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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Actually they both have annoying rivals. Only B2/W2 has a rival that isn't an irritating chump, IMO. Mostly because you only have to battle him a couple times and he generally broteams with you.
  2. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    On the other hand, he's sad about losing a Purrloin.
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    OK, so it's time to end this battle.

    Stepping into the glowing statue of doom or whatever, and up a big ass staircase. No wheelchair ramp? Sue the fucking Unova Pokemon League to ablism, I say.

    Alder already lost to N, boo hoo. Some champion. Like, I've already beaten this dude four times and the champion jobs to him. But before I can make things right, a giant castle appears! It will be my castle soon. Haven't we been through this once before? I can't remember.

    Oy vey, hither cometh The Hateocracy. Bring it, old people.

    *Puts cap on backwards*

    On second though...

    Come Miss Cleo! Come Metrosexual Artist Man! Porn Queen! Land Baron! Epic Tits Girl! B-List Movie Extra! Token Loli! Old As Shit Dude! Fight the enemies of thine king!

    Yeah, nobody bothered to bring the Striaton Waiter Trio because they suck.

    Into King Sera's Castle. The two newest members of the royal harem are just sitting in a room. One of them heals my Pokemon. LOL look at N's room. Put away the toy trains, son.

    Two moveset changes leading into the grand finale. Swapping Ed Bighead's Dig for Bulldoze, and just in case, Maschenny's Thunder Wave becomes Volt Switch.

    Get the fuck off King Sera's throne, N.

    Battle Zekrom Go!

    Master Ball that bitch cause I ain't got time to capture it.

    Versus N

    Ed Bighead has the honor of slaying the legendary Reshiram. Fusion Flare does about 60 resisted damage to open. Bulldoze drops Reshiram (of course) a little ABOVE half HP. So another burst of that will trigger a Full Restore, which I'd rather not deal with. However, my Seismitoad should now outspeed Reshiram, which is great. And indeed, I get priority in the second round as Drain Punch does some damage, and brings Ed's HP back to 135. Hyper Beam, oh shit! Bighead Ed down to 11 HP.


    Hyper Potion as Reshiram has to rest the next turn, and Bulldoze finishes the job on the fourth round. Reshiram is down, and Ed is left without a scratch to show for it.

    Klinklang is next up. Odd choice by the AI, since Seismitoad resists Steel and is immune to Electric. Metal Sound drops Ed's SDef two levels, which means nothing except that I'll be switching once I'm done with this pile of scrap. Bulldoze drops Klinglang into the Yellow and gives me the speed advantage again. A second Bulldoze takes down the automaton.

    Zhang Fei switches in to handle Vanilluxe. Vanilluxe sets up Hail, and dies to Hammer Arm.

    Ed Bighead, the MVP of this battle, is back again to take care of Carracosta. Carracosta has high defenses, and this is a bit of a drawn out affair with me whittling it down with Bulldoze and Drain Punch, and eventually killing it.

    Zhang Fei versus Zoroark. Zoroark uses Focus Blast, which does little against the mighty ogre pig's bulk. Hammer Arm. Next.

    Last and by far most dangerous is Archeops. Only Asgard has a chance of handling this now. I should have set up Rain Dance and let Ed handle it with Swift Swim priority, but it's too late now. Acrobatics does enormous damage, sending Asgard deep into Yellow. Kinda surprised the computer didn't use Crunch, which would have been Super Effective. But Asgard is alive, and this battle is over. Heavy Slam oneshots Archeops.

    Down with the False King, Hail to the Burger King!

    So, I was dreading that fight and got through it intact and with surprising ease. Should be smooth sailing to the end, right?

    Ha ha ha ha...

    Versus Ghetsis

    Ed Bighead is still the Lead Frog, taking on Cofagrigus. First turn Surf gets the tank to near half HP. Cofagrigus sets up Toxic on Ed. Ed uses Rain Dance, while Cofagrigus wastes a turn using Protect. Full Restore to remove the poison and damage, hoping for another Protect here. Nope, Shadow Ball. Ed knocked down to about half HP. Rain boosted Surf ends Cofagrigus.

