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Mass Effect 3 General

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Iztiak, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Aren't they both well... Dead? Given that Harrison Ford is supposed to still be playing Han Solo as an old man (last I heard) that would make them dead for a long time.

    Still, force ghosts because midichlorians.
  2. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Yeah, I actually do tend to believe what devs say about the games they're making. When they say "Won't have Shepard', I tend to believe them.

    I'm optimistic. I've really enjoyed every BioWare game I've played.
  3. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    The next DLC is supposedly going to be out some time next week. With the way it's been spoken about, it seems as though it's the Multiplayer DLC and the Citadel Story DLC packaged together. This could mean that the story DLC will actually be free, or it could mean that this could be the first multiplayer DLC that will need to be bought.

    Either way, we'll see soon enough.
  4. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
  5. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Oh if only it was free.

    No the Story(ME: Citadel) will be 15 like Omega.

    Reckoning(MP) will be free though

    Citadel actually... doesnt sound too bad. All the voice actors came back even Sachs who passed away recently.

    Still it doesnt sound like something im going to pay 15 for.
  6. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    Some eleventh hour news for the multiplayer dlc.

    Five classes are confirmed, with more classes confirmed but not mentioned by name.

    - Geth Juggernaut (Soldier): Features a single move from the previous Geth kits and two all-new abilities. Limited mobility, cannot sprint, no charging melee attack, cannot take cover. Extremely large size, strong stagger resistance, most shields and health out of any currently existing class, even more than the Krogans. See below included pic.

    - Turian Female Cabal Raptor (Vanguard): Increased mobility, powers unknown but will supposedly feature three powers that are new to both single and multiplayer. If true, this means she will not have Biotic Charge.

    - Talon Mercenary (Engineer): Unknown race, a statement made by Eric Fagnan places the gender as male and the race as not-Turian. Powers unknown.

    - Alliance Infiltration Unit: Class unconfirmed, presumed Infiltrator, a multiplayer screenshot shows a Krogan Warlord with what appears to be EDI in the background on Firebase Hydra, presumed to be the Infiltration Unit.

    - Krogan Warlord (Sentinel): Powers are unknown, wields the Biotic Hammer. He will have powers (plural) that affect the hammer.

    Some additional information:

    -There will be at least one Adept

    -There will be at least six characters, one of each class. We know nothing of the Adept, though one of the developers mentioned some time ago in an unrelated tweet that Protheans in multiplayer aren’t impossible. Speculation is that it will be a Prothean clone Adept. However, this is pure speculation. We currently know nothing of the Adept for sure.

    New Weapons

    - Geth Spitfire Assault Rifle (same as the heavy weapon in single player, modified for multiplayer use and classified as an assault rifle)

    - Blood Pack Executioner Pistol (SP DLC Weapon, confirmed in the picture with the Turian Vanguard)

    - Blood Pack Punisher SMG (SP DLC Weapon, not fully confirmed, but implied given it’s presence in the Adas weapon pack, as well as the fact that it is part of the set with the Executioner Pistol)

    - Chakram Launcher (SP Promotional/DLC Weapon, partially confirmed)

    - Adas Synthetic Rifle (SP DLC Weapon, confirmed in the image of the two Juggernauts)

    - Venom Shotgun (SP DLC Weapon, confirmed)

    - M7 Lancer Assault Rifle (new to ME3, an improved import of the original M7 from ME1, aka the first gun you ever held. Uses the ME1 system of heat buildup instead of thermal clips)

    New Equipment: Unknown at this time

    New Gear: Two new Gears confirmed

    - Geth Scanner (presumably grants limited Hunter Mode capacity to those who equip it, actual effects unknown and unconfirmed)

    - One additional unknown and unnamed gear

    New Weapon Mods:

    - Assault Rifle Lightweight Materials (Confirmed)

    - Sniper Rifle Lightweight Materials (Confirmed)

    - Shotgun Lightweight Materials (Confirmed)

    - A pistol and/or SMG mod that increases power damage (officially hinted at, not yet confirmed)

    Additional Information:

    Geth faction will undergo partial nerfs: Geth Prime cannon shots and Geth Turrets will no longer autostagger. Geth Hunters remain unchanged.

    Eric Fagnan has confirmed that there are more new powers here than in any other DLC. The previous record was held by the Earth DLC, which introduced twelve new powers. So there will be at least thirteen new powers in this DLC, possibly more.

