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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    With the right setup, HP / Hunger Games has massive potential for awesome, as that bunny shows.
  2. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    The Hunger Games/Harry Potter has an amazing set-up. That is why I was excited for the monthly writing contest premise when I heard it was the Hunger Games.

    I have an idea as well, too bad I don't have time to write it either.

    My idea was more typical Hunger Games with the whole forbidden love aspect in it. It's Harry/Fleur.

    Grindlewald won the war and after a rebellion in the 80s decided to force each school (the pride of each magical community) to send a male and female to compete to the death while the Empire watched.

    Harry Potter would be born and raised by Lily and James Potter and has always been lightly tied to the resistance. During a holiday/mission, he would have met Fleur and became decent friends, maybe she saved his life or something.

    Fast forward to his 4-5th year of school, his name is picked out of the goblet (or he stands up to save his sibling). Tom Riddle personally trains him as one of the old winners of the Games. However, Fleur is also picked with Beauxbatons. You would also need about 8-10 other schools, outside Durmstang, Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.

    During the competition, you would have Harry and Fleur begin to fall in love and use this for their advantage. At the same time Lily and James Potter are plotting with Fleur's parents to take down the Empire.

    Depends where you want to go from here, but it would be a very basic set up of an awesome Fleur/Harry romance. The beautiful Fleur and the Brave Harry- they would be the chosen people of the Games.
  3. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I cannot into Hunger Games. It's just not for me. Maybe if I can be fucked to watch the movie, I'd be better with it, but as it is, I've picked up and put down those books like, 8 times.


    guys guys guys,

    I dumped a plotbunny into the Harry/Fleur thread. It's basically me shitting out all of the stuff I had on a very, very old plot bunny from a long time ago. (The redundancy is important).

    I really don't want to reformat all of it or something, so here it is. There's a prologue, a bit of a chapter, and a handful of snippets written.

    Basically, the plot bunny itself was:

    If you're interested in more stuff, hit the "here" hyperlink - the only one in my post and stuff.
  4. Alexx

    Alexx Card Captored and buttsecksed

    May 4, 2013
    Harry as the killer in the Saw movies. Harry could set up twisted games for his victims. Say his victim him is Malfoy who values blood and thinks he is better than muggles (how much blood will he shed to stay alive or will he cut of his hands to stay alive)
  5. Dr_Orpheus

    Dr_Orpheus First Year

    Sep 23, 2008
    It is early Oct 1981. Muggleborns are being slaughtered.

    Filius Flitwick visits a family of a prospective muggleborn student. He recommended that they not send they child to Hogwarts given how perilous the times are. They are angry at him for putting their family in danger by visiting them. Their anger was unfortunately well justified. A few days later Filius learns from the DMLE that they were all murdered.

    He decides that it is time to take drastic action. He had secretly developed a spell to prevent the Hogwarts registry from showing the names of muggleborns. He had planned to wait until Voldemort had taken over the Ministry, but now feels that there is no reason to wait any longer.

    After Voldemort's defeat, Dumbledore tells Flitwick that he knows he is responsible for the change in the registry, and asks him to reverse it. Filius honestly says that he doesn't know how.

    Dumbledore asks him to research a way to remove it. Flitwick refuses. He believes it is only a matter of time before the pardoned death eaters suffer from a relapse of the imperious curse and does not want any more innocent deaths on his conscious.

    Dumbledore isn't happy, but he can't refute this logic. He strongly suspects Voldemort will be back some day and recognizes that is better to give him fewer targets. With new muggleborns now longer entering the British wizarding world, a lot of the hatred toward them will hopefully fade making it harder for Voldemort to find recruits.

    In 1991, Harry will attend a different Hogwarts from the one in cannon. The only mudbloods will those whose parents were muggleborns.
  6. AlbusPHolmes

    AlbusPHolmes The Alchemist

    Aug 18, 2011
    I fail to see the point. Where's the conflict, the intrigue?
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Dumping my plot bunny document here:

    1. British Wizarding Empire AU (mentioned somewhere else in one of these threads)

    Massive AU in which the wizards didn’t pass the Statute of Secrecy, but rather decided to take control of the Muggle world. They form a small but extremely powerful upper class, who dominate the highest levels of government, military and trade. Victorian era feel to the story, British empire still intact.

