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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So today's update resulted in me beating Sabrina with Seratin the Vaporeon and then using the new evolution on Silens the Rhyhorn. Who I then proceeded to use to stomp all over Blaine. I used that evolution to evolve LT2000 the Growlithe into Arcanine.

    So that puts me at 7/7 Evolutions used. My current team is a Vaporeon, an Arcanine, a Snorlax, a Rhydon, a Primeape, and a Hypno. Pretty balanced. Also the bikers on the Sevii Islands were my bitch. And I'm wondering why I've never in my history of playing Pokemon used the Rhyhorn line before.
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You made a mistake, sir. The one golden rule about me and Growlithe in Nuzlocke games is that they never live long enough to become Arcanine. But still, it's better than being a Beedrill or a Bellsprout so I will not complain.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 AM ----------

    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Golbat) - 27
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Repellista (Shellos) - 24
    Emile (Bronzor) - 25
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14

    I previously said that I was worried about Fantina, but as it turns out I really didn't have much need to be.

    After going through Mt. Coronet and beating down the Trainers on the other side (using Repels the entire way to avoid any wild encounters), I head into Hearthome City. Before doing that, however, I rematch one of the Trainers to get J.V. Grace one more level, which sets up...

    Jyu Viole Grace the Golbat evolves into Crobat, 2/2 Evolutions used.

    First order of business in Hearthome is to drop into Bebe's house and pick up Koon A.A. the Eevee.

    New capture: Koon A.A. the Eevee, Level 20. Next capture at Level 30.

    He'll just sit tight in the back row for awhile, but his arrival sends Androssi to the box. You all can probably guess what that means I'll doing with the Eevee. But that's in a little space.

    Now I do all the Wayward Cave stuff, including getting the Earthquake TM and helping Mira escape. Repellista benefits from all the Trainers inside.

    Back to Hearthome. After dropping into the Contest Hall to get Fantina's lazy ass to her Gym, it's time to get that third Badge.

    J.V. Grace chews up Hearthome Gym, literally. He's rather overleveled right now and nothing poses the least bit of danger to him. Good experience though, and he gains a couple more levels in the doing.

    Fantina is a dream where I was expecting a nightmare. Being overly cautious, I set up J.V. Grace against the harmless Duskull, using an X Attack and an X Sp. Def on him. With that and Crobat's ridiculous speed, he proceeds to OHKO Duskull, as well as both Mismagius and Haunter with Bite.

    Relic Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    So that's done, heal up and keep heading east. Special Needs Barry is waiting inside the gate to ambush me. Since Viole is way overleveled, I decide to share the wealth with the other members of the team a little. Emile slowly takes down Staravia and Roselia while Repellista handles Monferno and Buizel. Later, retard.

    I avoid most of the Trainers en route to Solaceon Town, and pop into the ruins to grab treasures. That includes all three elemental stones, and as soon as I get the Thunderstone...

    Koon A.A. the Eevee evolves into Jolteon, 3/3 Evolutions used.

    Also get other goodies. Mind Plate goes on Emile, J.V. Grace is taught Defog over Air Cutter since I have nothing else that can use it. Will hopefully be able to get rid of that later if I get another airborne Pokemon.

    Keep on heading north in the general direction of Veilstone City, though Emile and Repellista do get to beat up on most of the Trainers on this side of Solaceon since there is an abundance of Black Belts to get trolled by Emile and Repellista gets to take advantage of the rain. I'm getting lazy about remembering and looking up Route numbers now, LOL.

    Anyway, grab the Shock Wave TM and use that on Koon to give him something decent to attack with, and then backtrack to pound all the leftover Trainers and take on the Lost Tower. Slight troll moment when one dumb bitch has her Pokemon mimic Shock Wave and use it, refilling my Jolteon's HP due to Volt Absorb. Fail.

    Koon keeps hogging experience up Lost Tower, and I get more things to throw into my bottomless bag and never look at again.

    Into Veilstone. Koon is at Level 29, as are both Emile and Repellista. One more level until I can catch something, but I'll take on the gym before worrying about that.

    J.V. Grace time again. It's more easy pickings for Crobat. Nothing in Maylene's gym can oppose him, though her Lucario tries. Crobat has double resistance to Fighting and is immune to Ground, so Lucario is reduced to ineffectively trying to win with Metal Claw. It doesn't work, and a new Badge is mine.

    Cobble Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    Helping Dawn battle Team Galactic to get back her Pokedex. That Double Battle gets Koon A.A. to Level 30, opening up a new capture. First, however, head back west to rematch a Trainer and get Repellista to Level 30.

    Repellista the Shellos evolves into Gastrodon, 4/4 Evolutions used.

    Head down to Route 214 to use it, hoping at best to get a Houndour or at least a Graveler (decent and can be used without needing to use an Evolution). Got neither, instead get Rak the Rhyhorn.

    New capture: Rak the Rhyhorn, Level 22. Next capture at Level 32.

    Not a bad pickup really, but useless to me right now since I already have a Ground type that I've invested an Evo into. I guess I could use it as a poor man's Fighting type since it can learn Hammer Arm as a Rhydon, but I think I'd rather just get a real Fighter. Medicham is easy enough to get, and there's always Lucario.

    Anyway, I still have to level Rak up ten times. Grab the Dig TM and use it on him to make that task somewhat less daunting. Rhyhorn really does have some terrible moves until later levels.

    I'm headed back to Hearthome to start that grind against my favorite two Hikers. Might split the work up into segments since there's nothing I really am keen on adding to my team until at least Iron Island, and that only if I decide to be cheap and resort to using Lucario.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble
    4/4 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Rhyhorn, Level 24. Next capture at Level 32.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 37
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 30
    Repellista (Gastrodon) - 30
    Emile (Bronzor) - 30
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 24
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Togepi Egg

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
  3. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
  4. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    This next entry in the diary of my HG run is pretty boring. I pretty much ignore new pokemon at this point. I have one goal and that is getting strong enough to take on Red.

