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WIP The Prince Who Was Promised by cxjenious - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Cxjenious, May 30, 2013.

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  1. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Like I said, leading in the front only makes sense in very important battles, when morale is something that will decide the battle, and when the battle decides the whole nation's destiny or something as huge. Only then would make sense for him to go to the front, in the like of Battles such as the Siege of Alesia and Issus, desperate struggles for victory/survival with huge consequences. The only battle in game of thrones like that, that happened recently, was the one at the Ruby Fork, there were important battles, but no other fate forgers. And in it both leaders assumed the leading role, not a coincidendce I believe, specially in Rhaegar's case.

    Leading men in the front in skirmishes and minor battles is risky, retarded and just plainly unecessary, just look at how Richard Lionhearted died.

    Also I strongly agree and desagree with Taure. Yes, this is about Harry Baratheon, but Harry Potter is also there, and no one can completely change his personality. No human being can change completely. He can change his actions and their purpose, but his motivations and personality will remain in a certain level, unchanged.

    They might evolve, be distorted or challenged, but that happens (or at least should) to us all. How we react to those changes is what mold us. I strongly believe that no matter how many changes he has, we still willmbe able to see HP in HB, maybe not not much or just a little. But I really hope that Chronic Hero Syndrome gets cured, that is definitely something that gets you very deep shit in Westeros.

    But that doesn't mean a Good Character must die, Good is not Dumb or specially Nice, not in cold reality. Good is Just. Look at Rhaegar and Aemon Dragonknight, those guys were living Paragons of Knighthood, and despite their tragic endings, one can aspire to be like them. Why fear death if she comes to us all? Harry knows this better then anyone. I belive that when he feels the need to do something that he really believe is the right thing, HB will do it with the same impetus and (not doubtless but still) strong belief HP would do it.
  2. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
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    Right, so I took a quick look around, but I couldn't see any mentions of it. I've only seen the first season of Game of Thrones. Would I spoil s2 and s3 if I read this?
  3. ray243

    ray243 Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2009
    I wonder if we will be getting any memories of Harry in his adult life? The years he spent on as the head of aurors and as a old man would have a just as much of an impact on him as his years in Hogwarts.
  4. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    No, not yet. At this stage the story is set a handful of years before Season One. The next few years will involve time skips until we get to the beginning of S1. You might see a few spoilers, or historical events which are hidden until later in the TV series, but I don't think there's anything major there.

    Both discussion threads [the Library and WbA] are chock full of spoilers though. :p
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    He already has memories from all his previous life, not just Hogwarts.
  6. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I think Ray's asking if we'll get onscreen flashbacks so that we can see the kind of man Harry Potter became. On the whole of it, your years at school are only a tiny piece of who you are as an adult.
  7. ray243

    ray243 Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2009
    I should have phrased that question better. What I meant to say was whether we will get to see any memories of Harry as an adult in the fic itself as flashbacks or references.

    The Harry in this fic isn't just the Harry Potter we knew from the books. This is a Harry who has clear memories of him as a father, grandfather(possibly), someone who experienced 2 centuries worth of experience, societal change as well as technological advancement.

    It would be nice to see how his experience as a wizened old wizard shape his worldview in westoros.
  8. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    No, my fault. I read it to quickly and got "if he will get" instead of "if we will get".

    Anyway, I doubt we will. I think Cxjenious will keep it as unspecific as he can because otherwise it's like a whole new story to tell.
  9. ray243

    ray243 Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2009
    That will be a little disappointing to know. It makes little sense to inform us that this Harry have lived for a full life before getting dropped into Westeros.

    A person with memories of him being a young adult or a young father eager to secure a nice future for his children would be a quite different person who has watched his grandchildren grown up while his body becomes more and more frail with each passing year.

    I think it will be more interesting to see more of how an old and wizened Harry Potter respond to the Westros and most people who were younger than him. I mean only Aemon is older than him in the whole of Westeros.
  10. Aggrocrag

    Aggrocrag Second Year

    Feb 24, 2011
    California, US
    I don't want to devolve into Fact-Checking but Aemon is only 100ish.

