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WIP Wand and Shield by Roarian/Morta's Priest - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Roarian, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. PotterFan

    PotterFan High Inquisitor

    Aug 12, 2011
    The Road of Life
    The fact that he was able to use it to cross dimensions, even if he no longer understands it like the back of his hand, means that he still knows too much. If he went evil, he'd still know how to use the Axis to cross dimensions. If someone ripped the info from his mind, they'd figure out how to cross dimensions.

    The only way I see this obliviation thing being a smart idea, is if the spell was different from a standard Obliviate. Maybe a time delayed one? Cast the spell and then step through your portal and by the time you re-materialize, bye-bye esoteric portal knowledge.
  2. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    It kinda gives me a sad vibe, especially as to how carefree and aloof he is at the story's start. The semi-botched Obliviation where he accidently removed his memories of his last case, is particularly sad as he seems to lose the events heralding his exit to the wizarding world especially his closure with Ginny's killer. Maybe it's the imagery of well intentioned self-obliviation losing control, and the blank face and forgetfulness after.

    But I think the idea was without the research of how his reality connects to others through the axis a path back home would be harder for someone to reverse engineer. In the event he was compromised by a hostile world invader. Which is a pretty scary idea.

    Idea for an AU where the world is cross-dimensionally invaded and the Statue of Secercy falls. Magic users are resistance fighters and research on technology and magic have equal footing, Dumbledore is the leader of the free world and takes on Harry as a student despite being commander and chief of the military.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
  3. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    I will clarify it a little more, but yeah, you're basically right. I mean, imagine someone bad figuring out how to follow the same path and reach the world you left. <I think there should be an ominous sound of foreshadowing now>

    And eh, since Harry wouldn't even be absolutely sure that magic was around on the other side, he had to take care of things early, just in case. ;)

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 ----------

    Well, that's the point, isn't it? A good chunk of events here were referenced obliquely or outright in previous chapters (Ginny's death, his pseudo-resignation and deskjob (though not his illicit activities, which he forgot) as well as his last promise to Dumbledore and the like.) and the start of the story has Harry at his most erratic and weird, really.

    Also, I just realized I managed to put the Amnesiac Hero into this fic after all, even if no the usual 'no clue who I am' version. Doh.

    Considering he's now in a marvelverse, where every cosmic being wants to eat universes or something, yeah.

    Heh, go for it. :p
  4. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Nice Interlude. also the foreshadowing about him forgetting the murders... just nice :)
  5. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Am I the only one who really doesn't care how or why Harry got here? Also, for some reason in crossover fics like this, I really don't even enjoy the idea of Harry going back to his reality or anyone else crossing. I just feel like it takes something away from the story. I'm not sure why. Maybe, I like the uniqueness of a character crossing over and being a fish out of water. It's just a personal preference at any rate. The quality of the latest chapter was good.

    I feel like this is just all setting up someone finding out what Harry did and crossing over to Harry's world and threatening it so the Avengers all cross over to help out and save the day again. Either that or evil wizards get brought into this dimension.
  6. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    Well this chapter was very disappointing for me, with a lot of "clichés" of the genre. And even if it was a lot more well written and thought out than usual, it still felt boring.

    I also really cannot believe in the mass murdering death eaters being that successful.

    And if I like the idea of Harry looking for revenge, I was disappointed by the half-ass way he used. I mean, asking the permission of the minister? telling Hermione? Being sloppy? Feeling guilty about it? And then fleeing? It feels like he is still the little insecure child of Hogwarth, worse he felt even less independent than back then.

    If I have to generalize my problem with this chapter and not nitpick everything, I would say that it comes as really lazy. Like you ask yourself: "what is the quickest and easiest way to explain why Harry ends in another dimension?"

    And then followed the basic steps of Harry ends in another dimension for the dummies

    Innocents killed by resentful bastards? Check
    Friends killed by resentful bastards? Check
    Love interest killed by resentful bastards? Check
    Medias and public opinion blame him for the crimes, like the stupid and the unreasonable sheep they are? Check
    Harry kills the resentful bastards and feel guilty? Check
    Harry embarks in hopeless goose chase to flee reality and ends in an other dimension? Check

    Edit: Like Rakkety Tam wrote above, I couldn't care less about how he ends up here and it awfully feels like foreshadowing for something I have no interest in.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
  7. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    Can't make everyone happy. :sherlock:

    It was kind of the point. Can't really improve yourself if you're already as you want to be.

    You can blame 8 months ago me for that, I suppose. I admit that my knowledge of HP crossovers is probably too limited to find those kinds of clichés (I assume they're accurate). Well, you can't get them all, I guess.