    I spend some time running around Rock Tunnel and the Power Plant to get the Magnet Train up. During my running around, I catch Ash the Cubone. He is immediately boxxed.

    After battling through Nugget Bridge, I get Misty back to her gym. This gym is a complete joke. Dog one shots everything that is not a Quigsire. If it is, then Thaum one shots those with Dragon Claw.

    I make my way over Celadon and its gym. Drome one shots everything in here. Literally everything. Flame Wheel, Flamethrower or Flare Blitz. Does not matter.

    The journey to Fuschia is interesting. There are a ton of trainers to help get my team even stronger for Red. Right before the bike route, I enter the wild grass to get my Grimer just because.

    Do I find a grimer? Hell fucking no. I find a goddamn Latias! I just stare blankly at the screen. I've never had one before or even seen one before. Thus, I immediately throw my Master Ball and welcome Swordcookie, the Level 35 Latias to the team. Though she is immediately boxed. I don't have much use for her (a lot of training).

    Janine falls with ease to my Drome and Nido combo. One shot everything she has. I make the very long journey through the trainer-packed routes east of Fuschia City. It is during this time that I actually almost kill Dog with Vira during a double battle. Mother-fucking Earthquake. Oops. Luckily, Dog lived with 8 hp!

    In Route 11, I am forced to wake up a Snorlax. This guy doesn't take too long to capture and thus Raven the Snorlax is boxed.

    Anyways a short jog through Diglett Cave, I encounter Viridian Forest. I actually encounter a Pikachu within, and simply toss Ultra Balls until I have her. Pikachu is thus dubbed Lungs. Drome and Vira make short work of all the bug catchers.

    In Pewter City, I simply go straight to Brock and one shot everything but Omnystar and Kabutops with MattSilver. For those pokemon, I simply one shot them with Thaum's Dragon Claw.

    I head over to Mount Moon and obliterate these trainers. Entering Mt. Moon however, causes my Rival to come out. What the FUCK is he doing here? At least he finally admitted that I'm strong.

    His Sneasel falls easily to one Superpower from Nido. Alakazam gets one shot by Vira and X-Scissor. Magneton? Another victim for Nido and her Earth Power. Meganium falls to a single Fire Blitz from Drome. Damn that move is OP. Gengar? Man I fucking hate this thing. This Gengar and others have killed a lot of my pokemon. So I take GREAT pleasure in OKHO it with Vira's Night Slash. As for Golbat? Why does he still have a Golbat? Be friendly already. This guy gets one shot by Dog's Thunderbolt.

    All in all, a pretty easy fight. He said he's gonna go off to train in Dragon's Den. Perhaps I should visit sometime. I fly back to Pewter. I don't feel like going through Mt. Moon. It is time to head to Viridian and Pallet Town.

    The trek to Pallet is really boring. I don't do much in the city and simply surf my way to Cinnabar Island, fighting all the trainers on the way. Sicne Dog is a bit overleveled thanks to all the freakin flying types and water types from those routes south of Lavender, I am using Thaum to catch him back up.

    For the record Vira, I fought a trainer with 4 Corsola. Still a useless pokemon. ;)

    Not much to do with Cinnabar. I talked to Blue but all I really need to do is rush to Blaine and get that badge. I don't expect many problems.

    I was right. Blaine's trainers and himself all fell to either MattSilver in a single Waterfall or to Vira with a single Earthquake.

    I use Routes 20 and 19 to fight the remaining trainers (skipping Seafoam Islands themselves) and I fly my back to Viridian. Time to kick Blue's ass.

    Vira one shots Blue's Exeggutor with one X-Scissor. Dog OHKO the Gyarados as well. What kind of challenge is this?! Rhydon? OHKO by MattSilver's Waterfall. Machamp? He bites the dust to one Fly from Thaum. Arcanine? My freakin NIDOQUEEN outspeeds it and finally... I don't OHKO a pokemon. It takes two shots! Yay. Takes a few Full Restores but its not an issue. As for Pidgeot? I simply Thunderbolt it to death. This is way too easy.

    And with that, I have all 16 Gym Badges of Kanto. I am going to skip all the legendary and extra crap and race off to Mt. Silver. It is time to face Red.

    Mt. Silver is a long journey. Loads of level 40 pokemon to get last minute experience on. With some max repels and a lot of walking, I make my way to the snowy top to challenge the greatest trainer of them all, Red.

    My team going into Red:

    Nido the Level 68 Nidoqueen.
    Moveset: Superpower, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Rock Slide

    MattSilver the Level 69 Lapras
    Moveset: Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Surf, Waterfall

    Thaum the Level 67 Dragonite
    Moveset: Outrage, Fly, Dragon Claw, ExtremeSpeed

    Drome the Level 67 Rapidash
    Moveset: Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Bounce

    Vira the Level 73 Gliscor
    Moveset: Fire Fang, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Earthquake

    Dog the Level 71 Jolteon
    Moveset: Thundershock, Thunder, Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball

    Fight Start!

    Pikachu vs Vira. Vira uses Earthquake and one shots his Pikachu. Take that you little fucking rodent!

    Lapras vs Dog. I start the fight with a Thunder. This fucker has a ton of HP to hit through. I am unable to one shot. It takes two shots, thus I use thunderbolt to finish it off. I eat one Blizzard which nearly kills Dog. Hail buffets Dog and Dog will live with 18 hp remaining.

    Blastoise is next. With Dog needing to regain hp, I send in MattSilver to tank a bit and deal some damage.. I combat him with Full Restores and Ice Beams. Somehow, luck is on my side. I fucking FROZE Blastoise. After that, I simply switch in Dog and take out Blastoise.

