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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I still want a HP/Sliders crossover fic, because fuck everything.
  2. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    How about this, Snape seeing an his chance goes after her but he has the dark mark and when she sees it accidently(or not) she pulls wand on him trying to make him talk.What the hell did he do to earned that mark. He defends himself but while spells flying around a spell hits Harry killing or injuring him in a twisted version of Ariana's death.

    If Harry dies you can written Kill Bill like Lilly centric story(Kill Snape V is just a collateral). If he is alive you can write an overprotective mamabearLilly! Maybe she sees this as James was right about Snape kind of thing and returns back to England to patch thing up with James etc.
  3. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Harry Potter isn't an actual human being, he is rather an idea made manifest due to a whole nation of wizards and witches believing him to be real. Thats why he is always so lucky and escapes all life threatening situations.

    After the fall of Voldemort, people's belief in Harry begins to wane and he begins to slowly disappear from the world, with the world forgetting him and him forgetting the world.

    When Harry discovers what he truly is, he becomes desperate because he doesn't want to disappear, not when he can finally lead a normal life, with a family of his own. So he starts doing everything he can to reinstate himself back into the public conciousness.

    The more he tries the more he becomes desperate until he creates a fictional dark lord that only he can beat(with him becoming the dark lord and murdering people).

    Not much detail yet, though it is a plot bunny that's been in my mind for awhile now.
  4. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    That sounds terribly out of character.
  5. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    My post or Tasoli's?
  6. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio

    He's a fan of All of Me.
  7. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Something that's been on my mind for a year or so.

    After Dumbledore's death, Harry begins fearing something that he never really thought about before - death. He curses Dumbledore for tasking him with defeating Voldemort and wishes there was a way to even the odds.

    Let's just say that Harry gathers all three Deathly Hallows and becomes the Master of Death, losing a few more friends along the way. He defeats Voldemort and that's when shit hits the fan.

    Death himself (I always pictured the Grim Reaper as a male) has a conversation with Harry and, as per his deal with the Peverell brothers (obviously, the fairytale is not an accurate chronicle of these events) takes back his treasures, but Harry is gifted with immortality. Death, in a nonchalant manner befitting a supernatural being, claims he cannot bring back Harry's loved ones from the dead... not exactly. But Harry could "kind of" do it himself.

    Harry is sent on a quest by Death - purge the multiverse of Voldemort's taint. With one down, Harry has 63 more universes to visit and 63 more Voldemorts to kill and while immortality means he won't die of old age, severe wounds can still do him in. In other words, he can take his time.

    As promised, the last universe Harry is thrown into features all his friends alive and well, only it's AU and they don't know him. Death warns him to try and avoid causing Extinction Level Events or the like, since this is the last universe and here he will stay, for better or worse. Having enjoyed immortality for quite some time, Harry gives it back to Death, who is already planning another fun deal with some mortal to bring variety to his, for the most part, pretty boring eternal existence.

    And thus we get a Badass!Harry causing trouble in an AU world and becoming a pain in the ass for Emperor Grindelwald, President Tom Riddle and others.

    Yes, I could just write some version of the last paragraph, but Skitterleap's already been done. And Harry who's met dozens of different Hermione Grangers, Dumbledores, Voldemorts and other Harrys will have a unique approach to life. Actually, I've been writing little fragments, most less than a few hundred words, but it's all disorganized and from fifty different versions of this bunny. 'Sides, I have another project going on right now, but I'm curious if something like this already exists or if it's even a viable idea.
  8. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
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    This premise sounds a bit like nonjon's Dimension Hopping for Beginners. There, because of some other contrivance, Harry finds himself tasked with dealing with Voldemort in all his forms in all dimensions. Harry is not immortal, so much as just very, very good at what he does: killing Voldemorts.
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    After living for such along time and killing 62 Voldemorts, I'm not sure how you would be able to set anything up as a believable challenge for him.

    Maybe have him encounter a dimension hopping immortal Voldemort who has been hunting down all the Harry Potters. Harry is the final Harry, Voldemort is the final Voldemort.

