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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Simplicity

    Simplicity Third Year

    Apr 24, 2010
    So I'm wanting to try a Nuzlocke run, having never done the challenge before. Which version would you guys recommend for a Nuzlocke newbie?
  2. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    One you're familiar with. If you've played, say, FireRed a million times (And R/B/Y by extension, 'cause FireRed's a remake), you know where the Pokemon are, what your chances of catching a good one, and what the gym leaders would have et cetera. Knowing the terrain is a good way to let you just focus on the Nuzlocke aspects and changing up previous habits that would lead to deaths now or whatever. Afterwards, try a game you haven't picked up yet/touched in a while. These days I only do Nuzlocke runs in games that I haven't played yet - did it with White version and then Black 2 when they came out - because the surprise aspect leads for a greater - and sometimes more frustrating - experience to play with. When X/Y comes out I'll Nuzlocke one of 'em, and by then you could be familiar enough with Nuzlocke runs to try the same, balls to the wall funtime.

    But yeah, familiar first. FireRed/LeafGreen make for good defaults.
  3. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Gen V games make for pretty decent nuzlockes for beginners because of how forgiving they are in terms of grinding. Audinos and early access to the lucky egg make the game a lot easier.
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Alrighty so Misty was a joke, LT2000 tentacle slapped her Staryu and Starmie for the lulz. I caught a Meowth on Route 5 which I named Churchey. Route 6 gave me a Pidgey which I named Anya. Now on the way to the S.S. Anne/Surge I picked up a VS Seeker which made grinding so much easier. Smacked aside a few more trainers on the S.S. Anne while singing I'm on a boat. Trolled the shit out of Nuzlock since my pokemon were way higher than his due to VS Seeker. But not all was well, an old man made me... do things for the HM Cut.

    Took a trip to the pokemon fanclub for a bike voucher, and afterwards Vira the Sandslash utterly decimated Surge's gym. I went through Diglett Cave and caught a Diglett which I named Sree. Route 2 I picked up HM Flash, and got the Old Amber from Pewter. Finally got to Cerulean and got my bike D8 All this traveling had me annoyed so I crushed a few trainers dreams on Route 9 on the way to Rock Tunnel. Had Churchey light up my world with flash and am now on the way to Lavender.

    Vira the Sandslash Level 27
    Poytin the Charmeleon Level 28
    LT2000 the Weepingbell Level 28
    Churchey the HM Kitty

    Syed the Butterfree
    CareOtters the Spearow
    Anya the Pidgey
    Sree the Diglett

    Joey the King Rattata
    Mankey the Menace
  5. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    You should join Otters and I in the Nuzlocke Squared Gauntlet, LT. We got wrecked in Sinnoh as well, so we've decided to Nuzlocke Squared each gen leading up from the first to the fifth, because the first two are easy mode and we really need the practice if we're ever going to beat Sinnoh and Venus' fucking Skuntank.

    So start with Gen 1 (Remakes or originals) and run standard Nuzlocke^2, except for two rule changes: If your most recent 'mon dies before you can level it up 10 times, you're allowed to go back and catch the same 'mon from the place you first got it and start over on your levelling. Also, if you get a repeat for your first encounter you're allowed three tries to get a different one before you have to catch it.

    Same rules aside from that. So a little bit easier, but not by too much.
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I MIGHT do a Gen III, but I already did a nostalgia run on the old Game Boy versions not too long ago when I did a perfect Nuzlocke on Yellow, and while it was fun that time I don't want to do another one. I prefer the later versions with their wider variety of Pokemon, moves and strategies.
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So my Nuzlocke ended in tragedy when ChaosGuy informed me that I could take Brawly. I could have... if his Pokemon didn't have elemental punches.

    Blaze Black 2:
    Menace - Bidoof - Level 14 - Apparently Azurill Headbutt's are extremely deadly. Who knew?
    Lucky - Pignite - Level 19 - Fuck you CG.
    Seratin - Azumarill - Level 20 - Fuck you CG.
    Mattsilver - Swadloon - Level 20 - Fuck you CG.


