldfish

    LittleBlackGoldfish Third Year

    Feb 7, 2012
    One disappointing thing about Vanguards in ME3 (or rather the demo) is the loss of Time Dialation when charging. Obviously it wouldn't work for multiplayer but it seems absent on singleplayer as well.
  15. tad2103

    tad2103 First Year

    Jan 3, 2009
    I'm going to give Bioware the benefit of the doubt with the single player demo, just because it was so disjointed it felt like there were obvious cuts for the sake of file size and preventing spoilers.

    The MP is a lot of fun. I just unlocked the Quarian engineer and her sentry turret that can shoot rockets when fully upgraded. She can't touch a salarian infiltrator or any of the Krogans though for pure domination of the battlefield.

    I like most of the structural changes they made in compromise to the previous games, ie: a moderate amount of variety in leveling and going back to a KOTOR-like inventory system, getting rid of the class limitations on guns, and making weight a factor in how you kit out your squad.

    The first day DLC with an additional character and associated mission doesn't bother me so much if it is interesting content. It would be nice if it were free, but it could be worse...like charging you for singular items like Fable 3.
  16. xeno121

    xeno121 Squib

    Mar 8, 2011
    I'm not gonna be grabbing this, I want to finish the trilogy but I refuse to put a single dime in the hands of a company that treats it's customers this way. DLC is a cancer that is killing the gaming industry, instead of finished products they're focusing on throwing out random crap they can charge you extra for.

    Bioware went to shit after EA bought it out, it's a damn shame.
  17. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    The fact that the Prothean squad-member is DLC isn't bad because such an important thing in the universe is going to cost extra for anyone who doesn't buy the collector's edition - it's a bad thing because this clearly means that it won't be important. "Oh yeah, that last survivor from a species that's been extinct for longer than any species around has had a written language? Yeah, he's a squad member you can buy for the low, low cost of $9.99! ps, he'll have no dialog and contribute negligibly to the story."
  18. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Well it sounds like there's no incentive for buying it new so if you want to completete the trilogy but not give money to EA just buy it used. In terms of the prothean, I've read that he is in the game plotwise even if you don't get the DLC, the DLC just makes him a squadmate. It might be something like Liara/Lair of the Shadow Broker, but if so people will probably rage over getting him for only one mission.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2012
  19. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006

    It's amusing how many people post about how they are going to refuse to buy the game because of completely irrelevant reasons.

    I can respect the opinion of anyone who doesn't want to play it because they do not enjoy the direction the story has gone, or the way the combat mechanics work. I myself have qualms about the direction Bioware has taken it.

    But for the people that tout their refusal to buy it as some sort of badge of honor because it's downloadable on Origin, or it has DLC(Big surprise), or any other rather stupid reason... It's my opinion that you can continue to masturbate to your own ridiculous self-righteous indignation, but please do so in silence.

    Personally, am going to enjoy myself playing it. Though I have my reservations, considering DA2's fate... I still have hope that it will be at least half of what I've wished for.
  20. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    How is this anything but completely relevant?

    There's no reason not to enjoy the direction the story has taken. The sheer number of Reapers on Earth can be construed to them harvesting humans rather than being needed to take out the resistance, etc. Mass Effect 2 wasn't like Dragon Age 2, I'm pretty sure its storyline is widely well-liked, otherwise ME3 wouldn't be so eagerly anticipated.

    No, I will certainly post about it as I please. Go use the ignore feature if you want, but get out of here with your condescending bullshit.