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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I guess it's time to bump this shit with monster update. Glass cut on my finger makes typing a bitch btw. Doing a lot of this from memory of days and weeks ago so forgive me if details get sketchy in the early parts.

    So yeah. After beating Clair and doing the Dragon's Den shit I grabbed Dumbo the Phanpy on the route below Blackthorn. Back to Ecruteak, Johnny Six the Lanturn trolls the Kimono Girls with his epic bulky wateryness. Thanks to the dumb geisha bitch with the Jolteon btw for the free HP. <3 Volt Absorb. Up the tower, catch Empyrea the Ho-oh. Yeah, I'm catching Legendaries for story purposes but not using them.

    Onward to Victory Road. Catch Fuck Yeah the Seaking at Tojo Falls, Knuckles the Sandslash at whatever route right before Victory Road and Tuscaloosa the Donphan in the big cave itself. Slapass gets rolled again and a lot of grinding for the big battle. Zeromus the Typhlosion to level 50, the rest to 48.

    Will gets his shit packed by Cassandra the Specspeon, who rolls and trolls with Shadow Ball. Typhlosion makes an unnecessary cameo to burn Jynx to death because I can. No damage taken.

    Koga gets serve the same one-two punch, but this time my starter is the one doing most of the fighting. No damage again, only because Koga decided to have his Crobat use Double Team rather than trying something useful. Pokemon Trainer Clint has evolved into Shinobi Master Clint, and as his reward for beating Koga he has decided to take the man's hawt daughter as his wife. Owned.

    Bruno, lol fuck this roided up faggot. Espeon out. Five Psybeams, five dead Pokemon. Next.

    Karen is a bit harder, only because I actually did get hit like once against her. Umbreon gets owned by Close Combat from Tsunade the Heracross. Murkrow comes out and gets Ice Fang'd by Uncle Phil the Mamoswine. Houndoom gets reduced to critical by Lanturn's Surf and Nasty Plots. Full Restore from Karen, reduced down again. Next turn Houndoom uses Dark Pulse for some heavy damage and dies to Surf. Vileplume gets burnt to death by Zeromus, Tsunade wastes Gengar with a crit Shadow Claw after its Focus Blast misses.

    Now for The Champ. Lance sends out Gyarados against Johnny Six. Short war of attrition with Lanturn's Discharge almost killing but not quite (damn this thing's offensive stats blow) and Gyarados doing little damage back with Waterfall. I win after a few exchanges due to Lance healing. Short story made shorter, Uncle Phil rips into Dragonite, Dragonite and Dragonite (and also Aerodactyl) like it's Thanksgiving dinner with dem frozen teeth of doom and Lanturn uses its bulk to wall and surf Charizard to death. I'm the champion. Fuck yeah. Owned. Etc.

    Boat ride to Kanto. Trainers owned. Tsunade gains a few levels.

    Vermilion City. Lt. Surge's war crimes trial is in session, the Dishonorable Judge Banks presiding. Dat nigga is guilty and I gots the rope right here. Earthquake busts Surge back down to private. I don't know whether his Electrodes can Explode but they wasted their turns trying to Double Team. LOL. Finally got a Pidgey in the route above down, don't recall what I named it.

    Saffron City, bypassing Sabrina for the moment because I can't deal with her without running major risks of losing one or more Pokemon. I will be able to do so very soon. Psychic TM goes to Cassandra the Espeon.

    Next is Celadon and Erika. Uncle Phil gets to chomp up on Jumpluff and Tangela, Zeromus comes out to deal with the more dangerous Bellossom and Victreebel. Erika manages to sets up Sunny Day, which powers up my Flamethrower from overkill to Overkill.

    Down Cycling Road, beating up bikers like a boss. You fags wish you were as cool as the Sons of Anarchy. Also caught Atrocious the Fearow here and Poopdeck the Grimer on the other side of the checkpoint. Into um...what is this city again? Oh right, Fuschia to meet mai waifu. Janine doesn't seem keen on being so and tries to hide herself among many clones. It does not work. I don't even remember what I used to sweep her, probably Espeon. Half my team is capable of wrecking Janine. Went back to Celadon, headed out of town and caught Black Bart the Murkrow. I might train it up, but I don't need to. Probably won't.