    I will leave the whole misdirection and stuff of this chapter aside for now, as I can't really call on shit I haven't put online yet.


    Edit: Like Rakkety Tam wrote above, I couldn't care less about how he ends up here and it awfully feels like foreshadowing for something I have no interest in.[/QUOTE]

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

    There's a shitton of people that keep messaging me, so I figured that an interlude of sorts probably fit well enough for the holidays.

    Not those, at least.
  8. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Don't people have better things to do with their time? It isn't like you have ridiculously long down time between your updates. You should just ignore them.

    I'm glad I was wrong about the foreshadowing though honestly, I would prefer to see zero dimension hopping. I mean if Dumbledore had still been alive it would have been humorous to see an omake where someone tries to hop dimensions to find a way to stop Harry only to run into Albus. Fanfiction needs more Albus Dumbledore. Especially, if he is treating ridiculously powerful people as if they are meddlesome children interrupting his evening stroll.
  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    If you just had Harry going to this super-duper hole between universes on a random whim/paying off goblin debts/using it as a get-out-of-shit & boring-life card I think I'd be more interested in the interlude, especially considering you establish Harry does all this groundwork to figure out how to leave (and possibly get back*). As is, the chapter just feels like a slog to get through and not up to your usual standards.

    *Of course, this spawned the idea of your Harry becoming an interdimensional traveler who just goes around and has fun and drama ala early Mr. Black before dropping back home for the occasional spot of tea with Hermione & Ron. :sherlock:
  10. cataclysim

    cataclysim Second Year

    Dec 12, 2009
    The rest of the story is really great but the crossing over part is not very good. An accidental dimensional traveling would have been much better. He is better in the avengers universe but still acting like the same stupid little HP.
    This story is still very interesting, looking forward to more.
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Well, this is embarrassing. I stopped reading around chapter 17 for some reason I dont remembee, and last night I picked itt up again. So many awesome things have happened. I‘m still a bit overwhelmed (and sleepless) so this wont be long. But honestly, Spiderman!

    P.S: I ship Harry/Sif or Harry/Death. Best Halloween disguise ever, that skull form.
  12. ketz3r

    ketz3r Second Year

    Jun 29, 2009
  13. Tomster10010

    Tomster10010 Fourth Year

    Dec 1, 2011
    I wonder whether he'll have a lot of trouble with the basilisk? He probably should, as this time he doesn't have a phoenix on his side. Alternately, the basilisk could be there for protecting the school as in so many bad fanfics, and side with Harry against the chaos beasts.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Oh fuck me, I've died and gone to heaven. I'd thought this story abandoned.

    Not sure I can give an unbiased rating at this point so I won't even try, but I'll point out that I liked the rapport between Harry and Loki, though the latter seemed to rely on the same facial expressions for responding to Harry.
  15. A Lightning

    A Lightning Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2012
    Los Angeles
    Thank god this isn't abandoned

    I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit. I don't really have any complaints, and I like the direction this story is headed in.

    I'm just curious why the WBA thread wasn't updated?
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  16. Owimbowé

    Owimbowé Fourth Year

    Dec 23, 2009
    Loved the update. Usually I tend to be wary when fics intoduce elements of let's say high fantasy(demons, eldritch abominations, etc) in HP fanfics, but you handled it well.

    And Harry/Sif is the OTP bitches.
  17. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    A Thor vs Harry showdown then. I eagerly await that!
  18. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    I wonder if mutants are simply the evolution of wizards, they could be squibs with gifts. So the arc reactor is based on the tesseract, which is a kinf of magic, allowing tech to work with magic. Hogwarts will become a school for mutants I hope. I wonder if the scroll that recorded the birth of magical children, now records the birth of mutants, possibly even metahumans that are created.
  19. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    I was in danger of a nuclear meltdown over getting it properly formatted, so I declared that it was a bunch of fuckery and put it off. Sorry. (Your nickname is remarkably relevant.)

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

    I'll have to look into that. Also, yeah, not abandoned.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

    Well, it's Harry Potter, the elements of high fantasy are already kind of there from the get-go. Also, I'm not going that far out of the realm of things here - I should ask you to at least wait until the next chapter until you make pronouncements on that.

    (It should be fun regardless. I have a feeling DLP'ers would enjoy it.)
  20. Warheart

    Warheart Sixth Year

    Apr 8, 2010
    Godric Gryffindor gets a suitable death. The more I read about the ancient wizard's war the more intrigued I get. I hope you got everything worked out, cause an unfinished explanation won't do justice to this buildup.
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