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Welcome to the Jungle

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Jon, May 12, 2012.

  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    We've got fun and games!

    Who are you people maining as jungles these days?

    Lee Sin, Gangplank, Mundo, Shyvanna. These are my current ones. :nyan:
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  2. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    I really need to practice jungling more o,o I can Riven and Xin Zhao jungle, that's it :(
  3. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Jarvan Malphite Nautilus
  4. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Amumu, Rammus, Alistar, Wukong, Skarner, Udyr (Prefer Tiger over Phoenix), Lee Sin, Mundo, Nocturne, Nautilus

    Yeah. . . Don't really have a main but I prefer these guys over others.

    I tend to prefer the gank-oriented junglers and get antsy if my laners don't help with a gank. I can usually pull off shit even if they're under tower range, but few ever help me do it.

    I'm also really annoyed by the junglers who don't seem to know how to bypass wards. Like, seriously. Is going through the enemy jungle or coming from our tower into bush really that hard?

    Also, laners who don't check ward positions or check enemy inventory for wards. Seriously, that's annoying.
    Last edited: May 12, 2012
  5. Lb13

    Lb13 Second Year

    Feb 18, 2011
    I mainly jungle Jax, Olaf, Yi, Skarner, Udyr, and Alistar, and I am learning Lee Sin.
  6. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Amumu is my main jungle, but if we've got enough CC and we need more damage, then I can jungle Olaf, who in all honesty I prefer to jungle with than lane.
  7. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Mainly jungle Maokai, Alistar, Shyvana, Riven, Udyr, Lee Sin

    Sometimes jungle Wukong, Yi, Jax, Skarner, Nocturne
  8. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I don't jungle too often, since for whatever reason, the 'group' of people that I regularly play with work better if I'm in a lane-carry role(rarely does the team seem to get enough kills otherwise). That being said, when I do jungle, it's usually Sejuani primarily, with Nautilus or Hecarim secondary.

    I've done Riven jungle, and a few others, but the above three are the ones I turn to first if I end up in the Jungler role.

    (Extremely rarely, I'll do Evelynn roaming, after Sheen/Boots2/Level6, in place of a jungler, and usually to great effect. I use to do it more often, but that lane-carry comment from above applies.)
  9. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    I used to jungle almost solely Fiddlesticks in the old jungle, was my best character all the way. Nowadays I jungle with Yi, Olaf, Shyvanna, Cassiopeia, Udyr(Tiger) and rarely with Corporate Mundo.

    Though my friend group usually has people more willing to jungle, and I end up as the AD carry again and again because I'm about the only one who doesn't get shat on there regularly.
  10. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Jax, Jarvan, or Skarner. I had to malphite jungle the other day (don't ask) and it was alright, but he seems like a jungle that really wants to gank. I'm too busy farming normally to gank unless it's Jax, which I know doesn't fit with what people expect, but near the end game as Jarvan I can tank towers so well that I set up kills by tanking tower.
  11. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    I find myself jungling a lot in solo queue, and I hate it. But I play Malphite, Malphite, Malphite and Malphite in the jungle. Oh, and Skarner when he's free. Somehow, I almost always get a win as jungle Malphite.

    I also taught all my RL friends the basics of jungle Malphite and made them pick him up (he's a 1350 I think), so that I could say "screw you guys, someone else jungle, I am playing AD Carry".

    But seriously, jungle Malphite is actually very strong. Super-safe jungle, and almost invulnerable to your opposing jungle unless it's a fiddlesticks.

    Plus Malphite in mid-late game is an absolute boss of a tank with Frozen Heart/Randuins Omen/Force of Nature. And he shuts down enemy ADs so hard it isn't even funny (for the other team).
  12. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Malphite. <3
  13. justbrowsing

    justbrowsing Seventh Year

    May 17, 2009
    How do you build this awesome malphite jungler? I want to try it out. All I use to jungle really is Shyvana.
  14. Super Bunny

    Super Bunny Fourth Year

    Dec 13, 2010
    How do you learn how to jungle? I know DLP is all about manning up and growing an Eiffel Tower sized penis and all, but I just get so sad when I fuck up jungling because I've never done it before and jew my team. And I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't have a 2k elo friend spectating and coaching me or whatever. T_T
  15. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

    First of all, who do you want to jungle? There are certain subsets of jungles.

    Ones who gank quickly.

    Ones who farm.

    Ones who counter-jungle and fuck over the enemy jungle.
  16. Super Bunny

    Super Bunny Fourth Year

    Dec 13, 2010
    I'm not sure. I own Udyr, Riven, Mundo, and Jax. Mundo and Jax are ugly, though, so I don't want to play them.

    I read the guides, and I think to myself, np I can do this. Then I get counter jungled and die a lot, or gank and kill someone before I die a lot, or gank and do nothing because I fail at using Udyr's bear stance and subsequently die a lot, or something else happens that's really die-a-lot-ish.

