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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Figured I would document this season's foray into ranked for anyone interested and as a way to see my weak areas later on, if I actually get enough data. I hope that this can also be a thread separate from the General League of Legends thread for people to post their own 'ranked diaries,' gripes, or questions.

    On the first two games from the start of the season, I carried one as Brand and failed to carry one as skarner. I don't remember much about them.

    So cutoff is in a month and the goal is gold in a week, platinum by the month if I don't get sick of it by then. For the next week, I'll be duo-queueing with my friend so he can get gold. I left him hanging last season due to school and he will be unavailable to play for the next 3 weeks.

    Game 1: Last pick but Juede is first pick meaning the entire team is 1300-1330. Get stuck with top which is fine by me. Luckily Juede supports all day every day. Their top picks Yorick (remember kids, picking yorick is for faggots) so I pick trundle into him and shit on his face.

    His first few rounds of harass are healed entirely by minions dying. He decides to go aggressive and gets his dick kicked in. It was such a one sided trade that I took two shots exhausted under the tower and still killed him without dying at level 2. First blood is denied to me by their rengar, who runs under turret to kill ashe who heal baits him (although he would've died before killing her either way according to Juede).

    Rengar and Annie spend days camping top, and I end up killing Yorick a few more times. Our Noct afks at 15 minutes, but ahri gets a triple kill under tower after they try to dive me and I tank them with my ult. They came one at a time and every kill ahri got gave me a little chunk of health to survive with. They surrender before realizing noct is afk.

    Game 2: Last pick again, but Juede is only above me by one. Our faggot 2nd pick takes Yorick into Pantheon for an easy counter. Mid is Zyra into Ahri and 3rd takes jungle leesin, so Juede and I go bot. Their picks were taric/twitch, so I made the executive decision to go Jarvan/Leona. Twitch is not a strong ad carry. He's laughably easy to jump on, so I knew that Jarvan/Leona would not only stomp on them early, but 2shot him late as well.

    Our team bitches. And bitches. And bitches. Top wins, mid loses horribly, but we shit on bot despite mundo camping us. 9/3 by the end of the lane phase. Mundo gets fed and gets to be a problem, but we end the game. Lee 'carries' by ulting a lot of killsteals throughout the rest of the game, so I end the game with 9/6/19 with double twitch's cs. Those damn last picks, trolling with Jarv/Leona.

    Game 3: Last picks, this is getting old. Some jackass claims to be a smurf, links to his 1700 account. Why are you smurfing at 1300 if you're only 1700? He feeds mid 3 kills but jax top feeds me as Jarvan. First blood feels good. End up going 5/1/1 as their top rage quits after his team rages at him. Juede is stomping bot as corki so they surrender after the first lost teamfight.

    Ending rating: 4/1, just over 1400
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2013
  2. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Starting Elo: 1372

    Going pure solo for at least Gold. Doing the "Support or bust" challenge.

    Game 1:

    I'm third pick, so "my team can't be too bad" are my initial impressions. My team first-picked Sona because of someone asking for Sona support. I get Amumu for jungling. Riven's top, kog's bot, and there's an Anivia mid.

    And then Anivia says "I can only play fizz" right before we load, and I know we're fucked.

    Enemy team is Xin top, Nunu Jungle, Fizz mid, and Taric/Ez bot.

    Jungle is easy. No invades from them and I get all buffs fast then start ganking. Every lane ends up 2-3 kills ahead by about 8 minutes in.

    Then the feeding starts. Stupid bird and Sona both rush AA staves. No one, except me, wards. Riven lets Xin roam like mad and doesn't take top tower. Mid and Top are camping the hell out of bot and killing them repeatedly.

    I try to counter, but there's only so much a lvl 9 Amumu can do when Ulti's down adn there's a 2v4 or 3v4 at bot every minute.

    Bird and Riven are stupid enough to sit in mid-lane side bushes and get ganked repeatedly because they walk into Xin + Nunu combo.

    Bird and Riven are bitching about ganks when they're both walking into enemy jungle and dieing 1v3 constantly.

    We lose horribly, as expected.

    Best part? Bird + Sona rushed god damn AA staff. Bird has fucking FIFTY CS at 20 minutes in when she had 3 kill advantage. Kog has no god damn IE until the game literally finishes. Sona misses EVERY Ulti and doesn't ward.

    Meanwhile, I'm sitting here as Amumu wondering what the hell I can even do to carry this, when they blew away a 9-kill team advantage and Riven + Bird are always killed off because they try to 1v5.

    Final Result: 4-4-10 Jungle Amumu because I couldn't damage them enough in a fight when 3/5 players were useless. -32 Elo

    But hey, I got a +1 to "Helpful" Honor out of it.

    Game 2:

    This one was freaking great. I'm second pick and I'm pissed at the terrible support I had last game. First pick gets Annie. Then we get Janna, Maokai, Cho, and last-pick Corki.

    Enemy gets Blitz, Trist, Morg, Lee, and Jax. We have better initiate, but their late-game kind of wrecks ours so bad, it isn't even funny.

    Typical laning happens. Corki spams mana until oom, but I keep him alive with Nados + Shield. Blitz basically failed at grabbing all game cause wards and lol!nado. We pick up 2 kills bot at around 7 minutes with Maokai assist.

    Now, the fun part begins. We get ganked bot because Corki doesn't back off when LEe is coming. I know he's coming. I warded dragon and our jungle, so I start to ping back. Corki doesn't budge, so I defend his ass and we manage to escape with Maokai assist. Now, we're all damaged as hell. Mao's down to 200. I'm low and backing, but Corki's at 800~ HP and defending the tower well enough.

    Lee finds Mao in the jungle and the death train begins. I save Mao when I'm coming back to lane. Corki and Annie come in and we chase through jungle. Lee almost gets away by juking, but I find him and he's going back into our jungle.

