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Mass Effect 3 General

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Iztiak, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    You need to detonate the dark sphere once you launch it. Hit 1 again.

    Make it explode.

    The Collector's dodge seems to work just like the Turian jetpacks.

    That is. Its a long duration for dodge but boy do you move. I was just literally jetting around on Firebase Giant with my Saboteur.

    Got the Cabal in the Gift pack

    My verdict through my experience?


    Poison strike is finicky for me. It feels like I have to directly line it up with an enemy to cause it poison them. Cant do it by charging next to them.

    Nightshade Blades are essentially Ballistic blades only more useless because it takes up the grenade counter. So great now you're competing with everyone else for grenades especially on higher difficulties.

    Ballistic Blades was good because you could literally spam it. Great for it you miss or the enemy dodges at the last second.

    I couldnt figure out Biotic Channel. Adrenline Rush you know when to use. When you're attacking.

    Biotic Channel?

    Uh... when I'm moving? I dunno.

    Unlocked the Alliance Infiltration Unit.

    Repair Matrix takes up the Grenade slot. If you take all of the extra cap bonuses in the tree you'll have 3. Obviously if you take Grenade + gear you'll have more.

    Thing is the duration is like Adrenline Rush in that its not always on. Its more of a "Shit here comes a bad fight." or "oh shit Im surrounded im dead."

    Cant activate when you're dead though.

    But wait there's more it also regens your shields.

    And increases your movement speed while its on.

    So when you're on that Platinum extraction wave. Pop that and just book it.

    Surprisingly she's not sniper rifle focused.

    Its shotgun/melee focus.

    The Unit's standard melee combo is a bit weak though. A roundhouse kick and then a chambered kick. If the latter connects the enemy will be staggered.

    Cloak evolution allows a choice between One power during cloak or first shotgun blast +25% damage.

    Dodge is like Acrobatics but the forward and back dodge are handstands.

    Also I think it uses the human female VO, but with the helmet filter.

    Also it has Snap Freeze. Sadly no ability to cause tech explosions with it. Hope you teammates do though.
  2. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    I will say this, if you pair a geth juggernaut with a good n7 destroyer and a volus shield slave, you will go ham on most enemies.
  3. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    -no point using the Juggernaut on Rio
    -not having the Juggernaut parked outside the box

    Are you serious? A Juggernaut tanking everything while a Volus Sentinel Decoys/Drones/Shield Boosts, a Justicar with a Warp-based Biotic Sphere keeps the bubble up, and an Asari Adept or N7 Fury sits down and spams their powers is how you farm Platinum with zero deaths and no hassle.

    Rio was already the "go here to do Platinum" map. With the addition of the Juggernaut and their giant shields/ungrabbable nature, someone can actually stand outside and pull all the aggro while everyone else sits in safety and spams powers.

    The only problem the Juggernaut presents is that you have to remember to start leaving for extraction at around 50 seconds, instead of the usual 30.

    And you should really be using Adrenaline Modules on the Juggernauts anyway. It helps a lot more than you might think.

    Are you serious? The Collector is made of tissue paper, just like most of the Adepts. It's comparable to the Asari, only with the possibility of limited damage reduction.

    The most durable Adept is the Krogan Shaman by leagues and leagues. It's his strongest attraction as a character. He has 1000/1000 base shields and health, can get damage reduction from Barrier, and can get further damage reduction from Rage.

    It is pretty bad when people don't play it right. I've seen loads of players who try to run it like a standard Soldier. I've seen even more who don't seem to understand that the Hex Shield blocks and takes damage from friendly fire as well as enemy fire.

    My build discarded the Hex Shield entirely. I specced my Turret for maximum shield regen, Siege Pulse for maximum Damage Reduction (I hold the shots in for the defensive buffs, and never fire them), and mixed extra shields and health with extra melee damage. Then I run with a Juggernaut Shield Gear (bonus shields and melee damage) and a Piranha with the Omniblade Bayonet and the High Velocity Barrel. I drop the turret to assist my allies and keep their shields up, and then melee-tank the big enemies and keep my own shields up with my heavy melee.

