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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    Blue Ez has become insanely popular. Personally, if you like Bloodthirster (which is awesome), then you can rush Sheen and Bloodthirster for some great damage in the early-mid game. Some "blue" items are still fairly core, such as Last Whisper, and I personally like Iceborn Gauntlet since it allows for great kiting capabilities. Other than that, you can still build like any ADC if you want.
  2. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Iceborn seems pretty standard on Ez since it cuts his cooldowns like whoa.

    Since he's an AD caster instead of a conventional AD carry, it gives him amazing kiting ability and utility. His Arcane Shift has a base cooldown of 11 seconds at max level, 10% reduction from gauntlet and 15% from Ionian boots bring it down to 8.25. Mystic Shot's base cooldown of 4 drops to 3, so the effective cooldown of E becomes 5 or 6 seconds, which honestly seems pretty fucking broken. If you build him like an ADC, he would be constrained by mana but Iceborn Gauntlets take care of that. But wait, there's more! Tear into Manamune gives him tons of damage AND tons of mana.

    You can go Elder Lizard if you want but I honestly don't care for it.

    Triforce Ez just makes me sad, even when going back to S2. Please don't. Leave it at sheen if you must, but phage is right out.

    If you don't take advantage of Ezreal's ridiculous mobility, poke and kiting potential, you'll make supports like me very sad.
  3. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Just build Ez like a standard AD carry, maybe keeping Frozen Gauntlet if you want to.

    Blue Ez is one of those builds that takes time to actually do anything. Mid-game his damage is ok but early game he will -never- win trades in lane unless the other ADC sucks + his jungler's always there as he does next to nothing with auto damage.

    Teamfights his damage sucks if it's a short 'Holy fuck AOE' teamfight, he needs an extended, kite-able teamfight to do much good and even then it's all about landing your Q. Honestly I hate seeing a Blue Ez on a team that can't kite well or doesn't have much early game presence. If a Blue Ez gets behind you might as well be 4 vs 5 for all the good it'll do you.

    Build standard, or at least switch out Elder Lizard for BT so he does some form of damage early on and doesn't suck dick.
  4. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    I got bored of standard junglers so I tried Karthus. Practiced it several times in normals first (4 wins, 0 losses) and decided to try it out in ranked. I still did insanely well, but all lanes lost early and you know who gets the blame. Anyway, its a niche pick certainly, but its fun and the clear is pretty good and ganks aren't terrible. Level 6 you put huge pressure on the map and you could snowball off your global alone.

    Start with the mana pendant thing (the name escapes me), a ward and health pots. Ward your red early and start blue. The enemy jungler will 99% try and cheese you at your red but the ward allows your team to respond and its resulted in many first bloods in our favor.
  5. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Sheen only procs with base damage so Bloodthirster doesn't really combo that well. It's more the fact that you can get Sheen + Bloodthirster around the time the enemy AD has only an IE, before the AD has scaled with ASPD and more Crit.

    On topic, I had a bad day today. Lots of losses. It's so sad that noone seems to be able to control their champion properly or know how much damage they do at low level trades. Bottom lane too hard when you're support is too scared to attack at lvl 1.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  6. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    I only play aggressive supports, so I know not of what you speak.

    As for the whole, Blue Ez build, he can have damage early on in lane, it just depends on what you build. If, instead of rushing the different regen portions, you get the long swords for Elder Lizard, you'll have more damage. Also, if you pick up a vamp scepter early, you'll have even more damage.

    Ultimately, if you're playing Blue Ez, just make sure you pick up some of the flat AD items a little earlier.

    And Triforce isn't a bad item on Ez. Certainly, I would rather get Iceborn over Tforce, but there's nothing wrong with building it.
  7. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Triforce is probably a better item than Iceborn for Ez in general, it just costs so much money that it's not worth building it unless you somehow find yourself with a spare 4k gold in your pocket.
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I don't even know how you get caught as Caitlyn vs a Kennen & a Rammus but boy oh boy did our Caitlyn manage it, holy moly. Every time there was a fight somehow she got caught, I can't even ult to stop it as Sona because she's already dead due to Lux/Ez/Kennen burst.

    Completely threw the game for us as we stomped them early & mid and then one wrong fight in a tight spot because my team thought they'd caught Kennen alone in an un-warded area, wasn't pretty. Eh, our jungler was a Noct going pure offense so, no Aegis screwed us by 20 minutes anyway, I was trying but we decided to stop getting objectives & just chase people around the map.

    Not sure how I lost 21LP as they had 3 Gold III's and we had a Gold IV at best, but such is this system. Duo Q's really do screw you in Gold when people get their Platinum buddies to jump in on your games, though it's nice to know they're as mortal as we are.