    Asgard swaps in to handle Bouffalant. This is a slow, drawn out Earthquake duel. Made so because I need to heal Ed, which I eventually do, but because of it I also have to heal Asgard. Asgard's EQ is stronger due to better stats and STAB, and Bouffalant falls.

    Seismitoad versus Seismitoad.

    I use Surf and Drain Punch while Ghetsis uses Earthquake. I probably ought to have healed Asgard at this point (actually, I KNOW I ought to have). Anyway, Ed proves to be the biggest toad in the pond as he eliminates his mirror.

    Here comes the pain...

    Hydreigon is now in play. It cleanly outspeeds everything in my team, aside from Ed if I had set up Rain Dance, but then it resists Surf and is immune to Bulldoze due to Levitate. Drain Punch doesn't have enough oomph to take it down either.

    So, send out Zhang Fei and pray to Arceus above that he can survive a Surf. If he cannot, I will be swept right here.

    On comes the tsunami...and Zhang Fei survives at critical HP. Hammer Arm...DOES NOT kill Hydreigon.

    Well, fuck me. This is trouble.

    Flamethrower on the next turn as Ghetsis uses a Full Restore. Not too much damage, but it does inflict a burn (if only this Hydreigon were a physical sweeper...) and will allow me to end this with another Hammer Arm if I can get the opening. But Hydreigon has the speed advantage.

    Sub in Creampop, hoping to switch into Surf which it can survive and use the next turn to heal Fei at the cost of my Vanilluxe's life. I hate having to use sacrifical Pokemon in Nuzlocke games.

    All in vain. Hydreigon uses Focus Blast.

    Rest in Peace: Creampop the Vanilluxe. I will always remember how you ripped Iris a new hole. Even if you were a shitty ice cream cone thing.

    Zhang Fei is still critical. So in comes Marlon. The poor little bird looks at me with sad, betrayed eyes. I am sorry, lil' birdie. Hyper Potion on Zhang Fei. Focus Blast.

    Rest in Peace: Marlon the Unfezant.

    Zhang Fei comes in, tanks another Surf, and sends Hydreigon to the afterlife. Fuck you.

    Eelektross is fifth. I have Zhang Fei, Asgard and Ed Bighead all at low HP. Eelektross has coverage on Emboar (Acrobatics), Golurk (Crunch) and Galvantula (Flamethrower). So Ed is in to save the battle again. First I have to heal Ed, and then Zhang Fei to deal with Ghetsis' last Pokemon (Bisharp). Meanwhile Eelektross is ripping holes in him with Acrobatics. Fun times. It's a long battle that sees me use half a dozen Hyper Potions before it's done, but Eelektross goes down to Surf.

    Zhang Fei versus Bisharp. Hammer Arm...misses. Stone Edge takes a chunk of Emboar's HP. But the second strikes home, and Ghetsis and his ambitions are ended (until White 2 >_>) with a burst of 4X Super Effective rage.

    Endgame stuff. You know, being king doesn't seem like much fun right now. I'mma go bury my two dead bros and call it a day. Until next time.

    Ultimate Survivors

    Zhang Fei (Emboar) - 53
    Ed Bighead (Seismitoad) - 54
    Maschenny (Galvantula) - 51
    Asgard (Golurk) - 53

    Never Forget

    Androssi the Patrat
    Lachesis the Solosis
    Extinction the Archen
    Creampop the Vanilluxe
    Marlon the Unfezant
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Congrats! BW2 Challenge mode nuzlocke next, IMO. I saw someone did a W2 Challenge mode solo run and beat Benga after like 27 attempts. Can't even imagine.

    As for HG vs White, it depends on what you want to do. If you are the type to only play the nuzlocke and then be done, I would recommend White.