    At this point, mid and bot are also MIA, so we're expecting to have to bolt soon. We catch Lee as soon as Blitz and Morg make it to the party, but Lee drops like a rock from Annie's Q because he's at 100~ HP.

    Then, we fire everything at them. Morg drops to Annie nuke after Lee dies, because she wasted shield trying to save him. Blitz drops next because he grabs Corki and eats a full Gatling and fireball. Trist jumps in to try and pick up a triple, but Nado + Shield + lol!Exhaust shut her down. Annie walks with an easy quadra and it snowballs from there.

    This entire time, Jax top has had free farm over Cho because cho has been roaming around, for some strange reason, and has 60 CS to Jax's 150. Jax didn't even matter at the end though.

    All the fights became curb-stomps after that qudra because they couldn't get through Cho + Mao tank line. If they somehow did make it, then Nado + Exhaust + SHield + Zephyr slowed their kill speeds low enough for Corki to eat them alive. If morg ever tried to flash + Ulti, I'd counter ulti and she'd basically be useless.

    Curbstomp ending score of 1-2-23 Janna. +32 Elo

    And then I get triple "Friendly" Honors. I have no clue how.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
  3. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    I read that as "nando's" and was like "strong chicken plays"?

    Strong Janna game is strong, I wish I could play her as well as I do Ali/Leona/Soraka.
  4. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    She's mainly about countering more than anything.

    Great intro guide for Janna.
  5. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    Very in depth guide, but nothing I don't already know there; I think the main issue is experience playing with her to be honest. Also I don't agree with his rune/masteries set ups, but they're generally down to personal preference and play style. Sorry for going off topic, maybe should be talking about this in the main LoL thread!
  6. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    10/1/12, Starting elo: 1401 iirc
    Game 4
    I am now above Juede for picks, poor lil fella. Teams end up being Taric/Vayne/Shyv/Eve vs Shaco/Cait/Sona/Ziggs. I picked Jarvan into Jayce top. I don't know of any true Jayce counters. It's one thing to pick Trundle into Yorick or Yorick into Pantheon, but most of the Jayce lane counters I know of gimp the team in the late game compared to Jayce.

    I picked Jarvan because:
    1) Jarvan is a boss. He's the next best thing to malphite for a cc heavy top laner, but can definitely carry harder in some cases. His 1v1 dueling and kill potential is stronger in many cases.
    2) I have a lot of experience with Jarvan. His damage is absurdly high compared to what most people expect. Also I have the Victorious Jarvan skin which is badass, but also forces players to be irrational. Every game so far has someone complimenting or trash talking me for the skin, and every lane opponent seems to either be intimidated or overly rash to prove themselves or something.
    3) J4 is an underdog pick. People don't know him, don't know how to counter him, and don't know what to expect. It's why I played malphite before it was cool (my malphite wore a scarf and coke-bottle glasses), because I knew he was deceptively strong top and absolutely brutally shut down any and all autoattackers. Jarv is someone who can hold his own top, duel well, farm easily, and still be home in time to support the team.

    That being said, don't take this advice as the go-ahead for "pick jarvan into jayce" because let me tell you it's a bad idea. He has every advantage going in. I picked it because all of the Jayce counters I knew have no end game or aren't champs I was comfortable playing.

    I firstblood Jayce like a boss. He was an idiot and got stomped on. While he focused on trying to harass me with his little canon shots, I last hit with a little extra damage thanks to my passive, clearing the first wave and hitting level 2 first. At level 2 I combod him, ignited, and flashed his flash to smash his skull into the ground.

    Shaco proceeded to camp my lane for the next 3 minutes. From 4 minutes to 7:30, he didn't leave top lane's various brushes. It denied me hard and set me behind on levels because leaving the tower would mean getting killed for sure. From that point on, Jayce had every advantage including levels and farm, so I was playing catch up. They tower dove me at level 6, which let me get a double kill. Since I died though, I missed a large creep wave build up that left me behind by 3 levels. Despite ALL of this though, I was still outcsing Jayce. 100 to 60 at 13 minutes, and 220 to 140 at game end.

    The shaco's strategy shouldn't have worked. Camping his butt-buddy's top lane like that kept me from making any plays and gimped my game, but considering he spent 3 FULL MINUTES standing on a ward and jumping into lane whenever I showed my face, it should have been game over for his team, especially since the only kill they got was a 1 for 2 in my favor. But our jungler (shyv) didn't gank the other lanes, didn't counter jungle, and didn't come countergank either. He just left me hanging and failed at every bit of his role.

    Despite this, Juede carried bot hard with some great Taric play. At one point he flashed forward, intercepted cait's ult for a 20hp vayne, then through his stun while stepping on cait's trap, aggroing the tower onto her like a boss, then ended up killing her with an amazing exhaust bait where he healed himself then got a full ult/shatter/stun combo off. Shaco never went to relieve pressure and vayne was 4/1 by the end of the lane phase.

    Since I couldn't go my preferred build (heavy ad with some survivability, phage/hex/brut-->lw/maw/mallet/atmas), I got some HP and tank items so I could initiate and soak damage since my Jarv skin is a taunt this scrubby shaco/jayce combo can't resist. We end up winning the game, and I have a 3/6/7 score because bitches love focusing me instead of the eve or vayne.

    They shut me down top, but we had 3 exhausts for Jayce, Cait only had a sona ult to protect her (which did nothing against me/eve/shyv gunning for her) because Jayce was too busy thinking he was tough shit and trying to 1v5 us, and shaco gimped himself more than he gimped me by wasting so much time top. He tried playing backdoor but didn't have any damage, levels, or survivability to do anything. E/Q clears the wave with a few autos, so it would take me 15 seconds to clear a minute of his pushing effort even with his ionic spark (lol).

    Of course Jayce ends the game with a "report cait/ziggs plz, fkn nobs"
    Current rating:1455
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
  7. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Alright guys, I'll post tomorrow about my journey from ELO Hell. Starting at 1020 ELO, actually started the season at 1150 but shit-tier teams and dumb mistakes on my part have made it this awesome. I'll be doing the same thing Evan is, where I support all day every day, with random normals where I try to learn jungle.
  8. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Two more games tonight.