    About now is when I got Heracross to level 55 and learned Megahorn. So back to Saffron to handle Sabrina. Tsunade gets to borrow Uncle Phil's Choice Scarf for a minute. Sabrina gored into a bleeding mess with three Megahorns.

    On to Cerulean. Boring stuff. Misty dies badly to Espeon's Grass Knot. Suicune caught with only three Ultra Balls (never done it with less than 30 before...). Power Plant reactivated. Sagacious the Snorlax caught. Hans the Diglett likewise inside the cave.

    Brock clowned by Johnny Six the Lanturn. Mt. Moon, Slapass beaten down for the last time. Caught Peekaboo the Pikachu in Viridian Forest so that Lt. Surge will let me talk to him later. Currently in Pallet Town.

    Still no deaths through 14 badges.

    Shinobi Master Clint's Elite Jonin Squad

    Zeromus the Typhlosion, level 58
    Tsunade the Heracross, level 58
    Uncle Phil the Mamoswine, level 57
    Cassandra the Espeon, level 56
    Johnny Six the Lanturn, level 56
    Black Bart the Murkrow, level 17

    The Box

    Hahaha, like fuck I'm updating this shit.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 AM ----------

    Minor update. Blaine and Gary Motherfucking Oak sent to the Home For Infinite Losers. Team still intact. Looks like a perfect run if I can avoid any mistakes against Red. Currently abusing the bejeezus out of Gym Leader Rematches to get ready for the final battle. Might or might not do the Lance and Clair team battle. Doubt I will considering it's not required and the team format makes it really easy to get something KO'ed (and my teammate sucks too).
  2. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Too lazy to do Albus the Dragonite's POV, so I'll just update you guys. >.>

    Got inspired a few weeks ago and swept the whole Kanto gym circuit with my elite team of badassery. A couple died along the way, but I emerged all the better for it.

    Currently training up my two catches from Mt. Silver and the route right next to it (Ponyta and a Heracross, fuck yeah!) as well as the rest of my team for the double battle with mah rival against the dragon faggots, then the League rematch, and then Red.

    As an aside, I'm pretty damn bummed I can't get the Hoenn/Kanto starters or Beldum until I've beaten Red. I mean, what's the point, then? I dunno, I might import one of them into another Nuzlocke or something. Maybe pick up Black/White and get me some Beldum starter swag... Hm.

    Anyway, current team:

    Albus the Dragonite.

    King the Kingdra.

    Bombshell the Heracross

    Dweller the Tangrowth

    Ike the Luxray

    ??? (I can't even remember) the Rapidash.
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Man this gonna be a looooooooooooooooong grind. I had seriously forgotten how retarded high the developers set Red's levels in HG/SS. Level 88 Pikachu gah. Only another 28 or so to go to match him...

  4. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Man that Pikachu goes down like a cheap whore against any sort of STABed Earthquake.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Once you're used to competitive battling, the AI becomes a cake walk.
  6. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Woo, update time. Going from memory, and will edit this accordingly once I'm out of the League and able to access my PC box to verify names and identities; whipped through the first and second Gym's without much trouble, though I continued to grind to bring JON up to a proper five to seven level advantage.

    Picked up San Gokuu the Pansear along the way.

    Proceeded to Bug Gym and learned the definition of pain due to grass moves on a bug pokemon(screw you Leavanny and your ilk) against JON. Eventually scraped out a win and spent the next couple of hours grinding in the desert to make sure the next opponent doesn't do much the same.

    I can't recall who I picked up along the way, but sooner or later I had Irene(Pidove), metal v.2(Boldore), and I'm pretty sure I snagged Zeit the Sandile while desert grinding, who was slapped on with an EXP Share before I challenged Elessa.

    JON did better despite the type disadvantage because he's JON, c'mon; better stats dished out an easier one or two-hit success, and his endurance kept anything from getting too close to concern.

    Worked through Cold Storage, then stomped the Hick. Zeit evolved into Krokorock(sp?) somewhere between there and Flying Gym. JON finally evolved into Samurott and had little trouble.

    Proceeded to Ice Gym, no trouble, actively employing Zeit by that point and his Bite/Crunch to much success.

