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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Nope. Because there are no DE or OotP in this idea. :p

    But I like Hallows thing as a way to power-up the main character's golem (who am I kidding, of course it would be Harry). :)
  2. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    All this talk about magical golems, are you guys forgetting the fact that Neville already created some and that's what won the Battle of Hogwarts? Don't believe the ministry propaganda that a bunch of centaurs turned back the giants, that's just retarded. An army of magical golems led by Neville? Much more believable.
  3. lilandriss

    lilandriss Second Year

    Jan 13, 2012
    So, I don't tend to read cross overs and I don't actually read Naruto Fic, I just like the Anime. Anyway, I had a really bad little plot bunny pop up that I'm not actually interested in doing anything with and thought maybe some talented author here would like to adopt it. Especially since it's an Harry Potter cross over which, I understand, no one has ever been able to make work. However, maybe someone can make this one work.

    So, keeping in mind that these are two completely separate universes with events happening in each of them at roughly the same time. In universe A, Harry Potter's world, Harry is either engaged in a battle or simply in class trying to perfect a lesson. In universe B, Naruto is, likewise, either engaged in a battle or is trying to perfect some new technique. Naturally, something goes wrong and, at a critical moment, the door between the two universes opens and the magic or whatever, focuses on the two people that are the source of the clash I guess you could call it. When the dust clears, the door is closed and both boys are alive and seem to be okay. Except that Naruto's mind is now in the body of Harry Potter and Harry's is in Naruto.

    Has this been done before? Like I said, I don't generally read cross overs and I don't read Naruto. If not, then it's kind of a different spin on things, I think. Instead of one actually physically going to the other's world and mucking around, they're mucking around in each other's bodies.

    Get your minds of the gutter!
  4. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    It's been done badly and mediocrely. Needs more of a hook than just a body swap, because beyond that it'll just turn into one of those fics that gets past the initial idea, goes, "Ok, what now?" and fizzles out after another half assed chapter.
  5. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Is rather see a "Harry mentors Naruto fic" than a body swap. Insert deus ex machina, linking adult Harry to starting academy Naruto. By this time Harry should be a responsible adult, and when he sees what Naruto has to go through, he tries to help the kid out. Like a crazy uncle or something. Harry would only be able to provide emotional support, but Naruto doesn't need much to begin with. Especially if the link happens when he is still bitter about his treatment (ignored, mind you, none of that ridiculous beatings crap).

    Queue culture shock. Harry can't read or write the language, but he can understand it when it is spoken. Whether you want Harry to have w Voldemort style link, or some form of active telepathy would be up to you.

    Harry has all the traits that Naruto will eventually learn. He is a bit of a slacker, but he has compassion and a good nature. He understands what it is like to be ignored or disliked for things beyond your control. If you pick the right time (after Harry sends his children off to Hogwarts) Harry would already have experience parenting.

    The only real questions here are;

    How much contact does Harry have with Naruto? What are the limits, and how do they contact each other.

    What are the effects of the relationship? What is their dynamic? Why do we care?

    Of course, I just realized that this idea works even better with Harry Dresden.
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Mechs could be used if you brought muggles into it, but I wouldn't make them a focus.

    Say, Grindelwald managed to escape from Dumbledore after being disarmed by him by way of a portkey he'd prepared beforehand. He's lost the Elder Wand and he now knows that he couldn't take Dumbledore, since he'd lost even with the Death Stick. So he falls back on a desperate gamble. He reveals the existence of magic to one Josef Stalin and his advisors.

    Naturally this is just the thing the Soviet Union has been hoping for. Magic can cure all their most immediate and long term problems (Communism is much easier when you can make more food with a swish and a flick) and has the potential to negate all the United States' technological advantages. Even the A-Bomb is less of a threat, since Grindelwald reveals the (continued) existence of a protected magical community within the blast radius of the Nagasaki bomb.

    The existence of magic doesn't remain a secret for long after that, especially when the upgrading program begins.

    Fast forward a years and the Soviet Union has upgraded its armed forces with imperturbable charms and increased the production of weapons tenfold with the use of a few useful household charms on its machinery. It's even begun to develop featherlight power armour and animated exoskeletons that can be used by regular muggle forces and equipped with a variety of enchantments for use on the battlefield.