    So the game restarted. This time it features Seratin the Oshawatt/Dewott, a rival named CG, me having already killed a Shiny because I don't have a specific shiny rule, and Pokerus infected pokemon. Also this is the second game in a row where I've had Pokerus. Go figure.
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    So I completely forget that the radio tower in Goldenrod actually had Petrel posing as the chairman. So I didn't bother healing before talking to him.

    Several self-destructs, crits, and poisonings later, I'm out. I've got one survivor (Pillow the Meganium, a murderhobo until the end), and a few massively underlevelled things stuffed in the PC. I'm stopping this, and going onto a NuzlockeSquare on platinum. I've never played past the fifth gym (I think), so lategame I don't actually know what'll be going on.

    Starter Piplup, boxed at L6.
    Starly, Pencil, caught level 4, next catch L14.

    0/0 Evolutions used.
  9. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Aww, I was a Swadloon? That's the best.

    So fuck you, CG. You killed the one Pokemon line destined to have my name.
  10. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Pencil reached 13 with no issues at all. I avoided the trainers in the tunnel before Oreburgh, planning to use them for levelling on after the next catch. I also didn't want another flying type just before the rock gym - I have no intention of doing a monorun.

    Go North of Oreburgh for the final exp to level Pencil. Hit 14 by killing a machop, cancel evolution, and BAM.


    Balls. Another weak to rock type. And neither of them can learn anything except not very effective moves until much, much later.

    Coffee the Ponyta, L7 joined the party.
    Back to the cave, up to level 8.
    Through the mines, and that short path North of Jubilife.
    Level 11, and no more trainers except Roark.
    Finally hit L17, and promptly go North again.
    This time, encounter Rennie the Machop, L8. Back to the mines for wild Geodude killing.
    After a long time, we emerge bloody, but victorious from the Gym. Pencil is dead, sacrificed to allow Rennie to heal after taking out Roark's Cranidos.

    Coffee, Ponyta, 18
    Rennie, Machop, 13

    Now, off back through Jubilife, and further North...
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I took one more stab at Platinum out of sheer stubbornness but that got trolled in Eterna Forest. Who knew Hidden Power could do so much damage? Critical HP oneshotted my Buizel and I'll pass on trying to run the game with nothing but a Bidoof, a Staravia and a Geodude.

    I'm going to take another shot in a couple days, but I think it will be under a personally modded version of the N2 rules. Sorry, but that no new catches ever goes past Hardcore into straight up guro. Can't handle. So I'm thinking something like...

    - A dead Pokemon is forever dead, of course. This is the basic Iron Law of Nuzlocke and should never be altered.

    - Starter must be boxed after catching the first Pokemon encountered upon having access to Pokeballs.

    - That Pokemon must be leveled 10 times before another capture is allowed, and then the next wild Pokemon seen must be caught. No exceptions under any circumstances. Repeat? Tough shit. Safari Zone? Take what you get, asshole.

    - Limited to eight Evolutions, one per Badge obtained. No credit, can't use an Evolution until you've got it in hand.

    - If you accidentally kill the wild Pokemon, you have to wait until completing the next Gym to attempt another. If the little bastard sends you packing with Roar or Whirlwind or somehow escapes (Teleport), then grind another two levels with the previous capture before trying again.

    - Limited to one non-evolving Pokemon. You can have your Aerodactyl or your Lapras if you like, but you can't have both.

    - Use of a single Legendary IS allowed, but at the price of THREE Evolutions. Once it's used in battle even once, the deal is done and can't be reneged upon. If you don't have three Evolutions saved upon the capture, no dice. If your Legendary dies, your game is immediately over and you get to cry like the sad little bitch you are because you managed to derp even with a God on your side.

    - Routes CANNOT be reused.

    - Switch-leveling and Exp. Share CANNOT be used to level new captures. Got a Magikarp or an Abra? Tough shit. Release it and deal with the following...

    - If a new capture must be released due to impossibilities in actual leveling (see: Magikarp, Abra, Togepi in some games) or it dies in battle prior to gaining ten levels, another can be obtained at a price. The capture cannot be made until the next Badge has been obtained and ONE Evolution must be sacrificed. If you've already completed all eight Gyms or are out of Evolutions, tough shit. This can be done a maximum of two times. Third strike, and you're out of new Pokemon. Bitch.