    Edit; Well, that'll teach me for playing 2 ranked games in a row. 10 Minutes into my next game, we're up 5-3 and my computer just dies on me, suspecting a dead power source seeing as it won't turn on at all, which screws me. Most annoyed as were ahead in gold and seemed to be playing better, though I did question us picking Ashe/Sona into Varus/Leona. I shoulda played Nami... My Janna is ass.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
  9. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Playing Morgana mid. Win lane. Jungle Volibear wins Darius' top lane vs Jayce. Bot is doing decently.
    I gank bot, both die. We get dragon. This continues for some time, until Ezreal decides to dc in the middle of lane. He dies before he walks back.
    He comes back. He dc's again. He dies again. I couldn't carry 4v5 even though I was like 7/0 at one point, Rammus taunted me in teamfights so I couldn't zhonya, and I wa sgenerally bursted down first due to my initial success.
    GG Ezreal, thanks for that.

    Also, you realize something is wrong when you earn 15 LP but lose 26. Jesus.
  10. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    If your hidden Matchmaking Rating is lower than that expected of your league/division, you'll see that clamping effect, particularly at div I.

    Morg mid is a solid, safe pick but her cooldowns are long as hell and her skillshot is hard to land, especially since it seems every champ has mobility out the ass these days. Black shield might have saved you from Rammus' taunt but I guess you threw it on someone else during those fights.
  11. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    Is ranked fucking up for anyone else? It tells me I'm at 100 LP but I'm not in my placements, and this is after being 0-1 in placements and winning a game. Not sure if 0-0 or 1-1...
  12. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Tried reloading your client Sn0rk? Riot had a problem a few days ago with people not being granted or losing LP depending on the outcome of their games just before maintenance - might be linked in to that.

    Might just need a client restart, had something similar before and it sorted itself out after a few hours, odds are you're in your placement series, it just has glitched out somehow.

    Played another 2 games, dominated lane as Ez/Sona out-farming their bot 2:1 but then our mid never warded or called out so we got 4 manned repeatedly, top was a Singed who never got shut down and they eventually just rolled us over.

    Second game was a back and forth epic slugfest, our Xerath afk'd till 12 minutes in when he returned, their jungler Lee did the same after roughly 25 minutes and we worked our way back into the game, had some close fights going 3-3, then one fight where I don't quite know how, but we got stomped getting aced for 1.

    Actually, now I think about it, it wasn't all that surprising. We clumped up next to a dead tower and got blindsided by Lissandra, and from there their comp just shat on us as Liss got onto Trist and instantly took 80% of her health off. I hate her ultimate too when it's self cast, my god.

    Couple more fights after that where they got aced, we got aced and so on. Thought it was over when Xerath was the only one left vs Ahri/Lee but he cleaned minions out with his ult, we caught Liss without Zhonya's or her ult and it was game from there.

    53 Minutes of heart pounding stress as a 5 item support, not sure what I was gonna finish with, was building towards Visage for some reason when looking back on how often I got caught in the mid game, Banshee's would've made far more sense... God damn.
  13. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Well, on my second account I am on a 9 game win streak. It's only Silver 1 though, cause I dropped due to inactivity from Gold 5.

    Still, this is my longest win streak in Ranked. Kayle Mid so good for yoloqueue.
  14. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Hoo boy, this series was a doozy.

    First game I played Janna and made some fucking sick plays to protect my Graves from Leona Tristana. Fighting for vision in tribush results in him getting ulted and combo'd by Leona then me walking in between the two enemies and blowing them in opposite directions right before Trist could stomp, with Leona thrown towards our tower but not in attacking range. Then I set up a double kill: catching both mid flight with a Q and ruining their combo. Also did this to Jarvan mid flight; stupid of them not to ban Janna with so much hard engage. Tristana ragequits 20 minutes in and comes back after we win handily to fling shit at her team. Admittedly, Leona was not as aggressive as she needed to be, running in with Q first instead of using E from the brush that I didn't have vision of, but Tristana was never in position to fully take advantage of it, having to rocket jump in to attack, while all I had to do was sit behind Graves and aim my tornado at him. Also made several shield saves against ignite, felt pretty damn good about it.

    Second game was terrible, Master Yi countering my Zyra mid, duo Fiddle support trying to boost his friend on Quinn and a Plat 5 Tryndamere who failed so hard against Aatrox top. Jungle Malphite helps me secure first blood against Yi at lv 2 but Rammus ganks keep me at bay and he just heals back all the damage I do after lvl 3. Meanwhile, the bot duo actually does fairly well, but Trynd is getting completely raped because he stupidly built Bork and barely finished Shiv after rageful prompting by Quinn. Rammus snowballed all lanes and we surrendered ~30.

