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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Promoted into Silver II after breezing through Silver III with a flawless record, 8 straight wins. If anything I'm still feeling like a lead pair of shoes being carried though playing Leona helps somewhat and I guess I am improving in when to engage and when to back out, so, small things.
  2. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Well, I picked up at 96 LP and lost a game. I lost 9 LP. Not too bad. This game was pretty frustrating because I won top hard vs a GP. I got both outer turrets in top lane, but the rest of my team was just too far behind. They kept bitching a lot too which was super annoying.
    The next game I got carried after getting camped top. I was playing a bit recklessly after getting camped so hard, but we won in the end and I got to Promotional series.

    So if I win 3 out of 5 I'll have hit my goal of Gold ranked.
  3. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Tip for top lane in solo queue: Unless your champion has global pressure like Shen or Gangplank, take teleport to help your team out in those dragon fights during the mid game. If you do this with your best champions, you will not need the ignite to kill your opponent.
  4. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    So I got trolled back down to Silver III thanks to four consecutive games where I'd do well but the combined feed on the other lanes was just too hard to fight through.

    Then I bought Kha'zix, jumped straight into ranked and started wrecking people (except for the first game, where our team got rolled by a smurfing Hecarim). Such a fun champion and really, really strong. I probably shouldn't be able to get scores like 12/5/4 and 12/2/12 without some kind of practice. Whatever, he got me back into a promotion series and I'll keep abusing him until he gets nerfed.
  5. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    First game in Silver II & I get a singed who goes with scaling armor runes vs a Xin top, has 24 armor at level 1 & gets fb'd due to red pot. Sigh.

    Game just got worse from there with another due-queue bot lane who got stomped, mid did well but I had to spend so much time covering top I couldn't help him as he got camped hard, by end game Xin was level 16 & Singed just hit 9 with under 50cs, how I've missed Silver II.

    Edit; Game 2 in Silver II lost, who picks Taric/Trist into Graves/Leona & expects to win?
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  6. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    For that first game, you're probably have been better of fhelping mid so he could gank or bot since that's 2 people instead of one.

    For second, I'd pick that as a pure farming lane that doesn't get murdered by graves/leona diving.
  7. Super Bunny

    Super Bunny Fourth Year

    Dec 13, 2010
    Whoever stuns first loses the trade (usually, unless one of you has either no brain cells whatsoever, or a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible early game).
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Agreed on mid, I just didn't want to give away an early tower and let Xin roam though I guess it would've allowed Singed to farm his way back in though I did my best to make sure the wave didn't hit tower and reset. Eh.

    I wasn't paying attention to my bot lane in game 2 at all, I got top ahead and then bot got beaten 2v2 twice in quick succession, I know for a fact that i was 2 vs 2 as I was counter-ganking mid both times as we had some back-and-forth over their blue buff and shortly after. I can only assume Taric wasted his stun or they went aggressive for some reason and Leona just turned it on them.
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    So played 3s ranked with my friends.

    I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to play with them sometimes. They are both really great guys and we pretty much never get angry at eachother about anything game-related, but it's frustrating because neither of them has a wide pool of champions.

    One plays mostly support with very few roles outside of that. He can do vlad top and fiddle jungle, but he doesn't play often enough to do either of them very well. He plays a mean heimerdinger...but, heimerdinger. The other plays pretty much only mid. He plays a great ahri, some annie and brand. He does play them very well, but he doesn't do much outside of that. He can nautilus jungle and Irelia top, but once again doesn't play them often. So our 3s comps end up being very, very limited.

    We pretty much rolled through most of the competition until our 5th placement match, where it was an extremely close game. Every fight ended up with us losing by a very, very slim margin. Multiple 10 hp escapes occurred and eventually we lost. The opposing team chatted with us for a bit after the match and we found out they were placed in Platinum V where we were put into Gold V. How exactly does this system work?

    We lost another after that, but it was mostly because we were playing at 6am after going since 12am. It was a bad decision to keep queuing. We were close to falling asleep at the keyboard and the team we played weren't particularly good. I definitely felt that we could have won that very easily if we weren't all constantly making silly mistakes. We would die and where we would normally say "oh I thought I could get the kill there and get out," we would instead say "I had no idea what I was thinking" because we were not thinking clearly.

    It isn't often we get to play, but hopefully we can get some more games in and climb up to platinum, since I definitely feel we could play against the team from our 5th match and win against them more often than not, especially if my friends can work some more champions into their repertoire.
  10. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    So after my 2-0 start of my Promotion series to gold, I was hoping to go for a 3-0 sweep.