    Meanwhile, Grindelwald has been busy training himself and his loyal cadre of wizards to take on the best the magical world has to offer, with a primary focus on Albus Dumbledore. The lesser talented wizards under his banner would naturally be used in a strategic role, rather than direct confrontation. Spells on the manufacturing industry, repairs on vehicles, enchantments, portkeying supplies and spying/sabotage in enemy nations (both magical and muggle). They'd also be more like the KGB to Grindelwald's Spetsnaz.

    So yeah, it wouldn't be Harry-centric, but I think a younger Dumbledore story where Grindelwald is using the muggles as a means of taking on his rivals could work.
  7. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Which you can't do with magic. :p

    But I like your idea.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    According to the books, once it's made, food can be duplicated repeatedly.
  9. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    So...a magical version of Command and Conquer: Red Alert, with mechs.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Hadn't thought of it that way, but I guess so.
  11. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    Seeing the thread about Harry's profession + talk about treasure hunter Harry in fic searches sort of inspired me to throw out this half formed idea that I know I'll never write.

    The bunny was partially inspired by things like The Mummy and all those adventure style stories/fanfictions/games, e.g. Bungle In the Jungle, the Uncharted games etc. I think the problem I ran into (aside that I don't actually write) is that I got too caught up in the prelim. world building stage.

    The concept: We all know that there are Cursebreakers right, wizards who are pretty much tomb raiders who break the protections on ancient crypts and take all the loot. My thinking was; how exactly do they find the tombs in the first place? Well, they have Magicryptographers who decode all sorts of documents, some of which are things like treasure maps or journals with clues or hints.

    Back, thousands of years ago before more organized wizarding communities were prevalent, wizards jealously guarded all of their personal information. Their books with spells written in them. Their personal journals, their weekly shopping lists. Everything. And they protected them by putting all sorts of random charms and curses all over the documents, charming the letters to constantly move around the page, change language spontaneously and any other way you can think of to prevent someone who doesn't know how to disarm and decode the doucment from ever reading it. Or in the case of nasty wizards, even walk away unscathed.

    This practice was really popular, every wizarding civilization from 5000 BC onwards (Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, you name it) right up until the Hogwarts founders ~1000AD did this shit. As such, there is practically an infinite amount of untranslated and uncoded documents out there, due to shit like unbreakable charms/preservation charms or whatever you want keeping them intact.

    So these documents, there is a whole god damn industry run by the Most Esteemed Magicryptographers Guild (or some other silly name). They collect the documents, rank them them on their difficulty, catalogue them, run their own decoding projects and auction uncoded documents to accredited freelancers.

    You have to be good with magic to be a cryptographer. Charms skills to allow for cursebreaking/disenchanting the volatile protections is a must, and Ancient Runes of course, how can you read or translate the ancient languages with knowing them? Even a bit of Divination to give you some lucky insight can be useful.

    When a cryptographer decodes a document, unless they've been contracted to decode it by a third party, gets everything. Decode some ancient potions instructions that cures werewolves? Patent that shit and you'll get royalites for life. Find a treasure map of some wizard pirate, if you can dig it up, all yours. Decode Herpo the Foul's super-ultra-omega-this-thing-tried-to-kill-me diffulculty document and it turns out to be his shopping list, or some bad poetry, well... historians might be interested. But you're just unlucky this time.

    Now the actual plot: The setting is the generic post DH AU you tend to see. Harry isn't with Ginny, being an Auror didn't work out, he's bored and looking for something interesting though there are some other differences that were sort of handwaved i.e. the female lead. Think pretty much Harry from DarkSyaoran's Wizard For Hire.

    Harry, doing inventory on Potter Vaults (LOL, cliche storm up in here) or random stuff in Grimmauld Place (cliche plot shit #2) finds some pretty crazy documents, they're cursed with some really potent dark magic and Harry just avoids the penis withering curse that is on some slim nondescript journal/dairy (Harry: What is it with cursed diaries? This better not be a Horcrux :|). Remember, in the vein of an action/adventure treasure hunting hero, Harry is going to be a little bit of a sarcastic quipper, quipping all over the place.

