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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005

    I'd like to see something like that, but with a proper set of Dueling Rules. Not a brawl or a fight- a duel, with etiquette, tradition, and rules, not just two people casting spells at each other.

    - Several rounds- like Boxing
    - One judge / referee
    - Person (A) vs Person (B)

    Order of Attacks:
    - Person (A) attacks (maybe 10 seconds to cast whatever he wants)
    - Person (B) defends (could limit how many spells?)
    - Person (B) attacks
    - Person (A) defends

    ROUND 1 over- Score
    - Points for spell-work, both offensively and defensively

    ROUND 2 Begin

    It couldn't just be "STUPEFY!", because that's a second gone on an easily blocked spell. You'd have to be creative and original. You could use any branch- it'd be fun to see people use potions and herbology (throw a plant down, throw a potion on it, watch it became an angry beanstalk trying to choke you), but you'd have to have rules on it.

    Heh. Now I'm interested.
  2. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Not a fan of that 'Order of Attacks' thing. What makes boxing and MMA work is that it essentially is just a brawl between two people. A time limit on the round would work better than structuring the fights to be back and forth until the person who doesn't know the proper defense or counter gets hit.

    Or perhaps there are two kinds of duels: one that is an analogue for fencing with strict rules, etiquette and such, while the other is an analogue for MMA/The Thunderdome that is looked down on as being a bloodsport more than anything else.
  3. Ennead

    Ennead Seventh Year

    Jul 12, 2012
    I always thought the duels in jbern's Lie I've Lived were great. There were rules about staying within the circle, no lethal attacks, certain spells restricted depending on the level of the duel itself, etc...
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Here's a spin on the usual Peggy Sue plot bunny.

    You know how authors make it a point that if you travel back in time and make changes, you create an alternate timeline without affecting the original one? Let's explore just what exactly does this mean, by adding a single rule:

    "If you send your soul/memories to the past, it can't be to a body that already has your soul. It has to be a different one."

    Now, assuming that the theory of alternate timelines is true, it could be reasoned that they have a common/shared past. So here's what happens: in the original Timeline 1, things go bad, Voldemort wins and Harry sends his soul back in time, creating Timeline 2.

    He arrives in Draco Malfoy's body in the past. This of course gives us two Potters. One the Regular Harry and Draco Harry. He fixes a lot of things, does not reveal himself but eventually Voldemort wins anyway, due to some crucial detail. So Harry travels back in time once more and this time ends up in Ron's body, creating Timeline 3. So we have Regular Harry, Draco Harry and Ron Harry.

    Ron Harry sees with surprise how Draco Malfoy behaves and realizes that, oh shit, instead of just changing bodies, he's creating duplicates of himself. So not only he has to deal with Voldemort, but with the threat that every day, a new Harry Potter might arrive and you won't know in which body he is.
  5. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    ...Until one day, when the time travel gets so messed up, that there's a universe where there are only Harry Potters.

    And then, it turns out, that Harry notices how much that phenomenon is disrupting reality, and goes back one more time to take place of the Voldemort himself, mad and enraged, going on and killing everyone, explaining just how exactly Harry lost time and time again - their opponent has lived through everything.
  6. R. Daneel Olivaw

    R. Daneel Olivaw Groundskeeper

    Mar 14, 2013
    Yuen Long
    Here's a Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings Crossover plot bunny:
    Setup Ideas