    Unfortunately, someone banned Singed =D
    I played Jarvan IV top and was super frustrated at my team after they kept bitching all early game about the enemy 4 ap comp. We never really grouped and they won a couple "teamfights" of us just wandering in on them after someone got caught. 2-1 for promotion series =(

    The next game, I played Singed and we lost the early game pretty hard. Mid and bot fed a lot of kills, but our jungle made some nice plays and kept us near even in kills. After we grouped, the enemy AD wasn't that great and we were able to win several teamfights where we got towers, drag, and eventually baron.

    Promoted to Gold! Took about 100 games, and a final 37-11 Singed.

  11. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Had a Kat start Amp tome & 1hp pot vs a Diana in lane into Revolver, no real surprise when she got destroyed. She then proceeded to go double negatron & double giants belt into Sunfire, did no damage all game. Same game had someone lock Irelia instantly then go "don't wanna play this champion" & she got wrecked by Zed, whilst we had a Blitz who finished with 12 deaths, dude loved getting caught. The climb to Gold is challenging, yet people like that are in Gold IV... I question my desire of getting into Gold.

    Edit; Fuck Double Golems on bot, it's such a stupid advantage, doubly so when your adc thinks he can trade with a D-Blade MF. As Corki. Rushing Tri. Sigh. Gold's fading away.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  12. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Don't worry, you can't be demoted from gold.
  13. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I'm not quite there yet, I'm in Silver 1 bouncing between 30 & 70lp currently (which is encouraging despite my rage) so, fingers crossed I get Gold within the next week.

    I just dislike Doubles recently because I've not played on Blue side in 6 games and I've supported 3 of those games. Naturally every game I've played Leona (Which is probably where the problem lies; playing an aggressive support on the side which is at a natural disadvantage from the off) and in 2 of them we've suffered quite heavily for it.

    Time to get practising Lulu, dust Sona off and debate whether I can risk Thresh.

    Edit; Probably won't be getting out of Silver I for a while, started losing 2 games for every 1 I win. Just had a Fizz who rushes Lichbane vs a Mord and wonders why he gets shit on. Seriously, is it such a hard concept for people to build counter items or something? We were 10-2 up & then they get 4 towers & 2 drags without answer because my team insists on not grouping and chasing randomly. I hate people so much.

    Edit 2; Huge rant inc - TLDR; Fuck the league system and my bad luck streak.

    So I've been playing 6 hours now, I've now had some 14 games played and EVERY SINGLE GAME has been on purple side. I've supported in 9 of these games and as such, have been fucked in 9 of these games due to a mixture of poor decision making from my ADC, myself and having mostly ignorant junglers or incompetent lanes.

    There's a certain point where stress simply disappears, and this is it. Last game, my team failed to take one single objective. Not. One. No towers, no dragons, no barons, nothing, we got curb-stomped into the ground. I have no idea how people did it but somehow, I get teamed with people that find a way. This is where my objection comes into play with this league system and my own streak of shitty luck.

    My team consisted of 2x Gold V, myself (Silver I) and 2x Gold IV. The enemy team consisted of 4x Gold I and 1x Gold II. How in the ever living fuck is that fair, Riot? I get the system is testing me to make sure I'm not just riding a streak of wins into Gold, but this is insane. How am I supposed to beat people who're a full TIER above me and several ranks up on my team-mates? It baffles my mind that I lose 13LP and a huge chunk of MMR for that, yet I lost 20 for the previous loss that was a relatively close game short of the Fizz being braindead.

    Overall I'm only down 13lp from when I started in the day, but I imagine my MMR's taken a huge hit given I've had 2x 3 loss-streaks now with only the odd win here and there, so I imagine I'm probably evening out now; honestly I'm fine with that, what I'm not fine with is getting paired up against people who're of a much better quality and higher calibre than myself. Gold V - III I can handle but I & II? Come the fuck on.

    I guess if anything it's just a huge chunk of humble pie, my Leona W/L has taken a huge dent basically making it look like absolute garbage because of purple side and it's fucking disadvantage. My jungling never worked because my team decided to die across the board to their own lane opponents thus losing their own lanes before I can even help them out because people don't get the concept of building defensively. Down 2 kills vs a Mordekaiser? Better grab Sheen! I just... I don't think I've had a worse streak in League. Even dropping to Silver IV was my own fault in part because I still hadn't grasped the concept of just warding fucking everything because nobody else will.