    Venusaur vs Drome. I test the waters with Flare Blitz. I am unable to OHKO it. I do, however, get sleep powdered and we both full restore each other. Two flamethrowers and Venusaur is down. I recall Drome with 8 hp left after the damn Storm.

    Snorlax vs Nido. This fight turns into me tanking out his Blizzard shots until he runs out of PP for that move. After several turns of Full Restores, he starts using Crunch and gets his dumbass poisoned on Nido's barbs! It takes a while, but eventually Snorlax dies to Hail and Poison.

    Charizard vs MattSilver. This fight is easy. MattSilver tanks one Flare Blitz and 2HKO Charizard with Waterfall.

    Somehow, with a lot of luck and some great tanking from my pokemon, I have done it! I have defeated Red and without losing a single pokemon!

    And with that, the story of Zeph is done.

    Bat - Level 8 Zubat
    Trash - Level 6 Hoppip
    Bird - Level 8 Spearow (Fly Bitch)
    Zac - Level 10 Ditto
    Beast - Level 14 Pinsir
    Bug - Level 14 Butterfree
    Poytin - Level 15 Girafarig
    Wildfeathr - Level 15 Koffing
    Sree - Level 14 Wooper
    Menace - Level 18 Poliwag
    Churchey - Level 15 Miltank (Surf Bitch)
    Qun - Level 23 Togetic
    Billy - Level 23 Voltorb
    Claws - Level 20 Sandshrew (HM Bitch)
    Oz - Level 24 Lickitung
    Forest - Level 38 Bellossom
    CareOtters - Level 25 Wobbufett
    Lucky - Level 21 Gastly
    Raine - Level 20 Tentacool
    Taure - Level 20 Goldeen
    Drome - Level 32 Ponyta
    Raven - Level 50 Snorlax
    Ash - Level 12 Cubone
    Swordcookie - Level 35 Latias
    Lungs - Level 4 Pikachu

    Rock - Level 15 Geodude - Kadabra'd
    Rat - Level 6 Rattata - Sacrificial Lamb
    Tsunami - Level 26 Croconaw - Shadow Ball so fucking broken
    Prom - Level 18 Mankey - Training Accident with a Raticate
    LT2000 - Level 34 Gyarados - Shadow Ball is beyond so fucking broken
    Dazed - The Level 52 Hypno - Gengar Broken. That is all.

    My next Nuzlocke, which will happen soon, I think will take place in Blaze Black 2. I have never played B/W2 so this should be an adventure!
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Jealous. I really wanted to be the first one to win N2. Ah well, congratulations and thank you/curse you for letting/making me go nom nom on dat oldcunt.
  6. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So my next Nuzlocke^2 run started and I've found the most terrifying ever. Training a Koffing and coming against a Ditto. When you haven't been able to get rid of Self-Destruct yet. Only time in my life I just flee from Dittos.
  7. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Success! I fished up more than half the lake before finding a proper tile and proceeded to fish up around 20 Feebas.
    I could've technically made Milotic a part of my party since the appropriate tiles have very high encounter rates, but I figured it would take a lot more of the "random" out of the encounter than I would want. I decide against it but I'll trade these badboys over to the next run I do and maybe start with one beautiful fucking feebas. More on that later on in the narrative, likely part IV.

    So Part III of my Nuzlocke^2 Platinum Run.

    As a recap from last time:

    Bonaparte the Prinlup level 35
    Jorel the Meditite level 31
    Prom the Bidoof, level 17.
    Gaston the Gastly, level 29.
    Poytin the Rotom, level 31.

    Khaleesi the Chingling, level 14.

    Vira the Roselia, level 19.

    2/2 Evolutions used, next catch at level 24.

    I take my new bike for a ride down cycling road. There's bitches to kill and so little time. I skip over the Wayward cave for now and let Jorel take the lead. He soon picks up Hi Jump Kick. Empoleon will get my third evolution, but Meditite will definitely get my fourth.

    I get to Route 207 and Dawn comes out for a quickie. Wait no, just handing me a dowsing machine and a Vs. Seeker. I assumed both were coy means of coming on to me, but apparently she wasn't pointing at her skirt when she said "I think there are some hidden items around here." I use the VS. Seeker to get a few more battles out of the hiker and picnickers a few feet away. It's a digital age when I have to use a social media device to check in with someone close enough to speak to.

    I head into Mt. Coronet and find Cyrus ranting about something or another. Who pissed in his cheerios? I clear through it. Prom fell asleep on the job, but I'm just using his absurdly thick skull to break rocks apart anyway. I get to Route 208 and collect a few goodies and Jorel takes apart some geodudes, onixes, and nosepasses that I VS. Seeker up from a few hikers. A guy gives me a new poketech app and a berry and sends me on my way. I was hoping for a nap but fine whatever. I Vs. Seeker and grind some wild pokemon between charges for a bit before heading into Hearthome.

    There I hear a ton of people talking about Pokemon contests. Apparently it's what you do when you can't cut it being a trainer. I catch a Buneary and was thinking "Dinner!" until its trainer showed up and began thanking me profusely for saving her precious rabbit. She drags me to the contest hall. Fuck me, oh well, maybe she'll buy me dinner in gratitude. My mom is apparently friends with and her and they shower me with gifts. Hey, free Tux. Thanks mom!

    I run into Fantina at the contest hall afterwards and she scurries off to the gym. Hmph. I take a quick stroll through Amity square and find myself a lovely Amulet Coin. Excellent.

    Now it's time for the main event. Fantina.

    I clear through her gym easily with Jorel in the lead still. Confusion is supereffective on the gastly's poison type and I switch in Poytin to take the duskulls and misdreavuses. The level advantage leads to one-shots all around.