    Started 1455
    Game 5: Played Jayce top vs Swain. Dominated him. Besides 1 death to gank at level 4 and 1 death to a towerdive, never died top lane despite taking two towers solo push. Despite this, lose game because of consecutive throws by team.

    Draven gets caught twice 'pushing' mid (yknow that aram state of mind where people just group mid and kill creep waves while staring eachother down?) because he baits himself with his Q, then gets caught. Udyr then gets caught 1v5. Diana decides to go in, dies as well. I go in and pick up 3 kills before dying. I haven't decided if it was a mistake to go in, but if I didn't they would've been able to baron with only soraka/draven to contest them.

    Later, Draven/Udyr get caught mid, we get aced for 3. As the last to die and with a 4 level advantage (being the tankiest, highest damage dealing, and best-positioned player >:|), I'm last to rez. Diana calls for a rush on baron, but doesn't buy a pink ward. Her inventory was not full. We get baron and get aced, lose inhib.

    Immediately upon rezzing, udyr runs and clears our wolves/wraiths, fucks around in mid for a bit, then facechecks their EMPTY JUNGLE and gets caught out and killed. I make a mistake and shoot them from max range with my Q. They blow 2 flashes ignite exhaust and shyv ult to catch and kill me. Draven gets caught due to 0 map awareness immediately after he saw them killing me, then they proceed to end game. I rez in time to fight them, but they have already killed turrets and beat down the nexus while I try to kill them.

    This game was hardly unwinnable, I made several mistakes I know of. I shouldn't have dived top at level 4 and died, even though it got me a kill, and probably should've worked at killing mid/bot more after I took the 2nd tower top, once draven proved incapable of not being caught. I should've not been caught after udyr, though it took me by surprise that they were that fucking gung-ho about catching me. I should've never gone brut even though all the lanes were winning. Maw/Mallet+GA would've probably made a huge difference in the teamfights. I should've communicated more to get the retards to follow instructions instead of letting them run themselves into the grinder constantly like jackasses.
    Rating: 1420

    Game 6:
    Pick GP into Riven. Win trades, Hec level 4 ganks, double flash too much for me. Killed.
    Continue to farm, still winning trades, still winning farm. Say to Juede: Hec is coming for me, I've got a feeling. Hec ganks again and kills me.
    Back to lane, continue to farm, still winning trades, still winning farm, Hec ganks again, fails to kill me.
    Back to lane, continue to farm, still winning farm, pick up 2 assists bot with ult, Hec sits on ward for 90 seconds while I'm pushed up to the tower. Still winning farm, 3 man gank top with kennen from mid, I juke Riven's ult and flash Hecarims, get away and they triple flash on top of me, chasing me past 2nd tower for kill.
    MEANWHILE, in the rest of the game, Amumu kills bot lane in a gank, bot turret falls, mid turret falls, and they proceed to dragon. Top turret still lives because their creeps died while they chased me through two turrets. Total trade was 1 kill for 2 kills, 2 turrets, and dragon.

    Proceed back to lane, take turret, escape from another 3 man gank, teamfight wins because mid and bot both lost their lanes while hec camped top for years.

    End score: 0/4/12. Three deaths to lane ganks, 1 because we attempted to end game and stayed too long. Juede followed the amumu into their counter baron and amumu picks up a triple on hec/riven/kennen. Still outcs'd the riven, made tons more gold because of double gp5 into tank build.

    I picked the GP into Riven for the safe farm, because I had a feeling I would be camped top. The first two deaths were my fault, but after that it was just continuous overzealous and completely unnecessary camping top while riven continued to lose on farm. Also, I felt that the GP really complimented the Sivir/Taric picks, since both their ults combined with GP E was crazy strong teamfight potential.

    Game 7: Lux, Jax, Leesin vs AP ez, jayce, rengar. Taric/Cait with juede on bot vs Draven/Janna. Normally we would win this, but due to a convoluted retard fuck fest fight level 1, we get 4 kills for five.

    Despite four kills going to the leesin, he immediately throws it away and dies to rengar in enemy jungle. Janna had got 3 kills and Draven got 1, so we started on bot behind like crazy, and got camped as well. Lee came and got one kill, then never came bot again. Jax got hardcountered by Jayce, which he should've banned if he was planning to jax top considering he was first pick and knew jayce countered jax.

    All lanes lost, Lee never came to relieve pressure, game was over before I could ever farm.

    Mistake was following the team into jungle instead of talking them out of it. Never died in lane phase and was relatively even on cs, so I don't know if I made any mistakes there. Doubt it was anything huge. Shouldn't have stuck to the meta, should've just gone jarvan/leona and stomped bot, stomped mid, stomped top, like we always do. (Zeph it was ONE game and Juede was drunk).

    Game 8: Jayce top v Leesin. Some people say this is a 'counter', but I still don't see it. If the Lee actually is skilled enough to outharass the Jayce, then the Jayce can just go heavy sustain.

    Kicked the shit out of him. Mid picked katarina into our chogath, so that was a lulzworth win there. Bot lane was corki/taric vs graves/blitz. Juede made some big plays and Corki was legendary. Nothing against the corki, but he ate about 75% of grabs and was really only saved by Juede. Juede's Taric is 70% win ratio with 34/48/246 stats. Badass.

    With three lost lanes and a nunu jungle who Juede warded against and got killed 3 times trying to invade, the enemy team surrendered early.

    Game 9: Diana vs Morgana mid. Team comp was mao/morg/soraka/vayne/vlad vs diana/taric/graves/warwick/jax.
    Since their team was awful level 1 and so many maokais love to do wraiths first as directed by oddone, I made the executive decision to invade. Warwick, the top laner, decided that we shouldn't invade and walked away.

