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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Alive and Free

    Alive and Free Groundskeeper

    Aug 14, 2011
    I think it depends on the writer. A good writer (like Andro) could make us care.

    @Andro - So Harry's 11, or younger, at the start of your story, right? And you're turning HP canon completely on its head?
  2. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Dean Thomas, Hannah Abbott, Meghan Jones, Daphne Greengrass (yes, her too), Mandy Brucklewurst. J.K. Rowling giving them names has never once made me care about them. They are the extras walking around to make the corridors and classrooms seem populated. They are the loiterers in Diagon Alley so that Harry isn't browsing a ghost town. They are the "they" who make him a pariah when need demands it. They don't matter.

    The only issue would be the brevity of the time Harry knows them, so some of them would have to make a strong impression.

    I've always been good at beginnings, but I'm more concerned with the plot after that. It's still difficult to conceive of the waypoints, things that can be done at the plot with Harry in New York and with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Uncovering the mystery of his hunters? Capturing some of them but learning scraps and pieces?

    Maybe have the first assembly of the Avengers as one of the first great superhero teams, and Harry being one of the scouts/agents sent to track down and recruit potential members? There must be some great lore and storylines that can be tapped.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  3. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Honestly I'm much more of a DC fan, and the DCAU specifically. I sort of want to look at putting Harry in as someone in the JLU stories, or Batman Beyond, and have him perhaps taking up Zatanna's post as the resident magic user for the JLU/ Future JLU.
  4. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I'm not a huge DC fan, but I want to read an HP/Batman Beyond story. Or even a pure Batman Beyond story. I'd totally knock that thing right out of the park. Gotham of the future is incredible.

    I partially wrote this beginning for HP/Batman (not Beyond) some time ago:

    Bruce is battling against the criminal elements of Gotham. His career as Batman isn't yet a year old, but he's developed a good feel for things. How to shake down mob outfits, the melding and grappling of crimelords.

    He's the nigh-omniscient crimebuster he'll become, but he also hasn't quite mastered the vast, sprawling entity of Wayne Enterprises. He's been content to leave it in the hands of proxies and wiser executives who served his father, seeing to it that the company contributes to the city's projects and to charity.

    Bruce makes an impromptu visit to Wayne Medical. Cancer research, plastic surgery. He takes an interest in one research team. A control group of middle-aged men and women. But oddly enough, also a child who refuses to meet his eyes. He inquires, but the lead scientist smiles and assures him that all is well.

    This man, unbeknownst to him, calls himself Hugo Strange.

    The boy, you guessed it, is Harry.

    Bruce is perturbed and thinks on Harry. He feels uneasy, as he traverses the Gotham skyline. His intuition screams at him. He gets Alfred to pay a visit, and look up background on the lead researcher.

    He finds out that researcher isn't who he seems, orders security to apprehend the man.

    They're too late, the scientist and the boy are already gone. Security personnel lie gunned to death in the lab, bloody papers scattered everywhere.

    He hasn't a clue where to start looking, but he gets a tipoff from one of the other researchers on the team. Strange is heading toward an unusual destination:

    Wayne Shipping.

    Bruce brings out the goddamn Batmobile. Strange in an ambulance is heading toward the bridge near the waterfront. Bruce snares the rear with a line connecting the Batmobile and the vehicle in an attempt to stop it as the bridge lifts.

    He knows it's too late. So he stops the Batmobile dead and finishes the job on foot. As he soars over the gap, the dead weight of the Batmobile rips the rear doors of the ambulance clean off. Batman angles himself so that he lands inside the ambulance and cradles Harry, wrapping the armor weave around them both as the ambulance crashes brutally down the rising half of the bridge.

    Batman is battered like you wouldn't believe, managing to haul himself and Harry out and falling to the ground bonelessly, with the boy stirring.

    Legs kick out the remnants of the shattered windshield, and Strange walks out, toting a machine gun. He cackles and taunts Batman with bursts that come inches from ending their lives. Batman attempts to lunge, but his wounds drag him down and his armor weave and suit barely hold up against a spray of bullets.

    Harry comes to, looks Strange in the eye, his own glowing eerily, and says,

    "I really don't like you," and Strange's machine gun is crushed to tinfoil in his face.

    Strange is fearful and turns his back, fleeing.

    The police arrive, and Bruce waits till he sees Commissioner Gordon before he leaves Harry to their safety as he retreats back to his manor.