    Third game I fully admit I got carried like crazy by Vayne, who turned out to be Diamond 5. Definitely lucked out. Major rough start when I went to ward red because the enemy showed up for an invade but backed out, then ran through blue brush and got caught. Threw down a snare and had to blow flash to survive. Afterwards, I was pretty far behind but Graves goes in hard just outside of turret range without Janna shield and Vayne breaks through barrier, then flashes for the third shot of silver bolts. Next fight, enemy Lee Sin sat patiently behind tower because he explained to me after the game that he saw me cover the brush and pretended to back off. I initiate by catching both Janna and Graves in a snare and laying down plants, but then Lee came flying out, and flash-kicked Vayne into the awaiting pair, costing both of us our lives. Looking at the replay, I exhausted Graves too early because he knocked up by my ult and not in range to hit the retreating Vayne. Afterwards, I get baited into facechecking lane brush and though Vayne kites valiantly, I walk away with a sliver of health while Graves ults her after they both flash. Graves makes a poor initiation with the next one and Vayne dodges his shots, netting the kill. Then, a 2 for 2 exchange under tower with Lee assisting, but I end up with the first kill because of the plants and the second because of my passive, which I should have used on Lee going on Vayne and taking turret aggro, instead of Janna who had a shot chasing her already. I get a lucky knockup with my ult to interrupt Lee's dash the next gank and we clean up 3-0 when Volibear simply charges through the ward. Game really cinches there, and they surrender at exactly 30:00 with both mid laners 0/0, though ours had 2 more assists.

    Hello Silver I. Going to really have to work on all these mistakes and analyze replays on my way to Gold.
  15. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Just had one of those weird games... Draven vs Ezreal mid, myself as jungle Nasus against a Nunu, thankfully I predicted correctly.

    I started red, their Blitz pulled my blue, I ran over to Nunu's blue, beat him off it & somehow won the smite war - Guess he had consume on CD. From there I was 3, he was just above 2, simply a long game of farming between the junglers as we never really had much opportunity to gank - Nunu tried on Draven but he got away every time bar one.

    Did the standard solo dragon as soon as I hit 6, Draven killed Ez, took mid tower, forced a Shen ult and Draven went on a killing rampage from there - I simply played buff denial on Nunu, warded up their jungle and went about making sure Twitch could never freely farm, wither is still amazing.
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So I just carried a game as jungle Diana and finally broke my losing streak of over 9k games.
    I was actually surprised at how smooth jungling as Diana is. She has awesome wave clear since all her moves are AOE combined with her passive, and her shield means you dont have to buy every single hp pot in the game. The items flowed quite easily too, even though I got less farm than I usually do in lane.

    Bad thing is, that losing streak completely fucked up my MMR, to the point where I got 7 LP.


  17. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    A 9000 game losing streak will do that to ya :awesome
  18. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I hate Promo series. Not only do I have to play mid for the first time in a while (rusty as all hell, Kayle vs TF - I did ok in review) but we get an afk support, a team comp that resembles something out of the depths of Bronze and the enemy team consisted of 2 Plat V's, 2 Gold I's and a Gold III.

    I have to beat -that- twice to get into Gold IV? Wow. Definitely don't think I'll be getting into Plat before the season ends, Gold I however... It will happen. Eventually.

    Also - AP Twitch is a thing, it's scary as hell, much like a Twitch jungle after that normal game. My god.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  19. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Promo series was a bust, 3 losses in a row.

    First game Vayne did not know how to last hit and kept pushing the lane while his duo queue partner in mid lost to Kassadin as Khazix, never called mia and never warded.

    Second, I'm forced to play top because someone else locks in support. Leona bot afks in the middle of a fight to answer a phone call and Kennen mid gets stomped by Ahri. I hold my own against Shen with Jarvan but plenty of Udyr pressure and my sloppy roam to mid lost that lane. Surrendered at 26.

    Third game: fucking AP Corki trolling the entire time. Feeds first blood by facechecking and continues doing that, while we handle bot well with Lulu Graves vs Ashe Blitz. He gets grabbed a few times but Nocturne ganks and puts us ahead, then clears the tower and we control almost all of the dragons. Take first baron and inner mid with it but we fail to siege down mid inhibitor turret, falling back and circling around for jungle. Corki then Valkyries over the fucking wall blindly, when I was going to throw a ward over and gets instagibbed, never mind the fact that Ryze was shitting on him in lane the entire time. We finally take a good fight but he flies at Ashe with no hp trying to get a pentakill because he took the triple almost right away.

    So fucking mad.
  20. A Lightning

    A Lightning Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2012
    Los Angeles
    I just played against an Annie that went 35-4-15. Haven't seen someone carry that hard since Master Yi was actually scary. (Level 15 or so?)
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