    Looks like it's back to the drawing board and trying to somehow improve, but I can't ADC & my mid lane is fucking pathetic. Top can't really carry and I don't feel confident up there at all. Jungling relies too much on people not going full retard or buying wards and it seems my streak of decent ADC's that match my playstyle have disappeared. The biggest change seems to be people have suddenly stopped banning Blitzcrank and as such I get an ADC that loves catching the hook to their inevitable demise. I pray later today brings some good results and a fresh start because currently I feel like wanting nothing to do with league, though again that probably shows how I take this far too seriously as a game played mostly for fun. Yep.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
  14. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    To be fair, as Fizz vs Mordekaiser if you itemize for tank you're going to lose, you have to outburst him while dodging all his skills with yours in order to win that matchup. I've never once seen any Fizz successfully build defensive stats (excluding Zhonya) because Fizz is balanced around not getting hit in the first place. And believe me I've played a lot of Mordekaiser.

    Disagree strongly that top cannot carry. If you look at my match history I should have a 10/2 Mordekaiser game where I was top vs Garen. Wrecked him, took the tower at like 7 minutes then started applying pressure on mid tower and pushed my team to take objectives. It depends which champions you play and how you build them I guess, but if I can act as playmaker as Mordekaiser (and by playmaker I mean getting "caught" and outbursting the opponent until I got my shadow active) if you are playing a "real" Top you can definitely do it. Push for objectives while you're ahead and take them ASAP. Take your tower, then go for dragon and mid tower. After that ward aggressively and counterjungle and call for your team to group and take objectives.

    Which server are you I'm BSB? I think I asked this before but I wouldn't mind watching and giving advice on the things I do know. I'm best at top/mid and support (Thresh is king. Always. But also Taric and Leona) and bad at jungle and ADC but I can play them all.
  15. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Fizz was our FP so I was expecting some kind of counter, Mord made sense in my head for them given his built-in shield kinda halting Fizz's burst, I don't know how but Fizz just straight-up lost a 1 vs 1 around level 4/5 (cockiness maybe? I dunno) and Mord got FB and went on a rampage from there, fending off our jungler (Vi) and Fizz pretty handily. I think Fizz would have done better if he built a Negatron after getting Sheen as Mord rushed WotA but, that's just my opinion, I honestly don't play mid much at all.

    Top was Teemo vs Garen and Teemo went fairly even early but Garen got Warmogs and Teemo got wrecked, not surprising as he went for Frozen Mallet & Wits End after a Malady so he did no damage at all. We just got behind bot as Vayne/Leona vs Trist/Blitz because they got early level 2 and could pressure us. Even with the bush warded Vayne loved the hooks and I can't do anything when she's bursted down. I need to seriously play other supports I feel but Leona's by far my strongest, the main problem is she can't do much when behind and you're relying on her ult in teamfight's to get her back into things.

    Top concerns me because I'd say I'm average at best on Singed, Zed and slightly better on Xin, it's just difficult to decide how to go. When I get ahead I tend to keep punishing my lane opponent rather than roaming, the sudden amount of warding I encounter on the teams I'm against puts me off doing anything. I tend to win or go even on top, by which point I hope my team is ahead. No matter what my role I always type out & ping for emphasis objectives, yet people will still continue to chase and it frustrates me to no end. We won a drag fight earlier today and 3 people spent 30 seconds chasing a Riven when they could've just taken 2 towers in mid. Instead they got nothing out of it and had to burn flashes to get away from their respawned team.

    I play on EUW and main support so, it's not exciting. I need to start kicking my own ass and moving away from Leona, but I just feel so comfortable on her & know my limits when it comes to aggression 2 - 6 which is my problem.
  16. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Try building up your confidence in other roles in normal games. I main support out of necessity since everyone else tends to instalock. ADC tends to require high APM and a strong grasp of basic mechanics, and I enjoy mid most because fucking magic and lasers. I don't like jungling because I'm not confident in balancing clearing, ganking and camping, but I can do a hilarious Mundo and I've been working on Jarvan because he's still OP as fuck.

    Lulu is my favourite support, far outstripping Taric, because she can be super aggressive with her poke or play defensively with the shield and sheeping. However, I've been playing Zyra a lot lately since I don't get to go mid nearly enough. She's a really strong pick as support and if you get more familiar with her skillshots and placing seeds, you'll be set for a solid mid lane too.
  17. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    To be honest of the "aggressive supports" I think Leona is the worst. Being forced to commit is the worst thing in the world for a lane unless you are already ahead. Thresh hook/Taric stun and a jungler shows up for the enemy team? Okay, walking away. The two I just mentioned will get free defensive stats anyway, so I think that you may be right that your Leona play is what is holding you back.