    Any more suggestions?
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Alright, where did I last leave off? Safari Zone? Fuck that was a while back.


    In the beginning part of the Safari Zone, I rushed through the caves and shit so I wouldn’t find a goddamn Zubat. There were a couple double trainers here, but I skipped the one on the cliff-side because you can’t fool me, evil trainers. I know you have a Magmar and an Electabuzz, and you’re situated here just to murder something I hold dear. Maybe I’ll come back for you when I’ve beat the Elite Four. I went over to a tree and used Headbutt, and out dropped an Exeggcute (F). Yay, not a Hoothoot! She took a while to catch because she kept using Uproar and wouldn’t let me put her to sleep, but I got her in the end. I named her Rhys and promptly added her to my team.

    I made a quick stop at the Pokemon Center outside the Safari Zone before braving the grass. I was hoping for a Growlithe, but of course I wouldn’t get that. I got a Gloom (F) instead, who I named Alexx. Next I took a tour of the Safari Zone, using the Safari Rules. As long as I didn't throw any balls, I could catch any Pokemon I wanted. While I did want a Magmar, Serebii told me I could find Misdreavus easily, but apparently that land block isn’t available yet. Sad. I found a Magmar (F), chucked balls at it, but it fled like an asshole. Welp, there goes the Safari Zone!

    I trained Rhys the Exeggcute for a while. I taught her Bullet Seed because like hell am I letting it keep Uproar, but Bullet Seed is so terrible. It does nothing. Why doesn’t this Pokemon know Confusion. When will it learn a psychic move. Not too long, right? Please say it’s not too long. D8

    I lost patience and bought Solar Beam just for Rhys. It can annoying to power-up for a turn, but it actually kills things. There have been a few close calls, like that one Shellder with Skill Link Icicle Spear (survived with 2 HP!), and goddamn Bite crits from various Rattata.

    Of course, Jasmine still waited for me in Olivine, and I was loathe to disappoint her, so I packed up my Pokemon and flew to the gym. Both of her Magnemite were one-shot by Churchy the Jolteon’s Dig, while the Steelix was eventually rusted by Rents the Corsola’s Surf. Poytina the Pidgey was used as switch-bait so I could save Rents, and her sacrifice was not made in vain. After that was done it was time for Mahogany. While surfing there from Ecruteak, I found a Goldeen (M) I named Seratin. Above Mahogany came a Pidgeotto (F). Aw yeah, replacement Poytina! She was thus named Poytina the Second (Poytina2).

    Ah, Lake of Rage. What a fine sight you are. I didn’t want the goddamn shiny Gyarados, so I randomly swam into a regular Gyarados (M). The level 18 Gyarados was obviously illegal and I was forced to confiscate it and name it Sree. My Jolteon took care of the red Gyarados, and when I got back to shore, some cape-wearing guy looked at me and thought, ‘This ten-year-old girl will be perfect to take a down a major crime organization!’ He introduced himself as Lance and said he’d let me pet his Dragonite if I helped him take down Team Rocket. I agreed as that Dragonite was too cute, and away we went!

    What followed was a long boring trek into rooms full of grunts, getting passwords, and training Rhys. You know, I’ve always wondered, can you do the Team Rocket mission before doing the Cianwood / Olivine one? Because these Pokemon are so low-leveled like what the heck. At the end, Lance told me I had to faint three Electrode, and oooohhh boy. They were at level 23, thank god, and they must have known Self-Destruct, but didn’t use it for some reason. Either way, it was a tense few battles as I switched in-between Rents and Churchy to kill them all. Lance fucked off to somewhere else, but not before giving me some useless HM.

    I haven’t battled Pryce yet, but I will shortly. I want to train Rhys a bit more. Also, there’s some weird maze shit going on at the back of the Lake of Rage. Why haven’t I noticed this place before? -.-

    Current Team
    Lucky the Togetic (Level 32).
    Churchy the Jolteon (Level 33).
    Rents the Corsola (Level 33).
    Rhys the Exeggcute (Level 26).

    Taurina the Hoothoot (Level 17).
    Drome the Tentacool (Level 20).
    Lungs the Krabby (Level 24).
    Alexx the Gloom (Level 22).
    Seratin the Goldeen (Level 20).
    Poytina2 the Pidgeotto (Level 23).
    Sree the Gyarados (Level 18 ).

