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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Not a plot bunny as such, but refinement for an idea.

    I currently have a MTG/MLP crossover in the works, with the prequel (that deals with all the MLP world building alterations) planned out in skeleton form, and some additions currently noted too, and the actual piece in rough plan only.

    However, the big bad of the piece has, in effect, a TARDIS. Except it can also go between Planes, as well as across them and through time.
    And time travel is horrible to plot out, especially when it is as limitless as a perfectly functional Tardis would give.
    So I need a way to nerf the villain, without giving him stupiditus.

    And I have had a few thoughts on that, but nothing concrete yet.

    The first idea is he has some form of implanted device, from his home reality, with a timer always running up. And this device will explode if it gets to within a certain proximity and time to a previous timer. This prevents directly passing back messages, as well as setting up conflict zones in advance of the conflict.

    The second idea was either a self-inforced, or universe-inforced rule of 'no contacting self', somethline along the lines of interacting with a past self causes the future self to disintergrate, or he thinks it will, and therefore avoids it.
    Doing a self-imposed one might work, because it allows me to have decent reasons why he doesn't win every conflict, every lottery, and so forth. However, I don't know how it would read - I don't want it to come across as the villain conforming to this rule just because he's broken otherwise.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I'm considering a Naruto fic in the vein of Amerision's Across the Mirror and/or Equal and Opposite.

    If you're not familiar with it, then you should read them. But the basic premise is that the main character (in this case, Naruto), does something that somehow ends up with a female version of him in his own reality.

    In Amerision's fic, this results in Harry's fall to darkness and Selfcest/Incest, but I'm not so sure about taking them as far as he did, in my version. The elements will definitely still be there, just not sure how prevalent I want them to be.

    So far the basic idea is that Naruto gets his hands on Jiraiya's notes on the Hiraishin and decides to try and make it work for him.

    Well, my view on Fuuinjutsu (and to a lesser degree, space-time jutsu) is similar to the way Ritual Magic works in the Dresdenverse in that Fucking Up can result in just about anything you can imagine.

    As you can Imagine, he starts to experiment with things and ends up summoning a female version of himself to his world. Only, she can't seem to return, and her life hasn't been anything like Naruto's, as of late.

    What exactly happened to her is a mystery, but she's not the pure, bright and sunny soul that Naruto is. Not anymore, at least.

  3. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Is there a plot to it, or are you planning on making it a one shot?
  4. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:

    Probably pretty long, I've always wanted to write an epic length piece of fanfiction.

    Still working on the over-arching plot though, not nearly ready to start talking about that. I'm mostly interested about feedback and thoughts about the premise/idea.
  5. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Well, I can't really say much for it now. Throwing in a darker fem!Naruto is cool and all, but it doesn't actually do anything to the story by itself? Is there something special about her/her Bijuu that will alter the whole Akatsuki deal? Is she actually evil and a main antagonist?

    The whole Hiraishin mechanic is well worn but I don't see why you couldn't make it work, as long as that's not the only thing you've got going for you. I've read more than a few future/fem/etc counterpart stories where nothing changes except for a few more lines of dialogue, a few more broken ass abilities, and a few more unnecessary pairings, and none of them ever work out in the end. Trust me.
  6. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Well, there's the fact that with there being Two Kyuubi hosts, Akatsuki's chances of getting a hold of the ONE they need just doubled.

    There is something more going on, believe me. You don't drag a person across the space between existences (especially while they carry one of the Bijuu) without there being consequences both immediate and far reaching.

    I should also mention: No Juubi, no Sage-Created Bijuu. I've got an AU planned for their backstory. They're Demons. No Crying-Baby-Kyuubi. No. Just fucking no. I.E. Naruto/Naruko contain the Kyuubi No Youko as opposed to the Kyuubi No Kitsune.

    She may take on an Antagonist's role. I wouldn't say she's.. evil, per se. As I said before, I'm not ready to speak in depth about the plot. Mostly because many of the important details are still coming together.

    The world is definitely going to have a more mature tone to it. The fic itself is guaranteed to be an M on FF.Net's scale.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  7. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    If you are looking for ways to make someone not evil but also not bestest buddies, consider moral disonance and then shamelessly borrow from the 5 pillars:

    So Naruto is very big on Harm/Care and Ingroup Loyalty. You fuck with his precious people or try to hurt someone vageuly innocent looking, and you have him all over you. So his counterpart to drive up the moral dissonance doesn't value those at all. Pick one or two of the other foundations: Respect/Authority- She follows what her Hokage's orders were, regardless of who is in charge here. Those that show disrespect earn her ire (hiyo kakashi); those who betray their leaders are worse than trash (bad Sasuke/Danzo). Surprisingly, she isn' so upset about Madara or Pein. They refused to accept someone's leadership, and made their own. Or: She is all about fairness- those who have done unto others what they would not want done unto themselves get in trouble (so yeah, she's all for smacking madara down, but also Jiraiya too). Sanctity is your typical religious zealot type, probably best to mix that with something else to avoid cliche-pain.
  8. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I agree with Shouldabeenadog.

