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The Official (Unofficial) Skyrim Mod List

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Lutris, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    So is anyone else having trouble logging in to the Nexus? I cant get in at all, its not an issue of incorrect login/password. Even when I know for a fact that its all correct it just says "Undefined Error."
  2. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I can access it just fine - but I'm a Premium member, though I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
  3. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Hrm maybe that is it because Im not.
  4. Beonid

    Beonid Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 12, 2008
    I'm having no trouble, and I'm definitely not a Premium member.
  5. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Damnit >.<, this is driving me nuts. I see a shit load of mods I want to add now but I can barely get a damn one because of the file size limit if you aren't signed in.
  6. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Is there a mod which will give noclipping between me and my companions?

    I hate it when I have to force a companion out of the way because they're blocking a doorway, or when I'm lining up that perfect sneaky sniper shot and my companion starts pushing me for no reason, messing up my aim.
  7. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    Not really relevant to the thread but I didn't want to open a new one just for that.

    It just make me realize that yes, in fact the skyrim engine is perfect to create a HP game. Even if it never happens, I like the idea of me playing the shit of it.

    Even just a Durmstrang mod will be nice, and it had fit better with the weather.

  8. Dreamweaver Mirar

    Dreamweaver Mirar Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 4, 2009
    I would play it.
    Heck, it could be set in the canon world, and you'd have to not use magic while around muggles, or you'd get arrested for breaking the Statute of Secrecy.
  9. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Damn cool idea for a total overhaul mod. If I had a computer that could do it, I'd try to do some of this stuff myself. Hell, most of it can be done between the CS and Blender, no script extender required. Biggest issue would be the pacing at the start of the game and overall story, though building anything worthy of being called Hogwarts would be tricky.

    Edit: A quick google search turned up these, so something like that might already be underway.

    Spells Wands General stuff
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2012
  10. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
  11. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I think it's about time this thread was updated, don't you?

    So here goes. A lot of these mods have been featured on mod showcases, and for good reason. Others are personal favorites that aren't as famous but still great. Fair warning: a lot of these mods are either immersion-related, or pertain to bows and archery (I mainly run archers, whether sneaky or bulky).

    Mod: 1st Person Camera Height Change
    Author: Sevroth
    Category: Immersion
    Summary: Sevroth's mod adjusts the camera height when you're in first person view, in order to account for your PC's height, based on race. Altmer, for example, are considerably taller than others - thus, your camera is higher off the ground than if you're running, say, a Dunmer. This small change is great if you're a lorefag like me.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Archery - Spinning Arrows
    Author: Palistov
    Category: Weapons
    Summary: This mod changes archery in a subtle way - arrows, after you fire them, now spin instead of flying completely statically through the air. This makes kill cams look much better, and frankly, makes for a much more realistic experience.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Archery Sneak Attack Perks
    Author: Shadowkiller
    Category: Stealth
    Summary: What this mod does is simple - adds x9 and x15 archery sneak attack bonuses to the Sneak tree, and modifies the Dark Brotherhood gloves so that the x2 bonus applies to bow attacks as well. There's also an option included that tones down the damage - x6 and x9 damage multipliers instead of the x9/x15 option.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: ABT - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks
    Author: Kevkas
    Category: Gameplay effects and changes
    Summary: ABT completely overhauls archery, from the bottom up - arrow flight speed, distance, damage, damage scaling, aim assist, and more, which you can choose and tweak to your liking. It's a great mod if you use archery extensively but have some gripes with how Bethesda built the system.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Craftable Arrows and Lockpicks
    Author: PlaZmA 1337
    Category: Items and Objects - Player
    Summary: Adds arrow crafting options in Smithing, that require you to first unlock the corresponding Smithing perk. Crafting them will require Firewood, as well as Hawk Feathers.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Crossbows Basic Collection
    Author: DJjojo
    Category: Weapons
    Summary: Adds crossbows for each of the Smithing perks, that look quite sexy. Quite. Sexy.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Dense Grass
    Author: Chewiemuse
    Category: Visuals and graphics
    Summary: Greatly increases the density of grass in the field. Great for immersion.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Designs of the Nords
    Author: KEBW1144
    Category: Models and textures
    Summary: Completely redoes all flags and banners in Skyrim to not use the modern-looking map icons, but instead look incredibly awesome. The screenshots speak for themselves.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Enhanced Lights and FX
    Author: anamorfus
    Category: Immersion
    Summary: Redoes the lighting in Skyrim to be much, much, much more realistic. The differences are extremely noticeable indoors, and the mod doesn't overdo things at all. It's a subtle change, but combined with a great ENB, this mod should make your game look photorealistic as fuck.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Footprints
    Author: jonwd7
    Category: Visuals and graphics
    Summary: Footprints changes your game so that every single NPC, creature, as well as your player character leaves footprints whenever they step onto snow. Every. Single. NPC. And. Creature. If you really, really wanted to, this mod makes it viable for you to track and hunt game solely by following their footprints. That's how great it is.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Project Parallax
    Author: osmodius
    Summary: Adds parallax mapping to a selection of locations in Skyrim and greatly increases their photorealisim with little to no performance hits - Roads and Bridges, Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude, and Whiterun. Each of the locations are included in a separate mod. The link leads to Roads and Bridges.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: RaceMenu
    Author: Expired
    Category: User Interfaces
    Summary: Requires SKSE. Overhauls the character creation screen and makes it awesome. Awesome as fuck.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Torch Arrows
    Author: Joolander
    Category: Weapons
    Summary: Adds craftable arrows that 1) provide illumination for a few seconds after impact, 2) set targets on fire, and 3) can ignite oil.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Wet and Cold
    Author: isoku
    Category: Immersion
    Summary: Changes the game so that your PC drips water when wet, momentarily blinds you when you look up during rainfall, changes NPC behavior to account for rain - they go home, or put on hoods, makes cold breath visible, makes snow accumulate on armor and clothes during snowfall and blizzards, and makes strong winds affect you during harsh weather. Greaaat stuff.
    Link: Nexus

    Anybody else have any recent additions they'd like to recommend?
  12. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Most of the mods that I like have already been mentioned so I'll hesitantly link some vampire related mods that I like.

