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SURVIVOR: DLP - Outwit, Outplay, Outlast [COMPLETED]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase




    Congratulations, Slytherin - Better luck next time, Gryffindor!
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I'm a survivor
    I'm not gon' give up
    I'm not gon' stop
    I'm gon' work harder
    I'm a survivor
    I'm gonna make it
    I will survive
    Keep on survivin'
  3. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Welcome to Tribal Council

    Welcome, Gryffindor, to Tribal Council. As a consequence of losing the last Immunity Challenge, you have been sent here, to this abandoned grotto, to cannibalise one of your own.

    Grab a torch and light it in the fire pit. On Survivor, fire represents life. It is what hastens in the dark. Your aim in Survivor: DLP is to keep your torch from being snuffed out by those around you.

    This is how Tribal Council will work. Firstly, Gryffindor, you cannot post in your House QT while Tribal Council is commencing. You will also be given a series of questions which you must answer, in order for Tribal Council to conclude. These questions are designed with observing your performances at the Immunity Challenge and any fractures within your House.

    At the end of these questions, you will submit a vote via your private QTs. How you submit a vote is "Vote Out: [PLAYER NAME]". You should also append your vote with a short voting Confessional, which is a sentence or two (or more, if you feel passionate) explaining your reasons/feelings towards your vote.

    Tribal Council 2 (Dusk) has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until all Tribal Council questions have been answered. Votes can be submitted once everybody has answered all their allocated questions. If you know that you won't be online at this point, you may submit a vote early, but once a vote is made, it cannot be retracted.

    Only Gryffindor may currently post in this thread.​

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (15) individuals are allowed to participate:





    If you have any question about Tribal Council, ask me in your QTs. Normally, once all the votes are counted, I would allow for an hour for a Hidden Immunity Idol (HII) afterwards to be played. However, since it's too early for HIIs to be currently circulating, I will forego the one hour time slot for HIIs and instead skip straight to announcing the votes.

    Here are the Tribal Council (TC) Questions for Dusk 2:

    These questions are for everybody to answer:

    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?
    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.
    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  4. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    i'm not immuned becasue I was elected to sit it out am I?

    1: alliance seem to be as important in this as it does in crusader king 2. I won't answer the 2cd part of the question.

    2: guljons. I think he is cute.

    3: Klackers

    4: Yes.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  5. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Unfortunately, no, you are not immune, even though you say out the last challenge. Gryffindor lost as a house, and now they'll have to vote of their own out as a house. Of which you are a member. Apologies.
  6. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff DLP Gold Supporter

    Jan 21, 2008
    Got to rush so...

    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?

    Yes, alliances are definitely an integral part of the game! I don't feel particularly included or excluded in alliances, because ultimately I think everyone would have different ones and it's up to them to decide personally who they want to contact.

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?

    Aekiel definitely deserves it! Even though we were too late, he really put in a LOT of effort! TSN was sitting out, so obviously he can't be held responsible for the loss. I'd like to think guljons helped too, with the pieces, so he should proceed.

    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.

    Uncle Stojil

    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)

    Of course. In any survivor game there seems to be people who can get along with the other team, but currently I don't think it's a major concern because we're just trying to do the best for gryffindor and go to the next round. Personally, I think Shay is a little dangerous in that regard (No offense Shay!) but then again she's dangerous usually anyway. XD Er, I do believe that people like her should still be trusted to put team interest first. I'll think of post-merge when I actually make it to post merge! :)

    Yeah, got to rush guys. Be back in around 5 hours.
  7. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    No editing, no thumbs up for non-host posts. Please don't do it again.
  8. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    Oki doki. got it bro.
  9. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Had this all typed and then my computer ate it. Sigh.

    1. Alliances are of course important-they're practically the only way to control your own fate. As to the second part of that question, originally I had feared that guljons, TSN and I would find ourselves on the outside of the house but thus far that hasn't been the case.

    2. Aekiel and Irene, definitely. They've both come up trumps in the challenges so far.

    3. Stojil

    4. Obviously, there are people in Gryffindor with potential friends in Slytherin. Equally obviously, that makes them a threat post-merge. On the other hand, they could just as easily be an asset at that stage of the game. It all depends on how secure you are in your position.

    On a personal note, I'd like to apologise for my late-entry in today's challenge. Near as I can work out, I had to run, literally, five-ten minutes before the challenge started and just got back in at the death. Sorry guys. It won't happen again.
  10. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Okay, I've looked into the situation with LochNess's letter, and I've discovered that I've made a typo (R and T are neighbours on the keyboard). However, I will not be changing the result of this challenge, since Slytherin did win by a margin and Gryffindor still had the content of the paragraphs to guide them. Indeed, part of Slytherin's victory lies in their superior puzzle solving activity and how all their members quickly deposited all their puzzle pieces, as opposed to Gryffindor who was waiting on some members.