    Gained Ashaya the Golett in Dragonspiral Tower, mowed down the mooks, and max repelled while digging through the Relic Castle to uselessly search for the Light Stone so that I could come back down the road after the first victory.

    Whipped through Dragon Gym because Zeit+Crunch+Lucky Egg=mass leveling and superb damage. I was surprised by how effective Zeit was against the various dragons, and even the Leader didn't pose much of a threat until his Haxorus, who fell in the end without killing anyone.

    Proceeded to level up San until he hit 41, then taught him Acrobatics and annihilated Serperior in two monstrous hits. Rest of Cheren's team crumbled to Zeit as JON took the backseat.

    Carried on through Victory Road. Gained Taure the Gothorita way back in the ghost tower and leveled up to mid-forties here. Emerged, healed, and headed into the League proper.

    Demolished Shauntel with Zeit+Crunch, same to Caitlin. Brought down Marshall with JON and Zeit, the latter utilizing Earthquake+high attack stat to marginal ease.

    Grimsley likewise succumbed in much the same manner.

    Went through N's castle and healed, dropped Irene to open a free slot and then proceeded to capture Reshiram at full health in my second and last Net Ball(sidenote: I've found that most pokemon are more readily captured in this generation, even at full health, within the basic Pokeball/Premiereball and such. That's been my goal both in this Nuzlocke and regular play).

    Named 'em Vash, paralyzed Zekrom on the first turn with Dragonbreath and KO'd it on the second turn with the same.

    The rest fell rather easily, lastly being Zoroark.

    Ghetsis was more of a concern, but starting off with a fully healed team certainly took most of that away. The only one to really harass me was, IIRC, Hydreigon. It did the unthinkable and killed JON.

    My newly leveled up Zeit, having just learned Outrage right before Hydreigon came out, proceeded to rip that dragons three heads off and grind it into the dirt to avenge the lost teammate.

    Cue end scenes and credits, restart.

    Snagged my new Super Rod and set out to explore the rest of the Unova Ring.

    Eventually worked my way to a good enough level to go hunt down Volcarona, caught and named 'em Ryuugi Shi.

    Went back to the bridge with the Magikarp salesman and bought one, named VotN(Quirky, good health, atk, and spd), then grinded in the locality with an EXP Share attached to hit twenty and evolve into a bitching Gyarados.

    Continued on my way and headed back to Undella town, where I picked up metal v.2, double checked my supplies, and slid a Razor Claw onto Zeit before going after Cynthia's head.

    Gentlemen, that battle was harrowing.

    Luck and luck alone provided me with my victory against her, as moves that would have killed Zeit or Ryuugi Shi missed twice.

    I crunched through Spiritomb in two hits despite its evasion tactic, drove through Milotic by two misses that would have killed if they had hit me, and scored severe damage against Garchomp through Zeit's Outrage. The first brought it down to slightly less than the midway point and it Dragonrush'd me in turn, but rather than do so twice and obliterate Zeit as expected, it used Crunch or Stone Edge(of which I can not be sure), brought me to the red, and in turn was taken low enough to be Full Restored by Cynthia.

    Here's where luck struck again, as the third Outrage struck without confusion and with a critical, fainting Garchomp in one move.

    Swapped to metal v.2 as Bravery was announced.

    Sturdy can be a remarkable ability if you abuse it correctly, as I did here. My level 23 or so Boldore pulled through every hit, as I hyper potioned first Zeit, than the Boldore over and over again. When Bravery missed, I healed Ryuugi Shi in turn, all the while letting it whittle its own health down with Brave Bird while Retaliate was wasted over and over again.

    Eventually it was at the moderate yellow range and I regrettably sacrificed the Boldore so that Zeit could be guaranteed a successful Crunch to put it down.

    Ryuugi Shi+Heatwave scorched Lucario to a crisp, but it was a close call against Eelectros due to its Levitate when I returned to Zeit.

    Crunch once more put it down with about 60 or so HP remaining to my Krookodile.

    And VotN gained close to eleven or better levels in a single battle.

    After a little more prep work here and there, I finally returned to the League and mowed down Shauntel and Caitlin easily, Grimsley with a little more effort, and am about to engage Marshall at the current save point.