    HGSS have absolutely atrocious difficulty curves that leave you with a lot of very difficult grinding. If that's your thing, and you want to grind against level 20s to fight level 40s and later grind against level 60s to fight Red's level 80 team, then play it. But I find HGSS runs end up being a ton of grinding.

    If you count White's post-game story of catching the various sages (spoiler) and eventually rechallenging the elite four and Alder as a part of the "complete" run, then you are looking at a pretty similar amount of gameplay with a relatively similar final bossfight (alder's pokemon are 75-77).

    If you are more like me and enjoy playing through a nuzlocke while also catching them all and finding the roaming legendaries etc., HG is probably the better pick. You can get a shitton of legendaries in HG and there is tons of post-game content beyond Red if you hunt for every legendary you can find. This is how I play my nuzlockes. Catch everything, but only nickname the first pokemon on each route and those are the only useable ones. Then I do my best to complete the pokedex and all that jazz.
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Facing a bit of a situational dilemma now. As most people who have played Gen V know, there is a ginormous spike upward in enemy Pokemon levels after beating the regular game. I want to continue through Alder and Cynthia, but I will not be able to keep my team intact doing so, pretty much regardless of how careful I am (tends to be the case when you've got low 50's Pokemon against high 60's), unless I handicap and suspend the Nuzlocke Rules until I hit a 'fair' level of about 60 or so. Fair enough, or should I just consider this run done with after having beaten N and Ghetsis? I am not doing the amount of wild Pokemon grinding that would be required to get me get to an acceptable level without battling Trainers. It would take hours upon hours upon hours, and that's not even counting the new arrivals I'm going to have to coach up.

    Give me your thoughts, folks.
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  6. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    So Otters and I are playing a little game. A hardcore hardcore game. Nuzlocke squared.

    May god have mercy on our souls.

    The Rules:

    - If a pokemon dies, it's dead. No exceptions.

    - You can only evolve a pokemon if you get a gym badge. One evo per badge.

    - You can only catch a new pokemon if you've levelled up your most recent catch 10 levels.

    - You have to catch the first pokemon you see after you level up ten times (re-using routes is permitted)

    - If your most recent catch dies before you can level it up 10 times, you can not catch another pokemon. Ever. Faggot.


    - No starters. Piplup and Chimchar suck straight penis and Otters isn't man enough to give me Turtwig, so Bidoof and Budew it is.

    - Theme your nicknames (Otters chose food and I chose the seven sins)

    It begins north of Jubilife with a tiny plant thing I find resting languidly by a pond. I name it Lust. It's a guy, but its final evo fits too well for something silly like a penis to stop me.

    My journey begins here. Where it ends, only time can tell. But I know one thing for certain.

    There will be blood.
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I was so hopeful at the beginning of this Nuzlocke. Pity things aren’t turning out as I hoped.

    You know the mostly mono-flying team I somehow produced? Well, let’s just say it doesn't hold up well to the sudden insurgence of electric-types. It’s hard to find a Pokemon to switch into when all fall before the mighty Spark and Thunderbolt.

    But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning.

    I had a nice team going. After some thought, I decided against trading Tinn the Drowzee away for a Machop. Not because I wanted an Eevee later, but because Machop is such a boring Pokemon. I raised one in my last Nuzlocke run and I was bored shitless with it. My current priority was to clean up the rest of the trainers left, but my new Pokemon were so under-leveled it was difficult. I found myself frequently switching to my backups, Kens the Butterfree and Lucky the Togetic. Eventually, I came across a fire-wielder, who had a level 15 Vulpix. Will-o-Wisp wasn’t helping my bird Pokemon murder it, and Tinn and Lucky was at low HP. To switch in safely, I had to sacrifice something. I didn’t need two bug-flying types, so I apologize, LT2000 the Beedrill. Goodbye.

    That was one.