    Rest In Peace
    Klael the Zubat (Level 2).
    Cheddar the Sentret (Level 11).
    Ashaya the Spearow (Level 11).
    MattSilver the Chikorita (Level 11).
    Jack the Unown J (Level 5)
    Klael2 the Zubat (Level 6).
    Oz the Onix (Level 6).
    Poytin the Pidgey (Level 14).
    LT2000 the Beedrill (Level 12).
    Tinn the Drowzee (Level 14).
    Ashura the Spearow (Level 15).
    Taure the Hoothoot (Level 16).
    [DOOMED TIMELINE] Kens the Butterfree (Level 21). x5
    [DOOMED TIMELINE] Lucky the Togetic (Level 21). x5
    Banner the Koffing (Level 17).
    Sesc the Raticate (Level 17).
    Kens the Butterfree (Level 28 ).
    Poytina the Pidgey (Level 15).
  13. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I like your modified N2 rules.

    For the Safari Zone, I did something different:

    Went in the first time, and threw balls constantly until they'd run out, on every single pokemon, with every single ball used up. Including on repeats. Then I moved them into a clean box, and spread them out across the thirty spaces. This gives me a theoretical maximum of thirty pokemon, but more realistically ten to fifteen, with spaces left here and there. I then used a 1-30 random number generator to choose which pokemon I could have. Unfortunately I landed on space 14, which was empty, and surrounded by parasect. Which would have been real useful, as I needed a grass type.

    Maybe a bit fiddly for a rule, but I wanted to do something a bit gimmicky for a Safari Game.

    I also finally defeated the League!

    This must be my tenth attempt, or more. Loads of failed runs occured in early game, due to starting with normal types against Brock, and plain bad luck with wild pokemon hax. Got as far as Misty twice, Lt Surge once, Koga twice, beating him one of those two times only to die in the next trainer battle.

    My finishing team:

    67 Busty the Dragonite - Died to Lorelei
    71 Lusty the Hypno
    61 Dusty the Nidoking - Died to Blue
    69 Crusty the Lapras
    52 Musty the Aerodactyl
    54 Fusty the Kabutops - Died to Lorelei

    Died before the League:

    37 Gusty the Pidgeotto
    49 Rusty the Arbok
  14. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Went through Jubilife, and up towards Floaroma. Stomp the living hell out of team whatsit in the windworks, and Rennie hits 18, next pokemon is a capture.

    Heading towards Eterna Forest, and I get jumped by a shellos. She's called Towel, and she proceeds to destroy the entire forest by herself. Along with most of team badguy after the next gym.

    Coffee the Ponyta manages to burn the entire gym down, and doesn't take a single hit. I know realise just why people like them so much, never having used one before.

    That damn Skuntank gave me some mild problems, until Coffee burns it. Eventually, I switch to Towel, who confuses it, then drowns the poor thing.

    Some sort of egg, a bike, and off I go!

    Down bike street, and Shellos is now about ten experience off levelling for the tenth time. I know there's the cave around, and if I go through the back entrance, I have the same chance for a bronzor as anywhere else, and there's a chance of Gible too.

    She's called Duvet, she was a bitch to catch, but I have a dragon.

    Duvet tears through Fantina's gym, dragon raging everything, and using up one of my two unused evolutions in the process. Regular trips back to the centre for more pp, and then we reach Fantina.

    Lots of potions, awakenings, and a few antidotes. I'll take crithax deaths, but I can prevent the rest.

    First turn sets up a sandstorm, which makes the will-o-the-wisp miss, which is lucky. Then Duvet continues her rampage, and takes out Fantina's team by herself, subbing in Coffee the ponyta once when Mismagius comes out, but not for long.

    Third gym, down.
    1/3 Evolutions used.
    Duvet, Gabite, 26. (Next catch at 29)
    Towel, Shellos, 25.
    Rennie, Machop, 25.
    Coffee, Ponyta, 26.

    Off we go, heading out of town, and East.
    into a Rival battle.

    Out comes his Staravia. Rennie knows Rock Tomb, he'll be fine, the overpowered little sod.
    Lolno, crit wingattack, and Rennie is down.
    The team's back to three, and I proceed to beat the living stuffing out of the hyperactive little kid.