    The developers have hinted that the Juggernaut may have a Pulse Cannon style ability, similar to what the Primes carry.

    Slam and Flare are not in this DLC.

    Reckoning Mastery will not contribute to the Best of the Best Challenge.

    There will be at least one Adept.

    The Cabal Vanguard is said to be “particularly maneuverable.” To what extent is unknown, but the devs felt it was important enough to be mentioned as “her defining feature.”

    And finally, some linked official images. They're links because they're freakishly enormous, and I can't be assed to deal with Photobucket's resizing fuckery.

    An accurate scale of the Geth Juggernaut compared to a Husk in the foreground and a Brute in the near-background.

    An image of the Krogan Warlord and, less prominent, what can only be the Alliance Infiltration Unit photobombing in the background.

    Also, it's confirmed that Citadel/Reckoning will be the final DLCs released for ME3. After this, everyone is splitting up to go work on ME4/DA3. So if you were betting on Elcor stomping around with shoulder turrets or Hanar Adepts drifting around throwing Singularities at people, you need to go turn in your bets now.

    Of course, then again, they did say "and many more." It's probably too hopeful to believe that they'd really put in an all-new species at 11:59, but there is, I suppose, still a bit of hope. The singleplayer has been terrible, but the multiplayer support has been fantastic. Maybe they want it to be a surprise, who knows.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
  7. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Watch as the good weapons will be nerfed after someone solo plat with them in sub 25 min.
  8. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    If anything in here needs to be nerfed, I'm suspecting the Juggernaut. That bastard isn't just hilariously huge, he's so big that I'm not sure how any of the grabs could actually work on him. Unless they're putting in new grab animations specifically for the Juggernauts, I'm suspecting that he'll be grab-proof.
  9. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone

    He can't run/can't take cover. Meh. I'll take any super fast squishy kit (Drells/Geths) over it. Sync kills aren't really dangerous anyway, unless you're not paying attention or have terrible lag.
  10. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    He can't run/can't take cover, and you say 'meh'? Why would you want to do either of those things when you can look a Geth Prime in the eye and there's even odds you can't be grabbed?

    I predict him being broken as shit because if he really can't be grabbed, then a Juggernaut and a Volus assigned to him could hold down every heavy in a Platinum wave with only a moderate amount of effort.
  11. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    There's a difference between easy as shit to play and OP. AFAIK we still don't know the Juggernaut's offensive abilities.

    Then there are kits like the Turian Ghost Infiltrator, which is unkillable and deals the highest DPS in the game along with the GI.
  12. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    Remember how I said they're keeping quiet about the new Adept?

    We may know what it is now. The new banner artwork has been pulled and leaked from the latest update. Assuming this isn't an extremely elaborate troll, we know what it is.


    bottom banner, second from the left
  13. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Lol the EDI bot is going to be brokenly OP. And I like it.

    And yeah : Awakened Collector adept confirmed. Powers : Dark Sphere, Seeker Swarm, Dark Channel.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  14. Kraken

    Kraken Sixth Year

    Jul 4, 2008
    Watched a part of the Bioware livestream where the dev played as Geth Juggernaut. It's massively OP. Not only does it have base 1000 health, 2000 shields but it can regen its shields via its heavy melee. Apparently its only weaknesses are the lack of cover and its inability to sprint.

    They seem to be trying to make it a support tank as well by giving it a unidrectional shield that teammates can hide behind as well as a turret that restores allies' shields. Also, one evolution it can take for its Power/Weapon branch allows it to increase allied damage by 10% if they're within 4 metres of the Juggernaut. Still, its gonna get heavily nerfed. Just too strong at this point.
  15. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    I haven't watched the stream yet, but I doubt any of this will be nerfed. This is their last DLC for ME3. Their development and active support is in it's final hour. There might be one more patch for the game to fix any bugs the DLCs cause, but beyond that, I don't foresee any more tinkering. They're more likely to leave it in as it is, just because there's no profit in rebalancing it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

    Watching the stream now. Here for those of you who want it.

    The Juggernaut is ridiculous. He went down a few times in the demo, but I kind of get the feeling the dev playing it wasn't being serious. Give him a Volus sidekick, and he'd be practically unkillable. In fact, combining a Volus and a Juggernaut would make your entire squad practically unkillable.

    This bastard is a Platinum wrecker.

    Also, one of the new characters has a freaking Omni-Bow. Once again, everybody gets the cool shit but Shepard. Where the hell was my Omni-Flamethrower or Omni-Bow?


