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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Philo Vance

    Philo Vance Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2011
    Awesome, thanks. Just started working on it, should have it done...soonish.
  2. Philo Vance

    Philo Vance Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2011


    I could not remain entirely serious, but I did my best. I forgot to give you credit for the idea but I'll edit the document later tonight(bit of in a hurry right now).

    Thank you for letting me write this, I had way more fun than I should have.
  3. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    lol. It was horrible. But then again, it's just a crack fic.
  4. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    In what way was that horrible? It incorporated the idea and made me laugh. I'd say it was pretty good myself.
  5. Rache

    Rache Headmaster

    Mar 7, 2012
    I meant that the story was quite horrible from the POV of a non DLP'er who has no idea of the plot-bunny. I didn't use the word 'horrible' in a negative way.

    Perhaps I should have used a better word to express myself. Yes Bill Door, you are right. My mistake. The crack was pretty good.
  6. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    (sigh) Mate, every time I see one of your posts it's like you're trying to pander or suck up to everyone on DLP.

    'OMG slash bad'/'omg non-DLP'er'/etc.

    Come on, seriously - give it a rest.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    In the events of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry stabs the Diary with the fang of the Basilisk,
    therefore destroying Tom Riddle and preventing Voldemort from coming back to normal form.
    Ginny is saved, Basilisk is dead and much cheering is all around.

    However, not this time.

    When Harry stabs the Diary, Tom uses the still-existing connection between himself and Ginny, to enter her body.
    She dies and her soul is gone, while he takes over the body.
    He pretends to be Ginny, puts on an act, fooling Potter and is taken to the Hospital Wing to be examined.
    Since Voldemort was a great actor in his youth, this is all going well, fooling even Dumbledore who has no reason to suspect anything.
    Soon, the school year is over and the Weasleys return to the Burrow, with Riddle!Ginny.

    To make this clear: there are two Voldemorts now, the one without a body and Tom.
    No, they can't merge, they are two different people now. If Ginny's body dies, so does Riddle inside her.

    Some things that should be considered:
    Riddle does not know anything beyond the events after the creation of the Horcrux and what Ginny wrote in the diary during her school year.
    He will not know that Scabbers is actually Pettigrew the Death Eater.
    Also, since Tom is a Horcrux, this means that Voldemort won't want to kill him, but he will not be able to kill Voldemor either.

    Bonus hilarity:
    I also think that the idea that Ginny's body will affect his personality is pretty funny and could be used.
    Perhaps in time his personality/gender is transformed and she starts to think of herself as The Dark Lady (a disturbing concept).

    NOTE: Of course, if such a fic already exists, please link it to me immediately.
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Robst did one a while ago featuring multiple Riddles. Souls Abound.

    I don't remember much plot from it, but there was something about multiples.

    I do know there's a story with a Riddle!Ginny, where Harry gets thrown into Azkaban for a while. I think it's the one with the Jabberwocky, the four founder Lieutenants, an airship, and that one scene with the time turner and seven copies of Harry.
    However, I haven't the foggiest on what it was called.

    An Old and New World.

    I think. I haven't read it in ages, and only found it by searching "Harry potter fire and flames guitar jabberwocky", so I might be getting scenes mixed up anyway.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I actually read Souls Abound, not that good. Still, thank you.

    Haven't read the second one, so I'll reserve judgement until I do.
  10. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Her name means Flower of the Court.

    She's cited as literally the most beautiful girl in canon and marries Bill Weasley.

    She's skilled enough to be, bar none, the most skilled competitor in a magical school which is, at the very least, seen as equal to Hogwarts and Durmstrang.

    So me and CrackedMind decided that Fleur Delacour's the closest thing to a Bond girl that exists in Harry Potter.

    So we present to you a joint idea that we'll probably write together, for both critique and changes. :3

    Fic Title to be Determined - Hopefully with your help (yes, you, reading this)

    The International Confederation of Wizards is in chaos.

    The Supreme Mugwump, Albus Dumbledore, has died - killed by Death Eaters, his own clumsiness on the Astronomy Tower of Hogwarts, or even Harry Potter, depending on who you ask.

    All across the world, wizardingfolk are panicking as the most unquestionably powerful wizard in the world, who spent the schoolyear running Hogwarts and the summers putting down Dark Wizards in droves, leaves a vacuum for petty criminals and Dark Lords alike to seize power.

    Once upon a time, if there was a problem that your Aurors couldn't fix, Albus Dumbledore would show up in the atrium of your Ministry, locate the source, capture the right man and leave them to die in Nurmengard. This has been the case since 1945, allowing your citizens to sleep peacefully. Ironically, the only problem he hadn't been capable of solving was homegrown, but a certain Boy-Who-Lived put a stop to that within a decade simply by being born.

    As the majority of the world mourns the passing of a man who had provided them with a half-century aegis, those who cowered in the shadows have exposed themselves once more.

