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Almost Recommendable Fanfiction - Round Four

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Oct 15, 2011.

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  1. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter DLP Silver Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    Yes please, bring on the Founders Fics with Basilisk armoured knights broomstick jousting.
  2. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Here you go. (Joe.)
  3. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Completely agree. In a world where Sixth Year Harry and pink-umbrella Hagrid turn fire hose-like spells on Hagrid's burning cabin and First Year Hermione is a whiz at bluebell flames that don't seem to need oxygen, not to mention the disciplines of, oh, Transfiguration and Conjuration, controlling dirt or being some sort of 'air bender' would probably strike most magical folk as decidedly pedestrian. And I suspect any attempts to bring that up as an example of being bad-ass would probably be met with pitying looks if not outright derision.

    11-y.o. Lord Potter-Black-etc: "Avast, Malfoy scion! I challenge thee to a duel of honor for thine insult to the beautiful Misses Granger, Delacour, Greengrass, Bones, and Abbott!"

    Malfoy: "Wands at midnight, Potter. The trophy room, if you're not too scared. Who's your second?"

    LPB...: "That's Lord Potter-Black-Gryffind.. I forget the rest. At any rate, I accept, you knave! But be warned, you cur! I am an Elemental - yes, with a capital E! - and I control the very earth upon which you tread, and beneath which you shall lie before this night is finished!"

    Malfoy: "... what?"

    LPB: "Art thou deaf, varlet? I saidst to thee -"

    Malfoy: "I heard you, idiot. It's just that we're *all* elementals. Or Elementals, if you prefer. It's called a wand, you tool."

    Now this one I can go with IF it's used sparingly. After all, wasn't the book where Hermione found the Polyjuice recipe titled "Potions Moste Potente" or something and the Horcrux book titled "Magick Moste Evile" or am I way off base here?

    Again, I agree. The only exceptions are if it's a unique event, which in turn gives it that much more weight. What I mean is, say, Harry having to fight someone in a brutal, inelegant, far-from-pretty scene where both are unarmed, untrained, etc. Other times when it makes an impact are when it's unexpected, such as when Hagrid lost his temper at Karkaroff in GoF and bounced the guy off a tree. I did *not* expect that, and from then on every reader knew that anybody bad-mouthing D'dore was in serious danger of Hagrid kicking their ass.

    Makes me wish for more Hagrid-centric stories. He's possibly the most loveable character in the series and at the same time one of the most dangerous in terms of carnage potential, but you never think of him in those terms.

    What, are we all forgetting nmb's By the Diving Light and sequel, Conlaodh's Song, now? As much as I love The General (everything by nos tres reges, really), nmb's is the best mentor-D'dore I can think of.

    Yes it is. It's kind of crazy that pretty much the only article of clothing made from a big, bad, magical creature is Bill's dragonhide boots. I seem to recall Fred or George having a garish dragonhide jacket but that may very well be from a fanfic.

    And it's not as if dragons are all that scarce if roughly a third of all magical people's wands contains a heartstring from one. Maybe one dragon has dozens of heartstrings, I don't know, but if so that would certainly increase the odds of a Priori Incantatum, right? And if phoenix feathers are as rare as we're lead to believe, then either the ratio of unicorn hair wands is way, way up or there are plenty of dragon parts to go around. What, then, is happening to all the outside bits of dragon left over? We know they use the blood to clean the oven (another hint that dragons are as plentiful as pigeons) so what the hell?

    At least with Basilisks there's a ready-made excuse: Guess what, Virginia? Those things are fucking dangerous. Anything that can kill you with nothing more than eye contact is too damn scary to have around, never mind that certain specimens have been known to live, say, a thousand years (on rats!), getting to about 50 feet long. Oh yeah, and they have sword-like fangs which, happily, inject a venom/poison so horrible that only the tears of an immortal firebird can counteract it.

    Hmm. Why - why - aren't these things being bred by every family from the newest Mudbloods to the oldest Purebloods?!? It's a mystery! I have no idea why there hasn't been an avalanche of magical research into harvesting and utilizing the scales of these gentle, misunderstood giants.

    All kidding aside, a good author could make something work but it's have to be limited. Maybe make the scales unwieldy since they're so large from that 1000-y.o. behemoth, and practically impossible to cut. Make them so magic-resistant that feather-light charms either don't work or fail soon after being cast. Maybe work it so that Harry uses a single scale to make a shield for some specific task or something, or ???