    Despite this, as we run into wraiths I throw a Q into the brush between dragon and red buff and find me a vayne. Juede flashes for the stun and *I* get first blood, flashing into red buff pit to follow vayne. Hoo-rah!

    Lane phase goes fine, ww dies to mao gank level 2, starts bitching. Bot lane does well, winning farm. I get killed at level 5 when morg gets 6 and mao/morg flash on me. Flash still wasn't up, so I died =/
    My mistake, should've gone home sooner.

    Warwick continues to let top free farm and vlad picks up a few kills. I farm mid easily, take our wraiths and theirs. (Note: Don't farm their wraiths without wards, I bought two each time so I was well aware of anyone warding or approaching their wraiths.)

    Only other death is from maokai flashing on me, but I led them on a decently merry chase while my team took dragon in exchange. Once WW's tower fell, vlad continued to push, letting me shut him down with jax's help and ww ult. Picked up 2 assists bot on mao/soraka, took two towers because I guess they thought we would stop at 1. Jax defended mid so morg couldn't push down the t1.

    Ended the game early, vlad rage quit. Luckily for us, ww didn't because Graves and I talked him off of the edge. Juede stayed silent all game and got honorable opponent.
    Rating: 1497

    Game 10: Fuckin dodgers. Get to play Diana into Syndra, Jayce into Garen, Sivir into Graves, Nunu into maokai. Some asshole named dmyz or something picks garen teleport clarity (i think) on the enemy team and forces a dodge. How do I know this? Because the lobby game starts, the same asshole immediately calls mid. 2 minutes later when he picks, he chooses garen and goes clarity/teleport. "Fuck you i feed, I was gonna support" after sona picked support. We ALL saw him type mid. I TRIPLE CHECKED the chat log where he called mid. And he still says NO FUCK YOU with various other poorly spelled obscenities.

    Thankfully someone else dodged. Game 10 ended up being ez/leona into taric/graves bot, nunu vs jayce top, malz vs annie, and jax vs udyr jungle. Mid crushed annie despite udyr camping for the first few minutes. Udyr failed to ever make a play top to kill nunu but spent way too much time top, and juede and I picked up first blood on taric after we had level 2 first because they took too long to get back to lane after a fail invade (where they didn't even steal blue).

    The matchup was definitely against us as I was running AP runes and taric/graves was just too tanky in comparison to us. I couldn't make full advantage of Juede's passive procs because I would always get stunned for some of the procs. Still ended up ahead in cs, 2-1 in lane, and pushed their tower/controlled dragon. Ended game pretty easily.

    1539 Goal achieved!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  9. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    The upward mobility of supports is bad. Progress, albeit slow progress.

    Starting Elo 1372

    Game 3: Janna

    Janna, Trist, Ryze, Jayce, Shyv vs Amumu, Soraka, Graves, Darius, Malz.

    This one was just retarded.

    Ryze, in lobby, was saying how he'd "shit all over" Malz. Game's on and he's getting his ass reamed from lvl 3+.

    The stupid Tristana I have to support is a god damn moron and keeps trying to out-poke Graves + Soraka. She suicides and gives up FB by jumping on him, but I manage to pick up kill on Graves to counter.

    It just keeps escalating from there, with retarded Trist doing suicides for kills that I end up having to pick up because she dies.

    Jayce top is fed, but every other lane is feeding like mad, or trading kills like mad. Team fights start, and my Ryze and Trist are too god damn stupid to stick with us or poke the enemy. They keep getting grabbed by Amumu every time, like idiots, then they get punched to death.

    Literally nothing I can do this game since all of them, yes ALL of them, had oracles and swept all my wards.

    Final Score: 2/2/5 Janna

    Game 4: Sona

    Way better game.

    Karthus, Sona, Naut, Yorick, Ez vs Janna, Ashe, Teemo, Zyra, Skarner

    Aggressive Sona bursts down people so hard early, it's not even funny. Rolled through Janna's shield like mad and made her oom. Secured FB and Double for Ez, making him fed as hell.

    Despite being fed though, Ashe + Janna pokes hurt like hell. Janna would sit there charging up full nados, and if one ever hit, the target would lose at least 400 HP in the trade.

    Once I got Ulti, bot fights were easy as hell. Especially since Naut was god damn amazing on hooks and I was clearing out wards constantly. Ganks everywhere.

    Despite the good lead, Ez had a huge fetish for getting hit by Ashe arrows whenever Skarner was near bottom.

    Yorick absolutely crushed Teemo top and Karthus was ulting for kill son every CD.

    By the time teamfights rolled around, Naut and I would combo ulti and basically pick off Ashe every time, before fights even really started. It was basically an absolutely crushing win.

    Final Score: 2/3/22 Sona

    Game 5: Sona

    Troll match was unbelievably stupid.

    Amumu, Sona, Morg, Ez, and Riven vs Trist, Nid (AP Mid), Wu Kong, CAssi (Support), Noc

    Invaded early and took blue, but then fucking Amumu couldn't run fast enough and I end up giving FB. It was either dodge a Nid spear and let Amumu give FB and Blue to mid, or eat it myself. Still shouldn't have been a problem at all.

    We should have absolutely crushed the enemy every fucking fight, but Morg and Amumu somehow magically feed Nid 7 kills by 10 minutes. Nid then started spam ganking while Morg was struggling to farm.

    Ez asked me to Sona support, but he's too damn pussy to go aggressive against a zero heal bot lane, especially since I could 1/2 HP Cassi from lvl 2 on.

    Retarded Ez spams ulti at random then bitches about not having ulti in team fights or needing his ulti for team fights when he's building IE.

    Useless as fuck Morg would NEVER god damn Ulti in a team fight. We have five fucking Chain Stuns and morg would derp around long enough that the entire enemy team killed three of us before she exploded.

    Amumu was retarded and would Ulti fucking Wukong, Noc, and Nid. The three that don't need to spam autos to completely wreck our ass. Trist would get free pot-shots because only I would CC her ever.