    People are born with a set magical strength (not quantity of magic, but strength of magic). A child’s strength is dependent on their parents strength and wizards can pass their strength on to blood relatives when they die, meaning that the older the family the more powerful the children, with the head of the family possessing the cumulative strength of generations of wizards. Harry is of average power - the Potters are a reasonably old family, but he didn’t get any power from his mother’s line, so has to be smart to get by. Voldemort was very powerful because of the age of the Slytherin line.

    2. Harry with Lily's memories.

    Harry with Lily’s memories. He’s not born with them, though - they’re released during Occlumency lessons in OotP. Story focuses on Harry’s identity and psychology, as well as the Voldemort conflict. As Lily was extremely talented and Harry gains all her knowledge and skill, he has a significant boost. However, Lily was no Voldemort, so Harry is still far short of being able to beat Voldemort directly. (One thing Lily never learnt was Occlumency, so that continues, only with Lily’s attitude and knowledge Harry gets a lot better at it). But Lily’s memories aren’t the Power He Knows Not.

    The first arc is Harry dealing with the memories, coming to grips with his new knowledge and trying to incorporate his strengths as HP into Lily’s skill set, and trying to keep what has happened a secret, with sudden changes in Harry’s character and class performance making people suspicious and straining his relationships. This arc ends with Harry “coming out” to Dumbledore. A moderately lighthearted fic, the gender difference between Lily and Harry - and the conflicting instincts he thus has - will be played for comedic effect rather than any serious comment on gender differences.

    3. Harry Potter/Stargate crossover

    Harry Potter/Stargate AU crossover with a slow introduction of the Stargate element. The first few chapters focus entirely on Harry in the wizarding world. After the war Harry became an Auror, but it didn’t stick. After a few years - and a failed relationship with Ginny - Harry decides to go travelling. Originally planning a world tour, Harry falls in love with his first destination: magical Egypt. He finds the ancient Egyptians and the stories of wizard gods fascinating and, after doing the tourist things, ends up deciding to stay and indulge his interest, essentially becoming a cursebreaker (without any official training, picking stuff up as he goes along and doing lots of reading). A few of his jobs are covered - his first one, one from around the time he reaches competence in curse breaking, and later one that he’s in charge of - an Indiana Jones style tomb adventure.

    Time skip. Harry is recruited by the British Ministry of Magic to go on a mission through a magical portal device found years ago in Egypt, that they’ve just figured out how to work. It turns out Ron is the Auror in charge of the team going through, and Hermione is going to (she’s an Unspeakable working on the project.) There are other members too. The “trio” is reunited after many years, but things are tense: Harry, despite his past modesty, chafes at Ron being the leader, and there’s awkwardness around them having grown apart. They go through to Abydos and things progress at first in a similar manner to the movie (though there’s no Daniel Jackson figure here. Harry has some of his parts - Egypt expert - but Hermione others - geek).

    However, here’s the big change: the Goa’uld aren’t biological parasites, they’re magical beings who possess humans spiritually, and they have many unique and powerful magical abilities, in addition to thousands of years of knowledge and magical expertise. An average Goa’uld is Voldemort-like in terms of ability with magic, and Ra, as the most powerful Goa’uld, is beyond anything any human wizard has achieved. There are no spaceships or sci-fi elements: the Stargate is a magical portal that takes you to other planets, not a technological one. The Goa’uld exclusively use the Stargate network to travel between planets, and all warfare is ground based. The Jaffa are humans with enhances strength etc. to do the Goa’uld’s bidding.

    The story focuses on the need to get home and the fight against Ra.

