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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008
    This shit right here
  2. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I wish I could say that this is just like pokemon and people dislike the newer gens because they aren't kids anymore. But fuck me I can't even justify this shit. Newer chapters aren't just as good, and beyond that, they are getting progressively more fucking retarded.
  3. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    "Fucking bullshit" is the line that kept repeating in my head when I was reading the chapter. Pretty much everything we feared came true. Fucking Kishimoto.
  4. Mr. Apocalypse Survivor

    Mr. Apocalypse Survivor First Year

    Jan 27, 2013
    Why does it seem that most persons are convinced that to beat the Juubi, they are going to have to seal it into a new jinchuuriki? The ideal solution would be to trap it in the stomach of the death god, like Minato did with half the Kyuubi....but that's never going to happen. No one person is powerful enough to do that. The second (and most likely option IMO) would be to separate the Juubi's chakra back into the various tailed beasts. Naruto has enough clout now to get people to leave these sentient remnants of the Sage alone...for a while at least. The third, likely option is that the Juubi's charkra will be sealed into Naruto. He is the Sage's reincarnation after all. This will further cement the parallel.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  5. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Did anyone else laugh when Sakura said she'd finally caught up with them? Oh boy, you punched a bunch of Juublets, and almost got blindsided by another while you were gloating about it. That makes you an >S-rank just like them!
  6. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Yup. She still isn't even close.
  7. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    So, I did not really mind Sakura this chapter. I never really liked her character in the manga anyway and nothing that has happened lately has changed that.

    Last week everyone was complaining about her pulling some new powers out of her ass and so far she hasn´t really. So what if she can punch harder now, that´s at least in character I think.

    Rather, I just don´t understand what they are even fighting about anymore.

    Madara wanted to become the Juubi jinchuuriki, but now he just wants to fight Hashirama? He said he would wait for him, but what does that entail?

    Either Hashirama succeeds in dealing with the Juubi or they get dealt by IT. Or is there another alternative he could be planning for?

    And if the hokages deal with the Juubi, wouldn´t that fuck his plans?

    NOW... I know that all of those deliberations mean shit when Kishi just pulls this stuff right out of his colon and I fully expect a dramatic reappearance with Obito having beaten Kakashi but not killed him yet in a (in)opportune moment or another Deus X machina jutsu from Madara when it just looks like they "beat" the Juubi, but hey...

    So yeah, plot continuity or logic aside, at least Hashirama versus Madara the rematch might make for a more interesting fight than what is going on now.

    ... I also do not really understand team 7´s intention right now. It doesn´t look like something like Juubi can be taken down by the amount of firepower so far exhibited by any of the three save maybe amaterasu. But that prolly wouldn´t work either for some reason.

  8. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Yeah that was silly. Though she might arguably be able to do something once Naruto regains BM. I mean presumably if you combine her chakra-seal and BM-boost from Naruto, then she could actually succeed in something.

    Then again, given that her opponents are edo!Madara and Juubi, probably not.

    Truthfully though, while this "powerup" does make Sakura look somewhat silly, I do prefer this to Sakura pulling out some absurd superpower that would match Narutos BM and Sasukes Susanoo.

    Heck, when you think about it, its not THAT bad. The only reason we laugh is because she is being compared to a jinchuuriki of Kurama and EMS-Sasuke. Both who can trace their lineage directly to the original Sage.

    Compared to other "normal people", Sakura is doing pretty good here.

    Well, the jinchuuriki part makes sense since Edo zombies cannot become jinchuuriki. Since Obito was pulled into the Kamui-dimension, there is no one on the field that could use Rinne Tensei to bring Madara to life.

    Though even then, it does kinda make you wonder why the heck Madara is not doing SOMETHING. Maybe he wanted to create the Infinite Tsukuyomi so he could fight Hashirama forever, and now that he has an immortal Hashirama around, he no longer cares. :)

    Or maybe he is just that confident that Juubi will win? I mean the hokages are in a pretty rough position. Sure they might have the thing contained, but we have already seen that it can withstand a direct explosion from its own bijuudama at point blank range. If that did not kill it, then the alliance is basically just wasting their time attacking it.