    Today is July 7th, 1997. Dumbledore's corpse has barely had time to cool. A young, angry Harry Potter sits at home, toying with a wand he isn't allowed to use. A beautiful, half-Veela Fleur Delacour is frantically memorizing scores of household charms to impress her soon-to-be family-in-law.

    Seven owls leave the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with no trace of bowdlerization or politics. These are recruitment letters, plain and simple, describing the situation the world is in. Each person has been given the rendezvous point and their first briefing. There is no record of them.

    Within ten minutes, a singular green curse leaves the wand of Lucius Malfoy and reaches the central mass of Auror Gawain Robards, who expires immediately, taking his secrets to the grave.

    At the rendezvous point, two days later, a bunch of scared teenagers, a bride-to-be and a hook nosed Potions Professor exchange curses for eight minutes and seven seconds before they reach a standoff and begin to discuss the contents of their respective letters.

    There's no question about it. Their handler has met an untimely end. How will they proceed?

    Lungs' notestream for this fic, mostly directed towards Cracked who will be writing with me and me-self, but more importantly, here because it's up for critique and change.

    Established tenets of the story:

    1. There is no current existing Secret Service, MI6, CIA type unit in the magical world. Even if someone had thought of creating something to that effect, the very existence of Albus Dumbledore meant that it was useless.

    2. Albus Dumbledore could have probably offed Voldemort had he known about the Horcruxes and if the Prophecy didn't exist. Voldemort's luck carried him the same way Harry's luck carried Harry - Fate style.

    3. The DMLE keeps an excessive amount of files on the skills of Hogwarts graduates and persons of international influence, at the behest of Albus Dumbledore. There are thousands of files of people all over the world who are above average in magical ability or possess a certain skill/mindset that could make them possibly dangerous at all - this is how Dumbledore is capable of doing what he did. Of course, Albus Dumbledore had rather personal files as well, but those were probably kept in his memories via pensieve.

    4. After Albus Dumbledore dies, Auror Gawain Robards (invent an auror or use an existing one or something. Use Kingsley for all it matters), who was the Order contact who managed all the files belonging to Albus Dumbledore in the DMLE decides that they have to recreate Dumbledore, so to speak. There are some very, very thick files belonging to Albus Dumbledore on certain people's abilities.

    - Harry Potter and his nearly insane ability to survive, as well as a potential that hints at something far greater. (a huge challenge would be to turn Harry into a secret agent. He kind of sucks at being secretive, though he's certainly pretty good at disappearing.)

    - Fleur Delacour and her extremely powerful aura, as well as her stellar intellect and natural control over fire. (I'm less worried about turning Fleur into a Bond girl because she fits so damn well already)

    - Severus Snape and his masterful knowledge of both potionmaking and spellcreating. His skills include Mind Magicks, dueling proficiency rarely seen by anyone, ever. (if this is fanon, fuck you, this is how it's going to be, I love Snape.)

    - We have four blank spots to fill. I'm thinking Luna Lovegood would be damn good based on her out-of-the-box approach to thought, but that might be a tad cliche.

    - I rather not use Hermione or Neville, etc… We can certainly invent things for people who are rarely seen in canon but are also considered "good" - people from Harry's quidditch times, from the D.A., people that no one thinks about (though I'm kind of sick of starting new stories with an important Daphne Greengrass.)

    5. Gawain Robards is assassinated right after he puts this plan together and sends the owls off, whether by coincidence or design. Coincidence would probably be harder to believe.

    6. When the members of this little ragtag group meet for the first time, they're quite basically assaulting one another (well, at the very least Harry and Fleur are assaulting Snape, though I'm not sure who the other people are)

    7. For Harry/Fleur, we probably need to kill Bill. She probably loves him by this point. Hate doing this, but I want him to go down in a blaze of glory, if he goes down at all.

    8. The Horcrux Hunt is probably still top priority. I think that he following has to happen:

    - All of the files belonging to Albus Dumbledore have to be stolen by the group. This is without a doubt. Also, first, bumbling secret mission, fuck yeah. They probably have to raid Dumbledore's office as well.

    - We'll probably have Snape playing unwilling teacher again. As opposed to the Occlumency lessons, Harry is probably going to be an extremely willing student after Snape explains everything to him. This means Snape HAS to explain everything to him.

    - The Horcrux Hunt with people. I'm not sure how to deal with Ron and Hermione, but perhaps Harry must go undercover for the first time? Perhaps Snape will go with them? I don't want to change the Horcrux objects or location from canon, I just want them to be dealt with differently - i.e. with more people to plan, or even just Snape. I will reiterate at some point, there will not be any character bashing of Ron or Hermione (as it's really easy to just use that to gloss over the human dynamic in this section).

    - IMPORTANT The idea is that the Horcrux Hunt is a sacrifice of sorts. Either you're going to stop a ton of international threats and get amazing training while hiding in secret with Snape and other agents, or you're going to get subpar amounts of training and hunt Horcruxes because it's your duty to stop this existential threat.

