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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It's defintely on the "barely readable" range.

    Harry's character is really annoying. The author is really trying to present him as mysterious, but he just comes off as a cock who speaks weirdly, lol. There seems to be little connection to canon Harry.

    Also, it's clear that the author is basing this off the show, not the books, and more, they can't even remember basic details correctly. Like so:

    Robert Lannister. What.

    Another problem is that the start is really confusing with respect to Harry's age. We hear in the opening paragraph how Harry is a "scruffy runaway child" when Ned returns to the North after Robert's Rebellion. But then we hear about how Harry fought in the rebellion with Ned, and he's going around acting like an adult.
  2. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    Oh yeah, it's very cringe worthy in places but I find it to be a decent time waster. Do you know of any good ones Taure?

    Edit: Made it about halfway through chapter 4 before I had to give up.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  3. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I should've warned you all about Red Winter. It was a decent timesink, then it got bad. Like, really scary bad. It wasn't just the inconsistency of Harry's powers (He could apparate freely but still couldn't save Ned? OP one moment and not OP the next so the plot can continue in a way the author wants it because he's not smart enough to think about anything better? Fuck that.), it was that moment in Chapter Five when Harry saw Margaery Tyrell and decided she was Hermione reincarnated, and immediately fell in love and fucked her. Harry/Margaery's a good idea and all, but the Hermione reincarnated thing? Yeaaaaaahhhhh. And the author said in an author's note that he found Marg and Hermione to be mostly the same person by basing it off of Marg's ASOIAF wiki entry. Yeaaaaahhhhh.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Yeah, Margaery thing was weird. Not even that she's Hermione reincarnated, but how Harry stupidly behaved around her. One moment they are talking, next they are having sex. Because having an affair with the wife of your ally is such a good idea and will definitely help House of Stark in the war.

    Also, from all characters of ASoIaF there is one that I really want to see a fic where he kick everyones asses. It's Tommen. He's such a meek and innocent kid that didn't really do anything to anyone. If he's really lucky he will end as a puppet king in someone else hands, but I doubt he will be that lucky. That's why I would really enjoy a fic where he ultimately wins the game, no matter how unrealistic it is.
  5. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Maybe reading fanfiction on this site has raised my standards, but I would have stopped reading a few paras into the first chapter. Since many of you recc'ed it, I went as far as

    And this is right after Harry suggested a plan which a 10 yr old retarded kid would see through in 5 seconds.

    Anyways, still looking for a non-romance-centric bad-ass!JonSnow fic, let me know if you find any. :D
  6. Damnyoureyes

    Damnyoureyes First Year

    Feb 14, 2009
    Found a really, really interesting AU on AO3: The Joinery:



    by what right does the wolf judge the lion -- ned stark takes the iron throne, and with it, a lannister for a wife.

    A really interesting idea that doesn't alter the characters. Ceresi is still a heinous bitch, and Robert Baratheon isn't much of a better man when he marries Lyanna. Also, pretty long story too.
  7. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Read that a few days ago. Not bad, but the ending just seems like a waste, that he/she couldn't think of a better way to end it than "mysteriously, the elder heir to the throne is killed!"

    Other thing that irked me:
    Why is Benjen Lord of Winterfell? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but Robert didn't give up the Stormlands to Renly did he? Or he did and therefore Ned just got the Crownlands?
    How the hell did Jon Arryn even suspect? Correct me if I'm wrong, but several of Ned's kids don't quite resemble him, do they? (I'm a TV fan only) His suspicions seem quite baseless.
    Catelyn Tully dead. Okay, she's dead. Any reason why Lysa wouldn't have gotten taken instead so as not to upset the Riverlands. Was she already married to Jon at this point?

    On a sidenote, I'm kinda digging at the moment the idea of Ned & Rob declaring an end to the Kingship and seperating the seven kingdoms. Split the Crownlands between the Vale, Riverlands and Stormlands, and everyone goes their separate way and see what chaos occurs.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  8. Damnyoureyes

    Damnyoureyes First Year

    Feb 14, 2009
    Found another decent AU, about Sansa this time. Spoiler-dependent so read at own risk:

    Plant Your Hope with Good Seeds


    In the end they trade her, with a chest of Lannister gold, for the Kingslayer.

    Man AO3 is frustrating, they have like 3 good fics in each category and the rest is just creepy, implausible relationships. But those 3 fics are way better than most of the FFN stuff. Decisions, Decisions...
  9. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Awful stuff. I think it was one of the first SOIAF fics I looked at, alongside the Jon Snow centric ones, and I have to say it put me right off. Although why I was looking at cross overs I have no idea.

    On that note though, are there any stories dealing with the Blackfyre rebellion and the Great Bastards? I figure that they are far enough removed from the story line that the fact that most authors fail at GRRM level political intrigue shouldn't matter too much. Either that or one where Jon is raised as a Targarien in exile, rather than with Ned.
  10. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    Where did anyone rec it? There were only two somewhat positive statements, being mine and Celestin's, and we both said it was decent as a time waster but not great by any means.
  11. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Poor choice of words I guess. Ignore that. I was just hoping it might improve. It did not. >_>
  12. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    I've only just discovered the TV show, and I have yet to read any of the books...but how could Harry Potter possibly fit into this 'verse? His magic would make him almost godly.
  13. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Well, yes and no.

    He'd be godly in that he'd be untouchable. But he'd also be singularly unable to affect the outcome of large scale events - his magic is limited in range.

    I suppose his most powerful weapons would be the Imperius and Legilimency (if you gave it to him).

    Of course, something like post-OotP Harry would be much more interesting than an adult, post-Voldemort Harry. Without apparition he would be more limited, and at that stage he hadn't used the Imperius either.
  14. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    When me and Lutris were planning out a HP/ASOIAF cross, we basically just bullshitted that his power was proportional to the Red Comet. As in, as magic in general got stronger in the ASOIAF world, Harry could do his thing properly, instead of spells just fizzing out or whatever. Was never sure how we were going to limit his godmode entirely, but eh. I know that for another ASOIAF/HP/Dresden cross I planned out once, I took Taure's Five Spell challenge for Harry and he was stuck with only the first five spells he cast when he showed up in Westeros (First of which was a Scouring Charm. Whoops!) without knowing that he would be capped or whatever.

    Long story short, there are plenty of bad ideas on how Harry's magic would mix with ASOIAF's. Quick, somebody think of a good one! Gogogo.
  15. Infidel

    Infidel Auror

    Feb 26, 2011
    The underverse
    Definitely agree with that.

    A couple of random ideas.

    You could limit his abilities by his not having his original wand. Maybe, he crafts a very crude one that is only just sufficient to cast spells with or cracks frequently so he would have to keep rebuilding them.

    It would be interesting to see how he would fare if he was stuck beyond the wall and had to survive amongst with the wildlings. The others could take a special interest in him as they sense magic. The struggle for survival would be brutal in that situation.

    A sixteen year old Harry Potter, bereft of a wand learns to survive and flourish in a brutal world of strange magic. The dead rise and hunt the living and show a strange fascination with him. He learns to never bend his knee from the wildlings, manages to cross the wall/ cross the seas and meets dragons.
  16. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    1. Harry loses his wand.

    2. He can perform wandless magic, but it is so weak that it can not affect the outcome of an entire battle, for example

    a) Incendio enough to produce sparks, maybe light a small fire but it causes his hand to burn.
    b) Levitation charm, but for very light things. Trying to lift heavier things causes strain which might risk breaking of bones(?)
    c) Cutting charm, but only enough to cut through ropes and takes time. Classic situation where someone has captured him and he has to maintain a conversation long enough to cut through the bindings. A bad aim and/or lack of focus might make him cut his own hand/feet, of course very little but still painful.

    and so on.

    3. Since he finds himself in a very strange world, he is not advertising his abilities and living more or less as a commoner.

    4. Making wands is easy. Certain wood + something from magical creature = wand.

    Now, he finds the required wood (maybe from a godswood?) but there are no magical creatures, apart from dragons which went extinct long ago. But soon rumors start flowing into the Seven Kingdoms of a certain silver-blonde haired woman with three dragons.

    So, with the level of skill as given in (2) he has to cross the sea, find her and get to the dragon(s).

    One thing you could use is that since Harry has the potential to be an animagus, maybe that ability allows him to become a warg. The concept of warg is magical.

    Anyways, by the time he gets back, the others are here, and he is largely involved in fighting them. If you want to still limit him, you can use the incompatible-wand or lack-of-education excuse.

    I just thought it up in a few minutes, looks good to me, but maybe when I read it tomorrow morning I will facepalm. :|

    What do you think?
  17. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    IMO Harry without his wand is just another body to be butchered in the War of the Five Kings. Let him keep his wand, but just throw his younger self into Westeros - I would propose Harry from the end of PoA. He's almost 14, knows enough magic to survive and add something meaningful to the story, but not enough to completely break it.

    His main problem would be comunication and understanding what people around him are saying (or are we going with "magic-translates-everything" handwave?).
  18. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    He has magic. You can set that power accordingly with whatever works for the story. A Harry without magic is boring.

    This works and I thought of something like this at first, but you need a plot with it. Figure out some way which makes Harry's presence meaningful. If he is just surviving it will get boring soon.
  19. White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Hippity Hoppity DLP Supporter

    Mar 26, 2008
    I kind of would like to see a Dresden/ASoIaF crossover. You'd have to make sure to keep him from being overpowered, which would be pretty hard. But I think that could be a bad ass story.

    One way could be up until the dragons are born his powers are dormant. There, yet nothing more than parlor trick like the red priests of R'hllor. Then he comes into his own and breaks out the staff and rod on some peoples asses. Maybe he's a man of the Night's Watch. Not sure he'd be a good maester. He climbs rank too easily to stay a peon, I just don't know where he'd fit into.
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Dresden is much more in line with ASOIAF than HP is, for sure. Both in tone and limits.

    One way to limit the character without making him too late (and thus destroying the reason for a crossover in the first place) would be to remove his equipment. No staff, blasting rod, no kinetic rings or duster. Maybe we'll allow him the shield bracelet. Everything else he has to make again if he wants it, or (more interesting) make some other items if he has better ideas.