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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    With the whole 'dragons/unicorns running rampant' thing - wouldn't they take these with them? I mean, you'd think with endangered species especially they'd want to take as many magical plants and animals as possible for wands cores and potion ingredients.
  2. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I think he meant roaming free on the new wizard planet, rather than kept in hiding on Earth.
  3. yhtomitrebo

    yhtomitrebo Second Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    Would wizards really need to 'find' a suitable world? Couldn't they just create one on the far side of the sun to prevent muggles from seeing them? Just summon some trash from beyond the Kuiper cliff and no one would know about it. (Besides, you know, reflection, pull on the sun and other celestial bodies would be unmistakable, magic, etc..) There is speculation that a Mars sized planet exists between 52-55 AU from the sun, just grab that. Bingo, instant planet.
    Actually pondering over this, I would think the hardest part to explain would not be getting a rock with similar composition to Earth, but generating movement/pressure/heat in the core of the planet to kick start plate tectonics.
    Even populating the new planet with life wouldn't be hard (for wizards). Sow the seeds, some time/space magic, and presto! Plant and animal life thriving for a millenia in a few short weeks! Totally populated planet!
    LOL, Brains Chia Earth come to life!
  4. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Actually I had an idea a while back, which is supposed to be kind of a HP-Foundation crossover. Essentially it boils down to Harry secretly helping Muggles develop space-faring technologies and encouraging deep-space exploration, to the point that Muggles discovered multiple planets that can sustain human life.

    The reason behind his life's work, though, is so that Wizardkind and magical folks can have the planet Earth for themselves; while overtly it is a move for Muggles to strive space-ward, it is also supposed to revitalize a stagnant magical world.

    I'm combining Harry with shades of Hari Seldon and Han Fastolfe: with a vision for the future but not sacrificing the potential of others.
  5. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    This whole Idea reminds me a bit of A Magical World by Miranda Flairgold. Which I quite liked, but many here disagree. It would be very hard to do well, still I'd like to see it done.
  6. Darthgrim

    Darthgrim First Year

    Nov 11, 2011
    Umm? I'm like 99% sure that we can see things on the other side of the sun, or at least know that they exist.
  7. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    The L3 point is invisible except for probes. The only method to know if there was a planet there would be observing it's gravitational effects on other planets and sun (so yes, we would know if it was there). But I'm sure a terraforming spacefaring magical population could easily mask those effects. Or if it really became a problem annihilate the human population on Earth. I kind of fail to see the importance of the statute of secrecy if you are leaving Earth behind.

    That could of course provide an interesting setting on itself: Harry living on "post-apocalyptic" Earth where the space-wizards are openly doing muggle-hunting raids for sport (And slaves. Every evil civilization, no matter how advanced, needs slaves.) and the left over magicals and new muggleborns are persecuted by the muggles.
  8. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    And I almost forgot why I keep the guy in the basement. But seriously, even North Korea doesn't have them, and they are insane.

    I don't know about the general idea, though. Would need lots of work to be interesting as it has really lots of potential for falling flat.
  9. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    I came up with my own space wizards idea a while back but it never went anywhere. It went something like this.

    The non-storybook version? In 1899 Albus and Grindelwald get into their canon fight, and Dumbledore's sister is killed. Grindelwald then flees and by 1900 has claimed the Elder Wand. Unlike canon, however, Dumbeldore is far more proactive, actively hunting down Grindelwald to avenge his sister. He finds Grindelwald in 1901 and the two fight. Dumbeldore wins and claims the wand. With the grief of his sister's death still so fresh, he tries to use the Elder Wand to bring her back and more or less hacks a hole in the universe. This is bad. The hole grows, falls into the centre of the Earth and starts to tear the planet apart. Divination starts going crazy all over the world and the Wizarding World figures out if not what’s going on, at least what the end result will be. They also realise they can't stop it.

    Unable to stop the destruction of the Earth, the Wizarding World turns its attention to the only thing it can do: escape. The ICW calls an emergency session and dozens ideas a mooted about, from super portkeys, to giant broomsticks to even more outlandish things. Finally, the ICW votes and a binding decision is made: the Wizarding World will transfigure dragons, making them grow huge and able to live in space. These dragons take to the sky, filled with wizards, and it is in these dragons wizards live to the present day.