    I've gone entire Gold Rounds without ever having my shields break. And that's when I'm in the middle of everything, aggroing half the wave and having punching matches with Scions and Brutes.
  4. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    The Juggernaut is so slow I can't stand playing him. If you're playing with even slightly better than average players you'll be running around trying to find stuff to kill while your teammates are nuking spawns. And that's on Gold/Plat. I can't even imagine people using him on Silver/Bronze. 20 sec : Wave over, lololol I moved 5 meters.

    The EDIbot is OP like pretty much every infiltrator, the Collector Adept can nuke spawns with Dark Sphere, DC, and a gun with Warp ammo.
  5. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Correction: most durable adept I've played. No Shaman for me yet.
  6. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    I've been soloing the Krogan Warlord on Bronze to get a feel for him and I realized he is so BIG that I literally cant see if a trooper or a phantom is standing directly in front of me. Really strong though, even at level 12 the Rage makes it nearly impossible to die.
  7. Kraken

    Kraken Sixth Year

    Jul 4, 2008
    Is this actually effective? I've only ever seen good Juggernauts use heavy assault rifles like Typhoons and Spitfires. They mostly serve as mobile turrets and are damn good at it. Can you actually get close to enemies in time to use a shotgun? If so awesome. I'll try it when I unlock Juggernaut.

    Still, overall not all that excited about this DLC. Found myself falling back to using my Destroyer/Typhoon combo.
  8. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    I'm not using the shotgun. The shotgun is there for Guardians and to carry the Omniblade. I'm using the Heavy Melee as my main method of attack. It restores your shields by leeching it from the shields, health, and armor of enemies you grab. People who are trying to chase shit down as a Juggernaut are doing it horribly wrong. Leave chasing things down to Vanguards and Vorcha and other things that can actually chase things down.

    I rarely bother to chase things down. I'm huge. I draw aggro naturally. I park myself in lanes, rooms, and junctions where I know enemies will be, and wait for them to come to me. My heavy melee makes me practically immortal. I am THE Tank. Anything less than four Heavies attacking me at once on Platinum/Gold can't bring me down in melee. I deliberately engage Heavies in melee to draw their attention and keep them from attacking/grabbing anyone on my team.

    It even works okay for big maps like Hydra and Rio, so long as you know where to wander, and keep in mind that you're much more durable in melee range than you are at medium and long range. And even there, I've still covered myself. Siege Pulse with the extra charge and damage reduction gives you 40% damage reduction, and the Turret specced fully for shields and thrown down next to you can keep you alive when enemies are too far away to melee.

    I've never had any problems with the build, and I've run it on pretty much every map.

    It's the only character I've ever played where I can stand 'in' the Hazard Seekers to revive someone they've killed, and only take a fraction of my shield damage.
  9. Lord Raine

    Lord Raine Disappeared DLP Supporter

    May 4, 2010
    Little known useful fact: The Juggernaut is noticeably, significantly faster walking backwards than forwards. This can and probably will save you should the objective/extraction/enemy combatants put you in a situation where you need to shuffle faster.

    Moonwalk to victory!
  10. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    He's faster sideways than backwards, as well.
  11. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    This is the case for all characters when moving at walking pace, I think. It's why most people try to do the pizza delivery objectives walking backwards.
  12. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Back into multiplayer after a few months away.

    Warlord is fun but not a class I'll play frequently, just doesn't suit my playstyle.

    Didn't enjoy the collector much, tried a weapons build and a DOT powers build, neither impressed me very much. I feel he's just meh.

    The Talon Merc however, the one class everyone talked shit about, is completely, gamebreakingly OP. His Omni-Bow is underwhelming when you play on Gold and worthless on Platinum. He's super squishy. And I've found he has a tendency to lock glitch more than any other character I've played. He does have a single redeeming feature however...