    However, the typo letter was a minor disadvantage, for which I apologise, and as compensation, Gryffindor will receive a currently unspecified, minor advantage at the next Immunity Challenge.

    This is my final ruling. Now, return to answering your questions. Remember that you can submit a vote only when you've answers your question. Try to also wait for and read the answers of all your other housemates before submitting, because votes cannot be recanted or abstained.
  11. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?
    Of course alliances are important. From a purely selfish point of view, you have to have support to get through to the Merge. Without it you're much more likely to go out, and that's not at all counting the idea that if you're not in an alliance, other people probably are.

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    Irene is a good choice to go through due to her participation on Day 1, as well as Guljons for his part in this challenge.

    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.


    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)

    Ashaya could be a threat, since she's good at this type of game, but she could also be a great ally. It's the same with most people really, since you can't extend full trust to them without risking being stabbed.
  12. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?

    Yes I think that at some point you need to be in an alliance because if you aren't then you are going to be targeted quickly.

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    Besides myself I think Aekiel and Irene for all the contributions.

    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.


    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)

    I would say so, but I don't really know anyone's personalities on DLP. I know people are friends with each other and talk a lot normally so those people would probably have some advantage.
  13. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?
    Yes, they are, but still, they are an aspect of the game that I don't really like. I am going to give them a shot, but to be honest, they worry me a bit more than they comfort me. And no.

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    TSN, as he sat out. Irene, as she'd have an aneurysm otherwise. Myself, because I'm awesome.

    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.

    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)

    Well, we don't know who will still be around once we reach the merge, and we can't talk to people in the other house and make alliances. So no.

    Also, I apologize for my absence today, but I was here for the plate smash the day before, at least. The challenges only start at a good time for me if I have stayed up all night...I made sure to post my pieces, but I knew I had to let someone else work on the challenge this time.
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Since some people have asked me a few times, I'll clarify on the Judas. As per its role description, the Judas must betray his/her allies, leading to the allies' blindside and elimination. Firstly, a blindside constitutes surprise and/or shock from the eliminated player at his/her elimination. Secondly, the Judas has to betray an ally: this means Judas has to vote alongside the aliies at least once, both voting for the same person and usually leading to that person's elimination, substantiated with evidence of collusion in the 1-on-1 QTs.

    tl;dr, the Judas has to vote for the same person as the allies at least once, before betraying, and the betrayed player must be shocked/surprised, being blindsided.
  15. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?
    Well of course. This game is 1/3 making the right alliances, 1/3 challange prowess and 1/3 social game. I certainly hope not, though there were people I didn't talk to like Na'blis and Lochness. So anything could happen.

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    Aekiel for he did a big part in last challange. TSN, because he sat out. Me and Na'eblis for also working hard in last challange.
    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.
    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies?
    It depends with how much people we go into Merge. Some people may be more willing to switch sides than other.
  16. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff DLP Gold Supporter

    Jan 21, 2008
    Thanks for the clarification Zeit. Anyway, Nae'blis, please post soon so that we can actually have the available information to decide. Thanks guys!

    @Nessie, Shay, Aek, Caesar thanks for the vote of confidence dears! :p If anyone is Judas just know that you have to wait until at least like the next tribal challenge to get rid of me. Just a heads up.
  17. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Players are reminded that I heavily discourage role-talk. No talking about roles!

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

    Gryffindor, in 13 hours from now, 24 hours will have passed since the beginning of Tribal Council. That is my absolutest latest deadline. If you don't submit your votes by then, I will lose my shit and instead use the Purple Rock Tiebreaker. Y'all don't want to go there.

    Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Night! And remember that you can vote (no abstentions and recanting allowed) once you've answered the allocated TC questions.
  18. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    1. Do you consider alliances an important aspect of this game? Do you feel like you're excluded from an alliance between other Gryffindors?
    I don't really like this alliance business. They're just one more thing to keep track of. But I guess they can be somewhat useful. :/

    2. Who do you think in Gryffindor should be allowed to proceed to Day 3? Why?
    Aekiel, because he came very close to winning this one for us.

    3. In one word, no explanations, state the name of the player (of any House) who you think should be eliminated as soon as practicable.
    Hmm. Anya.

    4. There has been a lot of talk about Merges and friends on the other side, in Slytherin. Do you think there are any people in Gryffindor who are potentially threatening once they reach the Merge, because of their potential Slytherin allies? (For this question, you don't have to mention names if you don't want to)

    Yes, but to be honest, I'd be hesitant to trust anyone after the merge.
  19. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff DLP Gold Supporter

    Jan 21, 2008
    ALright guys, Nae has posted. Please, PLEASE just vote before Zeit comes back! No one wants the purple thing-whatever-you-call-it rock of doom. And any questions you would like to ask anyone else?

    Anyway, please post to acknowledge that you've voted. So my turn first. I've voted now.
  20. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    Well, I voted soon after Nae'blis posted.