    Neither can live while the other survives.



    Incidentally, I've come up with a solution to my "glut of plot bunnies" problem. I'm going to write the first chapter (or 10k words, whichever is greater) of each of them (this includes Fawkes' Gift, currently in WBA), post them all to FF.Net in one week and have it like a competition: whichever fic gets the most votes (in the form of favourites) by a stated deadline gets to be continued.

    FanFicFest '13
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  10. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Huh. Didn't read it, didn't know.

    Ok, so Harry lives a long time and learns stuff and is generally awesome. Isn't Voldemort supposed to have pushed the boundaries of magic like no one before him or something? I think there would be challenge enough ;)

    Interesting... I suppose it would justify using an entire friggin' planet as battleground. And why wouldn't Death fuck with Harry like that? Supernaturals have to get their entertainment somewhere.

    Reminds me of the rich people betting in Rat Race, lol.
  11. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Not as described. It'd just be a tale of Uber-Harry getting his awesome on. >yawn<

    What would make it relevant is if, in this last life, Harry is a squib. In giving up Death's benefits he's removing himself from Fate's balance beam. He can't fight Voldemort- he has to groom others to do the work, possibly forcing them into the same combat-veteran state of mind that pushed him to the point of being sick of immortality.

    Who does he approach? In whom does he place his trust, and how much? How many variants of his friends has he seen die, or ended up betraying him?

    Even funnier if he decides that the good guys shouldn't have to bear this burden, and approaches Draco or Snape with the task.
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  12. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    And that is precisely why some ideas should just stay ideas.
  13. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Speaking about the alternate universes and similar.

    Somewhere between the worlds, there is a place where the Eternal War between Good and Evil happens. The soldiers for both sides are recruited across the infinite worlds and the winner will decide the ultimate fate of the Multiverse.

    In other world, instead of having one character travel to different worlds, have different version of the characters find themselves in one world and interact with each other.

    To make it work better, I think there should be some rules. There can't be two people from the same world in any of the camps. There can't be two version of the same person in the same camp. People are recruited from more or less similar time frame and place so they know different version of each other.

    There is a constant number of how have many people are in any camp. And it takes some time before the replacements arrive meaning the war is winnable. They are all wizards and witches.

    I'm thinking about adding a different version of House-elves called War-elves that are native to this place and look much more like humans. This way the limit of wizards can be rather small, making them more important, but the war itself will still seem big.

    These are mechanics of the war, but this is just an excuse for what I want from this story. While on a surface it's about the eternal war between Good and Evil, the point is to show how our lives and choices shape who we are. That's why the most important part of it is to present unusual, but still somehow recognizable, versions of HP characters and have them interact with each other. Learning what made them the way they are and what happened differently in their worlds.

    The main character would be Harry from the canon world, around the sixth book. That's why other characters are mostly created to resonate with him though not always.

    Good side:

    - Albus "Al" Dumbledore who is a young adventurer that went to travel around the world, or rather ran away from his home and country, to forget about his sister and how he failed her. Think of him as a sort of pulp hero. And while his character is similar to the canon, he also tends to intentionally go looking for a trouble. Because he is still young, he is less of a mentor and more of a friend to Harry, letting him to learn more about his own Dumbledore.

    - Adult, but still mentally unstable, Ariana Dumbedore. I see her similar to River Tam from Firefly and mostly want to see her interaction with Al.

    - Bellatrix Dumbledore, the wife of Albus and a godmather of Harry. My take on her is that ultimately Bella feels attracted to powerful people and they strongly influence her. In the canon she went after Riddle. This version shows what would happen if Albus was an object of her obsession and interested in women in her world. In other words, she is still crazy, but Dumbledore used her love to make her harmless for the good guys.