    This brings me to one of the key ideas in this story: Æmelioration, the art of using Transfiguration to change the magical properties of a creature. Æmelioration is what's it's called when you use transfiguration to change one magical creature into another, including new creatures never before seen (like when Wizards were transfigured to create Quintaped in canon). For the purpose of this story, I'd adopting the 'all magical creatures were made by wizards' idea as true. Wizards created dragons and unicorns and everything in between with transfiguration. Dragons, for example, were an attempt by Mesopotamian wizard-kings to transform themselves into living gods. It worked for a while, but as the years dragged on their ability to truly 'think' degraded and they eventually surrendered to their dragon forms' bestial natures. All dragons alive today can draw decent from these kings and queens.

    Wizards also used Æmelioration on themselves without changing into magical creatures. Inheritable magical talents like those possessed by Metamorphmagi and Parselmouths were created using Æmelioration, but doing so is very dangerous. They were made by dark wizards, who scarified dozens of wizards before they produced a stable strain.

    That was the past, though. In the future of space dwelling wizards the techniques and spells developed in the creation and management of star dragons have sharpened those age old skills. The Wizarding World has gone a bit wild with it in fact, transfiguring themselves to have incredible metabolisms, perfect balance and coordination, night sight, magical vision and so on. Some have been gone even further adopting extra limbs or having their bodies adapted to whatever job they do.

    Of course, not everything in hunky-dory in space wizard land. Living on dragons is not an easy life and there is still a deep seated fear that any given planet they try to settle on could randomly blow up underneath them. Of course some of the younger generation is starting to question this (to them Earth is only a story) but the older generation holds power for now.

    Without a planet to provide ingredients, potions as a discipline pretty much no longer exists. The stores they brought with them are long gone and the few remaining seeds and cuttings are fearsly guarded prizes. Worst still, though, is the lack of wand wood. With the aid of magic, the wizards can grow some plants but wand quality wood is something else entirely. The few remaining wood-wands are priceless relics, passed down through family lines. Everyone else has to make do with dragon-wands, wands made from dragon heartstring and sheathed in dragon bone, horn or tooth. They are not nearly as good and are seldom a good match for a given wizards.

    There are more active enemies too.

    When the end of the world was near, the wizards looked at their fellow magical races and knew there was no room for them aboard the dragons. There was barely enough room for all the wizards and a handful of muggles, the families of muggleborns, squibs and non-wizards spouses. Towards that end, the wand use laws were torn up and the other magical races told to find their own way to save themselves, with all the aid the wizards could give without decreasing their own chance to survival.

    What befell most of these races is unknown but the tale of the Goblins is known to all. Despite being given wands and books to learn form, the goblins were not happy. When the moment of dragon take off neared, the goblins used their new wands to storm three of the dragons, kill the wizards and flee into space themselves. These goblins still exist and they prowl the out-system, occasionally diving in-system to hunt as pirates. Their dragons are fearsome things, beast driven half man by their inhuman masters and armoured with plates of goblin metal, fused directly to their flesh.

    Another threat are the wild packs of star drakes. The star drakes are the lesser cousins of the star dragons, created to provide screening elements and faster skirmishers. In that task they proved too adept. No small number broke the magical bonds placed upon their minds and fled. They now skulk in the asteroid belts, breeding and attacking in wizard foolish enough to come near.

    And then, of course, there is the Saturnians. Most wizards have used their magic to improve themselves. The Saturnians have gone fully post human. Like other wizards they still live in dragons but theirs more resemble giant jellyfish than lizards now. Most scarly of all, they've done what the rest of the Wizarding world has been hesitant to do and Æmeliorated the mind. They form something of a hive mind, Legilimency born of Æmelioration allowing instant communication among their communities. They have tried for immorality but decided the human soul makes it impossible, containing an inbuilt age limiter they can't work out how to bypass. No more small number among the Saturnians counsel that they should do away with the soul entirely, and put themselves on a firmly bio-magical footing. So far they are a minority but there is no telling the result should they succeed.

    Other random ideas I was going to include:

    Proactive astrology. On Earth, you had to wait for the stars to be right and take what they gave you. In space, you can damn well do where they are right and reap the benefits. Some dragons do this exclusively. They travel through space, following favourable astrological conditions. Charms cast under such conditions can last long and act harder.