    Back to grinding.
  15. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Love garchomp but that 4x weakness to ice always sneaks up on me when some fucker ice punches.
  16. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    I'm starting a Leaf Green version of Nuzlocke using the standard rules (first pokemon you meet on a route is the only one you can catch, knocked out is dead, black out is game over, nickname every pokemon) starting with a Squirtle, who I always start with. I won't count the first pokemon I meet until I get pokeballs though, because really, how retarded do you have to be to not plan to catch Pokemon ASAP? I don't care at all for the "no trading/buying pokemon" rule, since it makes no sense to me from an IC perspective, so i'll ignore that as well within reason.

    I'm Zeal, and my rival is Gary (because i'm that damn original).

    Take out my potion and go talk to Mom. She yammers on about something, but i'm too busy planning how my Squirtle is going to wreck everyone he comes accross to pay attention. That being said, apparently Mom gets her parenting advice from the TV, so perhaps it's no suprise that she lets me leave home at 11.

    Because I'm a noob I immediately head to the pokeprofessor's lab, and talk to my rival. He says that his grandpa isn't around, but I also can't just grab my pokeball and run without hearing the stupid speech (Oh how I envy that kid who got away with it in a different region) so I head up the road to save Prof. Oak from his own stupidity... After making a detour at my rival's house. I get a free map from this chick at some point, hope I remember when...

    As soon as I set foot out of town though, the professor stops me. I can almost hear him telling me how dangerous it is as I hold the space bar down to skip his diatribe. As soon as I get into the lab Gary starts bitching, I can't wait to stomp his stupid seed monster into the ground. Turtle Power!

    I really wanted to name my Squirtle after Michelangelo from the TMNT, but I know he's going to be such a badass I name him Raphael. After a quick check of the pokedex (which is blank?) Gary wants to fight. Before we can start the Professor starts complaining about his kid already, so I spam tackle to get it over with ASAP. I almost finish my journey too early though, because Raph gets out of there with only 1 hp. I guess at some point I should have used tail whip, but really, I've never done it before, so why start now?

    A quick talk to mom makes me feel all warm and cozy, and I can see Raph's disgusted expression (I'm sensing jealousy) as she uses her crazy mom powers to hug me and heal my pokemon. Because I actually like my Squirtle and want him to be strong, we grind in the bushes for a little while until he is level 10, stopping as necessary to get mommy-hugs and heal up. Just before level 10 a ratata crits me to 5 hp but killing the little rat gets me to level 10 so I go talk to mommy one last time before I head off to Pewter (or whatever side-quest distracts me first).

    On the way a salesman gives me a free potion to convince me to go to the nearby pokemart. I was going anyway (I need pokeballs) but I'll take the free potion all the same. Spotting a human in the grass, I walk over to see if it's time for me to kick his ass. Unfortunately he's a scaredy cat and tells me I can jump off the 2 foot tall ledges that I somehow can't climb, so that's a bust. I wind up in Viridian town (it's really been a while since I played pokemon blue I guess) and it turns out there's a school here! I never liked homework so I don't read the board, but I definitely don't remember that being here last time. Time to go to the pokemart and catch my first pokemon (or 2)!

    No sooner do I get in the door that some idiot recruits me to be his delivery boy, with no mention of pay. Not to mention he won't even let me buy any items from him, so I guess it's a hop, skip, and a jump back to Pallet town before I can start my adventure for real. Oak finally hands me the pokede (he gives one to Gary too, but who cares?) and five pokeballs! Gary taunts me on the way out that he is going to get the map from his sister (who was vacantly staring it at since I woke up this morning) but I beat him there and she gives it to me. What ever happened to Gary's mom and dad anyway?

    Of course the first opportunity I have to catch a pokemon is not a pidgey like I hoped, but a ratata. I kill the useless rat off and move on. All his little friends come out to avenge him and I wind up half way to level 12 o the way back to viridian. A quick trip to the pokemart (5 antiodes and 10 pokeballs) and the pokecenter and I head west out of town to hopefully catch a nidoran (M). I wind up with a female Mankey, and I call her Cheated because I really love the Nidoran (M) line. At level 13 Raph learns water gun and replaces withdraw on his movelist -which I was never going to use anyway) and I head back into town.