    Remember if Harry is 200ish like OP says, then he is Wizard-old in HP verse. The oldest person in westeros isn't introduced until book 5, and he hasn't been living that long.
  11. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Aemon is "only" around 110 years old, Harry was wizard very old, around 200 so no one have life experience than him. He also probably lived those 200 years as a much more lively and active person than Aemon in 60s could. Old Dumbles was the same age as Aemon, we know how badass he was, Aemon was well, a blind and very fragile old man that could barely walk around. Granting him so much experience and his magic would make him insanely better than everyone else. So, the author is right, just fuzzy feelings and vague memories.

    Also, who wants a decript old man as the lead?
  12. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
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    It's not about him being old, it's about someone who had the perspective of an old man, father, grandfather, and leader being forced to grow up as a child again and introduced to a world and culture completely different from that which he grew up in. It's perspective that's important, and a Harry Potter who lived to be 200 would have a completely different perspective than one who has the memories of his life up till the fall of Voldemort for example.
  13. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    There is a big difference between remembering your past life and all the experiences that go along with it, and recalling it as something more akin to a dream.

    Harry Baratheon is not Harry Potter, who lived to be 200+, stuck in a child's body. Harry Baratheon is a 9 year old boy who has vague recollections of his previous life.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I think of it like Harry has a very vivid imagination, and his previous life was more akin to a well remembered set of day dreams than anything else.
  15. ray243

    ray243 Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2009
    Yet what we have seen so far indicates that Harry's personality was very heavily influenced by his past life as Harry Potter. It would be interesting to see more about Harry's recollection as an old man because this can potentially make the story a little bit more complex and allows greater exploration of Harry's character.

    I understand the author's desire to make Harry a more powerful figure by allowing Harry Baratheon to have memories of a 200 year old wizard as opposed to a 18-30s year old wizard, but I just feel it is important for the author not to neglect how a person with vague memeories of a 200 year old will affect his protagonist in this story.

    I feel you are cheapening it out if you are just using age as another form of power up.

    But the issue is those "dreams" are very well defined. From what I can understand, those dreams contains a lifetime of experience (including how to make use of magic) and all the emotions felt by Harry at every major point in his life.

    Like our own memories, we might not remember the day to day details, but we can remember specific moments in our lives and how we felt about that. The joy of seeing his firstborn? That is something Harry would retain, even if it is a vague memory. They sorrow and sadness when his parents-in-laws pass away? That is going to have a lasting impact on him.

    It's not like a daydream when I can imagine myself as a powerful and old wizard without all the emotional baggage that comes with it.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    It's not there as a power up. It's there to avoid explaining how Harry died. If he died when he was 30 years old it becomes a big question. If he died after 200 years of living it's simply because he was old.

    Harry has little to no connection with these feelings until something similar happens in his new life. Until then it's just dreams to him.

    There you have an example how it works. He needed to experience a similar terror in his new life to connect with his old memories of the Chamber.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  17. BEE79

    BEE79 Squib

    Jun 30, 2013
    To start with: This is easily a tl;dr, so trudge ahead at your own peril. Also, I haven't seen all three seasons of GoT, and I don't want to take the plunge with the the books until the release date for A Dream of Spring is in sight. I do know a lot more than I should, and I am a little stunned that after five books
    Daenarys hasn't returned to Westeros and the Others still haven't breached the Wall
    That said, I wanted to say thank you to cxjenious for this story. It says a lot that people are so invested in GRRM's story that the more tragic turns it takes inspire a lot of what can be described as "fix fics." And the true diamond in the rough is the AU story that truly isn't afraid to go full AU instead of hitting the same basic beats as canon but with slight differences. You spoke of Harry riding to Winterfell. There are a lot of reasons why Harry's presence in the story should change this, but you've earned enough credit that I am not worried about returning to familiar territory.