    I think my map awareness is okay, but only to the extent where I know shit's going down, and I KNOW I need to be there...but I'm on the opposite side of the map. Team fights are done by the time I show up. I'm very reactionary, so I don't know how to predict when I need to be somewhere at the right time.

    Also, unrelated question: is it better to continuously play against better people and feed, or start vs'ng low levels and work up? I ask because my friend uses my first League account to smurf, since I have more money than brain cells and bought every single champ -_- He gets the account to very high ranked/hidden elo, so when I play, I get matched with people who completely outclass me. I tank that elo, but he gets it back up within a day.

    My friends say that it's better to play on that account anyways, because I don't want to pick up bad habits from low elo play. But if I start out against high elo players, I only feed and am useless by mid game. My team rages and threatens to report (I don't know why I haven't been banned yet on this first account), because they look at the ranked elo and think I was intentionally feeding. Thoughts?
  17. justbrowsing

    justbrowsing Seventh Year

    May 17, 2009
    When I first started playing I would play a lot with my friend who was already level 30. This put me in games with people much better than I was, especially considering I had been playing less than a month. While I did suck for a while and made an effort to also play with people my own level, it was very helpful. The most helpful thing about playing with better people is the ability to watch them. You can see all of the little things they do and then add that to your own game. Most of my learning came from seeing why I was sucking, seeing why they weren't sucking, and then changing to be more like them.
  18. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Ignoring the baffling statement of buying every champion...

    I will point out one thing at least about jungling. If you have only played as jungle as solo/duo-queue, then I can hardly be surprised by the lackluster appeal that it has had. The Jungler, perhaps moreso than any other role, will benefit from playing with a pre-made team(or at least majority pre-made). Pinging to say that you are going to gank, and relying on randoms to tell you if lanes are warded, is nothing compared to the (hopeful) coordination that comes with everybody being on the same page. Using a voice chat program, be it Vent, TS, Skype or otherwise, also greatly enhances this experience.

    That being said, Jon made an excellent point. Some junglers excel at quickly clearing the jungle, and can easily keep up, more or less, in levels and farm with the lanes. Others serve their best purpose attempting to setup ganks, or even simply damage and burn the summoner spells of enemy champions. It's worth noting that even if you don't kill the enemy champion, if you can lower their health enough that they lose confidence in lane, or simply force a summoner spell to insure a follow-up gank(note:try to get that follow-up gank before the summoner comes off CD, eh?), it's still a net gain for the lane that you went to.

    One simple concept, is that if you and/or the lanes have access to some chain-able snares and stuns, then you should most definitely take advantage of that fact. Coordinate usage of Ultimates and Summoner spells when ganking a lane, and take note even in the loading screen if one or more of the enemy champions decided to go to lane without an escape move such as Flash or Ghost. Those should be targets of choice, as they will be the easiest to kill.

    Also, even if your Ultimate has a long cooldown, in the early-mid game, it's reasonably rare for multiple team-fights to break out within that time frame. As such, it's usually worth it to use your Ultimate if it will secure a kill that would have been missed otherwise.
  19. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Additionally, never underestimate, even in solo-queue, the power of asking top or bottom to start letting their opponent push the lane so you can gank easier.

    I cannot count how many times I have come out of my jungle with red+blue and my ult up as Malphite, and been unable to gank a lane because they are all pushed. Even a little bit of communication goes a long way.

    Also, Oracle's Elixir can be a downright godly item on a jungler in solo-queue. Your team probably won't tell you if the enemy is warding, but you can usually figure it out if you pay attention to the other teams items with TAB. If they are, an oracle's will screw with them, but only buy it if you are certain you won't be dying.
  20. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    I really hate scumbag Shaco. The team defends and helps with blue/wolves but the top solo doesn't really know how to defend red. He steals my red, puts a few boxes down nearby and sits in the bush while I come in with the first blue then bam, feared, shiv to the back, dead. Now I'm at least a level behind and down by two buffs.

    Aside from warding the hell out of my own jungle, how do I deal with that sort of countering? Should I start red instead and ask the two from bot lane to defend blue?

    I've yet to be successful with early/frequent ganks, I prefer using Malphite's phenomenal clear speed to level up enough for my ult.

    However, I've seen lvl 2 ganks from Lee Sin and Twitch wrecking mid. My friend often charged down the river to bot as Udyr, even though 1. we weren't on any voice chat, 2. the enemy warded and I warned him of this, 3. our AD carry was a bit slow on the uptake. He got us two kills and when the enemy jungler came scrambling, we beat his ass pretty handily too.

    I think what makes a successful gank is the willingness of the laners to follow through as much as it is the skill of the jungler.
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