    I head south of town to level up Cheated. Not sure what to do with her, since I can't ever think of a time when I actually used a fighting type pokemon in my party, but I guess I'll have to make something out of her. Primeape isn't too terrible I think, but she won't be a Nidoking that's for sure. And I need to pick up at least 1 flying pokemon before I get to the elite 4, so hopefully I get the opportunity to pick up a pidgey somewhere else. Turns out I wind up needing to switch out Cheated all the time to get her to a reasonable level, making it an obnoxious grind, even at 5x speed. I debate going home for hugs from mom, but Raph has been getting a lot of practice using water gun and I don't think he much likes the idea.

    At level 6 Cheated learns low kick. I hope to let him level himself for a little while and give Raph a break. At this rate he'll be a wartortle before I even get to Brock. Which wouldn't be so terrible, but is a bit much to grind before you even get to Pewter.

    Low kick proves to be as useful against pidgey and ratata as scratch is, so Raph carries Cheated up to level 10 before I run out of patience. Luckily a quick pokecheck reveals that Raph has a calm (+sp. d -attack) nature, but Cheated's lax (+defense -sp. def) nature helps me understand why she is so useless. Vital Spirit means she can't be put to sleep, but Torrent hasn't really ever been useful either so I can't judge too harshly. At level 8 he finally gets more attack than my squirtle so he can pull his own weight. Fighting his own friends gets him on a roll at rt. 22, and I leave him out to start out rt. 2 after a pokecenter trip.

    That crazy old man teaches me that you don't need to weaken pokemon before trying to catch them, and gives me a teachy TV before letting me go on. Also turns out the gym is closed, but since I haven't seen hide nor hair of Team Rocket I shouldn't be surprised. My map tells me route 2 is all of Viridian forest and diglett cave, so I try to avoid the pokemon in the grass before the forest. As soon as I get in though I remember I just missed a rival battle and head back towards Victory Road to cream the little snob. I realize akwardly that both of my current pokemon take super effective damage from grass type moves, but since Cheated scratches everything Gary's pidgey to death and takes a few good swipes at bulbasaur before I wrap it up with Raph it doesn't matter, since both pokemon only use tackle, plus 2 sand-attacks. If it weren't for 2 misses Cheated would have swept his whole team. Ah well! Trip to the pokecenter and i'm off to Viridian!

    Rumor has it I have a small chance to catch a pikachu here, which would be nice for Cerulean city. Of course, with my luck it's a Caterpie (male, lvl 5, Docile with Shield Dust) that I call Status Quo. Of course the next pokemon I run into is a pikachu, so I run around collecting any items on the ground and creaming the bug pokemon with scratch (why the hell are fighting type moves not effective vs bug, is this type useful for anything except rock/electric?) and Status Quo comes out every time I see a metapod/Kakuna. I wind up netting 2 potions and a pokeball (which was inside a pokeball...) before I get out of the forest. When cheated gets low I use Raph and he finally becomes a wartortle.

    Exploring town reveals a museum and nothing else to do, so i head to the Gym and beat the tar out of Brock and his cronies after checking out the museum. The museum confuses me, as an old man there remembers the date the US went to the moon and has a miniature version of the ship. Ah well, who cares about the background story anyway, right?


    So I one-shot everything in the place with water gun and head to the pokemart to pick up 2 escape ropes in case I get nervous in the cave. Mom sends me some running shoes, which aren't terribly helpful given that I can manipulate time but it's the thought that counts. I put Status Quo out first so that it'll level faster, and head through the gauntlet to the cave. After the first battle Status Quo evolves into metapod, but i'll keep it out first just to get to sleep powder. I always keep my buterfree underleveled so it can catch pokemon for me. I also learn that fighting types are weak to flying, which is annoying. This is like, the worst type in the game.