    Could Ned Stark survive this entire story? Maybe, but I think you will make him earn it and put him through hell if he does.

    Could Harry set in motion permanent change that could finally start the centuries long progression to a more modern society? Possibly, but not without great upheaval that would leave his memory tainted until later generations reconsider it for what his actions brought about. And certainly, martyrdom might be the cost.

    As he grows up, this makes a greater control over his powers almost a certainty, but he's not changing the world without a wand. A few Imperious Curses and subtle Legilimency would keep his enemies at bay. If worst came to worst, he could kill Joffrey while he's leagues away if he can learn to Apparate and Disapparate again, so I'm glad to see throwing Voldemort in will provide the much needed conflict to a potentially more powerful Harry. Even without a magical threat, a fully powered Harry could instead be the center of a fascinating Shakespearean tragedy. That's one thing I like about this story- the speculation.

    Anyway, onto the questions and thoughts for the author:

    1). The characterization of Tywin- he's pragmatic, and I believe he has a lot to teach Harry, and I imagine his tutelage will give Eddard pause when dealing with him, along with the story of the Black Prince's justice, which will doubtless be wildly exaggerated by then(another good way to keep things from getting too comfortable). As an aside, I love how you teased him being sent to Winterfell, the most obvious thing for a fanfic writer to do.

    But I have read some passages from Tyrion's perspective where he fears his father's actions were short sighted, such as the murder of Rhaegar's family and the Red Wedding earning emnity among other houses for the sake of what he considers only short term gain. There's also the fact that his traditionalism hurt his house; his views on women led to Cersei receiving no education on how to rule. And I have a feeling the Martells would have been more open to a dwarf son and would have allowed him to reach his full potential. Do you see Tywin the same way- despite the awesome TV potrayal, he is a man who has created a house of cards that could crumble upon his death? The idea of a man who works so hard to improve his house's prestige and standing instead creating one wholly dependent upon him is another interesting take on the character.

    2). Harry's knowledge of science- I don't expect him to jump start an Age of Enlightenment or Industrial Revolution, but there's one thing that I think might give him pause- the seasons. I would think that he knows enough science to know that they aren't natural- I could make a pretty good case for how much he would know despite being an Auror most of his life, but I'll keep it short. Will this be addressed?

    3)On that note- will Harry, in character, theorize as to why Westeros is still in a medieval state after 8,000 years? I always thought these numbers were ludicrous, as well as how little change in borders and rulers compared to human history occur over time. This strikes me as a weird bit that could allow a talented fanfic writer to spin something useful out of it that works to what he(you) is trying to do with this fic.

    4) I would imagine this story might force you to make up your own mind as to various fan theories, such as Jon Snow being the child of
    Rhaegar and Lyanna
    . Has the plotting forced you to do this or have you been able to steer clear of it?

    Anyway, I am looking forward to further chapters, and that does it for me for the long posts in this thread; I will be more concise in the future.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  18. Mission

    Mission Squib

    Jun 5, 2013
    Have I missed something? I've seen a few people say that Voldemort will show up. There hasn't been any hint of such a thing in the story that I can remember. I hope this isn't true as I think it would hurt the story to bring in other HP characters. I mean do we really need to read another HP vs Voldemort story?
  19. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  20. BEE79

    BEE79 Squib

    Jun 30, 2013
    It was said earlier in this thread that Voldemort would be reincarnated as the Great Other. And that he would be perhaps even more different than LV than Harry Baratheon is from Harry Potter, taking into account his new life.

    Read the plot summary:
    That reminds me of something else I liked; the Great Other, one would assume, is the Satan of the faith of R'hllor. So unless you would assume that the reincarnation of the Harry and Voldemort took place millennium apart in Westeros that would require reinterpretation of the religious writings. I enjoy stories that dig into ancient histories, both real and imagined, and attempt to discern truth from cryptic and ancient writings. This would require something like that, since it seems to peg the Great Other as not the eternal Red God would be if his faithful understand him as much as their feeble human minds can allow.
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