    Food. Transfiguration forms the bedrock of space wizard life. The heart of a star dragon is a giant transfiguration engine. Dragons eat rocks and space dust and transfigure it into a chemical soup. This soup is then pumped to a collection of special bladders where it is eaten by a magically created species of bacteria. This bacterium is them skimmed off by the wizards and, since it’s organic and nourishing, can be transformed into any kind of food, bypassing Gamp's Law.

    Speed. Portkeys have noticeable travel time when going around Britain and for this story I’d say Apparition is more of them safe. They are both slower than light and neither is instantaneous. The best way to move about the system is by dragon, long slow accelerations followed by long, slow deaccelerations. In emergencies, dragons can apparate but spending hours, if not days, shooting through a rubber tube is not a pleasant thing. The Wizards know about relativity but think it a purely magical phenomenon, a spell warping effect that creates some kind of organic time dilation and space expansion. True FTL travel and communication is only possible with time-turners. Time turners can be used to wind back a message so it arrives just as you appear to have sent it. Such set ups are expensive and rare, though.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  10. Darthgrim

    Darthgrim First Year

    Nov 11, 2011
    That sounds badass.
  11. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    A budong full of wizards. :nyan:

    Better go buy my wand at Spati-Alley.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  12. Hidden94

    Hidden94 Squib

    Mar 18, 2011
    Bloomington, Il
    HP/Naruto Crossover with a Twist

    The night after they met Kakashi for the first time, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke's minds are isoted to Ron Weasley's, Hermione Granger's and Harry Potter's bodies respectfully on Dudley Dursley's birthday in the first book and vice versa. So what would happen next?
  13. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    People click on the red 'x', because -any crack elements aside- it's like trying to glue frozen piss and frozen shit together - one aspect always degenerates before the other.
  14. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    You're bad and you should feel bad.
  15. JokingWraith

    JokingWraith First Year

    May 25, 2012
    So I had this silly concept. A simple one shot story. Luna tries to explain to Ravenclaw House the possibility of Crumple-Horned Snorkack's. By using Schrodinger's Cat theory. Basic premise Crumple-Horned Snorkack's can be thought of as both real and imaginary until someone proves it either way. Hence opening the box.

    So what do you think DLP funny or stupid? :sherlock:
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    That sort of fic relies entirely on how you tell it. So write the story first, then put it up for review and we'll see if it's any good.
  17. yhtomitrebo

    yhtomitrebo Second Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    There are a whole host of ways to identify objects on the far side of the sun. As mentioned in arkkitehti's and my post, you can see the gravitational effect of a large object in space by its 'pull' on the sun and other nearby celestial bodies. An object on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth would also reflect light onto Mercury and Venus which would be viewable from Earth (think of Mercury and Venus as mirrors and the Sun as a wall. You could see around the corner of the wall using the mirrors). Even the tides could be effected, though not by much unless the new object was massive (2 AU distance).

    Glimmervoid, your idea sounds interesting, and also spurned me into looking for my copy of the ship who sang.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    The fic would instantly become a global smash-hit. Because of your writing, war, famine, and discrimination will cease to exist, ushering in a new era of worldwide peace and prospe-

    No... wait... Sorry... That's Wyld Stallyns. :colbert:
  19. Argosh

    Argosh Groundskeeper

    Mar 8, 2008
    ISOT means Island in a Sea of Time ... so their minds are the size of islands, bodies are not. Splat, blood everywhere. :sherlock:
  20. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Assuming you mean inserted instead of isoted...

    Naruto!Harry would tell the Dursleys to eff off, believe it, and leave to go in search of ramen / Konoha. Believe it.

    Sasuke!Ron would be all emo, the Weasley family would make him uncomfortable, and he'd also leave in search of Konoha. If they followed him he'd knock them out. Alternatively he might learn something of magic and decide it could be useful for killing Itachi.

    Sakura!Hermione would immediately attempt to dispel the Genjutsu and probably manage to play along for a bit while trying to figure out WTF was going on.

    Harry!Naruto, Ron!Sasuke, and Hermione!Sakura would manage to get themselves killed in short order.

    But no one would know any of that because unless it was written by both a well known and damned good fanfic author no one would read it, because it would most likely suck (though it would be possible to write it well, just difficult).

    Also, this is probably in the wrong section. Try putting it here instead, or the other fandoms version depending what the focus would be.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
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