    Harry is placed at a Gotham orphanage, assumed to be an abused victim of Hugo Strange and awaiting a foster family. But Bruce is forwarded encrypted case files - the experiments of Strange on Harry Potter. His memories of the boy's display was blurred. It was a miracle that Strange left, but it turns out it was something else - the boy was capable of using magic.

    Such a boy would be a boon to parties beyond count, and Bruce knows that something bad is about to happen.

    Harry is taken in a storm of bloodshed and chaos, with Batman setting off in pursuit of a squadron of black vans as they make their getaway. They split, forcing him to rely on luck. He chooses the wrong one to pursue, crashing the van. Men wearing clown masks come out, and he subdues them, hoping to learn something.

    He's alone in his loft, thinking, thinking. He's in the process of communicating with the police, who want to investigate the arms of Wayne Enterprises. Before long, he gets a call from the outgoing head of Wayne Biotech, long since ill and on leave with his family in China,, his faint voice rasping:

    "Bruce, the company Thomas built... you can't afford to think of it as a company any longer. It is a living, breathing thing. Come to me, and we will discuss matters. But do not let anyone know you're coming. Not the board of trustees. Not your investors. Not the rest of the council."

    Click. Then beeps.

    (And Bruce, greatest detective in the world, thinking, thinking.)

    Bruce is left with a conspiracy that has taken hold within Wayne Medical that is far-reaching. A shadow of doubt has fallen like a funeral shroud over the men who rule Wayne Enterprises. Weren't they trusted by his father before he died? Men who've known him since he was young?

    A little bit of Deus Ex. Detective story featuring Batman and Commissioner Gordon, conspiracy thriller, a hunt for the boy with the haunting eyes, could be decent.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  5. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    You have no idea how horny I am, Andro.
  6. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I'll make you a deal, you write that, and I'll guarantee to match you chapter for chapter for a story that blends elements of DCAU, some of the comics, and takes us on a several decade ride.

    1991 is Year One for Batman, and so by my timeline, you've got the "weirdos" showing up around 1994. However at the graveyard Harry manages to escape and Wormtail is reduced to using Cedric for the blood of the enemy (we know this is canonically possible). Harry runs to the largest city in the United States, known for its muggles and masses, Gotham fucking city. Harry spends a couple months on the streets, but being a good person, he quickly finds a niche helping out in shelters in exchange for living there. Soon he catches the attention of Bruce Wayne's charities, being hired by them.

    Six months later when Bruce is just starting to consider taking on a protege he's having a "Bruce Wayne" visit to a crime ridden slum where he supports a soup kitchen. Hearing a commotion he slips into an alley, and seeing bright flashes he worries there will be bodies. Instead a worker from the soup kitchen has a gang of low level crooks all knocked out in the alley, obviously without having touched them himself. As Harry picks up the sack of cash from the bookie's they knocked over to return it (the kid is only 15 or so, and a little too Gryffindor) Batman confronts him, thinking he's either keeping it for himself or an enforcer of whoever owns the bookie.

    Harry becomes the first Robin, and for a series of about 15-20 chapters we see their relationship and experiences as Bruce trains Harry, and the inevitable split. in 2037 Bruce is killed, leaving Harry the "Beyond Suit" plans. Amanda Waller soon comes to Harry who after returning to England to solve the Voldemort issue "off-screen" becomes a permanent staple in Gotham under an assumed name. Waller tells Harry about the unexpected and now about-to-be-terminated result of Cadmus... Bruce's genetic son Terry McGinnis. Harry slowly takes over Wayne Industries, while at the same time preparing for the day when he will take McGinnis under his wing.

    It probably needs work, but I'm open to (Andro's) suggestions if we're getting the super-awesome story in return.
  7. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I like most the idea of Bruce initially misunderstanding Harry but seeing his nobility firsthand. That would be a weighty scene.

    And I'm surprised by how deftly you sidestep the potential plothole of Harry living in Gotham while he knows Voldemort is alive and well in Britain. Cedric solves that. But you have to address why Harry doesn't return to Hogwarts. Maybe emphasize his fear of Wormtail having collaborators in Hogwarts?

    Harry being left the Beyond Suit plans is one of those epic moments.

    For the first stages of the story, a big element of the story would be Harry's inner tug-of-war of returning to Hogwarts and continuing his magic education and remaining at Gotham, where he sees how much he can help end the human misery abundant there. He eventually embraces his role to help Gotham's weak and defenseless.