    After discerning that the journal is not a Horcrux, but still more than slightly freaked out about the penis withering curse, Harry vaguely remembers hearing about the Magicryptographers Guild and how they deal with all of this sort of shit. Realizing that this could be his chance for a kickass adventure, he starts investigating on how to get the ball rolling.

    Enter Fleur Delacour, Freelance Magicryptographer for hire. I suppose any <female character> can be used, but H/Fleur FTW.

    Daughter of <Male French Name>, who was an average cryptographer who got an apparant lucky break decoding a document far far above his skill level that made him wealthy. Jokes on him, 20 years later a delayed curse he didn't disarm causes his head to literally explode. Fleur, who had already decided to be a Cryptographer now wants to prove herself to the Cryptographer world.

    While Fleur is acknowledged as talented she doesn't have any Rank 9 or 10 difficulty decodes yet and is desperately seeking something big to make her name, and stop 'Delacour' from being the joke of the cryptographer world. This was mainly to subvert the 'Fleur's father is the french Minister cliche' and give her character a bit of flavour.

    Harry hires Fleur, they collab. and finally get the journal safe enough to begin decoding. Fleur's first reaction to the inside: "What in the fuck is this??". Stumped, H+F take the journal to the guild for appraising/rating. Guild promptly flips the fuck out. They've never seen anything like it. If the hardest category to decode is rated 10, this is like 12-13. Unheard of before.

    Random luck/chance has H+F+The guild people there decode the very first bit of the journal that points them to where a key to decode the rest of the journal lies. Except now <Jerkass Cryptographer rival> has learnt about the journal and is planning to (though unsanctioned by the guild) try and steal + decode it for himself.

    <Jerkass Cryptographer rival> derides Fleur, saying she'll never be able to decode it fully. Blah blah blah, this guy is going to be the dick rival that chases H+F on their world tour as they find hints and keys to decode the journal. He's probably going to end up stealing the journal for a little while, then die to some trap in the final location. Typical villan type character for the genre.

    H+F go on the general world tour of crazy places, inside some magical hidden chamber in Ayers Rock, Tomb of some crazy Chinese wizard with a fuckton of automated Mechs 'Golems' all guarding the place. All the exotic locales one would expect etc. There would be all sorts of hints and red herrings along the way as to what is at the end of the journey. Harry notices the sign of the Deathly Hallows etched on the wall at one of the locales and then tries tapping the journal with the elder wand, only for the sign of the Hallows to emblazen itself on the front cover. Intrigue! Mystery!

    Harry and Fleur find love/lust along the way. In the end H+F decode the journal fully and head to where x marks the spot. Whats there? Who knows, the fourth Deathly Hallow? Dumbledore's cache of socks? Up to the whoever writes the thing.
  12. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    This sounds like a great movie...
  13. Darth Kali

    Darth Kali Third Year

    Jun 28, 2012
    East Coast, US
    I can already hear the music for this awesome movie. And the useless henchmen who only follow Jerkass Rival around because they don't have the talent to hack it solo.
  14. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    You forgot about one thing - there must be at least one of the following factions tangled in the overarching plot: Freemasons, The Templars, Illuminati or The Catholic Church.
    It's the law of pulp fiction - secret, mysterious societies with unknown - probably blasphemous - goals ;)
  15. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Unspeakables? Though that would be horribly cliche.
  16. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    This ties into a thought I was having while cruising around in Uncharted 3. Nathan Drake = Harry Potter, essentially.

    It'd be a divergence where someone from Harry's school notifies CPS, or the British equivalent thereof, that there might be something going on at the Dursley household. Fast forward a bit, and Harry is then dropped off at the Saint Francis Boys Home.

    His Hogwarts letter never finds him, and he becomes fascinated by Sir Francis Drake, then begins to call himself Nathan Drake because some weirdo in robes had been making the rounds of orphanages asking after Harry Potter.
  17. Cannonfodder

    Cannonfodder First Year

    Aug 7, 2008
    So I've had an idea kicking around for about the last hour thanks to all this animu mech talk. In one of the Gundam series, there is a guy named Full Frontal ( I know, godly name); he was a pilot that had the memories and personality of Char Aznable implanted into him, essentially making him a copy . As far as I know its rather unclear whether or not he is aware he is a clone.