    • The story takes place in the Seventh Age (the Sixth Age ended with Grindelwald's defeat)
    • All 18 of Sauron's rings exist, though their legend and their connection to Sauron is unknown to most, and long forgotten to the few who know it.
    • The 9 Nazgul, now wizards trapped by the power of the rings, are dementors. Those 9 are immortal so long as they are not parted from their rings. Those they slay with their touch become normal dementors (which it might be possible to destroy)
    • Modern Gringotts goblins are the result of the ancient Dwarves and the goblin races of old merging into one form (not their idea, obviously, some kind of cataclysmic change during the 5th Age). Most of the 5 rings given to the dwarf lords are in use, giving specific goblins far greater power in crafting, combat, and longevity.
    • The Elves are not in this world, it is too corrupt for them to return for any significant length of time. They did, however, send spirits imbued with some of the power of Valinor to help humanity--which became the house elves. The 3 rings of the elves are lost (or in the hands of those who don't know what they are, only that it gives them power.
    • Dumbledore is Eldritch, not human. Merlin was also Eldritch, but left after his task was completed.
    • The Dwarf and Elf rings have only small, hidden amounts of Sauron's soul, and only combined altogether (all 3 elf rings, or all 5 dwarf rings) would it awaken their fraction of Sauron.
    • The Nazgul rings contain a little bit more of Sauron's soul, but not enough on their own to bring back their master's spirit.
    • The One Ring was not destroyed, though the attempt to destroy did end Sauron's power (in the 3rd Age). It was when it was found by a certain Tom Riddle that its powers first began to stir, and it was the ring that corrupted Tom so completely.
    Obviously, no character from the Hobbit or LoTR will make an appearance in the story, except through history or flashbacks.

    I would suggest that the powers of the Eldritch be significantly stronger/more binding than that of HP style magic, but as such not invoked lightly. Which makes the powers of each ring quite significant, as they tap into that power with most of the cost already paid--though the danger of corruption from the taint of Sauron would be there.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    10/10 would read it.
  8. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Looks interesting. By Eldritch, I assume you mean Maia? Also, there are seven dwarf rings, not five, and four of those rings are said to have been destroyed.

    Another thing, why does Grindelwald's defeat herald the end of an age? Maybe it's just me, but I never saw him as anything particularly out of the ordinary as far as Dark Wizards go (in the sense that you get people like him who try to rise up and take power once or twice a century). Might make more sense to have the end of an age be around Merlin's time, or based on the foundation of Hogwarts, if you need to have one at all. Or you could just do as LotR/WoT, and have the end of the story be the beginning of a new age.

    Other than that, it seems like a pretty cool setting. Would need a slightly more fleshed out plot to go along with it, but the potential is definitely great.
  9. AlbusPHolmes

    AlbusPHolmes The Alchemist

    Aug 18, 2011
    I would read the shit out of that.
  10. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    The generally consensus among LoTR fans is that the Sixth Age ended with the defeat of the Axis Powers in WW2. I think there's support for the idea in Tolkien's letters. Given that Grindelwald's rise and fall mirrors the Nazi's rise and fall, the two are probably linked in some way.
  11. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Hmm, fair enough. The story would probably want to expand a little on Grindelwald and powers/connection to any arcane sources of power and generally make him a bit more of a threat then. Maybe it's just me, but I feel while WWII could work as an end of an Age in our world, Grindelwald's defeat doesn't really hold enough significance to qualify as one in HP.
  12. R. Daneel Olivaw

    R. Daneel Olivaw Groundskeeper

    Mar 14, 2013
    Yuen Long
    I probably should have said Istari, as that's the better known term, but yeah. Maia or greater Valar, whatever the plot requires.

    Didn't remember that, thanks. So, we'll have to make it an even 20 rings--no point to change that from canon. I guess if 4 tiny parts of Sauron's soul were destroyed it wouldn't ruin the plot, but since we're claiming the One Ring isn't gone, might as well say all the dwarf rings aren't either.

    As Glimmervoid already mentioned, it's related to WWII not Grindelwald specifically. But since I was couching it in HP terms I referred to G's defeat.

    And if anyone wants to take this plot bunny and run with it, feel free to. I already have too many unfinished fanfics and original ideas I want to do.
  13. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    Greater Valar? Do you have that backwards. The Maiar (Maia is the singular form) are the lesser spirits. The Valar are the great ones and only fifteen ever entered Arda. Greater Maiar makes some sense (the most powerful among the lesser spirits, Eönwë for example) but the Valar are already big guns.