    I know that this won't be nearly as easy as my Soulsilver run-in with Morty. All of Fantina's pokemon have actual attacks so it won't be as easy as sending in a normal type to immune Gengar's shadowballs and waste his 5 sucker punches on stat modifiers. Her Mismagius is the big issue with its great coverage. With Psybeam, Shadow Ball, and Magical Leaf, it has super effective coverage vs my entire party except for Prom, who is a level seventeen indentured servant. Mismagius is no Gengar, but it's got really great stats with 105/105/105 Speed, Special Defense, and Special Attack. I would've loved it if I had Vira here to just leech seed or sleep powder or some other kind of grass trolling, but she's in the grave rotting and unfortunately she took an evolution with her. It would've been REALLY great to have that evolution on Bonaparte too. A steel typing would negate the magical leaf's supereffectiveness and give resistance to ghost/psychic as well.
    This is the face of my enemy.​

    I open up with Gaston, who hits the Duskull with a Payback and one shots it. I love the Gastly line. Haunters up next and I don't trust Gaston to outdo his older brother just yet. I swap in Poytin, who outspeeds Haunter and one-shots it with an ominous wind. I would've loved to get a proc and get the +to all stats, but no dice. Now the big bitch is up. I use another ominous wind and bring her to red, but the sitrus berry procs and brings her to around half. She retaliates with a confuse ray. I'm scared, because I CANNOT afford a confusion-related punch to the face. How does a Rotom hurt itself again?

    I swap in Bonaparte and he tanks the shadowball which does about 1/4th of his HP. That's still very hard for neutral damage on a target with nearly 10 levels on her. Fuck. It's fine though, because Bonaparte's brutal special attack combined with Brine's 130 base power on 50% hp target is enough to wipe her out (hehe because it's surfing-related).

    Fantina Down.
    Badge 3--The Relic Badge
    1 Evolution available

    She also gives me shadowclaw. Heh. Two ghost types and neither are compatible. Plus they are both special attackers anyway.

    I swap out Gaston for Khaleesi and head back out to route 208 and the wayward cave. I slap the EXP share on Khaleesi and put Bonaparte in front. Time for him to be crowned. He's close to 36 from the heap of EXP Mismagius gave him anyway, so soon he towers over me, sunlight glinting off of his magnificent crest.
    3/3 Evolutions used.

    Dapper as fuck. Like a goddamn Sir. I love Empoleon. It's got the highest special attack of any starter pokemon, a unique type combination, and just looks amazing imo. And that unique type combo? 3 weaknesses, eleven resistances, 1 immunity, and only two 1xdamage types. It's slow, but his level just got him Aqua Jet, a STAB priority move which he can still hit hard with thanks to his Brave as fuck nature. Bonaparte is a badass. He always has been, but now its fucking certifiable.

    I put Jorel on the backburner and catch Poytin up on levels (by catch up, I mean I put him as absurdly far ahead as the other two). I don't go out of my way to grind, but I'm looking to clear this area of all EXP from trainers and items, and I use my VS. Seeker whenever its up. Poytin gets the amulet coin to fund my depravities (I only catch pokemon in Premier Balls).

    I go to the hidden wayward cave first. I want to pick up a nice powerful Gible. Such a cute little fucker. Clearing it out requires I give a slot of Poytin's to flash, but it's fine because he still has confuse ray and random mechanics aren't something I can rely on in a Nuzlocke. I'll replace flash with thunder or thunderbolt when I get to Veilstone.

    Soon Khaleesi hits 24 and I have a new capture available. I've already seen quite a few Gibles already and the encounter rate isn't awful. I cross my fingers and sure enough:

    Look at this little Menace:
    Level 16 Gible. Next Capture lvl 26.

    He's got a Quirky nature. It's not ideal (Adamant/Jolly) but it'll do. Honestly Gible is one of my favorite pokemon, cute and fierce, but Garchomp doesn't do much for me. It's typing will be really frustratingly susceptible to a surprise 1HKO from some random schmoe with an icebeam, but it's still a psuedo-legendary. Speaking of, why does it have such a fucking high catchrate? 45? Metang has a catch rate of 3!

    I clear out this cave and then head back home to swap Khaleesi for Menace, giving him the EXP share before heading back to the main area of the Wayward cave. I find the little girl and what-not and towards the end of the run decide to slap Earthquake on little Menace after confirming he can't learn it naturally.

    Whelp, all finished here. I heal back up and head east to Route 209 and Solaceon town. And if it isn't little Johnny! He's as hyperactive as ever, spouting something about never missing and never losing. Ok bud, settle down.

    We get down to real business, and my new Empoleon sweeps. His Staravia can't deal any damage to Empoleon and I humor it by taking 3 turns to kill it with 35-damage nonSTAB not very effective Peck. It only takes two to kill his new Buizel in the same manner. Bonaparte seems to be enjoying their ineffective attacks bouncing right off of his new steel tux.

    However, by the time his mighty metal beak sheers off a quarter of buizel's skull, he's grown bored with the games and ends Johhny's Rapidash in a single bubblebeam before deigning to allow Jorel in on the action. My Meditite is a bit eager to get back into battle, since he hasn't fought for quite awhile and it gives me quite a scare when, straight out of his pokeball, he charges at Johnny's Grotle with a flying jump kick. He misses in his overexcitement and injures himself rather gravely.

    Grotle, the little fuck, takes advantage of his temporary distraction and smashes into him before biting his arm hard. Lucky for both of us, Jorel can take a hit and turns around with a force palm to Grotle's face. It isn't a critical hit, but it knocks him out cold anyway. Better luck next time Johnny.

    Route 209 is long and has quite a few trainers, but it goes by rather quickly and little Menace is catching up on levels decently. I have to spam B every time now. He really evolves at level 24? Honestly? I mean, that seems pretty early considering you can catch Gibles at level 20. I think Gible is his best looking form and I wish he stayed like that till like 45 at least. He probably will in this run. At level 26 I prepare myself for a new catch and find myself a Staravia. Well, might come in handy for flying at least.