    Cain Trip Mines (When specced damage/armor/damage, and you're specced for power damage) end up doing 2850 each. You can have 3 out at any one time, the moment you lay a 4th down, the first one laid explodes. I currently have 9 available at any one time, I can spam all nine in under 4 seconds. Box farming in Rio has never been easier. If a Phantom has anything other than full health, she'll die in a single mine, Brutes go down in about 2.2

    Speaking of PlatBox farming. Best team I've seen so far is -

    Talon Merc - Lays down perimeter mines in case shit gets through, and when the enemy closes in, drop mines under their feet. Spam if it all goes to hell.

    Geth Juggernaut - Bullet sponge, fantastic for keeping damage off the squishier characters. Melee is great for CC if you know how to prioritize targets.

    Volus Engi - Recon mine specced for radius/damage from all sources. Spamming Shield Boost. Sit in a corner and be a credit to team.

    N7 Demolisher - Drop a Pylon (Preferably specced for ressuply/power/nades). Use Arc Grenades to take down shields, the talon should take care of the armor.

    Alliance infiltration unit could be subbed in there if you want. Her speed, cloak, and repair matrix autorezzing make her godly for objectives and as a medic.


    Weapons wise.

    Blood Pack Punisher - Hate it, very strange recoil. It fires an armor piercing round every now and then so you'll be firing iike a regular SMG when suddenly it kicks like a carnifex. Hard to predict and correct against.

    Executioner Pistol - Powerful. The problem is the reload time. Miss and you're outta luck for the next little while. The kind of gun that will screw you at the worst possible time.

    M-11 Suppressor - Haven't messed around with it enough to comment.

    M-7 Lancer - Got it in a Reserves pack, made the party rage at my luck for a minute or two. Less damaging than the Harrier, less accurate too. The higher clip size and regening ammo make up for its faults though. Given the choice, I'd pick the Harrier. I think this one is going to come down to playstyle however.

    All in all, a nice DLC.


    Batarian Gauntlet advice -

    Don't attach this thing to characters with high melee, it won't give you any more damage, it simply sets your damage to the level of the gauntlet which in some cases will lower your overall damage.

    Don't use it on characters with alternate melee abilities, using it on a Geth Juggernaut will remove your super awesome melee and replace it with a Batarian punch.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  13. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    Just yesterday the promotional challenge weapons like the Valient and such... were labeled as "promotional" on your mass effect stats page


    but today they no longer have a separate slot from ultra rare. Has there been any news about them releasing the weapons to random packs?

    Edit: found it! http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/343/index/9544143/2#16242915

    From the looks of it that omni bow just got a cool upgrade. Hope your omni bow review wasn't based on today.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  14. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Still based on today.

    This is the only bit of note.

    Talon Omni-Bow Mechanics
    - Base number of arrows fired increased from 3 to 5
    - Omni-Bow max charge length decreased from 3 seconds to 0.35 seconds, so holding the heavy melee
    button will cause the attack to release almost instantly

    You can tell the difference in the amount shot just from the way it feels and the corresponding hit effect. But the charge length is the most notable thing there. By the time you had your bow charged the enemy would generally have found his way into cover, at which point you'd be holding an aimed arrow until it fired on its own, 3 seconds was way too long. Take into consideration people playing on PS3 or 360, firing an aimable skill while not being able to aim with the right thumbstick is kind of a bitch, it leaves you strafing and hoping your arrow hits something.

    One thing I see they didn't mention, the arrows now have more of a seeking function. Yesterday if you fired without a lock, the arrows would fly straight, now they tend to find the target closest to your reticle and head straight for them.

