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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Lol, I sure hope you don't lynch me, but I also can't be fucked to write a defense for myself at the moment. Maybe I'll have time later.
  2. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    No, it was not made clear that I couldnt edit my posts. Also the reason I edited it was because I had just woken up and revised what I was saying because after reading everyone elses posts and hers as well I got the answer I was looking for. So because I didnt know I couldnt edit my posts thats a scumtell to you? makes me wonder about the sanity of the people who are calling out all the bullshit. You guys are the 1st to point fingers but in all honestly that makes me more suspicious of those quick to point fingers. As I said in my previous post I am out of state visiting family for today and tomorrow. You want to lynch me so bad because I misread a post (which I claimed was my mistake and revised what I was saying after) and something I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do then you got some issues. The people you should be worried about are those who are lurking and posting last minute on votes. Those are the people I'm suspicious of and you Gambit for your switching votes before the day ended.
  3. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    uh... I was trying to hammer a lynch, fuck you.

    LochNess is going to be on later, she's been working, and is working now but I got in touch and she says that later tonight she'll start catching up and make a post.
  4. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    From Day 1.
  5. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Hey, Lutris.

    If you can click a thumbs up button, you can post. Less serial lurking. Looks bad, yo.
  6. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    Well, giving a fuck might help you. Honestly you can't be suprised about getting called out after trolling for a couple days.
  7. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I didn't miss it, I forgot to put it in. In any case, it only strengthens my argument.

    And Klackerz and Mishie may be dead, but Klackerz was lynched and Mishie was probably courtkilled. Their being dead doesn't preclude them from being scum. I voted for Klackerz, and I stand by my scumread on him, so I went digging for any connections to other players. These were the strongest I found, and that one of the biggest links was to Mishie, a scummy player in his own right, is something I found quite telling.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 AM ----------

    Also, I'm not quite sure what Ashaya is doing. Either she's truly this apathetic about the game (which is quite sad, really) or she's stalling because she wants/needs some help from her scummates to put together a defense.
  8. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Not really. There's no reason why klackerz would throw his scumbuddy under the bus like that. Klackerz could be scum, or bob99 could be scum, but I highly doubt that both are.
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I was on the fence about jumping on the Ash bandwagon, but I think I'll go ahead and tentatively make my Lynch Vote: Ash after this. Willing to be convinced to change it later "today" but for now... yeah.

    This also assumes that I am able to get onto Moscone to actually, physically vote. Still having issues.
  10. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    I really don't like the way that Ash lynch votes just rolled in after the day ended. I still say she doesn't feel like scum, and I am going to stick by that.

    I feel that StrikerLee1 is more likely to be scum, so Lynch: Strikerlee1.

    EDIT: After the day started. My bad there.
  11. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Or I have no way to prove my innocence to you except through revealing my role, which would be universally agreed upon as a bad idea, I think. Why write a massive TL;DR of bullshit that I doubt will convince those who think I'm either scummy or just a troll. (FYI, if you're town, you should have maybe thought that I was acting stupid and/or trolling so as to keep scum from killing me...it's a pretty blatant strategy that I've used multiple times)

    Should I rolereveal if a vote on me becomes certain? If I do, I have barely any proof to backup my claim in any case.

    I do think that it's better for you all to know that you for sure have a specific town role (dead, but it happens) or a dead scum member. After all, if I'm town, I won't lie about my role if I need to reveal.

    Well, look at that. I accidentally wrote a fair amount.
  12. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Ash, you post like you have multiple personality disorder...

    Some of your posts are well-written and well-thought-out (like the last one) and the rest are immature trolling. It makes it really hard to take you seriously.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 AM ----------

    You have the same problem as StrikerLee - you've done precisely nothing to suggest that you're town apart from saying that you're town. Maybe you haven't derped like he did, which is a point in your favor, but you haven't exactly done anything to help your cause either.
  13. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Well, i've stated multiple times why I think Ashaya is scum, so I'm going to go ahead and throw my vote at her.
  14. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Sorry. I gotta post more, don't I?