    LT2000 the Staravia
    Level 20. Next Capture Lvl 30.

    While I won't deny that Prom is a slave in every sense, LT2000 will likely share a relationship like Ash and Plume in the traveler. Like Lamora's habit of changing my poke-pinions, that fic made me rethink the way I treat my flying pokemon. They may not be good for anything in battle, but they can be great friends, allies, and scouts.

    I make it to Solaceon town, hit up a few spots and heal before heading into the ruins. I find lots of goodies here, but most notable is defog. Looks like I'll need LT quite a bit earlier than expected. I teach him defog and head back to the hallowed tower to clear that out, which takes a surprisingly small amount of time.

    Afterwards I head north to Route 210 and stop in Cafe Cabin. I take a few patron's paychecks before stocking up on moomoomilk.

    I head east on Route 215 and clear out some trainers. I really wish I could soup-up Poytin with something, but he already knows this shockwave TM.

    I make it to Veilstone city without incident and finally, it's time for some real action.

    Game Corner Bitches!!!

    I thank God that this isn't fucking voltorb flip. I'm not loaded enough to buy the TMs I want (Ice Beam for Bonaparte and Thunderbolt for Poytin) but this game is oddly relaxing and I spent a few hours following the clefairy's pointing fingers while listening to QI in the background to earn the 20k coins required. Would not repeat this. Either way, Poytin has a more powerful spell than Shockwave now, and Bonaparte is ready to take on some fucking dragons.

    Then I make a pitstop at the department store and clean out the TM corner, getting Focus Blast, Hyper Beam, Thunder, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Blizzard, False Swipe, a new copy of Flash, Reflect, Light Screen, and Protect. Just in case. Then I pick up a lot of battle items before restocking on premier balls. Style, bitches.

    Now then, time for the gym. Jorel is looking excited to see all the other fighting types and is eager to test himself. With his psychic typing, he can lessen their blows and enhance his own, so I let him take the lead on this one. Jump kicks take out most of the competition, with a few confusions thrown in vs the more powerful opponents. Jorel's aim is improving and he doesn't miss any of his hits.

    Now it's time for Maylene.

    She leads with Meditite and I send in Poytin. An ominous win brings it down quickly. Sad, I'm sure Jorel could take at least one. Jorel comes back to the fight to face down her machoke. It towers over him, but he moves in quickly and force palms it in the kneecap before it can even react. Cripplied, it's incapable of retaliating as he finishes it off with a confusion. Finally, Lucario comes out. It's a strong pokemon to be sure, but Jorel doesn't take shit from anyone. It hits hard, but Jorel hits harder and shatter Lucario with a single jump kick to the face.

    Maylene down.
    Badge 4-The Cobble Badge
    1 Evolution available.​

    Maylene gives me Drain Punch, which I decide to teach to Jorel. If he misses a jump kick, he can quickly heal himself with a drain punch. Outside, I run into Dawn who asks me to help her retrieve her pokedex. I was sure she was coming on to me this time, but nope, wrong again. I beat some Galactic thugs who were up to no good, then kick them out of the neighborhood. Looker returns and browses around, before a stern glance from Empoleon forces him to generously allow me to keep my spoils and take the Fly HM. It goes on LT2000 and now I'm in business.

    I do some swapping and decide to level up LT some to open up a catch. Graveler and Ryhorn would make decent tanks without needing to eat an evolution, and a houndour would fill in the fire-hole on my team. I debate letting Menace have this evolution, but he doesn't lose out on any abilities for not evolving and I'd rather have him in his most badass incarnation until I actually need his more powerful version. I put Jorel in the lead and pretty soon, I've got the next final evolution on the team.

    Jorel the Medicham Lvl 40
    4/4 Evolutions used.

    I swap in my White 2 for a second and sure enough, Jorel has higher attack than a level 48 garchomp after his passive. He's only weak to ghost and flying, but he's got low defensive stats as well. It shouldn't matter if I keep him strong and fast enough to obliterate anything that might try to harm him. I swap between Poytin, Bonaparte, and Jorel, giving Menace a few minutes as well while I get LT2000 to level 30. Soon enough, he dings and I prepare myself for a catch.

    Lucky(Lee) the Houndour
    Level 23. Next catch 33.

    Well, I don't know if I'll want the evolution, so I take the team and head down to Valor Lakefront. The battle restaurant is closed but I return some lady's key and head towards Pastoria. Route 213 is mostly empty but I find a few things and beat a few trainers. Finally, I arrive in Pastoria. This should be good.


    Current Team:

    Bonaparte level 44 Empoleon.
    Poytin level 44 Rotom.
    Jorel level 44 Medicham.
    Menace level 34 Gible.
    LT2000 level 30 Staravia.
    Prom level 18 Bidoof.

    Gaston level 30 Gastly.
    Khaleesi level 24 Chingling.
    Lucky level 23 Houndour.

    Vira level 19 Roselia.

    4 Badges. 4/4 Evolutions used. Next catch when Lucky gets 33.
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You all have much better damn luck than I do with this. Seriously, I always run into the mega common crap.
  9. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Well my starter was guaranteed, as were rotom and gastly. So then I have gible/houndour/meditite on one hand and budew/chingling/bidoof/staravia on the other. And houndour is kind of meh because I can get flamethrower on the garchomp and dark only covers the same shit ghost does.
    It's been a really good run so far for me, but things don't stay that great for much longer as I suffer two losses pretty soon in my narrative. I'm just always so tempted to play instead of type this up that I end up really far behind.
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  10. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I was able to catch a new pokemon at level 21 for my Drowzee. I didn't catch anything until it was level 29 via the grind 2 levels rule. This was for Growlithe. Everything else I used was common.
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Yeah, I was mostly kidding. Just a little bit of Garchomp Envy I suppose. And I needn't have complained anyway.