    The problem with such an idea in the Narutoverse is that there has to be a huge, huge, huge amount of cognitive dissonance for Naruto to accept someone like Amerision's fem!Harry if you would create a fem!Naruto like that. While it's hard to say that cognitive dissonance (I just love that phrase) isn't a huge part of shonen manga, that cuts really, really deep at something that's the "whole point" of the manga and all.
  9. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    A little disagreement in another thread lead me to write the following. Wrote it up, then realized it probably would do more good here. Copy-pasted from before:

    Actually, looking back at it, those last few bolded lines would make for an awesome story summary. Please, feel free to use it. It's almost got that 'I wanna be the very best' feel you get from Lamora's Game of Champions banner, if it's not too self-promoting. Ah, nostalgia.
  10. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    An idea that was developed on TFF that originated from my stated desire to have the Vizards fight against Shinigami. The main driving force of the idea is the theme that neither side involved in war are just i.e. there is no clear-cut right or wrong here.

    Bleach - The Inevitable War

    Instead of trading places with Hinamori, Aizen uses kido to escape from the captains’ trap and begins to fight in earnest. His high-level skills and illusions allowed him to continually stay a step ahead and, with the partial success of his Wonderweiss gambit, is able to put several of his opponents out of his commission (permanently). Things get more hectic as Urahara’s group arrive, Ichigo gets involved and Gin reveals his true nature.

    With Gin landing a critical hit, Ichigo is able to finish Aizen and destroy the Hogyoku in the process thanks to his dual-natured reiatsu. So the war’s over and the good guy’s win.

    Ichigo and his friends are able to return to their daily lives in the human world, finally spilling what had been going on to their other spiritually aware friends. Urahara and Tessai have their exiles ended and are freely allowed to return to SS, though they choose to remain at the shop.

    The remaining arrancars return to Hueco Mundo with Orihime healing the Espada who were injured in FKT. This leaves Halibel, Stark, Neliel, Grimmjow, Sun-Sun, Mila Rose, Apache, Mosquerda, Loly, Menoly, Dondochakka, Pesche and Lilynette as the only remaining named arrancar.

    The vizards are allowed back into the Gotei 13 and begin to re-integrate themselves back into the organisation. After spending over a century together, they are unsure whether are able to adapt or are entirely willing to re-join the organisation, despite knowing that the Central 46 who ordered their sentence were killed.

    However there is a huge problem in the fact that Hiyori has been crippled. The wound she took from Gin couldn’t be healed entirely, resulting in spinal damage that left her unable to feel anything from the waist down. The conflicting reiatsu lingering within the wound, including that of her hollow which acted out of self-preservation, made it impossible that not even Orihime could heal it.

    This causes her deep depression as she was the only one unable to return to her duties unlike the rest of the vizards. The fact that she was only a burden during the battle with Aizen compounded the issue.

    Despite the damage caused to her, Gin’s pivotal part in killing Aizen meant that he only received a light punishment and might be able to go back to his former position. The vizards are furious about this because of what he did to Hiyori but there’s nothing they can do.

    Sensing Hiyori’s desperation, Mayuri offers to find a cure for her in exchange for being able to perform tests on her regarding her hollow powers. Despite her reservations she agrees.

    Eventually Shinji finds out about the experiments and intervenes during the midst of one, forcing Mayuri to abort. This has a heavy backlash as Hiyori completely hollowfies and goes berserk in the SRDI. Shinji attempts to stop her but fails and she continues to cause casualties within the division. Gin is close enough to sense the disturbance and intervenes by killing Hiyori.

    Shinji tries to kill Gin but the other captains arrive to prevent a fight. They hold a meeting to discover exactly what happens and afterwards Yamamoto refuses to punish Gin or Mayuri. There’s substantial evidence that Hiyori fully consented to the tests and that it was Shinji’s fault there was a problem with Gin was able to prevent further casualties.

    Shinji snaps and the outrage of the vizards cause them to decide to break off from the Gotei 13. Ultimately, the vizards declare war on Soul Society with the intent to create a new regime before secluding themselves from the world in preparation.

  11. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    From a military point of view.. the Vizards are obviously in the wrong in this one. Gin does something vicious, with good results, and gets off lightly, but is still punished. Shinji does something really stupid, gets his comrade killed, and forces Gin to do what a good soldier must.. saves others from dying for Shinji's mistake. So Shinji starts a war that could cause terrible repercussions across both soul society and the living world?

    Yeah, Shinji is the one at fault, and those who join him and support his cause accept that blame as well. Battle means that often there is Death. or crippling injury. More than once a soldier has had to undergo unpleasant, repeated treatments in order to have even a chance at being NEAR Whole again (especially before our medical technology reached the levels it's at today.) Being a Warrior means you accept the consequences and possibilities of War. Shinji acts like a child on a power trip in this, not like a centuries-old Warrior/Soldier.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  12. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Indeed, that is the case. It was done like that mainly so you couldn't simply place the blame on the assholes of SS.

