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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    What's with so many people implying they have special roles? It doesn't do much this early in the game. All it does is draw attention to yourself as someone who should be killed.

    That said I'm tentatively voting to lynch Ash. The trolling is annoying, and defending yourself be saying it will be horrible for town to lynch you because of your role is really scummy. I will change my vote to break the tie between mishie and strikerlee though if it is still there. Right now I'd go with strikerlee, since he has few posts and a couple really stupid ones. Mishie's idea was horrible, and the timing was even worse since we knew who the coven killed. So I say that he is a good target right now. But ironically knowing whether scum were on the court would help my decision, since if it was infiltrated, scum!Mishie would not have motivation to post that really stupid idea. So since court info would be helpful, suggesting that it become public might be a well intentioned mistake. And I might get a better read on Mishie in the next day. So I'm choosing Ash right now, and will choose striker over mishie as a tiebreaker.
  2. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Sorry for the lack of posts. Have got RL problems. They will continue till Sunday but hopefully I will have more time afterwards.

    Right now, the person who I think is most likely scum is Ash. I just don't see her being town and voting like that on day one. Her "imma troll" attitude doesn't help either. If it were my choice, I would lynch Ash for today.

    I also agree that Striker is posting like scum but it could be just plain stupidity. Which is a good enough reason to lynch him but I just wanted to put it out there.

    Also, flash on my laptop has got problems. I will vote when I get back home.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    From what I can tell, most of the suspicion has come from the connection between myself and Klackerz, one both Geabe and Lungs talked about on D1. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I didn't make my suspicion of him clear until Geabe called me on it (which, looking back, I admit - I did suspect him before then, but I never actually said it other than a badly worded statement which could have been taken multiple ways) and due to the fact that I didn't pick him as my one person to kill in answer to KaiDASH's (I think it was him) question on kill/check/protect despite said suspicions - a point which I think I explained earlier with regards to my larger scumread on Republic at the time.

    The me/Sesc link probably comes from me noting him as a town read - which, for the most part, I stand by - and saying I'd probably pick him for court. And possibly Klackerz also saying he'd pick Sesc for court, which I'll admit lends a bit of credence to the otherwise ludicrous Sesc/Klackerz/Moridin team some of you seem to be talking of.

    Possibly a bit more suspicion fell on me because of my post downplaying the destructive power of scum!Queen, though my intent with that post was more to get people to worry about scum!Duke instead, who I view as more dangerous.
  4. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Eidolonic staaaaaaaaares at Moridin.
  5. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Well. Decent post, Lungs (leaving aside the tone, about five millions 'like' and the macros which annoy me to no end). I agree with quite a lot of it, actually, on the Town side of things. One thing that stood out: klackerz/Moridin witch-link. Geabe said this too. Where the fuck does it come from? And where does Geabe fit in there?

    As an aside, yeah, I was surprised as well how fast the mishie thing took off. It's like I charged an open door. My tentative conclusion from the reactions: A) Fenraellis was indeed no member of the court. B) Witches threw their weight behind it. Which, funnily enough, would clear mishie. So all in all, I'm not any surer that he's a witch than I was before, when I disliked on Day 1 that he put lots of questions out there for other people to answer, but withdrew to the position of 'I don't have anything yet' himself.

    His idea is still not great though. Or more precisely, the timing was off, since there was no need for the court to come out today at all. I think that was what put me off most. It was totally unneeded given the circumstances (only a coven kill).

    And speaking of Fenraellis: The circumstances right after his death remain interesting. That he would be a member of the court was the really obvious conclusion. Decide for yourself if you think I'd be the first to get the idea, and what that means.

    Lynch vote-wise: I think I prefer the Strikerlee wagon over mishie's, but if I voted for Strikerlee, it'd be a vote against annoying posts. The same with Ashaya. Her one-word-posting-spree is aggravating.

    @mishie: Why did you make the post with the court-idea exactly when you did it?

    Edit: Uh, lots of more posts since then. Kalas, you want me do what? I am supposed to explain what scumtells Lungs picked up? o_O
  6. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Mishie. (6: Eidolonic, Kalas, Seratin, CheddarTrek, thebrute7, and StrikerLee)

    That's the Vote Log for the height of the Mishie wagon at the moment. Name the witches.
  7. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina


    How in the world could a Scum Duke possibly be more dangerous than a Scum Queen? The relative power of the two roles isn't even comparable- a competent Court will have selected the Duke's replacement as a group, while a Scum Queen's falsification of the check results could be a fucking disaster.
  8. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I know, I know.