    Another trainer had a team of Voltorb, starting at the pathetic level 2, and the strongest being at level 14. I was in Tinn the Drowzee at the time, but the Voltorb was charging, so I was stuck using Pound. Voltorb used Charge, then used Spark. It got a crit too, that bastard, and there was nothing Tinn could do but die.

    That was two.

    After beating all the trainers before National Park, I moved into the park to finish cleaning up. I was expecting bug-types, but it was mostly normal-types, except for this one trainer. He only had one Pokemon, but it was a doozy- a level 16 Raichu. Ashura the Spearow was up in front, at level 15. I had to be careful here. One wrong move could result in a sweep. For the first turn, I used Leer. Raichu used Quick Attack, taking my health down to the edge of green. I could live another one. Raichu used Quick Attack again, bringing me into red, but that was okay, it was time to use Fury Attack- which missed. I stared at my game in shock. Fury Attack had never missed before. To be let down in the worst battle by far- it was a tragedy. Things weren’t lost, however. I used a Super Potion, bringing my Spearow back up to full. I’d try again. Or, I would have, if Raichu didn’t use Thunderbolt. “No!” I gasped out loud, as my health went to zero, no crit necessary.

    That was three.

    Lucky the Togetic was sent out for damage control. If he couldn’t do anything, I was fucked. My Quick Claw activated, and I used Headbutt, getting the Raichu into Red. Raichu used Tail Whip. In an act of mercy, my Quick Claw activated again, and my Togetic finished it off, winning the battle. That was close. I had three Pokemon left now and no trainers to defeat. It was time to take this training to the wild. Taure the Hoothoot was alone. Hoothoot, I found, was a terrible Pokemon. If I had any urge to use Hypnosis, I had to squash it. There was nothing like the feeling of Hypnosis missing three times in a row as Taure got beat up by wild, untrained Pokemon. Even his attacks, Peck and Tackle, were low base power and pathetic. Any Pokemon could out-fight this particular bird. Eventually, I came across a Nidoran F, the first Nidoran I saw in this play-through. I used Peck while the Nidoran used Double-Kick, which was neutral against my flying-normal type and did around 5 damage per kick. We exchanged attacks, and eventually I was in yellow while the Nidoran was in red. One more Peck should do it, but Nidoran held on with a sliver of health. It used Double-Kick: first hit got a crit, I had 9 HP left; second hit also got a crit, I had 0 HP left.

    That was four.

    By that time, I didn't even punch my pillow in rage, it was so pointless. Of course the Nidoran got two crits in a row, of course. All the Pokemon I captured were dead. All my training was wasted. Only the old guard, my Butterfree and Togetic, still lived. There isn’t anything I can do now. Whitney is the guardian of the gate- if I can’t get by her, I’m done. And I don’t care anymore. Let’s get this over with and see what I can do.


    Current Team
    Kens the Butterfree (Level 21).
    Lucky the Togetic (Level 21).

    Rest In Peace
    Klael the Zubat (Level 2).
    Cheddar the Sentret (Level 11).
    Ashaya the Spearow (Level 11).
    MattSilver the Chikorita (Level 11).
    Jack the Unown J (Level 5)
    Klael2 the Zubat (Level 6).
    Oz the Onix (Level 6).
    Poytin the Pidgey (Level 14).
    LT2000 the Beedrill (Level 12).
    Tinn the Drowzee (Level 14).
    Ashura the Spearow (Level 15).
    Taure the Hoothoot (Level 16).
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    It's OK, Vira. I am honored to die as your switch bait.

    Also, I'm taking the silence as disapproval on my whole White continuation scheme. So be it. I'll start a new run on something else.
  9. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    So the hellish scheme that Matt has termed "Nuzlocke Squared" began with a Bidoof.

    I picked up a Turtwig at the start, then released him as soon as I caught a Bidoof. Except that's a lie. I used it to train Bidoof up to level five, so I stood a chance at killing wild pokemon without a billion trips to Nurse Joy.