    Don't make him Robin though? It just doesn't look right, reading that on the screen. Coming up with his own identity would be much better.

    We have an accord.
  8. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Uhh, that's great and all, and Imma let you finish, but These Dark Days of Autumn Rain needs to be waayyy higher on your list than any Batman crossover. Motherfucker. In general, I like my fanfiction uncut with any other universe, the sole exception being HP/DF stuff.
  9. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I was looking recently through my old, unpublished fics and not surprisingly they are crap, but I found few interesting ideas and one awesome Neville in them.

    One idea was probably already used somewhere, but it involved very different take on Lily sacrifice. Instead of her life, she bargained her soul to save her son from Voldemort. Years later, after defeating the Dark Lord, Harry discovers that.

    This leads to an epic quest, in Divine Comedy style with Dumbledore as Virgil and various Death Eaters in different Circles, for him to save his mother's immortal soul from Hell. Maybe the Mastery of Death should be somehow involved to make it more workable in some aspects. There is even a potential for DF crossover in it.
  10. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Celestin. Dude, it is embarrassing how many good ideas you come up with. I'm serious - get off your fucking ass and /write/ some of these. NOW.
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Well, I'm working on HP/DF crossover (who is not these days ;) ), but to tell the truth I never fell very comfortable while writing any story in English. Funny thing, the more I write in it, the less I'm comfortable writing in Polish to the point when I was once asked if it's my first language. You can image how much embarrassing that was.

    Anyway, I will not promise anything, but there is a chance that I will at least post some short one-shots using few of my previously posted ideas.
  12. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    There's quite a bit to the UK if you start drawing on the old Marvel UK stuff. Mys-Tech and the Techno-wizards are a prime place to start. Mys-Tech was a company run by seven mages who in 987 sold their souls to the demon Mephisto. They sent Mephisto a steady stream of souls and got immortality in return. Come modern times, they started researching alternate means of immortality, in order to weaken Mephisto's hold on them. Now who has a means of immortality? Voldemort. And who had access to dimensional travel? Mys-Tech. Really, Marvel UK is very crossover happy place due to the shear amount of universe hopping which goes on. They invented the term Earth-616 for god's sake.

    I stole a lot from Marvel UK when I was writing the (now quite painful for me to read) Harry Potter: Agent of MI6, and used even more in the rewrite. The first superhuman Harry meets in the rewrite is this guy.
  13. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    I don't know why anyone hasn't written Master of Death!Harry appearing in the DC or Marvel'verse.
  14. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Celestin your idea is a lot like one I had some time ago.

    I was thinking Harry after passing through hell comes out to Nevernever. after spending some time he claims himself as Master of Death and creates a realm to himself called Crossroads.

    It would only follow Dresden himself in passing as main focus being Nevernever politics.
  15. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    @Jorm, there is one (sort of) that stands out...

    Terminal Justice. DLP thread HERE

    AFAIK, only found on Caer Azkaban. But worth a read. A continuation of the Mr Black series, it isn't really MoD Harry, but it is Harry in DCUniverse.

    Heather started one a while back that could have been what you were asking about, but it never really continued that far.

    Also, go write one. That's be awesome.
  16. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Someone posted that on ffn here.

    Now I have to go read that again, that's the rest of my day gone. Damn you.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2012
  17. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Thanks; was wondering when someone would get around to posting that on FFn. :)

    If I get time, I may write something like that; I'm sort of busy with a project that Jeram has set up, atm.
  18. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I do know he got CA up in arms, and all of his stories have been reported, as he didn't write any of them.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I like the name - Crossroads. I like even more the idea of Harry being the lord of his own realm with lots of servants to rule. Having him in the Nevernever creates a big potential for some awesome interactions with wars, alliances and all that stuff. Well done full time King!Harry is something I haven't seen in a very long time, if ever.
  20. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I don't know any King!Harry story either.

    This Harry would be strong not because of his different magic but also he has ability to call on to Dead people to learn. It would give him near intellectus level of knowledge only surpassed by Archive.

    Canon Harry isn't very ambitious so we need something wich will give him a push in right direction. For example Olympus gods cursed Medusa because she was raped in a temple by another god. If Harry were to come across someone similar who innocent but cursed Harry would try to help wich can be used as excuse why Harry is creating his own realm. It is simply a sanctuary for innocents where Harry is ruling over them in return for protection.

    It would even create a lot of tension since those people has enemies after them. Harry would need every scrap of power he can get so he can protect his people.
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