    Top eventually got destroyed by continuous ganks from a fed Nidalee and Noc just babysitting the lane.

    Basically a completely BS game or ridiculous stupidity from Morg and Amumu fucking us over completely.

    End: Sona 1-5-7

    Game 6: Sona

    And another awesome Ulti combo team, except this time it actually worked.

    Sona, Zyra, Amumu, Ez, Jayce vs Riven, Ahri, Soraka, Naut, Graves

    Absolute massacre bot. Their Soraka warded all of 3 times, of which I always killed. I'd harass her down low and she'd keep spamming heals on Graves so Ez had easy food.

    Amumu spamming ganks constantly and chaining ultis with me for massacres. Got Ez to like 6 kills before the 15 minute mark.

    Enemy Naut made counter-plays mid, but it wasn't enough since their bot and top were feeding mad.

    Jayce top was just crushing the Riven, who, for some stupid reason, thought full tank zero sustain would actually do anything to Jayce.

    Team fights were just 7 AOEs getting shot into the enemy team and 100 - 0 three of them every fight.

    Final: 3-1-10 Sona

    End Elo: 1377, cause derp carries.
  10. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    And now to show you the bad side of DLP's League players.

    Starting ELO: 1020

    Game 1: Sona,

    Don't really remember much about this game other than the fact that we lost.

    Final Score: 1/8/14

    ELO: 1002

    Game 2: Warwick

    Decided to jungle this game, did terrible. Still don't remember the teams.

    Final Score: 2/11/12

    ELO: 990

    Game 3: Gangplank

    I'm a fucking hipster and went GP jungle. Go me. Anyway, this game was Ahri, Cho, Alistar, Ezreal, and GP vs Anivia, Jayce, Taric, Ashe and Shyvana.

    Game starts, Ez gets first blood before 3. Sweet. Then Cho dies, and around 6 minutes Shyvana ganks Ahri and kills her. Then I start ganking. First gank is at top, force Jayce to burn his flash, nearly kill him with passive procs + Cho's ignite. Gank mid next, Anivia sees me coming and runs away. Dem wards, nobody tells me about them.

    I hang out in or around bot lane for about the next five minutes, periodically going into my/their jungle to kill jungle creeps and generally be a douche. Shyvana's been babysitting bot because this entire time Taric and Ashe have been making 2-1 trades against Ezreal and Alistar.

    We take dragon, then proceed into teamfight phase. For God only knows what reason, they focus me every chance they get. Jayce went bruiser, Shyvana is tanky as shit, and Taric basically built off-tank since he had a ton of HP but still got melted by me.

    Anivia's egg is bullshit, but we deal with it and kill her after Ashe, because even if Ashe fed bot she's still a nuisance, and more of one than taps-you-with-a-feather Taric. Shyvana is next, then Taric. Jayce is seemingly never there for teamfights, but he always shows up to clean up kills on one or two of us before the rest of us kill him.

    Game drags on longer than it should because Shyvana actually has a brain and built damage alongside her tankiness so she becomes priority number one for me to peel off Ez. Too bad I'm GP and the only CC I have is soft, which basically means that I walk into the fight, use my E to buff everyone, drop ulti if I have it, then proceed to focus down Shyvana, trusting that the rest of my team can handle Anivia and Ashe.

    We baron after a damn good team fight inside their base, but we get killed by rezzes from Anivia, Ashe, and Taric while Shyvana and Jayce basically run around and kill time while the rest of their team die.

    Alistar goes to ward baron, gets killed by 4/5 of their team. Dunno why they left base with two inhibs and a nexus turret down. Either way, we clean them up, then I proceed to two-man Baron with Lux who built an RoA and CDR boots of all things. After Baron, we basically roll into their base and kill them all, then proceed to finish off their nexus.

    Final Score: 6/7/21

    ELO: 1010.

    Game 4: Sona

    Teams: Pantheon, Katarina, Hecarim, Sona, Tristana vs Jayce, Kassadin, Xin Zhao, Graves, Taric (is he FOTM or something?)

    This game makes me want to just stop supporting, honestly. Ungrateful teams are ungrateful. Every single one of my deaths was either teamfights or going out to ward because nobody else on my team was buying them. Whatever happened to everybody buys wards in ranked?

    Our Pantheon and Tristana bitched at each other for the entire game, and Panth used his ult in such stupid places, I don't even know. He ulted onto dragon, into a 1v4. Didn't even get dragon for his trouble. But wait, he killed their Talon, so it's all good! Every single teamfight we had, Tristana got insta-gibbed by Kassadin because Pantheon was a moron and wanted to focus a Graves who fed us at bot.

    We lost at the end because my team stupidly decided to stay inside their base after taking three towers and an inhib. Surprise surprise, they die, then their team gets a quick baron and goes straight up the gut.

    Score: 1/10/18

    ELO: 990

    Game 5: Gangplank

    Teams: Xin Zhao, Diana, Gangplank, Tristana, Soraka vs (I want to say Jayce, don't remember, he was like nonexistant in fights), Katarina, Lee Sin, Ashe, Nunu

    GP Jungle like a champ. My team seems hesitant about it, but what the fuck ever, it's ELO Hell, trust nobody to know what they're doing.

    Good leash from Xin and Diana, I'm already liking this team. Jungle goes as can be expected from GP jungle, a little slow and one close mishap at golems where I almost died at 3, but other than that, it's fine. Gank bot at 4 because Lee Sin is top and gives Xin a double, our Tristana gets a kill on Ashe, I kill Nunu. Sweet. I back, pick up materials for Madred's and the vamp scepter for Wriggle's, then go back into jungle. I find Lee Sin trying to take my wraiths, kill him for his trouble, and move on with my life.

    Don't need to gank top or mid because they're doing their fucking jobs and getting kills at the same time. Am I seriously in ELO Hell? Regardless, we segway into teamfights, which are ridiculously short-lived. Something like a 30-minute game, not sure.

