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Fallout New Vegas mod help

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Krogan, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I wasn't exactly sure where to put this but I need some advice seeing as how I'm stumped. I recently decided that I wanted to play Fallout New Vegas again and grab some mods for it. Now Ive run mods with it before so I know how to set it up but for a while I couldn't even get the game to run. Once I finally managed to get it running though its decided to crash at completely and utterly random points while I play. There's no specific action in the game that causes it to crash, no specific location and no set amount of time either. Ive been trying for a few days to fix it but Ive had zero luck so far with anything Ive tried. Ive run FNVedit and it found nothing, I used it to make a merged patch which didn't help in the slightest, I used the auto sort to rearrange my load order in case maybe the way Id set it up was wrong, I got all the intermod compatibility patches I could find, I even tried that Archive Invalidation crap and not only did that not work but it completely flash fried the game. I had to uninstall it and reinstall it just to get back to where I was before.

    My load order is:
    Project Nevada - Core.esm
    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
    ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
    ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
    Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
    Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
    LFox Stealth Suit Bug Fixes.esp
    Loot Vehicles.esp
    EVE FNV.esp
    Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
    Patch 5.esp

    Anyone have any advice?
  2. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    You're not running too many mods so the simplest solution is to just disable them all and reactivate them one by one until you find which is causing the problem. I end up doing this every now and then when getting CTD's though it gets annoying when running 200 or so mods.

    If I remember correctly, I once had problems with that 'A World of Pain' mod so I'd start with that. If you disable all the mods and you're still getting crashes, then it might be a corrupt save file or something else.

    Also, archive invalidation isn't crap. It's very important and you need to have done it if you want to run mods really. Not sure what you're talking about with the whole 'flash fried' thing, but just use Archive Invalidated Invalidator (you can find it on the nexus) and it's easy.

    Also, by the auto sort thing I assume you mean BOSS? I'm not sure if they've implemented it into the Nexus Mod Manager yet (I haven't kept up with the development lately, but that's what Dark0ne was talking about last time I checked the mod authors forum) but if you haven't used it definitely do so.
  3. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I did get that Archive Invalidation program and my game was at least running before but when I got the program and followed the instructions not only did it no longer run but my computer couldn't even recognize the game. The only way I was able to fix it to at least where it was before was completely removing the program and then uninstalling and reinstalling NV.

    Also I tried uninstalling A World of Pain and in some way that completely baffles me that actually made the problem worse. When I did it went straight back to crashing three seconds after I click the icon as opposed to random points while Im playing.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
  4. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    You also need to disable the WMX - AWOP patch as AWOP probably is one of the masters on it.

    Not sure what to make of your problem with Archive Invalidation - nor how you've been running mods without first doing that. Maybe you should look up how to do it manually and try that. Or maybe the Nexus Mod Manager does it automatically now and that's why the program screwed up your game - I'm honestly not sure.
  5. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Hmm alright Ill try those, this is driving me nuts.

    Nope, didnt help. It lasts slightly longer before it crashes now but it stills does it.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2012
  6. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Unfortunately a lot of the mods you're using aren't mods that I've ever used, so I don't have personal experience dealing with them. I guess Fatality's original advice is best: go through one by one and see which one is causing problems. You really don't have many mods at all compared to me, but I'm all OCD about fixing the tiniest perceived mistake I find in the game.

    If need be, you can trawl through the comments section of each mod on the Nexus and see if anyone else has problems like yours. It's arduous, but it's also proved helpful sometimes with me.
  7. belton180

    belton180 Squib

    Sep 18, 2010
    Try downloading some of the compatibility patches from here


    In addition, is the World of Pain mod the latest version? It seems like an older version

    Other than that, could you describe some of the mods and what they change? I'm not familiar with them and it would be easier to determine where mods conflict if you know what they modify
  8. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Best advice given in this thread.

    Archive Invalidation isn't, as he said, crap. It's a requirement for the majority of mods in new Vegas that do anything of actual value (like adding new areas to the map, changing what characters look like, etc.) and you really should have that going before you actually install any mods. This could be the issue, but I'm not entirely sure.