    - Ex-Headmaster Riddle who lost his job after his affair with a student, seventeen years old Lily Evans, was discovered. The scandal was less about him seducing her and more about him actively using his position as the Headmaster to help himself do it by, for example, keeping his most serious rival, James Potter, away from her. Heavy drinker, but still one of the most brilliant wizards to ever live. He is there to show that even Riddle could be a good person, if he took a different path in his life. And that being good doesn't always mean being morally perfect.

    - Eleven years old Miny McGonagall. Just wanted a child know-it-all that wasn't Hermione. Her presence shows that the recruitment method only looks at person's character (good or evil), ignoring if they are suited for fighting. Additionally, Harry has trouble believing that this cute girl will become his strict Transfiguration Professor.

    - Scarred Fleur Delacour. Not only she lost her beauty, but it was her husband Bill in his werewolf form that did it.

    - Warlord Hagrid from the world where the WWII didn't end for another few decades. Think Patton of the Wizarding World.

    - Draco Malfoy from the world where he was the best friend of Harry Potter. That decision cost him his family (he was disowned) and his wand hand.

    - Unspeakable Severus Snape from the world where Lily forgave and later married him. Still sarcastic, but more funny than spiteful. He acts as Miny's guardian. He is there to show Harry how little things, like forgiving mistakes, can shape someone's fate.

    Evil side:

    - Dark Lady Lily Potter from the world where she was the one to survive the Halloween Night. She wants revenge on the whole Wizarding World for that.

    - Serial killer Tonks. She uses her power to impersonate her victims and lives their lives till she gets bored with it.

    - A Dark Lord in the making Harry Potter. Brilliant, egoistic and completely bored with his own existence. He is a dark mirror for the canon Harry.

    - Luna Lovegood as magical Carrie. She snapped at the Yule Ball and killed dozens of students before Dumbledore managed to contain her wild magic.

    - A dark wizard Alastor Moody. Being evil actually worked for him much better than being good. He has no scars or other injures. Very rich, good looking and popular with women fellow. Paranoid as ever.

    - Queen of Veela Fleur Delacour. She controls most of her world by charming people in charge.
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  14. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    You have quite an imagination. That's a compliment. And I envy you. However...

    WTF moment:

    "Wars are fought with umbrellas, I mean, eh... weapons, but they're won by men! And giants! And dragons! Especially dragons!"

    Lol. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  15. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I just had an "awesome" idea. I'm sure you all know about when Harry goes to Gringotts and by a blood ritual/blood inheritance test becomes Merlins left testicle.

    The idea was, that what if there was a inheritance ritual, only Harry is informed, that yes there is a ritual, then directed to a small toilet handed a cup and a magazin and told to go nuts with it.

    I would read it.
  16. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Okay, here's a summary for a comedy fic that might have already been done, but if it hasn't, it fucking should be:

    This is the story of a family who lost everything, and the one son/daughter who had to keep it all together. It's Arrested Development: Black Family.
  17. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    So... can we expect to see a Sirius/Narcissa pairing?
  18. Triple_9

    Triple_9 Squib

    Jul 25, 2012
    Okay, I've got two ideas for fics that I'm sorta working on. One is a straight HP/Highlander crossover with HP achieving immortality during the final battle and absolutely hates it. He's taken in under the wing of one of the main immortals, adventures are had etc. etc. Don't know how I'll reconcile the wizarding world and the Highlander world though.

    The second idea is a sort of one 15K word one shot about a lonely, bitter, angry future Harry Potter tormented by the Deathly Hallows.

    Something sort of like this:

    Master of Death

    The station was crowded, as always. He weaved his way through the platform, passing the pale, gaunt faces. Most were old, hunched and frail, shuffling their way onboard the train. There were a great many children, some so small that they shouldn't have been able to move at all, yet they did - inexplicably and inevitably, on their final journey. He passed a child, about the same age as a first year at hogwarts, missing half his face. Another had only one arm and a great red cavity where his chest would be. In the first months, he'd often wondered about these children who had died violent deaths. He would scour the muggle newspapers for news of conflict or war, roughly narrowing his search to countries where he guessed the children to be from, judging from their appearance. There would be an earthquake in China or a bomb would go off somewhere in the Middle East, and he'd search the crowd for the gaunt faces of the victims, each face a harrowing tale.