    It isn't a terrible set of skills, but their worth becomes greatly decreased once you play Gold and Platinum. I could solo Silver using the Omni Bow instead of a weapon now that they've reduced the charge time,

    If you're playing on Gold or Platinum, I suggest skipping AP arrows completely, and just using Concussive to keep Hunters and Marauders the hell away from you.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  15. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    M-11 Supressor is essentially a Carnifex with a supressor on. I know it does less damage but its semi-auto firing rate is so fast that you can pretty much land the entire mag on the head of a boss mob. Its fun watch that armor bar just disappear.
  16. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Ok, after a promotion to try out a full bow build, I've completely revised my opinion on the Omni-Bow... well at least on AP arrows, Concussive arrows are still shitty.

    3 shotting Brutes on Gold. Pretty much every standard enemy you face, Cannibals, Marauders, etc. die in a single shot.

    Second spec was 0/6/6/6/6, third and final spec is 6/0/6/6/6 (AAB/0/ABA/BAA/AAA). Changed from Damage/Armor/Damage on Cains to Damage/Armor/Radius, and changed from full Heath & Shields to full Omni Bow damage in Mastery.

    Charge regen IS based on weapon weight by the way, this was finally made clear. So running him with heavy weapons isn't going to work if you're playing a power based build.

    SOP right now is just running around with the bow until I see a large group, then spamming Cains.

    Good times are being had.
  17. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    All of my blistering rage.:fire

    I have received each character from this dlc (and more that aren't) except for the juggernaut
    All week, every bit of free time has spent trying to get this damn thing. Almost 4 million credits... and all I have to show for it is the ability to change the lights on my volus adept.
    I think perhaps it is time to shelve ME3 and let it rot in a quarantined EA folder on my external hard drive.

    /pointless venting
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  18. Kraken

    Kraken Sixth Year

    Jul 4, 2008
    So wait, no more Weekend Challenges then? Damn, those were kinda fun.
  19. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Started playing the game a few days ago, am about 8 hours or so in, right now on the mission with Grunt and I have to say, I am really enjoying this game so far. Playing a vanguard femshep (same as in the last two games) who is a renegade to most people who are not her crew/friends.

    Pretty solid game and while I miss a few of the rpg elements, especially the heat based weapons, I do enjoy the current gameplay as well. One thing that bothers me, is that, same as in the previous games, the difference between paragon and renegade is still so obvious and shallow.

    Most of the time, being a renegade means being a petty douche and that is really not what I imagine my renegade to be. Like, when I decided to save the council in the first game, it was a paragon option but I (and I guess most people) didn't do it because it was the nice thing to do and but rather because I wanted a Council that owed me, rather than a Council that didn't. I know that it is a bit unrealistic to expect so many layers but I really wish there would be more sophisticated choice options in the dialogue system. When a Crew member comes to you with a problem, I don't want to blow them off just because I need the renegade points. Shepard is able to control her crew via her charisma and her ability to lead, that wouldn't work if she was just a petty douche to everyone approaching her.

    Ah well, going to continue playing after I finish my exams. Have prepared myself for the shitty ending, so, no high expectations here.

    Are there any news on the movie, by the way? I remember there being talk about one and I really hope that is not true, because I just know it will be a shitty cookie cutter science fiction story with a generic male Shepard doing generic action hero stuff.
  20. elemsky7

    elemsky7 First Year

    Mar 6, 2013
    Have you played KOTOR 1 or 2?

    I started gaming with KOTOR 2 and the game dialogue and story elements set a really high standard that few current rpg games come close to.

    In KOTOR you can be goody-two-shoes, grey (mix of good and dark or neutral options) and completely evil (as in letting kids die and killing both the good and the bad npc's).

    And the choices have community, nation, planet, and even universe level impacts which is what I expect from Revan, or the Exile, or Shepard.

    The renegade options in ME3 are, for the most part, just paragon with attitude which sucks.

    I read somewhere that the more choices there are the more complex it is to build the game but they were able to do it with KOTOR so I'm not sure why they dumbed down the game when they have better graphics\tech now.

    I would have been fine with the ending if the entire game play from ME1 to 3 led to it via the actions and choices of my character.