    I figured this would transfer somewhat well to a post-DH fic, potentially post epilogue. Take literally any one of the characters from the novels and it could be workable, obviously Flitwick or Hagrid wouldn't work, but still. Said witch/wizard is abducted by a maligned band of pureblood sympathizers, and are forced into a Pensieve filled with other people's memories of Voldemort. Through various methods such as potions or forced transfigurations and such the abductee begins to believe that they are Voldemort.

    They now have the likeness and fair approximation of Voldemort's personality. What is most vital is the acquisition of a set of memories closest to the source, the Voldemort-doppelganger isn't half the wizard that s/he needs to be to bring about another Wizarding War. How much closer can you get than possession? There are only maybe 3 individuals known to have been possessed by the Dark Lord, Quirrell is long dead, but Ginny Potter and Harry very much alive. Cue the disappearance of various Wizards known been associated with Voldemort, Azkaban Prisoners, Harry's schoolmates,and eventually culminating in Ginny herself being abducted without any evidence as to who maybe committing the crimes.

    A few weeks later Harry's life has really gone down the toilet, he has been put on leave and house arrest from the Auror office after using some excessively coercive information gathering techniques. On civilians. However, in spite of his rampage he has learned little to nothing about his wife's disappearance, it is only a frantic Floo call by one Draco Malfoy that tips him off. As insane as it sounds there he is told that night his Wife will die and Voldemort will rise again at (various possibilities, the graveyard, the cave where slytherin's locket once lay, even hogwarts). Harry proceeds to elude his guards and races off to hopefully save his wife, and he finds her alive, yet broken beyond all possibility. It is impossible to forcibly take someones memories without some damage. Funnily enough she has been in that state for quite a while now, it was an elaborate gambit so that they could acquire the final piece, Harry's memories. Extraction is attempted, but Harry resists quite wholeheartedly. Voldemort decides Fuck-it and kills Harry for the second time sending him back to Kings Cross, where he finds the real Voldemort's soul once again, Dumbledore has told him he must take the train this time, he rejected mastery or death and must be mortal. Harry gives him the Bird and takes Voldemort's soul instead to get back to the living world. Harry wakes with a burning desire for vengeance.

    I personally think its at least a decent enough bunny for an okay fic. Problems include: who will be Voldemort-2, who are these new Death Eaters, where to go from here, and why aren't there mechs golems.
  18. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Blegh. Mechs and HP don't seem to mix very well.
  19. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    *Sigh* Oh, one of these days...

    Maybe, before I die, I'll finish my HP/Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover. It, and a story about a Harry who creates a number of magical constructs (some bordering on the size of small mecha), are probably the two fics I've put the most work into, over the years.

    83k+ and 137k+ words, respectively (not counting some material for sequels and AUs based on the latter, which are in the 30k range, collectively).

    Getting Harry into NGE without any incredibly goofy gimmicks is relatively easy. What you do with it from there... can be a little harder. Given how I never write in complete chapters, I don't think I'll be making anyone eat their words about HP not working well with anime/mecha any time soon.
  20. Cannonfodder

    Cannonfodder First Year

    Aug 7, 2008
    You know you could be on to something, but its always been said that the weakest part of of Eva was the giant robot fights. If everything were scaled down I thought Eva could've been much more interesting. Think instead of massive mech, more of a powered armor. Less Kamen rider, more Bio boosted armor Guyver or Devilman.
    Instead of being massive otherworldly monsters, Angels are instead human sized, yet just as deadly; the ability to hide amongst humans makes them even more terrifying. Some can even be transformed humans like in the case of Sachiel or Bardiel for instance. Others can simply be absolutely alien(Leliel, Armisael). In my opinion, seeing a giant monster doesn't quite incite the deep seated horror of one more scaled down. Think how in the Lovecraft Mythos and how unsettling Shoggoths or Deep Ones are. Its not necessary that all are reduced to such a scale, I believe Ramiel would be half as intimidating if it were puny(or maybe it would, something the size of a man that punch through a mountain...)
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