    Mod: Better Vampires
    Author: Brehanin
    Summary: Drastically changes just about everything about vampires, this includes skill trees, vision, effects from the sun, and allowing you to make others into vampires. It also has a lot of customization options so that you can define the rules for yourself.

    Mod: True Death
    Author: Didymus Ei
    Summary: Makes NPC vampires explode on death leaving nothing but bones and blood behind. It also lets you stab vampires through the heart with a stake or throw one at them to finish them off when they're low on health.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Predator Vision
    Author: Gopher
    Summary: Changes night vision for vampires and khajiit. Also adds a heat vision that will apply for warm blooded animals and people, though not for objects. Appropriately undead don't glow red with this. With this mod werewolves get access to night vision in both normal and beast forms and the heat vision in beast form. Its compatible with Better Vampires and I prefer the vision mod of this one.
    Link: nexus
  13. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    So, the first clump of promising Dragonborn DLC related mods are in! Please take note that some of these are still works in progress.

    Mod: Raven Rock Expanded WIP
    Author: uglydemon
    Category: Cities, towns, villages, and hamlets
    Summary: Raven Rock Expanded adds several buildings, vendors, and NPCs to the settlement of Raven Rock, including a book store (which includes all thirty six volumes of Vivec's Sermons), a magic goods store, and a clothing stall that sells attire added by the DLC. New NPCs have been added to manage these stores, and on top of this, newly designed banners have been added to the town to further sell the lore-friendly authenticity of the mod. All areas are navmeshed and follower-friendly. Currently WIP.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Morrowind Imports
    Author: Nazgar
    Category: Mercantiles (shops, stores, inns, taverns, etc.)
    Summary: Morrowind Imports adds Dragonborn content such as Carved Nordic armor as well as ashland foodstuffs including ash yams and matze to Brand-Shei's stall in Riften. He boasts about shipments coming in from Morrowind often enough - now he actually sells items from the region.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Telvanni Guards of Tel Mithryn Dragonborn DLC
    Author: modder3434
    Category: Immersion
    Summary: This mod adds two Telvanni-robe-wearing spellsword guards to Tel Mithryn in the southwestern corner of Solstheim, in an attempt to add some authenticity to Master Neloth's tower. After all, his only assistants seem to be an incompetent apprentice, a steward, and an alchemist.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Solstheim House Library
    Author: Nighthunter101
    Category: Abodes- Player homes
    Summary: This mod changes the guest room in Severin Manor so that it is now a library that can house up to 1350 books. It's lined with bookshelves, man. Lined with them. Note that this mod modifies the same area as Solstheim House Display Room by the same author, and cannot be used in conjunction with it.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Solstheim House Display Room
    Author: Nighthunter 101
    Category: Abodes - player homes
    Summary: Note that this mod modifies the same area as Solstheim House Library by the same author, and cannot be used in conjunction with it.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Extreme Weather Conditions Solstheim -BETA-
    Author: Markorply
    Category: Environmental
    Summary: Extreme Weather Conditions Solstheim modifies the climate in Solstheim to more closely resemble that of mainland Morrowind's in TESIII:Morrowind. The fog is now denser, wind speed is increased, and visibility is further reduced from fog forming closer to the camera. Apparently soon to be added are redder ash blizzards like those of Morrowind's, and realistic ash storm conditions depending on the time of day. Currently WIP
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: The Coasts of Morrowind and Vvardenfell
    Author: 3AMt
    Category: New lands
    Summary: This mod makes use of the Morrowind/Vvardenfell coastline that was added into the game (reachable with console commands), and allows the player to visit these coasts as if they were actual in-game content. Currently in very early development stages. Currently WIP
    Link: Nexus
  14. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Just opened up the NMM for the first time in forever (version I had was like 0.21 or something) and updated it and discovered something neat. How long has NMM autoupdated the mods you have downloaded when you first open the program?

    Nevermind, I'm just a retard.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  15. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I've always wanted it to, but it just tells me there's an update, then I have to spend forever updating them before playing.
  16. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Ugh, went through this process myself today. Bothersome as fuck.
  17. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Has anyone tried out the Skyrim Tropical Overhaul yet? I'm not really tired of snowy dreary Skyrim yet, so I'm not going to download it yet, but I'm definitely interested in how it is.
  18. Hello

    Hello Professor

    Feb 1, 2009
    It is the most beautiful thing in the world. Running around Skyrim with Margaritaville in the background just makes it even better.
  19. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    What size patches are you looking at if you buy Skyrim from the stores? I've been itching to play it on PC for a while, but my net is rather shit.
  20. Idiot Rocker

    Idiot Rocker Auror

    Jun 9, 2011
    Just a question for those running Skyrim on stupid HQ settings with texture/ ENB mods. What sort of specs are necessary? My comp's pretty close to dieing and I'm considering building something to replace it.