    Zeit the Krookodile(F)
    Lv. 76, Adamant, 253/258/125/106/129/190
    Dig, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage.

    Ryuugi Shi the Volcarona(M)
    Lv. 71, Timid, 210/84/110/215/164/185
    Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, Heat Wave, Bug Buzz.

    Vash the Reshiram
    Lv. 51, Lonely, 170/147/106/163/135/112
    Base moves.

    Taure the Gothitelle(M :facepalm)
    Lv. 49, Serious, 129/67/108/100/127/72
    Charge Beam, Psychock, Psychic, Future Sight.

    VotN the Gyarados(M)
    Lv. 45, Quirky, 153/129/78/68/102/92
    Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Bite, Dragon Dance.

    LrdRavnclw the Fearow(F)
    Lv. 60, Sassy, 166/117/98/88/97/113
    Fly, Roost, Drill Peck, Drill Run.
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Started a new Nuzlocke for Ruby with the added rules of no doubles, can only have 6 pokemon at a time period, and no buying items. Purely democratic run with input from IRL friends.

    Started the game and Torchic was voted as my starter and then named Corona. Managed to make it to May and beat her without encountering any pokemon. Got the pokeballs then caught a female Wurmple named Merlot. Then caught a female Poochyena named Eden. Finally caught a female Seedot named Penny.
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Oh, I know. I beat Red with a sub-70 team the last time I ran the game IIRC. But I couldn't avoid having several Pokemon KO'ed in doing so and I don't want to ruin my perfect game.
  9. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    Yeah his Snorlax is an outrageous cunt. So make sure you have a decent fighting move and a pokemon that can absorb the attacks it'll dish out.
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Next update and probably the final, barring Morimoto or Cheren or the Legendaries.

    Took a moment to attach Substitute to Ryuugi Shi in the hope that it could null some of the agony to come; it did not, for the most part.

    Ryuugi Shi Heat Waved Breloom in one hit, swap to Zeit to Crunch at Sawk and get past that stupid Sturdy ability it shouldn't have and ate a Close Combat in turn, cutting me to 17 HP. Earthquake polishes it off and out comes Mienshao.

    Full Restore, take a Fake Out, than Earthquake for a OHKO. Throh comes forth and Zeit is swapped for Ryuugi Shi again, wasting all four of the Substitute PP available due to sweeping Earthquakes in return.

    Irritated, Quiver Dance is chosen as Earthquake only dishes out about seventy or eighty damage, barring critical's that hit all too often.

    Hyper Potion and Quiver Dance off and on as required, watching as it tries out Superpower, Retaliate, and laughably Grass Knot to less and less success.

    After the sixth Quiver Dance, Ryuugi Shi rapes Throh in one hit with Bug Buzz, demolishes Conkeldurr, and wipes out Toxicroak the same.

    Now reminded of why I kept a stat booster on my Serperior in the other version all the way to level 100, I head into Alder with my game plan set.

    Quiver Dance as Accelgor Bug Buzz's to minimal effect, Hyper Potion twice to be sure of victory ahead, and finally Heat Wave it. Bug Buzz+Heat Wave annihilate the rest of Alder's team in a single hit.

    Cue victory speech, Hall of Fame at last, and completion of the Challenge proper.

    Final Stats:

    Zeit@76, Ryuugi Shi@72, Vash@51, Taure@49, VotN@50, LrdRavnclw@60.

    19:57 or so hours to true, final victory. It has not been a pleasure, but it has been irritably fun. I only had three or four deaths from start to finish, and I am quite glad its over.

    The only question now is do I extend the rules for the rest of the save file and go through further misery or just play casually from this point on. I'll probably end up trading everyone over to White in the end and restart again some day, like I did the first time through Black.
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I think I'm going to start a new game to keep me interested while I continue to do this exhaustive Gym Leader grinding. I still have a good ways to go and I'm losing interest so I'm going to have to take it kinda slow. Will probably finish HG within a week or so.