    Bidoof came blessed with a Simple ability. Even the game admits he's retarded. Simple causes any stat changes to affect Bidoof twice as much. This made the likes of Leer, Sand Attack, and Growl a near impenetrable fortress. I named him Garlic - all my pokemon are going to be named after flavourings and spices, and Bidoof is definitely a garlic-breath mouthbreather.



    GARLIC: Level 3
    Next pokemon at level 13

    I pounded my way around Jubilife and the surrounding environs, slowly massacring the indigenous species. At the ripe old age of level twelve, Garlic was finally strong enough to take on the single worst rival of any Pokemon game. With the aid of several potions. It was a near thing, even so. My Zubat only run was easier than this. So was my Butterfree solo. Man, Bidoof is awful. Thankfully, Rock Smash meant he could take on Geodude with ease, and grinding up the last level was a touch easier. I skipped every trainer that I could, so I'd be able to use them to level up my next pokemon.

    By the time I got into Oreburgh, I'd hit level thirteen, and by the rules of Nuzlocke Squared, I must catch the next pokemon I encounter. I ran around headlessly, hoping for a Machop...and my wish was granted. I name him Beef Stock, because he's the beefy base for the Pokemon stew I'm cooking up here.



    Beef Stock: Level 7
    Next Pokemon at level 17

    Machop made everything so, so much easier. Without even bothering to grind on the trainers I'd missed out for him, he Low Kicked and Karate Chopped his way through Roark's flimsy gym.



    0/1 Evolutions Used

    Between that, the rival battle, and the trainers meandering about between Oreburgh and Floarama, he reached level sixteen. I promptly put him away; at level seventeen, I'm obliged to catch my next pokemon, and I am NOT willing to raise a Pachirisu if there's any chance of avoiding it. A Misdreavus for my third pokemon would be nice, but that's only a 20% chance. Same rate as a Buneary, and I don't want that furfag little slutbag. I love bug pokemon, so ordinarily I'd leap at the chance for one of them, but the evolution rule would make them tricksy. Maybe I'll repel my way through Eterna Forest and go for a Gastly. Or there's always the fallback option of Magikarp, that beautiful bastard.

    But what's this now? Garlic learned Rollout at level thirteen. At last, I can kill a Wurmple two-thirds my level in only two hits! This must be what God feels like. Such power!

    Facerolling through Team Plasma Grunts at the Valley Windworks quickly gets me to level fifteen. I slam down on the B button. Don't want to waste my first evolution on a Bibarel. Not sure if I'll even evolve Bidoof - it loses all of its majestic glory when it evolves. Level sixteen. Hammer that B once again.

    One of Team Plasma's rare redheads assaults me after I doof up all her minions. Her mighty Zubat is no match for Garlic's flab rolls rolling out, and he quickly falls. Purugly is even fatter than Garlic, however, and he's sleepy from drinking on the job, so I pull him out. Beef Stock hops in, halfway through level sixteen. Two Karate Chops pussify the cat Pokemon, but unfortunately level up Beef Stock instead of Garlic. Now he's level seventeen, and I must catch another ho. Right outside is a chance for Shellos or Buizel. I don't like either of them, because Shellos was a Lapras prevolution cocktease and Buizel has a shitty yellow floatation device strapped to him. There are worse Pokemon - but I already have one of those on my team, so I'd rather get something I'm at least neutral towards, if not something I like.

    A honey tree could get me something cool, but I want to carry on playing, not leave it for six hours. Waiting all the way until Eterna City could get me a Ponyta or Meditite. Or a Zubat, or another Bidoof.

    I'll mull this over while I buy some Repel.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I approve of the pics.

    Also, I just can't make myself quit this White game. So I'm just going to knuckle down and get my levels the slow and safe way. It honestly shouldn't be TOO bad with level 45-ish wild beasties in the new routes, just a lot slower still than abusing the sports arenas in Nimbasa like I would in a regular game. I'll write up more later.
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Meditite sucks.
    Great power with his ability, but you don't get your first physical ability until level 29. Be wary of that.