    9. Of course, after this is over, the real Bond stories begin. Harry and friends infiltrating places, Harry/Fleur relationship, everyone dealing with their double life, etc. And this point is where it all builds to. THIS is what we're creating from the ashes of Dumbledore's tomb.
  11. Sin Saiori

    Sin Saiori Death Eater

    Jul 28, 2009
    Following the notestream, some things immediately came to mind:

    So first off, regarding Ron and Hermione.

    - Neither one has any outstanding quality. They really don't. At least, not compared to Harry/Snape/Fleur.

    - (This is a little more iffy) Wouldn't going into this new group with people you have close relationships with stunt team growth with the new people?

    - I'd very nearly say you could bring Hermione in to be the group's Q, but all she has is the brains, not that creative spark that really makes the character.

    Next, regarding the open slots in the team.

    - Blaise Zabini's Mother. I'm not fucking kidding. She'd be perfect.

    - Why not Krum? You've already got two of the other champions. And, like Fleur, he was the best his school had to offer. I have no idea what makes him special, but it's a thought.

    Now, regarding Harry/Fleur and Bill.

    - Whoever's in charge of the roster could only choose Bill or Fleur, not both. Why? Because they were going to be married and it would do weird things to the team and fuck this I don't know.

    - Anyway...Baddies find the list of potential recruits (or part of it) and go after the ones on it that haven't already disappeared. Sorry Bill, you dead.

    - Blam. Harry/Fleur.

    Guess I can put some more thought into it later, but I've got to go make cinnamon rolls now.
  12. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Cormac McLaggen and Romilda Vane for the lulz:awesome

    On a serious note, maybe you could consider the characters of Dean, Seamus and/or Parvati. We have some info about them, but not much and we know about them enough from the books to not see them as OCs.
  13. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    @Sin: All ideas taken into consideration, especially Krum. My favorite was Zabini's mother :3

    @Jibril: Well, technically I could use anyone, but I really don't think the Gryffindor crowd aside from Harry (and maybe Hermione on a good day) are that special at all D:
  14. Tomatta

    Tomatta Seventh Year

    Jun 10, 2010
    So much win.
  15. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2011
    The Boy Who Lived and Let Die?
    Horcruxes Are Forever?
    You Only Live So Long As the Plot Demands it?
    A View to a Killing Curse?
    On the Ministry's Secret Service?
  16. Sin Saiori

    Sin Saiori Death Eater

    Jul 28, 2009
    The cinnamon rolls have been made and eaten, so more thought went into this.

    Regarding 'The Group':
    - The first thing I questioned was whether this was sanctioned by someone higher up or the rogue actions of a patriot. The bit about secrets going to the grave make me think it's the latter.

    - The former means, well...a lot less drama. Well, we're here. What do we do now? Oh, there's someone we can answer to instead of figuring it out ourselves? Bully! There's nothing wrong with this route, and it'll save you a lot of time and effort planning this all out, but so much more could be done since:

    - The latter would make for a more interesting story down the line, but poses some issues. Primarily, they'd be unsanctioned. It's hard to be a part of the system when you're not a part of the system. They would also have to organize themselves, which would be hell considering they just fought each other.

    - But, but, it means they'd form the most ideal covert task force possible. No records, no relevant intel, and no warm bodies to spill secrets means that this group of people with minimal connective histories could work in absolute secrecy, while arousing the least suspicion.

    - Assuming the latter, they'd have to be folded into the Ministry at some point.

    Now for a little 'stream of consciousness':

    - This got stuck in my head: Giselle Zabini.

    - Group is called the Avalon Initiative (channeling some Nasuverse, I guess).

    - Snape is Dumbledore's protege, his secret successor in all but name.

    - Narcissa was scouted as a possible recruit. Something along the lines of her wanting the best future for herself and her son, and not seeing it on the path her husband was taking.

    - Create dossiers to really draw the readers into the characterizations (extra work that just amounts to extra flair).

    - Exaggerate the characters and their traits. Don't make them cliched caricatures, but these are people who were recruited for certain traits. As such, really bring these traits out.

    - Not only are they the good guys, but they're also aggressors. The Death Eaters had never faced aggressive forces before, only reactionary/defensive forces. This fight is a whole new ballgame.

    I swear I'm not trying to butt in on your creative process, but my brain just won't stop :(
  17. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Harry could also start recruiting in Mass Effect 2, Shephard style where he goes after the best for his own strike team/crew.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  18. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Personal favorites.
  19. Deadsomeone

    Deadsomeone Third Year

    Nov 28, 2011
    I'm right here
    I think Sin Saiori has hit it right on the nail. I kind of disagree on them being completely alone. I mean, even if Dumbledore was a one man army, he had to have some sort of network to do the logistics and I hope he didn't leave some manner of contingency plan for the Greater Good to be carried on.
  20. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Minerva McGonagall as M, please, for the sake of WIN.
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