    StrikerLee comes off as scum more to me, frankly speaking. Relying on metareads is problematic and can defeat the purpose of the game somewhat, but as I said before, it's quite possibly the only evidence that can be used against players who don't offer much content in their overall posts like Ash. Or, I guess, myself.

    Ash always reads somewhat scummily to me- and having presided over a few of the games she's played in, I've always been surprised at how her behavior isn't characterized by the role she's in, but rather how much she wants to be entertained. This makes her very hard to read (because she gives off both scum and town tells in erratic patterns), and therefore a good midgame target for both town and scum, insofar as DLP mafia-meta goes.

    Despite this, I don't really want to lynch her at the moment. Her erratic posting can be explained by her erratic schedule and sleep cycle, which is again, a heartily horrible metaread. As far as in-game evidence goes, thebrute7's opinion in #570 succintly sums up my thoughts in general.

    I don't like the way this lynch seems to just be rolling through.

    In any case, I'm going to place a Lynch Vote: StrikerLee. He's not a constructive member at all, and if compared to Ashaya, who can be accused similarly, he's posted a lot less and seems to be casually unaware of basic rules (the earlier disregard for editing protocol is prime evidence of this).

    Prove me wrong, friend. It's not like I have a leg to stand on either in the posting department, but I've got my suspicions and they're on you.
  15. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    I'm not particularly comfortable with the whole Ashaya thing. I feel like the way she has been posting is not the type that automatically marks her as scum, could be that this is her new scum strategy, but I feel like she is an easy person for scum to have spotlight instead of them who can take the lynch votes, questioning and attention away from them.

    Not going to vote for her right now because of that.

    I know I have been completely MIA, I apologize, am here and will get posting more.
  16. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010

    (I don't care if you switched votes. I genuinely want to know what you were thinking while writing this.)

    No one cares. Deal with it.

    I won't. Simply because I have said them before. Maybe you missed them. But I find it unlikely because the reasons are not only obvious but have been stated multiple times by several others as well. And a new one,

    If this isn't enough reason to lynch her I don't know what is.
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I thought he meant one more day in real time, rather than Mafia days, since the day ends in two real days and it's best to keep discussing things. If he's not saying that then it's a possible scumtell and we should keep our eye on him.
  18. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Getting defensive, are we? I care, so obviously someone does.

    Trolling, and day 1 votes? I'll admit that those are mildly suspicious, but hardly enough to support a quickhammer with 3 days left for discussion. I've already said that I have no problems with getting behind an Ash lynch - she hasn't been very helpful and there's some mildly suspicious behavior. I just want you to convince me (plus, why waste all this time we have for discussion?).

    Castiel cannot into reading. The edited post was by StrikerLee1. The only way Ash figured into it was the lynch vote.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

    Unless you're implying that StrikerLee changing his question about why people were voting for Ash to a statement saying that he's okay with it is a reason to lynch her? I hope you aren't, because that's just retarded.
  19. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I meant mafia day, I was just hoping we could put off lynching her until she gave more scum or town tells, just sitting back and watching is usually good.
  20. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    As I have said I have been busy and havent had time to go back and re-read every single post to make sure. Also I stated that I only changed it because I got my answer by reading up on a few of the previous posts reguarding the Ash lynch. I agree that her somewhat fast trolling to taking the game serious has caused doubts on if she really is town. At this point in the game we really dont have a full focus on exactly who is what and I admit that some actions do give off a bit of a scum read but overall Im still neutral with Ash just because I believe she has some truth to what she says but I also believe that she is trying to hide behind others and let them take the death for her. There might be a possible link between Ash and Klackerz we wont know till the game is over unless someone slips out some information.

    Ash I would advise some sort of defense because just saying that killing off a powerful town roll is bad isnt enough. Any of us could sit here and say we have a powerful town role that could potentially help in midgame/lategame but it would be treated the same way.

    I'll probably wait till later today or tomorrow to finalize my lynch vote so I can back the vote up by my own thoughts and theorys.
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