    Youngster Ben creeps me out with his obsession with shorts, but otherwise there is little mention on the journey to the cave. and Status Quo becoming a butterfree, the trip there is smooth sailing. Route 3 yields a Pidgey I call Lucky, and a Magikarp named Mad Drag. I sure hope I get an exp share soon. Ironically for once the first pokemon I meet in Mt. Moon is a paras, instead of a zubat or a geodude, and since the map says all of this is Rt. 4 I catch it (M, level 6, quicky with effect spores), and grind out level 16 on Cheated (he learns fury swipes), and 20 on Raph before healing and heading deeper into the caves. Ultimately I think that Stoney and Pidgey will be more useful than using Status Quo, so the next time I have an opportunity to catch a pokemon i'll put her in the box. Research indicates that Cheated can learn hyper beam, and given that I have a water type already, i'm not sure if a gyrados is worth the effort.

    My first rocket battle teaches Stoney the paras stun spore, and makes me glad that Raph is a tank so he can level all these pokemon up without making me heal at the pokecenter all the time. I didn't really expect to use the kabuto I get in Mt. Moon anyway. I send Raph out after Stoney gets to level 12 just to get through the caves, Zubats have leech life which is 2x effective on Stoney, and the other parts of my party I don't really care to level.

    By the time I get to Ceruluean city i've decided my party will be Raph, Stoney, Lucky, and Cheated. Two kind gentlemen (in karate gi) teach Raph how to Mega Punch someone and Cheated how to Mega Kick someone, which is nice of them. As I pass by the bike shop I can't help but stare a little, even knowing I don't actually need one. Every man has a need for speed, after all. While I'm tempted to just head into the gym and beat down all the water trainers using Raph's bite technique, I figure it may be smarter to run the golden nugget bridge gauntlet first...

    After a quick battle with my rival. He hasn't managed to evolve his bulbasaur yet, but Cheated is so useless she almost dies to it anyway, after Raph OHKOs his Pidgeotto. Just seeing it reminded me to level Lucky, but I really want Stoney to pick up his status afflicting and grass type moves. Gary gives me a fame checker for some reason after beating him, and brags about talking to Bill. I'm more worried about trying to catch an Abra up here (since Gary got one, which was fodder for my Stoney to get 250+ exp) I should definitely get one...Right? Well, onto the bridge first.

    Everything goes well until Stoney decides to get poisoned and wrapped by trainer #3's Ekans, wasting an antidote and a potion before Cheated cleans up. A quick trip to the pokecenter and i'm back on the road, awaiting the inevitable recruitment speech by team Rocket. Is it just me or do the Lass trainer's poses just scream "Rape me!!"? It doesn't help that Paras takes 3/4 life damage from a single peck either, I bet. Cheated's mega-kick gets her poisoned also, so another trip to the pokecenter. Waste of my time to work with that one, I swear. Luckily I catch an abra (F, Calm, lvl 10, synchronize) named Foresight in honor of the pokemon images thread and use teleport back to the pokecenter. Time to grind out a pidgeotto after all.

    After quickly deciding i'm too lazy to grind out a pidgeotto after all, I go meet the infamous Youngster Joey (or this region's version of him) and his rattata. Imagine my surprise when he also has a spearrow! I kill them both and a bunch of his friends who are in the area that no one cares about before meeting Bill. I notice for the first time that I can recall that I actually have a reflection in the water outside Bill's house. Bill gives me a ticket for S.S. Anne for fixing his screw up, and while I debate trying my luck in the grass of Rt. 25 I figure i'll go beat up Misty and Co. Raph gets the honors (since Stoney hasn't learned any grass type moves yet.

    Raph acts just like the vicious, fish eating turtle he is and bites everything to death. I stock up on status-removers at the pokemart before investigating the scene of a robbery. Turns out the cops are really incompetent the robber is sitting outside. A quick one-two and I get the Dig TM, prompting me to teach Stoney bullet seed, and Raph Dig and Water Pulse since I was already in the menu. A quick trip to the pokecenter and i'll continue my journey. I still haven't got a pidgeotto so Lucky leads the way.

    Heading south yields me the opportunity to bribe a thirsty guard, but he wants bottled water and not the stuff Raph shoots. Raph shoots it at him anyway but we both skulk away before the situation gets any worse. I have the opportunity to catch a pokemon on Rt. 5 but it's a bellsprout and it dies to a single gust, so I don't catch anything and don't care. After a close call with a pidgey I leave it alone and enter the underground tunnel. Still the trainers on Rt. 6 get me the pidgeotto I want, but the brushes give me another bellsprout, so no go for me there. With Raph being a living destruction engine and having Foresight, Cheated, and Stoney I don't really want anything from any of the routes.