    And it's been flat-confirmed by one of the devs. He CANNOT be killed via grab. He is immune to instantaneous execution moves.


    The Talon Mercenary is the Omni-Bow guy. He's the first character where all of his powers are Grenade-based. As a result of this, all of his powers have no cooldowns. He also has the ability to naturally generate grenades. The Omni-Bow is his melee, but the grenade abilities are also centered around the Omni-Bow. His melee attacks are basically holographic arrows (which can be upgraded to do things), and the grenade abilities are him using the Bow to shoot the grenades.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  16. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    My theory?

    Bioware: "Fuck it we're done with this game. We'll leave the lights on but here have this really strong character. Have fun!"


    Trailer. The Krogan brings the Hammer.

    I think the Collector will be the only Ultra Rare introduced. Others will be Rare.

    Honestly I'd actually like if the Geth prime could do that combat drop.

    Mission starts. Over head view. Your teammates are like "wtf where is this guy he bugged?"

    THey get into trouble then BAM


    Geth Spitfire is apparently going to be the heaviest AR.

    >The Cabal Vanguard is said to be “particularly maneuverable.” To what extent is unknown, but the devs felt it was important enough to be mentioned as “her defining feature.”

    Uh this is the female turian right? Poison Strike.

    Essentially a Charge but it needs no target. You charge in the direction you are facing. I guess technically its a GTFO button as well.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  17. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    The Cabal Vanguard is crazy. They were kind of lying when they said she doesn't have Biotic Charge. She does, it's just not called that.

    It's basically Biotic Charge, only more broken. It doesn't need a target. You just teleport rush in a straight line, and anything in the way takes biotic damage, plus additional poison damage (the Cabal is all about poison, it seems). And just like Charge, it ignores obstacles that are in the way. You 'CAN' use this to effectively flash step through walls, cover, and barricades, which makes her squirrely as hell. It's like Biotic Charge had an illegitimate child with the N7 Adept's dodge and it was then raised to be a ninja assassin in a remote mountain village.

    She also has a poison variation of the Ballistic Blades called Nightshade Blades, she has a Biotic Channel ability that is basically Adrenaline Rush with a smaller cooldown and geared towards buffing powers instead of weapons, and she has one of the strongest melee attacks in the game, but 30% of all of her melee damage is Damage over Time in the form of poison damage.

    So basically a teleporting space ninja Vanguard with a shotgun strapped to her wrist.

    This shit's going to be ridiculous.
  18. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    It's enraging to be on the same team as a bad juggernaut. Hurr let's put this gigantic shield in the way of people trying to shoot time after time. It is a fun class for small maps though. On maps like Rio or Reactor, however, there's no point. He's simply too slow to do anything useful on such large maps.

    Also, the sexbot infiltrator unit is stupidly broken. Go nuts with repair matrix, folks.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  19. Kraken

    Kraken Sixth Year

    Jul 4, 2008
    Yeah the Juggernaut speed cap is a lot more limiting than I initially imagined. However, with maps like Rio, with clear lines of sight on the spawn points from the central location, I imagine he'll be able to dominate.

    I've only unlocked the Krogan Warlord, and it's immensely satisfying. I never really enjoyed other Krogan characters' melee attacks. It always felt weird just bashing people with your head or a weapon. Warlord's hammer is hands down the most fun melee I've ever used. I went for a power heavy build, and focused entirely on melee, ignoring health/regen. Maxed out both hammer abilities and went wild. With the insane rate of regen you get from Rage, its near impossible to kill this guy.
  20. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    So I got lucky and unlocked the Collector in my first Spectre pack (and got the Juggernaut in the free gift pack). The collector is meh - most durable adept around, but his dodge is really tricky to use (he flies, which can sometimes put you places you don't want to be) and the powers are odd. Seeker swarm is not very useful - low damage, plus a speed debuff that can be duplicated with Dark Channel. Dark Channel is Dark Channel - that is to say, useful when working with another adept for infinite biosplosions, but pretty weak otherwise unless you're playing Bronze. The Dark Sphere I can't really figure out. It's supposed to explode, but I'm not really sure how to do that. Does lots of damage as it drifts around the battlefield though (not quite sure what guides it for this either).

    The Juggernaut is pretty beastly, except when facing heavies like the Scion. Those can still take you down in 3-4 shots, so if you're caught out in the open, that means you're fucked because you can't sprint and you can't take cover.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013