    You said you gave the game a fresh install, which is good because that removes the possibility of a corrupted game file.

    Your save might be corrupted, so I'd suggest starting a fresh character and doing some of the stuff with your mods. For example, with World of Pain, go kill someone.

    Most of the advice given so far is pretty standard stuff, and the only thing I can add to it is that you should think about changing the order of your .esms. I'm almost positive that Electro-City needs to be as close to Project Nevada as possible, same with your Project Nevada - Equipment.esm. Don't quote me on this, I haven't troubleshooted New Vegas since last October, so I'm working off of memory.

    Still, a little reordering can't hurt, in my opinion. I haven't used, let alone seen, some of the stuff you're using, so my help is basic stuff. Sorry.
  9. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Not the Nexus Mod Manager, but the Fallout Mod Manager has it integrated. Personally I think you should be using the FOMM for New Vegas over the NMM anyway.
  10. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Ive tried using both and as for Archive Invalidation like I said it not only doesn't help in any capacity whatsoever but has made the situation significantly worse every single time Ive tried to use it. I understand what you guys are saying about it but the bottom line is that it does not help whatsoever. I tried the new game and that didn't help either so I'm fairly sure it isn't the file.

    As for the mods:

    Domecity is a DLC length quest mod but it adds nothing to the regular game so Im fairly sure it isnt whats causing the problems.

    New Vegas Interiors takes some of the billion and one buildings you see in the game that are essentially house shaped boulders and makes it so you can explore inside.

    Project Nevada is an absurdly huge mod that adds new weapons, new armor, new functions for old stuff, cybernetics and just a mountain of other game play changes that really improve the game, its easily one of the best mods ever made for the game.

    Electro City just adds a whole lot of lights in places where it makes sense and turns on existing ones that are just decoration in the vanilla version.

    Interior Lighting alters the lights inside buildings to make it seem more realistic.

    A World of Pain is a fairly large mod that adds a bunch of different areas to fight monsters in and a handful of quests and NPCs, its personally what I suspect is if not the entire problem then part of it. Id get rid of it but for whatever reason I just honestly don't know if I remove it the game instantly goes back to being unplayable.

    The Stealth Suit ones are a very very minor mod for the Stealth Suit in OWB that make it so you can wear a different armor on top of it but still get the armors voice which I thought was awesome.

    Real Smokes is very minor as well, it just makes it so all of the cigarettes you find lying around in the game actually work and give you different status effects like any other drug in the game.

    Bounties 1 and 2 are story quest add ons that are fairly minor and well written.

    Loot Vehicles is fairly minor, it just makes it so when you run across the bombed out car ruins everywhere you can loot them and they'd have something minor correct to whatever kind of car it was.

    WMX basically makes all of the weapons in the game fully customizable to a large degree.

    EVE is a visual thing that corrects and enhances the appearance of energy weapons fire and explosions.

    Lastly Fellout just makes the sky the correct color.

    I think right now though I want to try and see if maybe I can just uninstall everything, use Archive Invalidation and then reinstall it all because when I tried to use it the first time it was with all of the mods fully installed.
  11. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    If you disable A World of Pain, make sure you disable any files that have the AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm listed as a master. As an example, that patch to make it work with WMX will crash your game if it is running and AWOP isn't.

    Like I said, Archive Invalidation simply isn't optional if you're running mods. You 100% need it. If the tool isn't working, look up how to do it manually (not too hard, I believe).

    Honestly, having mods already installed really shouldn't affect your Archive Invalidation efforts. Still, a clean install might be a nice idea. I'd still try disabling your mods one by one to troubleshoot which is causing the problem first though. Especially A World of Pain, keeping in mind my advice above.
  12. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Yeah I found out what it was with Archive Invalidation, the mod I used for it was just complete and total shit. I switched back to using FOMM primarily and just flipped the built in one on there. It didn't help at all though.