    Still, Emerald or Fire Red/Leaf Green is the question of the moment. Not interested in playing Platinum right now and I've already done a White run.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

    EDIT: Nothing to see here. Still working on the HG grind, just got really annoyed with a goofup I made in forgetting to save after going up several levels rematching Bugsy.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Started an Emerald run yesterday.

    Selected Strong Bad the Torchic as my starter. Prolly ought to have taken Mudkip due to its ability to troll most of the early gyms, but whatever.

    After doing the beginning diddly doo and beating up on May, caught Dermple the Wurmple on Route 101 outside Littleroot. Into Oldale Town, and quick stop in Route 103 adds Leopold the Poochyena. Back to Oldale, onto Route 102 towards Petalburg. Caught Watercress the Lotad. All three of these jobbers boxed. Helped some AIDS baby catch a Ralts because my dad's an asshole named Norman and made me. Should have kicked him out of the way and caught it for myself but whatever.

    Route 104 adds Pikablu the Marill. Boxed. Into Petalburg Woods, hoping for a Shroomish or a Taillow to bolster my team a little. Instead I got lucky and nabbed LORD SERA the Slakoth. Awesome. Also beat up some Team Aqua faggot and some Bug Catchers. Trained up Strong Bad here until it evolved into Combusken so I could take Rustboro Gym.

    Said gym falls without incident. Roxanne managed to get off a Rock Tomb but wasted the remainder of her time feeding Potions to her Nosepass as Strong Bad whittled it down with Double Kick.

    Route 116 brings in Konohamaru the Nincada to serve as an early-game HM slave. To that effect, it gets Cut. Used a Repel as I entered Whismur Cave or whatever it's called. Might be using that place to Rock Smash for a Geodude later so I don't want to waste my encounter getting a worthless Whismur. Beat down another Aquafag. Forgot about the May battle here, and her Torkoal proved to be annoying as shit to get rid of. Had to switch from Lord Sera to Strong Bad after she managed to set up with Curse due to shitty Truant ability. Meh, still won without losing anything.

    On to Dewford Town.

    Pick up a few goodies on the island. Silk Scarf goes onto Lord Sera. Old Rod allows me to fish up Herman the Tentacool on Route 106. Into Granite Cave, use a Repel to get to the second basement level in hopes of getting a Zubat (didn't want the very common Makuhita that appears on the first floor since I have a Fighter already). I never, ever thought I would say that I wanted a Zubat. I needed something to handle Brawly, since both of my Pokemon were physical attackers and he would rape them to death. Knew I couldn't kill his Makuhita fast enough to stop it from setting up with Bulk Up and then murdering me with Vital Throw.

    No such luck. Mechazilla the Aron caught. Fuck.

    Had to get creative. Sailed back to Petalburg and grabbed a couple X Attacks. Battled through Dewford Gym with Combusken and Vigoroth (it evolved, yay).

    Brawly himself is a bit tougher. I used the X Attacks to set up against his Machop and ate a Karate Chop in the process. Meditite tried to use Focus Punch, but got OHKO'ed by Peck. Makuhita out, Peck reduces it to near death. Bulk Up and Sitrus Berry activated. Second Peck is juuuuust enough to kill it, and if that hadn't been the case I might well have been fucked.

    Did the whole Granite Cave thing, went to Slateport and owned yet more Aquafags. Mandragora the Oddish caught on Route 110. Took some time to train Oddish up against the resident wild Pokemon and headed onwards Mauville. May got rid of the Torkoal thankfully, easy win. Now about to challenge Wattson sans the Geodude I would normally have here. Just going to hope that my present team can carry the day. I don't think I have too much to be concerned about though.

    The Strong Bads

    Strong Bad the Combusken - Level 24
    Lord Sera the Vigoroth - Level 22
    Mandragora the Gloom - Level 22
    Konohamaru the Nincada - Level 6

    Homestar's Jobbers

    Dermple the Wurmple
    Leopold the Poochyena
    Watercress the Lotad
    Pikablu the Marill
    Herman the Tentacool
    Mechazilla the Aron
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Started an Emerald run yesterday.

    Selected Strong Bad the Torchic as my starter. Prolly ought to have taken Mudkip due to its ability to troll most of the early gyms, but whatever.