    Once, he'd even tried reciting a few barely remembered prayers, but if he was looking for some sort of reaction, he didn't get one. The crowd just kept moving ever onward, onto the gleaming red Hogwarts Express, unaware of his presence.

    His neck suddenly felt warm, and he knew it was coming. It was always like this. The air began to taste thick, and the edges of his vision blackened. He turned around and there he was, in the midst of the crowd. An inhuman figure wrapped in loose black cloth, staring straight at him. The slash across it's face opened up to reveal a gaping mouth -


    He was suddenly dunked into the frigid waters of the antarctic. He bolted upright, sucking in air, but finding it caught halfway in his throat. Dimly, he realised that his wand was out and he was screaming. Around him, the very air was shaking as his magic lashed out. His eyes darted, taking in all and nothing. Above the terrible inhuman wailing, the suffering of millions of souls there was the echo of those three words, pounding against his skull, like an unending death knell. "...OF DEATH, MASTER OF DEATH, MASTER OF DEATH, MASTER..."

    There was a crash, as his bedside lamp impacted against the far wall.

    The shattering of the lamp woke him, suddenly cutting off every sound save the beating of his heart. His throat was raw, and sweat clung to him like a thick blanket. The room was a mess, his bed like the epicenter of an earthquake.

    There was a heavy knocking on the door. "Sir! Sir! Are you okay?"

    Shit. His silencing charms must've failed during the night. It was happening more and more often lately. Stumbling out of bed, his lower half still tangled up in sheets. Harry quickly made his way to the door, opening it fractionally so the hotel staff wouldn't see the scene of destruction inside.

    Through the crack in the door he could see a bewildered bellboy and an old lady, probably the one who'd called the staff, standing behind him. Harry smiled thinly.

    "Sorry mate, just a nightmare," he said with a hoarse voice.

    The bellboy laughed nervously, running his hand through his slicked back hair.

    "Sounded like someone was dying in there, dude."

    Harry didn't respond. The bellboy, seeing nothing amiss apologised for the interruption and left. Harry was just about to close the door when he saw that the old lady was still there, staring at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. Harry suddenly felt the urge to explain himself, say something to this poor muggle woman.

    "I've got a prescription."

    "Does is work?"


    He closed the door and stumbled to the small bar fridge in the kitchen, fishing out a half finished bottle of whiskey and collapsing against the sofa.
  19. Sabo

    Sabo Squib

    May 17, 2013
    You know...
    Lots of fics show practically every Pureblood in Hogwarts belongs to a Noble House (Ancient is optional) with their own feuds and arranged marriages.

    What if the Hogwarts Houses were created to counter this? After all, the magical middle ages were a dangerous place - half of the families were at war either with each other or themselves, with heirs especially getting killed off left and right. So all of the children had to be tutored in private, until the Hogwarts' founders created a solution to promote national unity and pool knowledge - for the duration of their education, the children would be adopted into one of the founders' Houses.

    This meant that instead of hundreds of warring Houses holed up in a single building, there were only four (they tried a single Hogwarts House at first, but it splintered almost immediately). At first, this channelled civil war into less harmful inter-house rivalry. But over the years this became twisted and corrupted into an excuse for powerful heirs (such as the Malfoys, Blacks, and Lestranges) to form alliances under one of the houses and attack the others, creating an almost gang culture.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A Punisher-Type story. It doesn't need to be Harry-centric, but it can be.

    Simple premise. A pissed off guy or girl (most preferably with competent magic skills) loses his family and decides to go complete vigilante and murder criminals.

    Now, I'd prefer either Moody or Sirius (y'know, losing his friends). We don't know much about Moody's past, so the author could invent anything really, just push him over the edge to create an AU. And with Sirius we could have him kill Pettigrew when the rat betrays the Potters, then have Black evade Azkaban and start dealing Punishment to Death Eaters and other dark wizards.
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