    Shiny Rapidash, Heracross on my first HG run, Slaking in Emerald et cetera. Just being a retard, please excuse. :(
  12. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Heh, Otters already won a few days ago. I'm still pretty sore about it. I'm gunning for the gauntlet victory.

    Er. Do you mean you were deliberately ignoring pokemon and choosing to level up twice more instead of trying to catch them? Because that's breaking the rules pretty hard. The rule is that if you kill the 'mon you were supposed to catch, whether or not you implement the two levels rule, you have to go back and catch that same one.
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 37
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 30
    Repellista (Gastrodon) - 30
    Emile (Bronzor) - 30
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 24
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14

    So, continuing where I last left off, I do decide to split Rak the Rhyhorn's ten levels up into two parts. I rematched the Onix and Nosepass Hikers outside Hearthome until the big rhino who wants to be a turtle-hunting gator man to 28. I'll complete this once I've dealt with Pastoria Gym.

    Before I can do that though, I have more leveling to do. Crushing the Trainers between Veilstone and Pastoria gets Koon A.A. close to where I want him, and rematching the Fisherman near the Hotel with the Gyarados and two Remoraid completes that task as Jolteon gets to Level 36.

    Repellista, now a very ugly (god damn I hadn't remembered how hideous this Pokemon is) Gastrodon, gets her levels through abusing the three Eeveeluton Collector right at the Valor Lakefront border. I haven't used a Gastrodon since the very first time I played Pokemon Diamond years ago. Damn good little killer though, much better than the mediocre stats would indicate. Similar to the Seismitoad I used in that last White Nuzlocke. I'm becoming a much bigger fan of the mixed Water/Ground typing in general.

    Emile the Bronzor also gets a couple slow levels rematching the Collector with the six Pokemon on Route 214. I leave her (technically an 'it' since Bronzor is genderless) very close to Level 33, so that I can quickly evolve to Bronzong once I unlock my next Evolution.

    And now it's time to go get the Badge to allow that. First thing to do in Pastoria is check the binoculars at the Great Marsh. Would like to perhaps grab a Croagunk (or better, Toxicroak). On my initial stab at this I REALLY wanted a Drapion or Yanmega, but the Crobat I'm using this time kinda nulls those options.

    Anyway, nothing I might want pops up in the Marsh, so I continue to use a Heart Scale and replace J.V. Grace's Confuse Ray with Cross Poison. Soon enough I'll be tanking a lot of Pokebucks into Game Corner Coins to get him U-Turn (Bite is becoming a bit dated) and I'll complete his moveset once I get to Canalave, deleting Defog to replace with Giga Drain. But I need Surf to do that and to get the Giga Drain TM to begin with.

    Retard Barry shows up before I can enter Pastoria Gym. Apparently Crasher Wake is now his master or something, and I shudder to imagine what he had to give the wrassler in return.

    J.V. Grace rips his Roselia and Monferno with Fly, and Koon A.A. zaps Buizel and Staravia with Shock Wave. Baam/Koon bro team, go go go.

    Koon pretty much takes on Pastoria Gym single-handed, other than that one Fisherman with the Whiscash (who oneshotted my Luxray with Magnitude 10 and made my ragequit that one Platinum Nuzlocke ages back). I never forget these things. J.V. Grace rips the Whiscash.

    Crasher Wake is no problem. Koon A.A. opens and obviously oneshots Gyarados with Shock Wave. Quadruple damage and all, yeah.

    Quagsire is a little more annoying due to his bulk. It takes J.V. Grace a little time to wear it down, made worse due to having to waste turns healing status when Crobat gets put to sleep thanks to Yawn. But there's no real threat there and Quagsire does eventually go down.

    And then there's Floatzel. I expected a little trouble with this bastard, but got none as Koon A.A. outspeeds it and OHKO's with Shock Wave.

    Fen Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    So, that's done. Next up, more Barry derpa derp and I have to chase down some Galactic goon and trash his Croagunk. I let Emile handle that, but the experience she gains is not quite enough to get her to 33.

    Cynthia comes up (hi, babe) and Barry shows up to ruin any attempt at chatting her up. She does give me a SecretPotion and sends me off to cure some Psyduck. Isn't it funny how she always seems to come walking up right behind you after you get done with her little errands? Do your own damn chores, lazy bitch.

    Anyway, Cynthia gets to wait awhile, as I have more ground to cover before going to Celestic Town. I cover all the ground between Pastoria and Hearthome, grabbing items and gaining levels in the process. Emile gains that level as well, so...

    Emile the Bronzor evolves into Bronzong, 5/5 Evolutions used.

    Once I'm in Hearthome, I go ahead and climb back up the path to troll those Hikers some more and complete Rak's leveling. That doesn't take too long, and I now have another open capture. But rather than going and getting some Level 30-ish wild Pokemon that I neither want nor need and have no desire to grind up to the 40 range, I instead pull my Togepi Egg out of the Box. I'll hatch it, and that will count as a new capture and then I'll Exp. Share it up ten levels in my own time and grab something else.

    Rak goes back into the Box, perhaps to return as a Strength slave later. Actually, now that I look on Serebii, Rhyhorn can learn Rock Climb as well, so he will be a useful addition after all. Good.

    Fly back to Veilstone and purchase that U-Turn TM to give to J.V. Grace and then it's on to Celestic.

    Uneventful trip, as I crush Trainers and Repel through any patches of grass I come across. Once I get there, grab Wise Glasses and give those to Koon and it's Cyrus Time.

    Emile opens against Sneasel, no bullshit here this time. For some reason, Gyro Ball can't OHKO it which I tend to think it ought to given the disparity between Sneasel's speed and Bronzong's. I was considering keeping Gyro Ball, but I think I'll be switching to Flash Cannon there once I get the TM from beating Byron.