    4. Post-DH continuation fic.

    Post-Deathly Hallows fic featuring a Harry/Fleur extramarital affair. A lot of plots going at once: Harry’s relationship problems with Ginny, who is doing her last year at Hogwarts; his Auror work: part time training at the academy, but also working to capture the last Death Eaters; his developing magical ability, which has four causes - the removal of the horcrux piece, which he’d been unconsciously fighting for years, the mere fact that he can focus on magic for the first time in his life, his mastery of occlumency at the end of DH, and his Holly wand teaching him things it absorbed from Voldemort; Kingsley increasingly leaning on Harry politically, dragging Harry into the post-war political arena; and Harry’s desire to be a part of Teddy Lupin’s life, which is his point of regular contact with Fleur, who is helping Andromeda look after him. Also features a new form of full contact Quidditch which is quickly replacing the old in terms of popularity, which uses Voldemort’s flight charm, reverse engineered by Flitwick. Episodic in format, each chapter being like the episode of a TV series - telling a contained story but also contributing to the greater arcs.

    5. HP/HG smutshot.

    Harry/Hermione prefect’s bath GoF. Hermione goes with Harry to figure out the egg clue in the Prefect’s bath. Features a Hermione with a liberal, matter of fact, “we’re best friends” approach to nudity, followed quickly by a “actually, we’re hormonal teenagers” friends with benefits reasoning.

    6. Maia!Harry

    Lord of the Rings crossover where Harry wakes up in Middle Earth at the start of the Second Age as a Maia. Harry does not have access to HP magic. The story does not present any reason or power behind Harry's appearance in Middle Earth - the focus of the story will be Harry's search for purpose in his apparently purposeless appearance there. First part:

    Voldemort had raised his wand. His head was tilted to one side, like a curious child, wondering what would happen if he proceeded. Harry looked back into the red eyes, and wanted it to happen now, quickly, while he could still stand, before he lost control, before he betrayed fear-

    He saw the mouth move and a flash of green light, and everything was gone.

    Harry opened his eyes and, for the first time in his life, he saw. It was as if a veil had been removed from before him, like he was waking from a long and dark dream to finally see the light of day. The world came to him in bright and vivid colour, resting as he was in a small forest glade, entirely unlike that of the Forbidden forest. Here it was light, and peaceful. The songs of birds filled the air, and the grass was a healthy green around him.

    A blade of grass caught his eye and he stared at it, transfixed. Never before had anything seemed more beautiful to Harry, so complex yet delicate, so perfect in its design. He looked at it and he perceived it, his vision piercing beyond the seen. He gazed upon its inner workings and he understood them all, even as a child understands laughter. He had no names for its parts, nor theories of how they worked. He looked upon that leaf and he knew it like a man knows how to catch a ball, though he may know nothing of science or mathematics. Every part had its place, and Harry knew them all. If he closed his eyes he could have pictured it still, though he would have found it hard to put into words.

    But he did not close his eyes. For a year and a day he gazed upon that blade of grass, amazed and awed by its beauty to the exclusion of all else. And as time passed, his vision penetrated deeper still, through to the very base of being, and there he heard it - the music. It seemed familiar to Harry, through he could not guess where from, and he hummed along with it, feeling out its depths and highs, its gentle melody. It seemed to him that the music was the grass, and the grass was the music.

    For an age of the earth Harry might have rested there, contemplating grass, had a fox not come and stepped on it.

    Harry blinked, and looked down at the broken blade, trampled down into the earth. He wept openly at its loss, and, without thinking, sang a song of lament, the words of which he would never remember. It came from deep within him, from the same place as the music of the grass, and he let it guide him.

    When the song was finished, Harry remembered who he was.

    Is this death? It doesn’t seem so bad.

    It was then, as Harry moved to get up, that he realised he didn’t have a body. Strangely, he didn’t panic. It felt... natural. Comfortable. He could still see the world, though now he thought about it, it wasn’t quite the same as sight. It was awareness, unlimited by the senses of man. It encompassed the entire surrounding area - he’d been focused on the grass, but now he focused on a tree meters away, and he knew it like he was sitting right before it.

    Experimenting, Harry tried to feel further, stretching his senses outwards. But it wasn’t his senses that expanded, it was him. He felt himself growing and filling the area, hundreds of yards around, and everything within that space he touched and knew - the trees, tall and older than Harry could have imagined, the flowers of vibrant blues and reds and gold, the animals running upon the grass, the insects crawling within the earth. And he knew, too, that should he wish to change those things he could, shaping the area of his being according to his wishes. He could raise the earth, or call water from the deeps to create a flood. He could bind the creatures to his will, or send them fleeing from his demesne.