    But this isn't the other game. There, the Queen was the most dangerous scum player, as indeed evidenced by events. Here, the queen doesn't get scumcount, only odd/even, which is significantly less powerful, and all her other advantages, like knowing (or having a very good idea, anyway) who the King is and having a hand in the selection of the Court, are matched by the Duke, whose special powers in this game are more useful to scum than hers.

    If I may talk about another game for a moment, Tenages' main powers were his scumcount that, in combination with Jwlk's ability to stay under the radar, had us hunting among ourselves in all the wrong places, and his influence as a member of the original court (and a player many people had a townread on, but that was his strength as a player, not his role). In this game, the former is severely nerfed and the latter can be applied to the duke as well, hence my reasoning.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

    Can the court select the Duke's replacement? I don't believe so, but I may be wrong.

    And the check result is, let me stress this again, an odd/even. It doesn't tell you if you have 0 or 4, or if you have 1 or 5. Just odd/even isn't all that powerful. Like I said, it could potentially mess up a scumread, but not by all that much. Her main power is her influence on the court, and the Duke has that as well.

    Although I think people may be misunderstanding my point. That same influence (plus the information gained by being on court) makes a scum!Queen very dangerous. It's just that a scum!Duke is more so.
  9. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    The Court tells the Duke who to select as his Heir. If he doesn't select that person, guess what happens?

    You're not making much sense at all, Mori. :\
  10. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Yeah... no.

    I'm not going to give the Duke any ideas, but carefully think through what you just said.
  11. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    If we're gonna bring up DLP WH again, you'll recall that's exactly what the Court did with Cthul's Duke ability- they told him who to deisgnate based on their reads and knowledge in the event of his death.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 AM ----------

    Er, GOD WH. *

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 AM ----------

    I get what you're saying, but I still don't think it measures up to the Queen.

    Also, triple post fuck yeah.
  12. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    And Cthulhu was town, wasn't he? We're talking about Scum!Duke, who has no reason to play by the Court's rules.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

    Eh, fair enough. So long as people don't underestimate either role, I'm fine with leaving this discussion as it is.
  13. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    You left out the part where I said 'tentative'. If I knew who the witches were, I'd be sure. Furthermore, I didn't meant the lynchwagon, but the posted reactions ITT. I doubt that the coven will be votes 1 to 4 on one target, that'd be a really dumb thing to do. Of the six, not more than two, and quite possibly none. I'd guess that's the most likely thing, in fact. I prefer the Strikerlee wagon for who is on there, not for who voted on mishie.

    That said, as I mentioned earlier, since I never played with you before so no meta, I don't like your style. Behaviour rubs me the wrong way. And I guess you could bring up CheddarTrek, who was one of the first to respond to the idea, but that might not mean anything other than that she was one of the first to read it.
  14. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Well I guess that people thought I was a scum because of my derpy first post campaigning for a seat in the court before I know my role. That's probably the only reason.

    StrikerLee has 6,Mishie has 5 and Ashaya has 4(5 if we include Castiel's vote)and just over a day left . Personally I would like to vote for Ashaya just because of the way she is posting. But that's not enough to justify a lynch.So I am not going to vote for now.
  15. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Oh, no, I still very much want you dead. I just wanted to poke Mishie's derp with a stick, and see how people reacted.

    Don't worry, your time will come. Go back to lurking in hopes that people forget about you, which seemed to work well today!
  16. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    @ Lungs, I see your wall, but i'm not completely satisfied, as the rest seem to be. I'm not going to push for your lynch (today), but making a wall like that isn't hard. Instead of making one big wall, and disappearing (which i'm almost sure you're going to do). Instead what you should be doing, from now on, is taking pieces of that wall, and posting intermediately throughout the day, more in depth and actually interact with the thread. No one wants to sit and read that whole thing, especially since they're just your reads.

    I'm going to preface the rest of my post with: we have just over 24 hours to come to a lynch. We need 15 to hammer, and out highest candidate only has 6 IIRC. I am also going to say this; I think Ashaya is scum, and unless something amazing happens, my vote is not moving from her. I've given reasons, and others have given reasons. I'm not going to restate them. I'm only going to change it to avoid a judge lynch, so... people. Vote Ashaya.