    Their only hope then, would be to seal it. But to who? They cannot seal it into themselves for the same reason Madara cannot, and presumably you would need someone of the Younger Brothers lineage to even have a small chance of containing the Juubi. Naruto is the only candidate that comes to mind, but he is already a host to Kurama.

    Its possible that Madara is not interfering because he knows that the hokages really cannot win, and so he is just enjoying the show. Its not like he would need to do much to stop things if something unexpected happened. As I have said before, Rinnegans Preta Path would insta-pwn that barrier and release Juubi.

    If Obito returns and we learn that he has not been TnJed and is still evil (regardless of whether he defeated Kakashi or not), then I would bet that he will be the final villain. He could probably use his spacetime technique to teleport inside the barrier without breaking it, and then "betray" Madara by becoming a Juubi jinchuuriki himself. Since he is composed of Hashiramas dna, his body presumably could handle it.

    The fact that Orochimaru is absent is also very suspicious.

    Yeah, what the heck was the point of their actions here? I mean I had expected that Kurama would have finished recharging and Naruto would go full fox and both empower the others and start blasting himself, while Sasuke would go Susanoo (maybe perfect susanoo thanks to Narutos BM-boost).

    Instead they basically go hand-to-hand with Juubi. Thats just plain idiotic. Naruto atleast has an excuse in that Kurama has not finished creating more chakra, but WHY did Sasuke not go Susanoo? Is he out of chakra too? WTF?
  9. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I think what people are missing is Scale. In the past, Sakure showed the ability to use a minor version of Tsunade's mega strength. She could ruin a bit of landscape, but it wasn't on the same scale of massive destruction, like Tsunade's.

    I think that part of the problem here is the Manga Art. She just took a mass of open ground, probably the size of a few football fields, and fucking /shattered/ it. She /exploded/ it. With one punch.

    Ya'all are going 'oh, she hits a bit harder'. That's not a 'bit' harder. That's like saying the difference between the Rasengan and the Rasenshuriken is 'a bit' of power.


    Plus, take Sasuke and Naruto's reactions into account. Naruto, S-Class that he is, is intimidated by her strength. He really fucking doesn't want to get hit by her. Flat out.

    Sasuke, S-Class Hard to Impress Bastard that he is, made an appreciative sound and expression in response to someone whom he's generally had nothing but disdain and dismissal for.

    or Hashirama, whom you all are calling a beast of a badass. He appreciates her strength, compliments it's power. And yet you're all ignoring and dismissing it. Either he's a badass who knows his stuff, or he's not. Make up your minds.

    I get it. There's always been a load of Sakura-Hate here. And in many places on the internet. She, and most other females in the show, been treated shittily by Kishimoto. So the basic response is to 'meh' and 'shrug' and dismiss anything she does, because that's the general attitude about her. That doesn't mean that when she does do something cool or awesome, you should just ignore it.

    Point: It wasn't a 'bit' of a powerup. She fucking shattered an assload of what were shown to be relatively tough mini-juubis and the area all around them. Imagine that impact on a single being who isn't made of the same stuff that the fucking JUUBI is made of.

    Neither Naruto or Sasuke have been shown to be able to do that level of damage without really tapping into their Big Moves. If you watch, they're both shown to be fighting the Juublets, and not making much headway till they pull out something nastier. And yet, she obliterated a mass of them.

    Sasuke or Naruto would both take Massive Damage from a single hit. If that doesn't make her either approaching or at S-Class, added onto her skill at healing, and one can assume same toughness as Tsunade is given by the Forehead Gem of Nigh-Immortality. I honestly don't know what will.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  10. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Ehhh. Maybe if they weren't in their respective modes (Susanoo and Bijuu), but otherwise they've both been seen taking fucking ridiculous amounts of damage in the past and coming out unscathed.

    Also, speaking of Naruto's reaction, why is Kishi so obsessed with throwing those derp faces into the middle of serious/inspirational/etc. moments? You'd think he'd keep things serious for the most important battle in the history of this manga, but nooo.
  11. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    That's what I was saying. They have to tap into their Big Moves. And I don't think she has yet. She's just finished the forehead jewel. She hasn't used it or released its power. Like Tsunade does during her Sozo-Saisei.

    I think the mega-strength she's shown is an effect of her no longer devoting Chakra, and Chakra Control, to filling the jewel, NOT the result of the jewel being finished.