    Repellista oneshots Houndour with Water Pulse, Koon does the same with Murkrow with Shock Wave.

    And Cyrus is done. He leaves, and I get the Surf HM which I will gratefully teach to Repellista to replace her outdated Water Pulse. I'm also done for the moment. That Egg ought to be hatching soon though.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble, Fen
    5/5 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Rhyhorn, Level 32. Next capture available now.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 40
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 40
    Repellista (Gastrodon) - 38
    Emile (Bronzong) - 40
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 14
    Togepi Egg


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
  14. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    So we rejoin the recount at Pastoria City.

    As a recap:

    Current Team:

    Bonaparte level 44 Empoleon.
    Poytin level 44 Rotom.
    Jorel level 44 Medicham.
    Menace level 34 Gible.
    LT2000 level 30 Staravia.
    Prom level 18 Bidoof.

    Gaston level 30 Gastly.
    Khaleesi level 24 Chingling.
    Lucky level 23 Houndour.

    Vira level 19 Roselia.

    4 Badges. 4/4 Evolutions used. Next catch when Lucky gets 33.

    First things first, I swap out Prom for this new guy and bring Lucky into the party. I could use a fire type. He gets the EXP share and I backtrack from Pastoria to go to the battle restaurant since when I first passed by it was nighttime and closed.

    I make quick work of the patrons there before backtracking to valor lakefront and then route 214 for some more grinding. Poytin takes the lead, but I have to constantly swap in Bonaparte because Poytin doesn't get anything better than ominous wind for quite a long time and at 5 PP it makes a poor tool for dealing with ground types. His other moves are shockwave/thunderbolt/uproar atm.

    The next loss of my party comes horribly. I switch in Bonaparte to deal with a Graveler and eat a Magnitude ten. FUCK SHIT FUCK--Bonaparte lives, albeit with only 10%. For some reason, I swap him out instead of hyperpotioning. I don't know what made me do it, but when attempting to press Poytin, I fatfinger the touchpad and instead switched in LT2000.

    Whatever, still immune to ground moves, right? As I help Bonaparte guzzle some Moomoomilk, Selfdestruct. I've killed a few dozen of these and haven't seen it yet. I didn't check the Gen IV learnset, so I thought selfdestruct came at level 31, not 18. YOU FUCKING BASTARD. The light from the explosion is blinding, and only Bonaparte's quick thinking saves me from a concussion as he shields me from the blast. I look from behind his bulk to find a pile of rubble and underneath it: a roasted Staravia.

    O LT2000 level 30
    We hardly knew ye.

    I have my hand still on LT2000's pokeball. Not like this...not like this. It's 100% a mistake on my part. I don't know what I was thinking. With a heavy heart, I resume the grind, and god help any gravelers that stand in my way. Bonaparte takes the lead and shows no fucking mercy. I had 60 PP in super-effective coverage vs Gravelers, and used it all.

    When I run out of fury, I reequip Lucky with the exp share and with Poytin at 46, Lucky finally reaches level 33. I slap on a super repel and head back to town and into the Great Marsh entrance building. I use the binoculars to find my next catch.

    Lucky for me, banana-dinosaurs are in style and the first pokemon I come across in Area 1 after stepping off the tram is a brilliant specimen of a tropius. I throw two baits, three rocks, then a pokeball. I'm not sure how that works and if they cancel eachother out, but I caught him and I add him to the group.

    Thaumogist the Tropius
    Level 28. Next catch at 38.

    It's not quite accurate, but Thaumologist wouldn't fit. I re-box Prom and head to take on Crasher Wake. Thaumogist will be the perfect travelling companion. Shade, food, transport, and utility. He's like a swiss-pocket-pokemon. I guess that's just swiss-pokemon since swiss-pocket-pocket-monster doesn't make sense, but meh. He will get Defog, Fly, Rock Smash, and Cut, but first I clear out the rest of the zone of goodies.

    Munching on a banana, I get to the gym only to find: Little Johnny.
    Didn't we just do this?
    So it's battle time. Poytin outspeeds his Staravia and thunderbolts, obliterating his bird. It is a grim reminder of LT2000, and all too soon.

    As strange as it seems, he sends in Buizel next. Apparently it has pursuit, but Poytin fries it before it gets a chance to use it. Rapidash follows, but also dies to a single thunderbolt. Finally, he sends out Bonaparte's counterpart. Annnnnnnnnnnnd it's a level 36 grotle. Seriously bro? YOU GAVE UP EARTHQUAKE FOR THIS. I debate on who to give his sacrifice to.

    Poytin because a Torterra would immune him or Bonaparte because it's his rival. I decide its beneath Bonaparte and let Poytin kill him with two thunderbolts.

    I decide to put Menace in front and keep Poytin on reserve. At the time, I was thinking to conserve Thunderbolt PP but in hindsight, his shockwave was strong enough to take care of most of the shit in there. He could've solo'd the gym minus two ground/waters, which Empoleon has coverage over because I gave him a grass knot TM (like a baws).

    Menace takes a few scrapes, but I heal him up and challenge Wake.


    He looks absurd, but also pretty built, so I avoid antagonizing him. He sends out a Gyarados. I don't want to risk little Menace to him so I swap in Poytin, who takes a whopping ~60% from a waterfall. I know that Poytin, with 10 levels on this Gyarados, is faster, so I let him thunderbolt instead of swapping out. He fortunately does win the speed fight and the behemoth collapses, twitching.

    Wake sends in a Quagsire and I decide, to my eternal regret, to send in Menace. Menace gets a strong earthquake off and then Quagsire responds with a Water Pulse.