    After doing the beginning diddly doo and beating up on May, caught Dermple the Wurmple on Route 101 outside Littleroot. Into Oldale Town, and quick stop in Route 103 adds Leopold the Poochyena. Back to Oldale, onto Route 102 towards Petalburg. Caught Watercress the Lotad. All three of these jobbers boxed. Helped some AIDS baby catch a Ralts because my dad's an asshole named Norman and made me. Should have kicked him out of the way and caught it for myself but whatever.

    Route 104 adds Pikablu the Marill. Boxed. Into Petalburg Woods, hoping for a Shroomish or a Taillow to bolster my team a little. Instead I got lucky and nabbed LORD SERA the Slakoth. Awesome. Also beat up some Team Aqua faggot and some Bug Catchers. Trained up Strong Bad here until it evolved into Combusken so I could take Rustboro Gym.

    Said gym falls without incident. Roxanne managed to get off a Rock Tomb but wasted the remainder of her time feeding Potions to her Nosepass as Strong Bad whittled it down with Double Kick.

    Route 116 brings in Konohamaru the Nincada to serve as an early-game HM slave. To that effect, it gets Cut. Used a Repel as I entered Whismur Cave or whatever it's called. Might be using that place to Rock Smash for a Geodude later so I don't want to waste my encounter getting a worthless Whismur. Beat down another Aquafag. Forgot about the May battle here, and her Torkoal proved to be annoying as shit to get rid of. Had to switch from Lord Sera to Strong Bad after she managed to set up with Curse due to shitty Truant ability. Meh, still won without losing anything.

    On to Dewford Town.

    Pick up a few goodies on the island. Silk Scarf goes onto Lord Sera. Old Rod allows me to fish up Herman the Tentacool on Route 106. Into Granite Cave, use a Repel to get to the second basement level in hopes of getting a Zubat (didn't want the very common Makuhita that appears on the first floor since I have a Fighter already). I never, ever thought I would say that I wanted a Zubat. I needed something to handle Brawly, since both of my Pokemon were physical attackers and he would rape them to death. Knew I couldn't kill his Makuhita fast enough to stop it from setting up with Bulk Up and then murdering me with Vital Throw.

    No such luck. Mechazilla the Aron caught. Fuck.

    Had to get creative. Sailed back to Petalburg and grabbed a couple X Attacks. Battled through Dewford Gym with Combusken and Vigoroth (it evolved, yay).

    Brawly himself is a bit tougher. I used the X Attacks to set up Strong Bad against his Machop and ate a Karate Chop in the process. Meditite tried to use Focus Punch, but got OHKO'ed by Peck. Makuhita out, Peck reduces it to near death. Bulk Up and Sitrus Berry activated. Second Peck is juuuuust enough to kill it, and if that hadn't been the case I might well have been fucked.

    Did the whole Granite Cave thing, went to Slateport and owned yet more Aquafags. Mandragora the Oddish caught on Route 110. Took some time to train Oddish up against the resident wild Pokemon and headed onwards Mauville. May got rid of the Torkoal thankfully, easy win. Now about to challenge Wattson sans the Geodude I would normally have here. Just going to hope that my present team can carry the day. I don't think I have too much to be concerned about though.

    The Strong Bads

    Strong Bad the Combusken - Level 24
    Lord Sera the Vigoroth - Level 22
    Mandragora the Gloom - Level 22
    Konohamaru the Nincada - Level 6

    Homestar's Jobbers

    Dermple the Wurmple
    Leopold the Poochyena
    Watercress the Lotad
    Pikablu the Marill
    Herman the Tentacool
    Mechazilla the Aron
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
  14. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    You lucky bitch. What're the odds of actually getting a Tentacool instead of a Magikarp with the Old Rod?

    Anyway. I started up a Nuzlocke run of Heart Gold this week. Chose Cyndaquil as my starter, since Feraligator is a shittier Gyarados and we'll not get into how much dick Meganium sucks. Went up to Mr. Pokemon's house without incident, murdering a few bugs and the occasional Rattata on the way. Going back, run into this total douche who challenges me. After I proceed to destroy his Totodile with Cyndaquil, he runs off like a little bitch.