    Score: 4/2/9

    ELO: 1005
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Since my other post is already stupid long:

    Game 11: Fizz mid, trist is a cunt and trash talks starting at like minute 1. Die twice to ganks, feed Juede a double kill bot at level 6, outfarm swain, win game. 11-6-11 iirc. 1580

    The reason I can't check is because League crapped out on me in Game 12, kicking me from it and not letting me back in. I can skype, I can stream (which I normally can't at high traffic hours in my area), I can browse the web, but League is telling me it's going to take 8 hours to update, when I'm certain there is no patch. Lose 38 points according to Juede. Wonderful.

    Still can't get back into league.

    Fuck s2 championships. Cost me 38 elo.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  12. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Game 7: Janna

    Trash Rengar and Ashe are fucking trash. Zero AR Pen vs everyone on enemy team running over 100+ Armor or having Soraka focusing heals on them.

    Rengar chases enemy Kha for 15s, with with Amumu and I helping to lock down Kha. Still fails to get the fucking kill because ZERO ARPen.

    Ashe herps and derps so badly with the Arrows, failing to even hit a point-blank shot against god damn Soraka.

    Useless bastards cause a loss from a curb-stomp game.

    ---------- Post automerged 10-03-2012 at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was 10-02-2012 at 07:55 PM ----------

    Game 8: Zyra

    Enemy had AFK Ashe. Do I really need to explain this?

    Elo: 1382
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  13. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Awful games today. Playing while sick, and while it wasn't my fault for the losses, I do think better play on my part could've carried.

    Game 13:
    Jayce vs Cho top. Some people call it a counter, but once again, the cho has to be good. In this case, the cho was not.
    Game started out with me running straight mid to prevent them from getting into brush. The rest of my team was fucking AFK however and didnt run into blue buff brush, so they ran straight into river with no care in the world. Killed me in the invade by triple flashing into tower. No one else was mid to pick up the spares, 2 got away with a sliver and one was executed. Seriously wtf.

    Despite this, destroy chogath top. Shyv dives at level 3, 4, and 5, whenever I come back to lane. Each time I pick up a kill, but can't do anything vs this tunnel-visioning bullshit. 3/5 at the end of lane phase because at 8 they are tanky enough to tank turret long enough to kill.
    Diana says "1st time jayce lol" when she has 14 (!!!!) cs vs my 43 even though I'm being hard ganked while she gets to play vs Kat, who she counters.

    Diana fails, jungle never comes top, and bot lane just stalemates until we lose teamfights because kat decimates us all. Should've played better top and shut down the cho more. I could've done more if I hadn't tried to trade with cho at all, even though I was winning trades. Should've been an easy win if mid did her part vs her lane which she countered and jungle just didn't suicide. Speedwall+skarner=free kills.

    Game 14: Ap mumu, fiddle top, bad AD carry, 0 ganks, all spelled for a bad game. When amumu/ez were trolly ragers too it just didnt go well. I was still carrying pretty hard, but when I dc'd for less than 2 minutes, mumu and ezreal ragequit. Came back and defended for 3 minutes before losing. Better play would've maybe kept them in game, but at the same time APmumu as in rush-deathcap-with-no-other-items mumu was pretty much a loss, especially since he would've ragequit either way after I dcd.

    Game 15: Ryze gets caught 3 times in a row after a dominated game to throw. Jungled nunu and shut down their jungle and won mid/top more or less. Don't remember much but I know it was Ryze getting caught letting them baron, then Ryze getting caught letting them 5v4 mid push and win it pretty handily, then getting caught again and 5v4 push last mid turret and nexus before rezzes.

    Game 16: Hard carry trist. Wrong runes/masteries. Ran 7 AD, 0 flat/% armor pen, 0/21/9 with 4.5% movespeed quints and all the movespeed talents. Because of the armor/AR, actually completely dominated bot lane. Missed about 30 cs in the first 10 waves because my damage was so bad and foreign to me, but killed MF and my harass kept her down on CS as well, so was still ahead.

    Also shit all over pantheon who tried to gank bot or me 7 or 8 times, ulting him away every time he tried to jump on me, wasting his entire play. It's worth mentioning because of how consistently it happened.

    Game 17: Troll named JFKcollateral tried to force dodge. Guy asks for blitz so he first bans him. Ok, blitz ban pretty popular in this elo, so guy says he will raka support. Bans soraka immediately after. Ok kinda trolly..."I banned before you said anything dont even start"
    Ok whatever, be non-confrontational. First pick locks in Sivir revive/promote.
    Sigh. Just dodge if you need to dodge, waste everyone's five minutes.

    Kat gets firstblood because Ali ganks for her. It's jayce mid akali top. I can't 1v1 akali, and she plays aggressive because alistar pretty much runs around mid all day. A gank would be a kill for sure, but they fuck around mid too long, kat baits herself and gets killed. She finally sees I asked for swap and goes top. She dies there too and blames me, because she cant 1v1 a post 6 akali.

    If she hadn't died and gotten behind on exp because of her own poor play, easily winnable lane. After she gave both mid and top kills though, nothing I can do to bring it back without ganks. And alistar never goes farther than taking his own red buff when coming top.
    Gunblade kat, Alistar jungle who farms but doesn't gank, Varus with 0 damage. Lose again.

    Bad day, ended 1470. Will play tomorrow when I feel better.
  14. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Game 9: Zyra

    Hue hue hue with idiot Caitlyn that threw game. Dumb broad went around trying to solo against Akali and Kha.

    I'm fed as fuck 8-0-4 as Zyra and can't do shit since all of my team is trying to protect that retarded Cait instead of pushing. GG fail game.

    Game 10: Jayce

    Retarded Malphite supporting building Armor vs a full magic enemy team. Retarded AP trynd in mid.

    I don't even need to explain this.

    Game 11: Eve

    AFK Enemy graves. Don't need to explain this.
  15. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Game 1:

    4 v 5, blitz(AFK), cait, riven, kha and Morde (me) vs Fizz, Cho, Graves, Wukong and Soraka.