    The temptation to change things was immense, but then Harry remembered that single blade of grass, broken on the ground, and he withdrew. It was beautiful as it was. Who was he to try to change it on a whim?​

    Chapter plan:

    That's as far as I got. The long term plan involved Harry meeting Sauron and being fooled by him, studying ringcraft and forging a ring of his own. Then there's Sauron's betrayal, where Harry tries to defeat him head to head, but loses. After Sauron is pushed back, Harry reestablishes Eregion (whereas in canon it was left in ruins and deserted), and becomes a great lord there. Harry doesn't succeed in making a wand until the Fourth Age, at which time he is able to use his maia powers to create various species which will eventually develop into the magical species of the modern era. Harry gets back to his original time the old fashioned way: he lives it. He then sends himself back in time, and confronts Voldemort as a 10,000 year old Maia wielding both HP and Maia magic.

    Last edited: May 10, 2013
  8. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    In the first narrative, does Voldemort still kill James and Lily? Would that not put him at the head of the Potter family, with Lily's strength to boot? What would be the effect of her sacrifice and protection in that scenario?

    Or are they supposed to be alive?
  9. Nerdman3000

    Nerdman3000 Seventh Year

    Apr 23, 2013
    Has anyone ever done a Lily is the estranged daughter of Voldemort story, weird concept I suppose, but I don't think it's ever been done in a while. I only remember one story that has such a concept, but it's years old, pre-HBP. There are a lot of Voldemort has a daughter stories, although in my opinion the best one out there is Blood Ties by Ebony's Grim(although it's a Hermione is Voldemort's daughter story).

    I know there are a lot of stories with Lily secretly being a pureblood, but I was thinking more along the lines of that when Harry goes into Dumbledore's pensive in Goblet of Fire, instead of the Death Eater trials, who sees a memory of his mother after to comes to Dumbledore, having been tortured by him. The idea that perhaps Lily betrayed Voldemort because of her love for James and Harry does sound a bit interesting, especially if Lily turns out to be alive, having survived through horcruxes.
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I think, among all the HP fanfic out there, just about everyone has been related to Voldemort, at least once, and it pretty much always sucks.

    Also, any story with Lily as Voldemort's daughter pretty much necessitates her being pureblood, too, unless you want to fabricate a reason for Tom to have been slumming it. This more or less eliminates Petunia and her branch of the family from the equation, too.

    The fics where Voldemort has an OC daughter especially suck. :fire

    We can't stop and read here, it's do not want country.
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  11. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Alabaster and Vermilion would like a word with you.
  12. Russano

    Russano Disappeared

    Aug 11, 2012
    Full-contact flying quidditch sounds fucking awesome Taure.
  13. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Holy hell man I want LOTR one. There isn't enough LOTR xovers.
  14. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    And most of the decent ones seem to end up abandoned. I don't really know of any completed one that is good.
  15. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    In Essence Divided,
    Alexandra Potter
    And now this?

    You want to tell us something, Taure?

    Also, I think I have seen NR.2 before, badly done. I'm sure there's a couple versions of Nr. 5

    6 is Doomsman's Herald by Roarian. Not the plot intricacies, of course, but...
  16. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    Yes, yes, Nauro, I feel the prod in my back.

    A few of mine, then...

    Iron Man 3 sequel fic - A movieverse variation on the Extremis arc's remainder which was left out of the movie; Tony going posthuman and an inevitable run-in with the Asgardians as he goes beyond his usual technogizmos and enhances himself instead. Most of my hesitance is due to the fact that I sound a lot like LessWrong if I try to summarize my ideas about what it would contain. (Sechrima gets this point, I assume.) Some elements have been ported to WaS instead.

    HP / DC - Alternate take on the same concept as WaS, except landing in That Other 'Verse - necessarily features a badass Harry just to keep up with the general power of heroes in that universe. I have thought of doing something like this when Man of Steel is out just to get a feel for what DC's going for with their new movies. One day, maybe.