    @LT: Audino grinding?
  12. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I curbstomped Eterna Forest. Forgot how useful that green-haired hippie slut could be with her healing. Also forgot how useless her Chansey was in the double battles. I took on everyone I could individually to spare myself the pain. Repels were my saving grace throughout the forest.

    Magikarps fell before Garlic's newly learned Hyper Fang, and then we were into the gym. It started well enough - a Budew's Stun Spore missed five times in a row. But then Gardenia pulled out her Thai ladyboy Roserade, and grass knots cut off the circulation to Garlic's entire Bidoof. Beef Stock suffered heavy damage, and I wasted two super potions on Garlic, but eventually it fell to the devil of crithax. Although it earned me a badge in the process.



    0/2 Evolutions Used

    I couldn't continue with just one pokemon, so I threw caution to the winds and prayed to Alduin for a Ponyta. Landed a Meditite. I think I'd have preferred Zubat. Named him Coriander, because his bright shiny eyes look like he's been eating a lot of carrots.


    Meditite: Level 14
    Next pokemon at level 24

    Time to hit the old grindstone for a bit. Meditite's typing and the local prevalence of Geodude and Zubat makes this fairly easy for a couple of levels. Then it's onto flimsy Plasma subordinates, upon whose flesh my slavebeasts will grow feast.

    Current team:

    [​IMG]Beef Stock the Machop: Level 23
    [​IMG]Coriander the Meditite: Level 14


    [​IMG] Garlic the Bidoof: level 21

    Edit: This run is now over. I made it to Solaceon Town, and was grinding in the wilds past that when my newest Pokemon, Gastly, died before I'd levelled it up ten times. By the rules of Nuzlocke Squared, I can catch no more Pokemon. This means not all HMs can be used, and therefore I can't finish the game. I beat Menace. But I still lost.
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    This was a nice post about where I was going in White, but then I got double whammed in the Nimbasa arenas, losing Asgard to an Excadrill's Fissure and Maschenny to a crithax Earthquake from a Krookodile. So we're just going to end this experiment here. Sera remained retired after beating N and Ghetsis, and let Alder do all the actual work.

    So now this post will be to announce my next bout of rage when I try this Nuzlocke Squared deal. Fully expecting to fail hard, but who knows? If anybody has a particular game they'd like me to use, let me know.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ----------

    Nevermind the above, started on Platinum. Since the others were doing Sinnoh I thought I'd give that gen a crack too.

    - All rules contained within Menace's post, including the starter rule
    - Tower of God naming theme
    - Undecided on Legendaries, leaning towards banned since this is an extension of Nuzlocke, but that might depend on how the game goes and whether I can resist the urge to rape face with Giratina (like I'm going to get that far on this wacky challenge anyway...)

    Started with Turtwig, not that it matters since the starter is going to be boxed as soon as I catch something else. I picked the turtle in order to give the rival the starter that most suits his personality.

    Who is the rival, you ask (you probably didn't ask, but you get to hear anyway). He's blond, loud, impulsive and annoying as Hell. And yet he never gives up and becomes a pretty swell trainer, and is generally a bro despite being a raging nuisance. In other words, he's Naruto.

    So, anyway, my Turtwig fights one of his two destined battles and defeats Naruto's Chimchar. After all the prologue events, including our introduction to Cyrus the Virus at Lake Verity, it's time to catch something.

    ...It's not a Bidoof. Now would you look at that. It's Androssi the Shinx. She doesn't have Intimidate or a particularly good Nature, but still awesome.

    New Capture: Androssi the Shinx, Level 3. Next capture at Level 13.

    Hendo the Turtwig goes to the box, never to be seen again. Back through Sandgem Town to Route 201 to get this bitch started. First couple of levels are a bit tricky. Bidoof is annoyingly bulky right now, and Starly hits harder than Shinx. So I am particularly on the lookout for Level 2 enemies that I can kill without so much risk. Androssi trains up to Level 7 before attempting the run to Jubilife City.