    I'm going to go into my reads for a few people, in no particular order.

    Bob99: Not many posts, but from what I see, I like it. He's clearing away confusion (Which scum benefit from, and therefore wouldn't attempt to help) and i'm getting a town read off of him. Would like to see more post, and more content in posts. (But i'd like that from everyone).

    Sesc: Why are you not voting? You are saying things, yet I see no vote. There is no reason to NOT place a vote, get on Moscone, and put your vote somewhere.

    Seratin: Someone I don't really like. I see a definite connection between you and Ash (also maybe Lungs). You've literally included Ashaya in almost all the 'content' posts you have made, both subtly and unsubtly defending her. I don't like it, at all. Why are you doing so? I don't want to hear your meta reasons, about how "town ashaya always plays this way" (she doesn't). Meta is fine for forming first opinions, but then you have to find evidence, of any sort, and you haven't done so. Suspicious, will be watching.

    @klackerz (because i'm keeping up with the thread while making this post) Put a fucking vote somewhere, you're completely useless if you don't vote. "Not voting" is stupid, has no reason, and is Stupid.

    Coleam: Don't really have... much of an opinion.

    First off, I always keep my eye on everyone, just because someone seems town doesn't mean they are. Second, you wanna play that game? What if scum came to the logical conclusion that you did; it'd be weird if someone almost universally town isn't targeted. They purposely kill someone else, to put this suspicion on that townie. How are you not thinking on that level? You're right, intelligence is certainly lacking from certain parts of the town.

    Anyway, regardless of that, i'm not seeing anything extraordinary from him... Town read, but if anything, definitely not Coven. JW is possible... but unlikely in my book.

    Klackerz: You derped (And are certainly not helping yourself with your new posts). People have also seemingly clumped you with Moridin? One situation I see that working is, Moridin has clearly thought out the Queen/court implications. Its highly nerfed, like he said. I can then see, for example, Klackerz jumping to get into the court. Though I don't really think him and Moridin are together. If I knew there was one scum between them, it'd be Klackerz.

    I have more concrete town reads, but i've pretty much already posted them before, but since a buncha people are asking... i'll be brief. I like Stojil and Kai, they both have high town reads. Menace, as well, surprisingly has imprinted himself as town in my book.
  17. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Going to be a short post for once since I have to go home soon:
    Sesc, the reason why I posted my idea then was because that's when I thought of it, and I then went, "hey, lets just put this idea out there so I can get feedback, if it's good, then people will improve it, if it's bad, then discusion is caused, win/win." Also, I'm pretty sure I was answering quite a few questions day 1 so I'm not too sure what you're talking about...
  18. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    No, it isn't and the link with Moridin has been repeated multimple times on both days. Did you miss it or were you trying to downplay the accusations lifted against you, by planting the idea that people still find you scummy because of that derp of your first post? There's also the Sirion thing which I still believe is telling. You and Moridin mentioning him as town-read after two empty posts smells pretty bad.

    I find much more suspicious how the lynchwagon on mishie stopped completely rather than how quickly it formed. And yeah, his plan was horrible and scummy, but apparently Lungs thinks it's a town-tell because of how it was phrased? Please, tell me you weren't talking about the "we" thing. I hate it.
  19. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Oh, ffs. I believe I explained why I picked Sirion, and it wasn't because of a town read (my read on him is at neutral, slightly townish, but that's now). It was meta that made me pick him, since I didn't at that time have any better town reads and (as I explained before) he's a smart and quiet player. Doesn't mean he's town.
  20. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Reading through these posts, I've got to say there's a lot of good debate going on, which can only be good for town. I'd suggest not forgetting that there are people still hiding in the background that could be lurking scum (or lurking Junior Witches). I know, pot, kettle, etc.

    The case against Moridin/Klackerz/Sirion looks pretty good at the moment, but I must admit to having less of a scum read on Moridin and Sirion as I have on Klackerz. I'm keeping an eye on all of them for potential slip ups, but we need to pressure Sirion a bit more in order to get a more accurate read.

    I've set my lynch vote to Klackerz for now though I would likely change my vote to someone else if it meant preventing a potential scum Judge from using his ability. (Though from the GOD mafia game where I was town judge, it was just plain annoying for me to see people completely ignoring a powerful role on sheer paranoia when I had the god damn gravedigger as a spai-pal.)
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