    Which crits. I feared the Gyarados for his overwhelming physical power, but forgot entirely that Menace's ground typing counters his dragon type water resistance, he isn't overleveled for the gym, and he's only the prevolution to a pseudolegendary, not a pseudolegendary himself. The poor, beautiful bastard collapses, his skin horribly torn from his bones and I fear he's bit off more than he can chew. (Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh)

    Farewell Menace, level 35 Gible
    You will be missed.

    No more fucking around. Bonaparte comes in and grass knots the Quagsire, one-shotting it. Floatzel comes in next and I leave Bonaparte in. Rotom is at 40% and I don't trust this Floatzel to not one-shot him with a crit aqua-jet. Bonaparte, on the other hand, can take every one of his abilities at half damage.

    I wish, for the sake of storytelling, that Bonaparte slowly pecked him to death in a slow, torturous revenge, or even one-shot him with the righteous fury of 1000 suns. Unfortunately, I replaced peck with grass knot and using aquajet/ice beam/brine didn't have the same physically demeaning effect as a giant emperor penguin in armor slowly and painfully pecking you to death. Grass knot, unfortunately, only deals 40 damage to the Floatzel, and without STAB or crits, takes two hits to kill. It's a very anticlimactic and sad end to this gym. Wake keeps his distance, handing me the badge and a brine TM before I leave.

    Badge 5-The Fen Badge
    1 Evolution available.​

    As soon as I leave the gym--Johnny, I swear to Arceus I am in no mood for your SHIT today. We already did this not an HOUR ago you cunt. But apparently Galactic is up to no good again, he says as Wake joins us outside. The words have barely left his lips when the ground shakes fiercely and my eardrums nearly burst from the tremendous noise. I release Bonaparte on instinct, barely keeping my balance as I do. When the quake ends, I follow Wake and Johnny to the Great Marsh and find a Galactic grunt running off. I decide to follow.

    He runs fast and far, but I still have to take revenge on something for Menace's sake, and the explosion was utterly too familiar to LT2000's final moments. I can only imagine the pokemon injured by the bomb and their pain. When I finally catch him, Bonaparte's brine annihilates his little croagunk. He's more jigsaw puzzle than frog at this point, and the galactic grunt soon follows after I find out he has no information for me.

    The blonde from what seems like a lifetime ago finds me there, staring over at the remains of the obliterated grunt with my Empoleon at my shoulder. He stares at her hard and I have to reign in his aggression. He's taken the loss of Menace hard. Menace spent many a night attempting to gnaw his wing off, strengthening his teeth on Bonaparte's steel. Bonaparte looked on him with fondness and amusement, but now Menace will never gnaw anything again.

    She comes forward and offers me a "Secretpotion." I wonder if its to take the edge off, but she explains that its for the psyducks blocking one of the earlier routes. She asks me to travel to Celestic town and deliver something for her. I'm oddly compelled by her, and I accept her request.

    She doesn't mention the remains.

    I return to Pastoria and then proceed through to Route 212. Unfortunately, I'm short on shards to teach Jorel Zen Headbutt. The one downside to the meditite line is the lack of a strong physical damage psychic ability to take advantage of his tremendous offense with.

    I let Jorel take the lead, as I've been neglecting him. He's glad for the distraction as soon as he learns about the loss of our missing comrades in arms.

    I clear out the massive route, beating every trainer in my path, but it all seems dull and numb. When I arrive at Hearthome, Thaumogist gives me a lift to Solaceon town. I settle in for the night.


    Current Team:

    Bonaparte level 50 Empoleon.
    Poytin level 48 Rotom.
    Jorel level 47 Medicham.
    Lucky level 39 Houndour.
    Thaumogist level 28 Tropius.

    Gaston level 30 Gastly.
    Khaleesi level 24 Chingling.

    Vira level 19 Roselia.
    Menace level 36 Gible.
    LT2000 level 30 Staravia.

    5 Badges. 4/5 Evolutions used. Next catch when Thaum gets 38.
  15. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I was critting like a motherfucker. First thing to show up? Oddish. 1-shot. Second? Meowth. Crit 1-shot. Etc etc. I was trying to catch. Shit just kept dying. And I wasn't going to trust all of my poke/great balls to try to full hp catch.

    With Growlithe I was able to throw out my Parasect and Spore+Bullet Seed/Leech Life into lower health and sleep.
  16. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    His first encounter on one of either 7 or 8 was a Growlithe that Roared, as I recall.

    I think it was 7, but not 100% sure. It was like 4 am est, and like 20 people had tuned in to ask Poytin why he thought Gen V sucked as I recall.

    I don't even remember what his first encounter was on 8. It got weird. He kept killing everything.

    e: On a completely related note, if I ever do a n^2 you can take your no starter rule, turn it sideways, and shove it straight up your ass. :|
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You're not man enough to handle starting with Bidoof.
  18. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    If I was doing any other Gen I think I'd be okay with it, but I've only played platinum once and only a few rom hacks with gen IV starters and Empoleon is my favorite starter. I wasn't going to give that up for a bidoof.
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Also, Churchey, if you need a better Ghost move for that Rotom, you should be able to get the Shadow Ball TM en route to Celestic Town. Just bring along something that can use Rock Smash.
  20. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So my Nuzlocke has continued. And other than an unfortunate death for my Zubat it's been going well. I've now beaten the Rockets taking over the radio tower. I've used 5/7 evolutions and one of them was an accidental use on a Spinarak that I'm not using. And I have nothing else to evolve. My next catch comes whenever I actually decide to pull my Krabby out of the box and level it to 25. So this Nuzlocke Squared is actually going by really easily.

    Also as Aurion said. My first sighting on Route 7 was a Growlithe that Roared. Route 8... I killed everything. And then proceeded to ignore it for the rest of the game. Also my killing stuff/ stuff roaring lasted for 8 levels. Shows how much nothing on route 7 or 8 liked me. But I showed that game I was stubborn enough to stick around.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013