    I rape fizz mid, I rape bottom repeatedly.. they start ganking the hell out of me, every fight their entire team dives me. If I'm there, I die.

    Still, we hold on for 40 something minutes, almost win, but our kha has no farm, our cait is no good, and riven tends to chase too hard and ends up dying trying to get a kill, repeatedly.

    This was literally one of my best Morde games ever, my sound went out halfway through the game, and since I react a lot based on sound it kinda screwed me. I over extended slightly, but that's mostly because I was trying to carry and my team didn't understand that to win a 4 v 5 you have to end the game early, or there is no chance.

    Result: Loss, -20 elo. 957.

    Game 2:

    Lee Sin, GP, Taric, Graves, Syndra vs Jayce, Jax, Ryze, Cait and Sona.

    I rape Jayce top, even though he counters Lee Sin. I kill him again and again, to the point that I'm 5/1 before ten minutes. GP does his job and ganks mid, bot and top as often as possible, while donating blues to mid and reds to me.

    Graves is actually fairly good, he farms okay, he plays safe, and gets the occasional kill..

    But Taric has NO idea what the word 'positioning' means, and feeds the hell out of Cait, Ryze and Jax.

    Syndra isn't much better. Despite the fact that she outranges him by an arseload, she feeds the fuck out of Ryze. He's 8/1 before long.

    Eventually, the laning ends and Jax and Ryze make it their personal mission to kill me. They both flash and chain their CC ontop of me EVERY. SINGLE. FIGHT. I have to choose between either watching my teammates getting raped and then dying, or dying then watching my teammates get raped.

    Taric is literally the worst support I've ever seen. 1600+ games and he was THE WORST I have EVER seen that wasn't flat out trolling. Almost never healed us, never warded, waited to use his stun to save his ass, not to get his carry kills or to save other people..Terrible, just.. terrible.

    His excuse?

    'The best players never play support.'

    WHAT? I mean, WHAT? Chuaster and Xspecial would like to have a word with you.

    Syndra took surge. And she started boots. Not boots+3 pots. Just boots. When asked she said 'normally I stay safe, it's fine.' She also never did anything during teamfights. I never saw her use a single ability in any teamfight. The second anything looked even the slightest bit risky to her, she ran away as fast as possible, even when she was still absolutely had full health, flash, and all her abilites of CD.

    She also had one hell of a stupid ass build. Their SUPPORT had more AP than our AP carry.

    What did I do wrong? I got caught out a few times, overextended when trying to chase a kill. I should have ganked mid more often while Jayce was dead. I should have counterjungled Jax once my tower went down to a four man gank. Also, I should have sold my armor boots for merc treads after it became obvious that their two most fed, CC heavy members, had a hard on for my death.

    Result: We lose, -17 Elo, current rating, 940.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  16. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Game 12: Malphite

    Malph, Leona, Yorick, Malz, Vayne vs Ahri, Amumu, Ashe, Lulu, Kha

    Kicking ass and taking names. Early steal red. Forever deny red + blue of enemy team from then on. Get all dragons on spawn timer and quadra enemy right after.

    After first red steal, triple gank top with Malz, snowballing Yorick so much that he kills enemy Kha in 2 rotations. Enemy Ahri and Amumu try to counter gank top at lvl 5, but I hit 6 and man-mode them for a 2-3 exchange.

    Malz is way more fed and farmed than Ahri at this point, since she likes to leave lane without picking up kills. Mid two towers go down super fast.

    We start picking fights in enemy jungle, contesting their buffs and dragon. Double AOE initiates on top of tons of other AOEs and relatively farmed Vayne DPS = easy fights.

    Ended 9-5-13 from countering and killing Amumu in his jungle and whoever he brought to help him.

    And now I'm back at 1377.
  17. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Haven't been keeping a real record of my games for two reasons.
    1) Championships
    2) Most of my games were in one 8 hour session the night before/morning of Juede's departure for vacation.

    I was sick as a dog and tbh Juede played quite poorly a few times. Total record is 22-17 now. Juede is at 1496, so a couple more games should get him to gold and we are hoping he has some time on vacation to hop on a stable connection and knock them out.

    To go over the general impressions of the mistakes I made from the games I remember, I'll write some notes down.

    1. As top lane: laning top is too meh. In every ranked game I've played, I have lost the lane twice. Once was due to a jungler camping top with me vs a chogath. As already mentioned above (this was in game 13): I still won the lane, tripled Chogath's CS because he couldn't even get to the creepwave without me killing him, pushed his tower, and killed him 1v1 3 times, despite the jungler camping top. The game was still lost because all the lanes lost anyway.

    The other time was Jayce vs Yorick top. I went for a kill because Q+auto+E+ignite was something I could do in roughly 1 second before flashing out of turret range. Due to a 3 second lag spike, my character waited until he had gotten deep inside his turret, had his ghouls off cd, and had 60 more hp from hp pot. It ended up being a suicide. After that, eve just camped top because yorick makes diving easy. I was level 6 when he was level 10. It was only 3 deaths but I had to spend tons of money on potions to survive and still had to continuously back. DESPITE THIS, we still won the game. My final score was 4/9/28. Instead of making a pretense of trying to kill yorick 1v1, I played correctly and built PURELY TANK. These faggots have a hard on for me and focus me down while our team raped them. I spent tons of gold buying wards so that we had their entire jungle covered. I took on a support role and zoned them hard. While yorick/taric/ahri are getting killed by my team, I'm zoning out and killing eve/graves. Even though I die, it's now 4v2 because I took a long time to go down. Even losing a lane, still easy to win the game, even though both mid and bot were split lanes.

    It's easy to make plays in top lane because it's such a dead lane. My jungler always avoids it while their jungler always seems to camp it. Either way, I think it's a large advantage to your team to push down the turret and either force plays elsewhere if you're a character that can make due with a little bit of early farm, or ward up the jungle heavily and keep heavy pressure on top if you need to continue farming.