    For this to work, it'd be necessary to develop the Vizards, their bonds with each other from a one-hundred years of joint and the emotions they experience rejoing the Gotei. And whilst it looks quite clear here, I think you'd have make the issue more muddled in-story, probably through the actions and words of Gin and Mayuri during those pivotal scenes. On paper, they both acted the right way but in reality their motives would be more suspect on both sides.

    EDIT: Basically, SS's choices are ones based on reason whilst ignoring emotion whilst the Vizards' are the opposite but both would have understandable viewpoints. It might be better if, instead of the Vizards simply declaring war, Yamamoto tries to cut off the conflict by delivering an ultimatum, resulting in them deciding to abandoning the Gotei willingly this time to follow through with their goals.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2012
  13. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Which side is Ichigo on? That side wins end of.

    I don't feel like Shinji has any leg to stand on anyway. He is directly the cause of her death, Gin just put down a rampaging hollow (also, by the way, his job). The scene itself would have to show Hinamori starting to regain control and almost succeeding, then Gin killing her anyway, for me to be able to sympathize.
  14. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Hm, it would probably make more sense if Hiyori's hollowfication with a miscalculation or unexpected result of the experiment rather than something Shinji caused. He arrives too late to stop the experiment or this is where he discovers them and a rampaging Hiyori. She's likely trying to regain control but, to everyone other than Shinji, she's just a powerful hollow going berserk in Seireitei.

    I left all the stuff with Ichigo and Urahara's group up to personal interpretation. This is just build-up to the main conflict with everything afterwards left to the potential writer.
  15. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I've had an idea on my mind for a couple of months now for a Digimon story, centered around the Royal Knights and ranging from their gathering/founding at the hands of Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, the turmoil after Alphamon fled and left them to sort themselves out, to the daily combat to put down viruses across the servers, and ultimately up against the threat responsible for introducing those viruses to the digital world.

    My main idea for a hook is that the Knights are all essentially pulled from different continuum's of the series. Omegamon comes from the X-Evolution movie, Dukemon as a mode-changed Medieval Dukemon from the Witchelny dimension, Magnamon from Adventure 02, Rhodo Knightmon and Craniummon from Savers, Ulforce V-Dramon from the V-Tamer manga, and so on and so forth.

    They're pulled to Imperialdramon's native world, either through the aide of one of the dimensional-crossing Digimon, or Yggdrasil itself, and rather quickly find themselves unable to agree with one another about what it means to defend the world.

    Internal strife, competition from opposing groups like the Olympus Twelve and the Four Sovereigns, threaten to destroy them from the beginning, and enforcing their role as the highest protocol of defense seems an impossibility in the beginning.
  16. Blank402

    Blank402 Second Year

    Jul 7, 2010
    I had an idea for a Naruto story that I've been trying to plot out where Itachi is the sensei for Team 7. The divergence point from canon is Uchiha Shisui using his powerful genjutsu 'Komoamatsumaki' on the leaders of the planned Uchiha coup to prevent the coup, thus leaving no need for Itachi to massacre his clan. Afterwards, Shisui assassinates Danzo since it was partially his actions that lead to the Uchiha feeling persecuted and wanting to rebel in the first place. After assassinating Danzo, Shisui flees the village and joins Akatsuki. A couple of years later, at the age of 18, Itachi becomes the youngest Jonin sensei in history, taking on the team of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

    The story would still be Naruto-centric after that. I guess Naruto would still be mostly the same as in canon. Probably won't have as strong as a connection to Sasuke since both of them aren't orphans. I was thinking of a plot arc that would take Naruto to the ruins Uzushiogakure and he might pick up some fuinjutsu, but that seems kind of cliche, so I don't know.

    I was thinking that with Shisui in Akatsuki instead of Itachi, Orochimaru might actually succeed in his plan of taking the body of a Sharingan user. Even if it's not Shisui, Orochimaru would have plenty of Uchiha bodies to choose from. With the body of a Sharingan user, maybe Orochimaru is strong enough to take over Konoha? I don't know, I'm still working out a lot of the details, but this is a story idea I was pretty excited about and I wanted to see what other people thought.
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Seems workable, but it still falls into the trap of the Chuunin Exams. They've been done thousands of times already, in every permutation believable (and more not). Doing the Chuunin Exams would just be boring, I'd suggest finding another road to go down.
  18. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Are there a lot of stories (good ones, mind you) that have the exam not taking place in Konoha? I've been working on a Naruto story for a while now, and I felt that having the Chuunin Exam occur someplace else (currently planning on using Kiri, so many possibilities) would be a change of pace from all the canon rehashes floating around.
  19. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
  20. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    I wasn't aware stories by Kenichi618 counted as good these days.