    It's not just Kishi. It's fairly common with anime in general. Either in the middle of, or the MOMENT after a big tense scene, many anime/manga will immediately ruin the atmosphere with silliness and ill-timed humor.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  12. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Yeah, except this IS the final battle (or close enough) and Juubi IS the opponent. And unfortunately Sakuras powerup does nothing to Juubi. It would have been very cool and userfull at the start of the post-timeskip when she and Chiyo were fighting Sasori. It might have made a difference during the war itself. But right now, its basically useless. When you are fighting someone who can basically take a nuclear explosion to the face, punches won't suffice, no matter how strong they are.

    Except that Naruto would be too fast in BM, and too tough if he was full fox. Sasukes Susanoo would also certainly protect him.

    Sakura got stronger yes, but its silly to think he matches the powerups that both Naruto and Sasuke have got. Heck, you admit it yourself there when you say: "without really tapping into their Big Moves".

    This IS Sakuras "big move". She apparently spent THREE YEARS preparing for this. So why is it that its ok for Sakura to use her super-powerup, but we apparently are not allowed to compare it to the "big moves" of Naruto and Sasuke? Everyone here knows the answer to that.

    I think that ultimately Sakura was screwed by Kishi by not having her develop and grow during the manga. Right now, whatever he did would screw things up. If Sakura were to instantly reach the level of Naruto and Sasuke, then it would make her character a total joke with no consistency. And ofcourse if she remains even remotely realistic, she is much too weak to make a difference against Madara and Juubi, who are both absurdly powerfull and also basically immune to strength-based attacks.

    EDIT: Noticed your post suggesting that the seal appearing on her forehead was not responsible for her sudden super-strength. I seriously doubt that, but I guess we shall see next chapter. You can brag if you are right :).
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  13. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    So, her strength = result of not focusing on the jewel. I don't think the effects/abilities of the jewel have been shown yet. If you notice, Tsunade's is called the Byakugou, but Sakura's is called the Hyakugou. I wonder what the differences are.

    Except Tsunade was shown to be able to shatter Madara's Susano'o. I seriously doubt that Sasuke's Susano'o is stronger than Edo!Rinnegan!Madara's.

    It's also been shown several times that Tsunade's strength does NOT come from the jewel. The jewel can improve it when used, but it does other things, too.

    Like with Sasuke and Naruto's big-move-reveals, it's just starting. At least that's my theory. There will be at least one more chapter devoted to her showing her stuff. If there isn't, I'm just going to throw my hands in the air and call 'Kishimoto Sexism'.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  14. chaosfire999

    chaosfire999 Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 5, 2009
    I'm calling it now that Sakura is going to physically move the Juubi.

    I mean, for some strategic purpose. The only reason such a big deal is being made about her strength is if she can do something useful with it. Absurd as it sounds, this is the only thing that seems... remotely plausible.
  15. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I don't see any reason why Sasuke's complete Susanoo can't be stronger than Madara's ribcage version.
    I can't see why they'd need to move it why it's pretty much already trapped.
  16. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    I just keep on having flashbacks to the Oro vs Tsunade vs Jiraiya fight in the Tsunade Retrieval Arc where Tsunade throws Gamabunta's big-ass sword around and axekicks it through Manda's face. Perhaps we'll see something like that with her using Sasuke's Susannoo sword? Probably not.
  17. chaosfire999

    chaosfire999 Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 5, 2009
    Well yea, but you're treading dangerous territory and trying to apply logic to Kishimoto's story.
  18. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    So, the 'new Sannin' thing finally happened. Ino's contribution to the Ino-Shika-Chou combination technique seemed kind of redundant, since I'm pretty sure Shikamaru and Chouji could have done the same thing on their own. Meh.
  19. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    What snake did Sasuke summon I wonder?

    The old Manda is dead, and the new one is supposed to be lots bigger (which the snake Sasuke summoned is not).

    Also, given that Manda atleast wanted human sacrifices, who is Sasuke going to feed to that snake to satisfy it? Finally a use for all the fodders? :)
  20. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Hahaha... Gamakichi with a Cigarette is lulzy. Also lulzy was Shino punching the Juubi mini mes, mocking Sakura and the giant bugs coming out.

    Hinata's Panel was cool looking for once.

    And that is all I have to say about this chapter.
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