    Dawn sighting (dat ass), and also the much less welcome introduction to Looker.

    Naruto battle at the entrance to Route 203 almost ends this run. I have to burn through two Potions to get past his Chimchar. Androssi at Level 11 once that's done.

    One unavoidable Trainer before Oreburgh Gate gets her up to 12, one level from a forced capture. As long as I can get to town without risking Bidoof, I'm all good. Thankfully, the rest of the Route 203 Trainers can be dodged, as can the pair inside Oreburgh Gate. A couple wild battles on Route 207 get Androssi to 13. It's a good place to have it, since whatever I get here will be useful.

    It's Jinsung the Machop. Neutral Nature and No Guard. Potentially a good Pokemon, but unfortunately one that won't ever see its full potential because I have no intention of evolving it.

    New Capture: Jinsung the Machop, Level 7. Next capture at Level 17.

    Androssi is kept in reserve for the moment. Next order of business is to take down Roark. Level Jinsung up to 14 inside Oreburgh Mine and we're good to go.

    Oreburgh Gym is a breeze. Jinsung rips through everything in his path. Roark himself poses no trouble either. Low Kick destroys all, including taking out both Cranidos and Onix in a single blow.

    Coal Badge obtained, one Evolution now available.

    Jinsung exits the gym at Level 16, and I go ahead and grind that last level in the mine and move on to another capture. Again, anything I can get in the mine will be good to have. Onix would be swell, though rare as Hell.

    I get Amigo the Geodude.

    New Capture: Amigo the Geodude, Level 6. Next capture at Level 16.

    I use the Rock Smash HM on Amigo, giving him a weapon to defeat the wild Rock types in here to gain experience. Level Amigo up to 12 so that he won't be useless once I'm done here.

    Now back towards Jubilife, planning to have Androssi smash all the Trainers I skipped past earlier to catch up to Jinsung. First, however, I go spelunking into the lower level of Oreburgh Gate, where I annoyingly run into a wild Golbat that it pains me to no end not to be allowed to catch. Killing it gets Androssi to Level 15, at which point I allow her to evolve to Luxio.

    Androssi the Shinx evolves to Luxio, 1/1 Evolutions used.

    Easy killings on the other trainers and Team Galactic (so used to typing Team Plasma that I almost did here without noticing...).

    Pick up the Old Rod outside Jubilife, almost forgot that which would have been annoying since I plan to use it before too long.

    Amigo gets the bulk of the experience on the walk to Floaroma Town, except when he has type disadvantages. I'm close to my fourth capture when I get to town, and the battle against the two Galactic goons in the meadow puts me over the top. Capture time.

    Back to the Ravaged Path, playing the odds in hopes of getting a Zubat. Never thought I'd be saying THAT. Roughly 2/3 odds of getting what I want, and that works out. Yuto the Zubat added.

    New Capture: Yuto the Zubat, Level 6. Next capture at Level 16.

    Yuto gets the Pluck TM that I picked up in Floaroma Town, as leveling her with Leech Life would have been a maddening chore. I doubt I'll need the TM at a later point. I return to the southern part of Route 204 to raise Yuto to Level 10, and go further to Level 12 in the northern part outside Floaroma Town.

    Time to raid the Valley Windworks.

    Easy pickings. Androssi rips through the pair of grunts and also takes out Commander Mars' Zubat with Spark.

    Jinsung gets to handle the fat cat. X Defend on round one to reduce the damage from Fake Out, and then a pair of Low Kicks put the kitty down. Team Galactic retreats, and I'm giving chase towards Eterna City.

    And now we're current, as I'm about to head into Eterna Forest.


    Badges Obtained: Coal
    1/1 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Zubat, Level 12. Next capture at Level 16.