    Mid lane: Playing assassins is a strong pick because most ap mids don't know how to deal with them properly, and, if they do, it's much easier to roam and make plays elsewhere. Paying attention to the minimap is key. I had one team raging at their eve because she roamed less than me. I saw a gank happening bot -when i was level 4- and turned a single kill for the enemy team into a double kill for ezreal because I started running down there as soon as it started and managed to force them to run instead of fighting. The same game, I went top as a 2v2 between both junglers/tops commenced, and instead of losing netted us a triple kill because I got there before eve, and then the 3v1 became an easy win where normally it would've been an easy triple for eve.
    Once again, I feel like mid is the strongest position in the game. All the characters I play (gragas, fizz, diana) are heavily mobile champs with strong farm (Fizz's E can clear waves just as easily as gragas). From mid, I can easily respond to get anywhere on the map quickly. I can farm quickly and safely because of the short distance between towers, and pick up extra farm from both wraiths. Proper farm in mid lets me gain a level advantage that is absolutely HUGE.

    Bot lane: Hate it. Too easy to be camped. Juede and I, whenever we are both bot, dominate the lane. But mid/top lose or stalemate and so the jungler/mid camp bot, forcing us behind while the mid/jungle for our side does nothing. It's too easy to shut down bot from mid lane, so I hate playing there.

    General: Playing while on a losing streak is a bad idea. Play until you lose, then take a break.

    I will resume regular ranked diaries next time I play.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  18. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    In similar fashion to Churchey, I'm not going to get down to the nitty-gritty details of my games. So, without further ado, here's a quick recap of where I've been since then. Keep in mind that I had surgery on my right shoulder on friday, so I am/was essentially playing with one and a half arms. I can use my right arm, but the mouse is twisted into an awkward as fuck position.


    Been jungling a lot lately. Seems like I either suck ass at it or dominate, there is no in-between. Picked up Rengar on a whim and he's pretty fun, although squishy for a jungler without WW's passive sustain.

    Had a losing streak that dropped me into the high 800's, then proceeded to say fuck this shit, I'm gonna hard-carry jungle. Then went through a winning streak basically where I mostly played Rengar with the occasional Warwick game when Rengar was banned or some scrub on our team was laning him.

    Up to 1037 now.

    EDIT: And now, for the pre-game lobby bitching.

    Had an Ezreal who was last pick decide that he was going to AD Carry despite the fact that we already had a Graves who was going to do it. We lost.

    Had a Jayce, also last pick, decide that he was going to go top. We had a Shaco who was going to top (top lane Shaco, wut), but Shaco decided to be a boss and play support (support Shaco, wut). We won that game, because Graves got epicly fed by Shaco's slow knife, his boxes, and the fact that he took exhaust/ignite.

    Also, got matched with someone for the first time that I'd played with before. This wasn't like hitting Play Again right after a game, I'm talking a day later. What're the odds?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  19. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Hm, 3 ranked losses in a row, still below 1300.

    First one as Janna supporting a clueless Graves, Zyra mid, Jungle Fiddlesticks and Cho Gath top. Retarded lvl 1 invade fails horribly with 1 for 3, Talon mid getting 2 and Kennen top getting one, while Zyra throws her first spell after we get wrecked. Fiddle jungles but ganks top once and dies in every attempt afterward. Talon utterly rapes Zyra, but it's not simply the match up since she never lands a shot in a team fight. Graves tries to harass Ashe with autos, nuff said. Sona chunks him, Shen runs over to gank and Graves doesn't retreat even though I've set up wards and pinged him repeatedly. Chased past turret and I blow everything to save his ass, he turns around to try and kite, dies.

    End result: 0-4-1.

    Next game as Teemo top vs Vlad, and I do pretty badly. First pick is Lux support for Graves, who doesn't ward, versus Vayne with Xin support. They lose the lane. Starts off well, I harass Vlad to shit and Shyvana comes up top to gank for first blood, Kassadin comes up to gib him for another. Then Olaf, Ahri and Vlad show up to party while Kass is away, though I agree with Kass should have went back to buy at 10 minutes instead of farming more with only boots. Shyv and Kass start raging once bot starts losing and can't gank because of no wards, then Shy gives up and goes and off to enemy base and intentionally feeds.

    3-8-7, 179cs

    Next game we actually could have won. Jax top, Vlad mid, Malphite and Soraka with me as Caitlyn vs Jarvan top, Ahri, Rengar, Leona and Ezreal. Ezreal is shit with skillshots but Leona catches Soraka a few times. Vlad stays even with Ahri but Malphite feeds with every gank, and after a long dive past bottom turret for Leona while Rengar comes behind to instagib me, Ezreal picks up a triple on Soraka, Malphite and Vlad. Jax utterly wrecks top and we had a decent shot at winning, even breaking down inhib at one point, but nobody follows Jax's lead except for me, and we both die trying to get a free Jarvan while the rest of the team tries to end it with 2 others alive and the rest reviving. Jax then falls for obvious baron bait and nobody focuses down Ez or Ahri, while Malphite always gets caught in her taunt. Instead, let's play go after the tanks!

    9-9-7, 174.

    Last game: Diana, Amumu jungle, Cho Gath, Sivir and Sona(me) vs Kayle top, Gragas, Taric, Ezreal and Rammus. Sivir really did not have a clue that game. Kept tanking turret hits for no reason, shielded at random times, threw blade and hit someone then walked up to minions to farm, got caught out by rammus a lot. Ganked twice within 8 minutes despite my efforts to peel and what not. We get carried by Diana and ChoGath since Kayle was new? and didn't know Cho's passive or how to build, while nobody on their team could land skillshots.

    4-1-22, Final result 1282.
  20. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    After getting trolled down to 1332, I went on a 9-game win streak and now sit at 1467.

    Was awesome.

    Also, Kat and Leona are apparently my best champs at this.
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