    It depends on how hard you are "punishing" the enemy top and how well you can 2v1. If you are on a champion that can 2v1 when ahead, then just keep pushing deep (Singed is a master of this) in which case just take their t2 and start pushing the inhibitor. Statistically, the other teams gets as many derps are you do, so the best place to look is inwards to make improvements on your win chances. I personally don't play any of those tops (because in my opinion they are pretty terrible) so I can't give you any tips on how to play the matchup. When I play top I play Rumble or Mordekaiser because both are strong lane bullies who can respond to the 2v1 well and are capable of denying the enemy strongly while still taking towers and doing objectives solo (Mordekaiser with a ghost can solo dragon, not sure about Rumble since he is my fallback. There's very few champions I can't 1v1 as Mordekaiser in lane and win against in top lane).
  18. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Leona's my go-to because i find her ult to be great, her passive's helpful early on for trades and generally when I go in, the opponents in lane seem to panic and try to run rather than commit and stand a chance. But it doesn't always work out so well and I definitely need to go back to playing more Lulu, Sona and maybe some Zyra, I just dislike her e, it seems kinda sluggish to me.

    I don't own Mord mostly because I just can't afford the IP currently, but also partially because ganks are worrisome, though I've not put too much thought into running him up top. Generally I'm lucky if I get a role that isn't support what with peoples childish whining about everything. In terms of punishing, generally warding deep into their jungle, stealing red if I can and farming beyond the tower so they miss out on as much as possible, harassing them out of lane or whilst on their way back.

    I could play more normals, go into some draft games I guess and see how I do there. ADC will always be my worst role I figure because I simply cannot orb-walk. I'm not sure what it is, but something about a-clicking or shift-clicking just feels wrong; I worry that I'll be beating on the wrong target (even though as an ADC short of god-like positioning it's bound to happen) or simply doing nothing the whole fight.

    I think I just needed to take a break rather than take a 2 minute break, grab a drink and convince myself the next game would go better. Possibly work on my aggression in lane and definitely mini-map awareness. As soon as I'm not playing support I barely look at my minimap and it's that that kill me more often than not up top, even with wards, I'm just blind. I'm getting better but still feel rather.. well, just bad honestly.

    I also tend to build super defensively on most champions, even when ahead. On Xin I seemingly always rush Sunfire over something like a Brutaliser unless I need a Hexdrinker etc. When I play Singed, somehow I take forever to get a RoA and nearly die fairly often whilst when I watch my team lane against a Singed, he does perfectly fine, it's odd.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
  19. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    I don't think you should pick up Morde, by the way. That's just my go to champion to carry games because he fits very well with my playstyle and I have a lot of experience with him. For you, pick a champion that you enjoy playing a lot, who rewards you for doing what you like to do. For me, sitting in lane and getting a lot of farm and harassing my opponent out is what I like to do, as opposed to roaming (Ahri and TF are good at this, or from top Zed and WK IIRC) or providing a niche role (protect the carry type things). For at least, it boils down to this:

    What do you want to do in lane?
    What do you want to do in teamfights?
    Rate your personal importance on taking objectives without aid.

    And pick your champion based on the answers to those questions. For me, I said "I want to push really well, but I don't really care about mobility/cc. In a teamfight I want to pick someone and kill them. I also want to harass my opponent in lane and win trades" Mordekaiser plays into this style with his E (wave clear) and Q (melee harass or wave clear) and W (to win trades) and R to pick my target.

    If you want to add me on skype (pm me or click the link in my profile) we can talk about LoL and you specifically more, I think we're a bit off topic.

    On topic: I'm on fire. Literally, as my league page says, I'm 9/10 for ranked games on my recently played a 9/9 today. Thresh is brutal as a support, and Mordekaiser carries for days.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
  20. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Edit; Crisis averted by a duo-lane who didn't tell me they were duoing till I'd already locked in Blitz. Rapid switch to a Cho jungle and they rolled the Cait/Nid lane, Singed handled Garen up top going even and I got to camp kha'Zix to no end in mid so he did nothing. Overall a fine game, they never got a blue buff all game and short of fucking up an early gank and getting executed, think I performed ok. 25lp, time to start praying as I lost 22 only two games previously.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
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