    HP / Stargate - Harry as one of the Wizarding World's prime explorers, travelling from world to world with magic and generally having a bit of a Luna streak to him, before he ends up lost and can't find Earth again. Would deal with the misadventures of Harry after he is interpreted as a Goa'uld host/God after dethroning a local one, and his inevitable run-in with SG-1 as his attempts to peacefully convince local worlds to his side sets him up as a big bad. ...I'm pretty sure there's stories sort of like it, but it's been floating around since forever, so who knows.

    HP - Harry as Dumbledore's apprentice after his fifth year, after an alternate freak-out in Dumbledore's office. Largely plays besides the general happenings of Hogwarts, and includes extensive forays into obscure parts of the Wizarding World and outside it. Basically a badass!Dumbledore story in which Harry gets his own badass on through the sort of crazy shenanigans that are inevitable in this kind of story.

    HP - After first year, Voldemort's presence makes Harry's horcrux scar and the philosopher's stone interact, leading to Flamel himself taking Harry away to fix things - it turns out the stone itself is a horcrux, and Flamel's a dark wizard hiding his stripes, and he coerces Harry into swearing secrecy. Leads to a Flamel as a dark!Harry's mentor story where they're not evil, just savvy.

    HP / DW / TW - The Doctor picks up Harry before first year, and later returns him to the same time, but a little wiser and having picked up some things. A few flashforwards later, an adult Harry decides to follow in the Doctor's footsteps and travel time in space, until their inevitable next meeting which leads to a cross-time magical clusterfuck.

    I doubt I'll write any of them any time soon, but some of them have drabbles hanging around.
  17. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    Someone posted in either the Harry/Fleur or PoD thread an idea that if James and Lily had lived, they could have had marital problems stemming from the fact that they got married essentially out of high school, leading to a divorce. Lily got custody of Harry and went off to France or something.

    An idea occurred to me while contemplating this: Would Snape capitalize on this opening and pursue a romance with her? I'm not sure if I want to see this implemented, since Snape makes a better villain that side character, and this would either turn a lot of people off of a story or bring in the wrong kind of people, but I could kind of see this happening.

    Lily would have broken up and Snape would have seen this as a sign from above at a second chance. He would do everything in his power to change himself and her image of him to get together with her. Lily, being emotionally vulnerable from her recent divorce, questioning whether her judgments of people were true after being wrong about James, and with the stress of being a single mother, accepts his help and eventually falls for him blah blah blah.

    It would be kind of interesting to see this because it would change the dynamic significantly. Lily could convince him to take care of himself, making him not the greasy-haired gargoyle he is as much. Being with the love of his life would drastically reduce the bitterness in Snape, since he no longer sees Harry as his greatest shame (from driving Lily into the arms of his hated enemy, from which she gives birth to a clone of his rival, but with Lily's eyes staring back at him always, judging him and reminding him that he was the one who caused events leading to Lily's death and wow Snape's behavior is making a lot of sense now). I'm not sure that Snape would be lovey-dovey with Harry, but he would at least be far more welcoming. It would just change three entire characters (plus James and Marauders potentially).

    It does seem like it could easily lead to becoming a bad romance fic, and having Snape as Harry's (step-)father would taste bad in a great many mouths, but it strikes me that it could happen. Any thoughts? Has it been done before?
  18. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Barb's second fic plays with that concept. Harry is sent back in time and imperius his mother so she offers her son to Voldemort (or something like that, details are sketchy). Fast forward, Harry's father is now Snape (James died on Halloween) and he has 2 half-brothers. However, Lily cheats on him with Sirius.
  19. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Lol, Barb's fic. I suppose it's worth reading once to understand the massive impact it had on fanfiction at the time, but man is that shit dated. I tried rereading it a month ago and couldn't get past chapter 10 or so. None of the characterizations or interactions make any sense whatsoever.
  20. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Same. I really liked the second 'book'. The whole concept of time-travel on that scale was really something new to fanfiction. But when I tried to read the series again...damn it didn't aged well.
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