    So off to the SS Anne for me, since I need cut and I have nothing to catch in the area. A sandshrew would basically just be replacing my Cheated, and a drowzee isn't as good as a kadabra. Raph decides to put Foresight on his back , and bullet seed is surprisingly useful against the sailors. At the end of the first wing there's a gay couple sharing a bed, which makes it akward when Stoney spams bullet seed on them, but otherwise I have no issues for that section and go heal. A surprise visit from my rival on the sounds floor forces me to use a super potion on Raph after a double vine whip to the face but Gary once against fails to entertain me.

    Realizing everyone is level 18 now (except Lucky who is level 20) I decide to let Raph hog the rest of the experience so he will be a blastoise for Lt. Surge. Of course it turned out there were only a few trainers left and he only got to level 30 before I got HM1 and got off the boat. It immediately left, which made me rather annoyed as I had a ticket to ride the boat, not to just the party itself. But what's done is done so I head off to beat the last of the trainers near Vermillion before I take the battle to Surge. On my way out I spotted a curious truck, but could not find any Mew in the area.

    Even with every trainer in the area defeated I couldn't get to 34 on Raph, so I head to Surge's gym without a blastoise. Everywhere is Rt. 11 so I won't be able to catch the Snorlax if I walk in the brush, so I avoid it. Not feeling up to grinding the next level or facing Lt Surge on an empty stomach, so I think i'll call it here tonight. I have a choral preformance in like an hour anyway.

    Party to date:

    Raphael the Wartortle lvl 30
    Lucky the Pidgeotto lvl 20
    Stoney the Paras lvl 18
    Foresight the Kababra lvl 18
    Cheated the Primape lvl 18


    Mad Drag the Magikarp lvl 6
    Status Quo the Butterfree lvl 12(I think)

    Graveyard: None
  17. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Wait just a sec Wildfeather if you think I'll just let you show me up like that you are absolutely right. Anyways back on to my adventure, inside of Pokemon Tower Nuzlock was mourning his Raticate that Poytin killed, and then decided he wanted us to kill some more of his team. So I happily obliged, however he got away before Poytin could finish the job :/ Anyways friggin ghosts trolled the shit out of me so I took out my anger on some priestess in the tower. Grinded through the Routes on the way to Erika, and Poytin evolved.

    Poytin destoryed Erika and her sexist gym. I found an Eevee on top of a building, named it Wildfeather because fuck Dratini. The plan is to make it a Jolteon to deep fry me some birds with lightning. I went to the Mall and bought the thunderstone, as well as a leaf stone for LT2000 but I am waiting to see if I can learn a better move for him before I use it. Now I am off to wreck Team Rocket in there underground base in the casino, as well as loot for justice. By the way fuck the Routes on the way to Celadon they both gave me fucking Pidgey's.

    Poytin the Charlizard Level 37
    Vira the Sandslash Level 33
    LT2000 the Weepingbell Level 33
    Wildfeathr the Jolteon Level 25 [Damn letter limit in names]
    Churchey the HM Kitty

    Anya the Pidgey
    CareOtters the Spearow
    Sree the Diglett
    Syed the Butterfree

    Joey the Rattata whose name I am getting tired of writing every post
    Menace the Mankey
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  18. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    It seems that I need to resurrect this thread more often. Good to see so many people picking it back up.
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So we have some new developments, most importantly Oz being captured. But before we get to that fuckery I had Wildfeathr decimate the TR Base with some backup from Vira and LT2000. Poytin has been chillin on his throne of awesome ever since he destroyed Erika :D Back to the plot, I got the Silph Scope after defeating Giovanni.

    Pokemon Tower was a walk in the ... corpse filled tower I guess. Got the Pokeflute and went off to go catch Oz. However Oz is an utter cunt and kept spamming rest D8 After 7 pokeballs he is finally caught. Now a serious question to DLP, should I add Oz to the team or get Aerodactly?
  20. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Aerodactyl. You need a flyer, and giving Charizard HM Fly is a decision punishable by relentless mocking.