    Androssi (Luxio) - 19
    Jinsung (Machop) - 19
    Amigo (Geodude) - 18
    Yuto (Zubat) - 12


    Hendo (Turtwig) - 6
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
  14. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I've just started it in Black 2, so maybe you should try BW2 - or just White again if you don't have the sequels. I'm going through this game for the first time, so maybe the added challenge will make it impossible. Heh.

    Objectively, I think HGSS may be the best for it, because of the poor scaling of wild pokemon levels. It might make it a bit easier to level something you've just caught ten times. And Johto is one of the top five regions. :awesome

    Are you going to do what we did, and ditch your starter for a pokemon from the starting area?

    Edit: Whoa. Nice ninjapost.
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Maybe next time @ White 2. I'm a tad burned out on Gen V at the moment.
  16. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    My little brother and his group of friends came up with their own style of Nuzlocke, although I haven't managed to do it yet. It kind of goes against the main point of Nuzlocking, but I thought someone else might be interested.

    They call it a Champion Run.

    You start by choosing what pokemon you want. Then you (or a friend) breed them, and hatch them. All the hatched pokemon should be level one. Any trade-evol items you want are given out, and then you trade your starting team, all at level one, to whatever game it is you want to play through.


    - If it faints, it's dead.
    - No catching. No trading. No HM slaves.
    - For every pokemon you want in your team, you have to add a rule to them. This rule applies to ALL pokemon you use, and if they break the rules, they die.

    For example:
    1 - it has to be a pokemon
    2 - it has to look vaguely reptilian
    3 - the pokemon have to be part of an evolutionary line
    4 - the evolutionary lines have to contain three pokemon
    5 - the pokemon have to be (at least partially) purple

    Obviously, you could do stupid rules (2 - the pokemon is not Starly; 2 - the pokemon is more than an inch tall; 2 - the pokemon is not steel/poison type), but that takes the fun out of it.

    The point was to construct a team like the champions often have. Maybe your all-time favourites, and you twist the rules so you can make it so, or maybe because you're sick of ending up with a team of Graveller, Golbat, and Raticate.

    The only one of them currently playing through has a team of Metagross, Nidoqueen, and Zweilous:
    1 - must be a pokemon
    2 - one he hasn't used before
    3 - three stage evolution

    But yeah, it does kind of go against one of the reasons for doing a nuzlocke - learning that every pokemon can be good.

    Current HG run:
    Saucepan the Espeon, 28
    Corkscrew the Magmar, 29
    Pillow the Bayleef, 31
    Applecore the Golbat, 26
    Forceps the Scyther, 30

    Several dead ratatta, pidgey, one spinarak, and an unown. They will not be missed.
    But the steelix, tauros, and chinchou will.
  17. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    You take that back. Ariados is awesome.
  18. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Are you all playing on your DS' or...? I'll admit I miss playing pokemon a bit since I lost track of my DS. I guess I could nuzlock B/R but that game is so easy with a blastoise, that the World Record for the game is done with a single blastoise.
  19. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I play DS games on my DS, and the ancient ones on a Gameboy emulator for my DS. Ruby, I sometimes play on my sexy tiny Gameboy Micro, but I've lost all my other Gen 3 cartridges, so I emulate the GBA games. The ability to make the game play faster with VBA has made grinding so much easier and less painful - although I have hammered A absently and lost a pokemon to a billion Rattatas because I wasn't paying enough attention, so it's a double-edged machete.
  20. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    So, I think I may have herped a derp here. After getting my Zubat to Level 16, I followed The Plan and went and caught me a Magikarp. I'm doing all the BS in Eterna, when Cynthia walks up to give me the Cut HM, and it hits me. I have nothing that can learn Cut, except my Turtwig starter who is supposed to be boxed forever. And I Am Not switch-leveling a Magikarp ten levels against weak wild Pokemon.

    So, Otters or Menace or whoever else had a hand in this challenge...am I allowed to use Hendo to cut down a fucking bush or am I trolled into abandoning this game?