    I return to New Bark Town without incident, where I'm hauled into Elm's lab. It seems the guy is incapable of defending a pokeball, which explains the douche having a Totodile. After I leave, Lyra shows me how to catch Pokemon. It's pretty obvious she wants my dick, but I let her think I don't know.

    On the way to Cherrygrove I run into a Sentret. It falls to three tackles from Cyndaquil and I move on. On the way I consider going up to route 43 and picking up a Geodude to destroy Falkner with, but decide against it.

    Passing through Cherrygrove, I come to Route 30, where I catch a Pidgey. Cool, Pidgeot doesn't suck complete ass, if it makes it that far. I train the Pidgey until it's even with Cyndaquil, then proceed up the route. Run into Youngster Joey, the little bastard wants my phone number. I give it to him, gotta give back to the community.

    I battle past all the trainers and arrive on Route 31, where a single Bug Catcher stands between me and Violet City. Ember and Gust devastates his team, and I enter Violet City with Lyra giving me a Vs. Recorder. It becomes difficult to resist the urge to tell her how obvious she's being.

    I make a bee-line for Sprout Tower in an attempt to get Pidgey and Cyndaquil to evolve before I fight Falkner, but those hopes are dashed when the first Sage I come across is using level 3 Bellsprouts. My next hope is to get a Gastly while there, but these hopes are also dashed in the form of a Rattata. I have now arrived at the top floor and am preparing to fight the Elder.

    Team Status;

    Cyndaquil, Level 11
    Pidgey, Level 11

    [Note that I forgot about having to name my Pokemon, so names are open until I get to Goldenrod and the Name Rater. Names are first come, first serve. If I have any takers, that is.]
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    30%. Honestly I got a lot luckier in nabbing my Slakoth. Same with Oddish. Though in both cases I was gunning after something else (Shroomish and Electrike).
  16. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Back again.

    Nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. Wattson's Manectric is a bleeding pain in the ass. End up having to swap my three Pokemon around and fight a battle of attrition, using sleep (via Vigoroth's Yawn and Gloom's Sleep Powder) to slowly wear Manectric down and exhaust Wattson's supply of Super Potions. Do eventually win, but not without a couple of close calls.

    Okay. So, after that I head west towards Verdanturf Town. Caught Mina the Illumise on Route 116 on the way. I said earlier that I wanted to Rock Smash a Geodude in the tunnel. Well, I fucked that up. See, I didn't get one on the first run through and then I saved, assuming the rocks would respawn and let me try again. Wrong. End up catching Marzipan the Whismur because meh. Also get Strength HM.

    Back to Mauville and north onto Route 111 towards Fallarbor. Troll the Winstrates with Mandragora the Gloom. Don't catch anything in the grass here because I want to use the desert later. More trainers, into Route 112 where I catch a female Numel who shall remain nameless. Those of you old school enough to know, know. Yo. Thank you, come again.

    Fiery Path, Marlena the Torkoal added. To Route 113. Come on Skarmory. Yeah, as if. Panda-chan the Spinda grudginly caught. Fallarbor, grab Dig TM but don't use it. Route 114 yields a lot of beaten up Fishermen and Hikers, as well as Kumo the Swablu. Catch nothing in Meteor Falls in case I decide I want to make a run at a Bagon much later on. Route 115 has no reachable grass and lots of Battle Girls.

    Back through Rustboro, take the tunnel and to Mt. Chimney. Time to whoop on on Team Magma. Plow through the mooks and then it's Maxie Time. Seriously, where's Giovanni? Cyrus? I'll even settle for N. The Pokecrooks in Hoenn suck balls. Anyway. Strong Bad the Combusken against Maxie. Bulk Up on the first turn to counteract Mightyena's Intimidate, and take a weak Bite. From there, easy sweeping with Double Kick on the mutt and Camerupt, and Ember deals with Golbat.

    Meteorite recovered, give it to Professor Dumbass for a Return TM that gloriously goes onto Lord Sera the Vigoroth. Yay, no more relying on mother fucking Scratch to deal damage! Back up the mountain, where I laugh down at some faggoty Hiker trudging up the slopes from my boss seat on the skilift. Catch Porky the Spoink as I descend the slopes. I do need a Psychic type, but I'm not quite yet desperate enough to consider using Grumpig. I get a Charcoal for Strong Bad and an Egg when I get to Lavaridge.