    Also, for readers who don't know, the Istari are the wizards from LotR, Saruman, Gandalf, Radagast and the two Blue Wizards. They are Maiar (effectively angels to the Valar's archangels) who have taken on human form and entered the world to aid the Free People fight Sauron, who is also a Maia.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2013
  14. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Also, the Elven rings were created free of Sauron's influence, so they wouldn't hold any fragment of his soul. Pretty sure, anyway.
  15. Henry Persico

    Henry Persico Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Sep 13, 2011
    No. They were created without any aid from Sauron, by Celebrimbor alone. But they were ruled by the One Ring, meaning they were under Sauron's influence.
  16. R. Daneel Olivaw

    R. Daneel Olivaw Groundskeeper

    Mar 14, 2013
    Yuen Long
    Wow, I really need to re-read the Silmarillion. Either that or spend more time on the wiki pages. :)

    So, if we stick to Middle-Earth canon, Sauron would need to have had access to the rings at some point after their forging and manage to make them into horcruxes, OR have them not be horcruxes, but in some way linked to the other rings, and subject to influence of the One Ring through the connection.

    One more thought: Three great rings of power for the elves (who aren't around to claim them) and a Golden Trio. Convenient. :)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  17. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    That would be interesting, just don't call them the Golden Trio.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    This could be written either as a crack-fic or as something more serious.

    Harry Potter - Cultist

    Several weeks after Harry Potter was brought to the Dursleys, the family decided to travel to an amusement park. However, not wanting to bring Harry with them, they left him with Mrs. Figg. This decision would save the boy's life, as all three Dursleys died in a car accident that day. The boy was then taken to an orphanage and a month later adopted by a two Cult Leaders. These two (husband and wife) worship a god named Arthagazul and live their lives according to his 'teachings'. The actual nature of the cult is somewhat dark (goats are indeed sacrificed), but no insanity is promoted. The reason they adopted Harry is because they want to raise a child that will grow up to be the next leader of their cult after them.

    Harry grows up loved by the two and spends most of his childhood among other members and children of the Cult of Arthagazul. However, his accidental magic causes the Cultists to see him as some sort of Chosen One by their god. They shift their beliefs to not only worship their god, but Harry as his vessel. They make sure he grows up to be very devoted to the Cult and have him practicing his 'divine gifts' to honor Arthagazul.

    Then his 11th birthday comes and Harry is visited by Albus Dumbledore who has his Hogwarts Letter. Albus is surprised by the people who raised the Boy-Who-Lived, but seeing that the boy is loved and cared for, he voices no concerns and allows the things to stay how they are. Harry and the Cultists however are shocked that the magical world exists and there are thousands of wizards in Britain alone. Fearing that it would disprove their religion, Harry asks Dumbledore if wizards know where magic came from originally, the man answers that they don't. Concluding that it must have come from their cult god, the boy decides to bring his teachings to the wizards and witches of the United Kingdom.

    Armed with his beliefs and religious texts, the Cultist-Who-Lived enters the magical world.

    (Now, depending on the author, his religion could be actually proven true, bringing interesting consequences.)
  19. R. Daneel Olivaw

    R. Daneel Olivaw Groundskeeper

    Mar 14, 2013
    Yuen Long
    Could be good, though I'm not sure why the cult would have to worship "Arthagazul." I think this particular plot bunny could have dozens of interesting ways to execute it and the nature of the cult would flavor each story differently.

    For example, you could have a Scientology style cult that would lead Harry towards using the Wizengamot/Ministry to silence his opposition and that would seek out high profile new members.

    Or there could be a Buddhist style cult with ideas of reincarnation, and Harry thinking himself a lama.

    Or a Messianic cult (great for harem stories).

    Or a polytheistic cult (Arthagazul could be one of many) focused on bring about the reign or arrival of a specific deity.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    To be truthful, the "Arthagazul" was just a name I made up on the spot. Presumably it could be replaced by anything, perhaps even Zeus.
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