    Salazar Slytherin: He wasn't trying to purge the school of Mudbloods. Hell, he loved the little tykes! He only bred those basilisks 'cause he was tired of the Bulgarian middleman jacking up the price of his jousting duds. Sure, the Bulgarian was a Mudbl- I mean, First Generation Wizard, but it was an accident, Godric! A misunderstanding, I tell you!!
  4. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    I disagree because I don't interpret elemental abilities as being more talented with spells conjuring the 4 elementals. I see that ability as being able to harness the power of the natural elements in the world around you.
  5. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Right. But what's the difference between the fire from a normal spell like Incendio and fire from some "ability to harness the natural elements in the world around you"? They're both just fire, and rather tame in the scheme of things (flame freezing charm, anyone?).
  6. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter DLP Silver Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    To build on what Taure said too, normal Wizards have a wand which is an inexhaustible source of magic where most elementals in fics seems to tire as they use their powers.

    People can be so taken with something that's fun in another world that they don't really think how it'd fit into their fanfics. The one problem I have with Roarian's 'Death has no dominion' is his pyromancer and he treats the subject comparatively well.

    Then there's the whole kind of shoe horning of the 'elements' into a wizards way of thinking. The closest we ever hear of something similar, if I'm not grossly wrong, is a book title, something like the quest for quintessence.

    We're never told the amount of knowledge that wizards have, we can assume it's a lot though. That library is huge, and Dumbledore knows a lot. Wizards have a fundamentally altered perception of the world but I don't think that they'd subscribe to an Aristotelian idea of the 'four elements' any more than we muggles do. JK liked to appropriate famous thinkers as wizards of history, I could imagine Aristotle as a wizard. I think he'd be regarded as he is now by modern wizards.

    This is has actually given me an idea, if they did have elemental magic, why not have it be about things that they now call elements, like we've done with the periodic table? Things like the patronus charm. It's probably a shit idea but I could see it being fun to play with the cliché.

    Edit: Thank you Warlocke for catching that abortion of a sentence. I'm gonna' have to be a good workman and blame it on my tools, and a lack of sleep and a lot of other lies.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  7. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    Because there is more energy in the nature around you.
  8. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter DLP Silver Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    Than a wizard with a wand? Where you can spell cast all day and all night and never get tired?
  9. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    Even if you don't believe into getting tired of using too much magic or loosing the concentration it still takes *time* while the nature around you is full of stored energy in a far bigger scope. A wizard needs to use indirect measures to play with elementals. At least my understanding about conjuring water would involve accio H2O from the air, compress and charm it to move in the way you want. All that work is done in that spell. An elemental has a mental control over the elementals around him and it's an additional pool of stored energy.

    For instance the story of Moses and the dividing of the sea would show an Elemental's work while a wizard wouldn't be able to do that in *my* view of the magic world as he couldn't generate the necessary energy (in time).
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" :confused:
  11. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter DLP Silver Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    I think that this just comes down to a fundamentally different interpretation of the HP system of magic. I can respect that, so fair enough.

    I could totally see Dumbledore or Harry parting the ocean though if Joe got involved ;)
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Though it's kind of a silly thing to do. Why part the ocean when you could just walk across it?

    This "more energy" point confuses me slightly, as does the "more time" issue. It takes all of four syllables to summon up fire - less if you do it non-verbally - and once summoned the fire is identical to natural fire. Not sure where this mysterious energy is coming from, or how it's making itself known. It's not like Incendio is limited to small fires - it was used in HBP to send Hagrid's entire hut on fire in less than a second.

    And of course, this completely ignores the fact that regular magic has a lot of varieties of magical fire which are much more potent than natural fire.
  13. Immet

    Immet Seventh Year

    Jan 30, 2012
    Maybe those who are wanking over elementalists think that regular magic Incendio is based on elemental magic and is a clumsy half-arsed way of affecting it, whereas an actual elementalist can change Water in the air to Fire and can directly play around with Platonic Fire rather than one step removed via wands.

    I've seen a couple of authors (for example Melethril's Building Bridges) who make all Harry Potter magic based on the 4.5 elements (often having Spirit as one), and having Earth based elemental wizards just better at some spells and worse at others.
  14. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Canonically, because you might have a tribe of escaping slaves to escort with you, not to mention their former owners that need drowning. Don't limit you choices.
  15. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    The way I see "elementals" is that the difference is in scale. So yes, any wizard can use incendio (or similar) as a decent flamethrower, but a fire elemental could create something akin to a solar flare. Of course, the usefulness of solar flares in relatively close combat situations are debatable...

    The battle between Harry and Dumbledore in the Harry/Bellatrix story "Only Enemies" could be something that might happen between elementals.

    Of course, an elemental could be just a regular someone who has gained supreme knowledge about some type of spells, and is extremely good with them. Like Harry and his summoning/banishing charms in nonjon's "A Black Comedy".
  16. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    This would destroy the planet, you realise? lol

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  17. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I always thought of it as being... uhm, let's see, more intrinsic somehow? Instinctual?

    Like, Voldemort could fly without a broom. He can do this because presumably he is a BAMF with magic and managed to come up with some complex spells that allow this. I also assume that (1) It is not easy to learn and (2) Even if he taught you the spells you'd still need to practice them a lot to get proficient (i.e. apparently students need to practice spells they learn in class at Hogwarts).

    If, however, you were an "Air Elemental" of some kind perhaps you could simply call wind and have it do whatever you want it to do in your head. It wouldn't require great command of magic or intricate spellwork. You can just think and will what you want to happen, whether it's making a pretty flower out of leaves in a blowing wind or whatever else (I.e. things that would require specific spells to learn and do with typical HP magic).

    Another example perhaps might be... Harry conjured water to put out the fire (I think I recall that one being mentioned). It works like a firehose apparently. If that's the only "conjure water" spell he knows then it's the only conjure water spell he knows. Perhaps it's possible to make shapes or something with the water, but presumably that would require either another spell (that he'd have to learn) or greater command over the current spell (which he'd have to practice).

    Perhaps someone with "elemental" command of water could just pull all the water out of the lake and make it tap dance, or turn into miniature firemen, or surround the hut in a circle and attack it from every angle, etc. It could do this because the wizard thought it and commanded it to do so -- without the need for a specific spell, a wand, or whatever else.

    ...Granted I agree that magic of that sort doesn't really belong in Harry Potter, and it's almost always done poorly when it does appear. But I can at least see where people are coming from when they envision it... even if it doesn't tend to work.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  18. arkkitehti

    arkkitehti High Inquisitor

    May 31, 2012
    Of course. That's why it's debatable if it would be useful in close combat.
  19. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Okay, in all seriousness: Fuck anyone who refers to a human spell-caster as an elemental.

    Group A: Fire Elementals

    Fire Elemental - Fire Elemental - A Trio of Fire Elementals - Fire Elemental - Fire Elemental

    Group B:
    People Casting Fire Spells

    Effete Bishōnen Twat Casting Fire Spell - Bipolar Lesbian Casting Fire Spell - Plasticine Bimbo Casting Fire Spell - Orihime Clone Casting Fire Spell - Stock Image of Some Insane Bitch in a Snood Casting a Blue Fire Spell - Some Whack-Job Cunt Who Likes To Play With Fire - Gee, I wonder...

    Group C: A Book Titled Fire Spell

    What Are You, Stupid? It's dat Book What I Done Told You About Right Up Dere^

    Group D: Someone Eating a Fireball

    The Right Way - The Wrong Way

    Those things in category A are not the same as those in category B; and, anyone who can't tell the difference is mentally impaired in a very fundamental fashion.

    A Fire elemental is a creature OF fire. Everything else is just some douchenozzle casting a spell. Maybe they specialize in fire spells; guess what that makes them?

    A regular ol' douchenozzle who specializes in fire spells.

    Or, an "elementalist", if you will; note the IST at the end.

    The first time I ever read HP fanfic where some witch or wizard was described as a fire elemental, it instantly made me grit my teeth, while I fantasized about knocking the author's out.

    Could Harry be a fire elemental? Sure, if his parents were both creatures made of living flame, yeah... Or maybe if he were subjected to some strange ritual, or if he happened to board a space shuttle with Sue Storm at the wrong time - then he maybe sorta kinda could pass himself off as an elemental... Whatever. :|

    Or, he could even be one quarter elemental, if Grandma Evans was a cheatin' ho who made it with some suave devil who left her with a legitimate burning sensation, making Lily's red hair the victim of yet another cliché. I'm not sure Calcifer would approve.

    Otherwise, Harry's just good with burninating things with magic, as is any other git who labels himself 'elemental' for the piddling little act of casting a fiery bit of magic. :facepalm

    To anyone who abuses these terms as such: You're making yourself sound like a moron. Stop this shit. :fire

    Yes, this goes for the other elements as well. Monkey.

    The closest Harry's ever gotten to being a fire elemental is slash fic where he acts like a flaming queen with his nose buried in Ron's fiery red crotch pelt. Get over it.

    Oh, hey, look who can cast horrifically massive fire spells without being special snowflakes who resort to calling themselves elementals in order to feel better about their short wands...
  20. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Some of those girls you linked look hot.
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