    Flannery's Gym is nothing but a huge mess of trainers to be owned by Lord Sera and his new sweeper move. Max happiness Return ftfw. Flannery herself, pretty much the same (I think her Camerupt tried to use Focus Energy or something, not sure why) until she sends out her last Pokemon, the always annoying tank Torkoal. I trap her with Encore when she sets up Sunny Day. She keeps using that to no effect while I boost up with a couple X Attacks and ruin her with Return. Another gym owned.

    Now I can go to the desert. Win. First into Mirage Tower. Nettles the Sandshrew caught, Claw Fossil obtained. Outside in the sands, Deidara the Baltoy caught and added to the Strong Bads. Now I have a Psychic anyway and fuck Grumpig forever. Train the new hero up to par with the old heroes, and here I leave for another day or two. Next on the agenda is beating dad's ass.

    The Strong Bads

    Strong Bad the Combusken, Level 32
    Lord Sera the Vigoroth, Level 32
    Mandragora the Gloom, Level 32
    Deidara the Baltoy, Level 32
    Mechazilla the Rock Smash Slaving Aron, Level 10
    An Egg

    Homestar's Jobbers

    Dermple the Wurmple
    Leopold the Poochyena
    Watercress the Lotad
    Pikablu the Marill
    Herman the Tentacool
    Konohamaru the Nincada
    Mina the Illumise
    Marzipan the Whismur
    ??? the Numel
    Marlena the Torkoal
    Panda-chan the Spinda
    Kumo the Swablu
    Porky the Spoink
    Nettles the Sandshrew
  17. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Traveller's Log, Day Whenever.

    The Traveller picked up The Traveller's journey after two months of lazing around Canalave City (THAT LIBRARY. GOSH). The Traveller needed the break, but The Traveller is back now with a fury. Some things have changed, but the core team hasn't since Pen's death. Willow the Sudowoodo was killed by a Hiker's Geodude - they have Explosion now. THE GEODUDES HAVE EXPLOSION/THE PHONE BOX - and then Echo the Chatot, caught along the way to Canalave, later fell victim to Saturn's Toxicroak. But that's inconsequential. The Traveller is used to such losses.

    Stormy the Empoleon, Sir Ricket the Kricketune, Copper the Bronzong and Vee the Jolteon are still kicking ass and taking names, Stormy especially perfecting the art of killing two Pokemon at once with a devastating Surf attack on six separate occasions - yay double battles! Those four raped Byron for The Traveller handily. All good there.

    The true reason for The Traveller's log is to gloat just a little bit. On the way to Snowpoint, on Route 216, the first encounter was with a Meditite. A shiny Meditite. The odds of a first encounter being a shiny like that... well, the PokeGods be shining on The Traveller today. The Meditite was captured and nicknamed Phoebe, and will become a staple of The Traveller's team with a bit of training - a good fighter is a good fighter, after all, and it's fucking shiny man! Onwards!

    Traveller out.
  18. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Last play session ended with Penny the Nuzleaf dying to a crit Leech Life from a Zubat.

    Still grinding to face the 2nd gym at the moment.
  19. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Traveller's Log:

    There are two leading causes for the deaths of the Geodude/Graveler population in Sinnoh: The Traveller, and Selfdestruct. When most see The Traveller coming, they choose the Selfdestruct option.

    Phoebe discovered that the hard way.

    This after being trained up for a while and evolving into a Medicham, and having a dozen close calls in between.

    And she would've killed the Graveler had her High Jump Kick not missed, kept her going, and then she crashed.

    The Selfdestruct being a critical hit was overkill.

    Fuck The Traveller's Life.

    Traveller out.


    The lesson here kids: Just because it's shiny and you caught it in Nuzlocke and come on how cool is that, that doesn't change the fact it's still a fucking Meditite/Medicham, and Gravelers are cunts. Current team is just Stormy, Sir Ricket, Copper and Vee, all Level 44. Heading up to Snowpoint, hoping to find a somedat Snover for the team. I'd name it Christmas. Watch this space.
  20. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Awhhh :(

    I liked your Medicham D: