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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Me neither.
  2. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    For me it was a toss up between Obito and Sasuke.
  3. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So basically Obito did not die, even though he had taken like 47 lethal wounds, just because.

  4. Mors

    Mors Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 5, 2006
    Somewhere they dont haet teh leet.
    Wow, I'd pretty much written off Obito entirely.

  5. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I knew somebody was going to do it, but wasn't sure who it was gonna be. It is good to see I was not mistaken.
  6. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse

    Because becoming a jinchuuriki isn't hard or nothin'. Dying people do it all the time.

    And just because it's been a few chapters, Minato trolled everyone again.
  7. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Can we chalk it up to the eyes that he really hasn't done much with since he got them? Or at least the Rinnegan that he hasn't really done much with since he got it?
  8. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
  9. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So... Madara has ANOTHER ace in the hole, and Hashirama gets his ass whooped to show Obito is 'teh bamf'. LOLK
  10. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    So, is it Obito you think, or has Juubi taken over, or is it somekind of bizarre merger between Obito and Juubi.

    I ask because it is interesting on how on page 19, Obito speaks his own name in what to me atleast seemed like confusion as though he barely recognizes it, and Obitos face in that panel also seems to show disorientation and lack of understanding at hearing his own name. I don't know if its just me, but I atleast got the impression from that page that right now, Obito does not even seem to realise that he IS Obito.

    If the Juubi has overcome Obitos mind to that extent despite not reaching its full power yet, then I would say the odds are pretty good here that Obito is not actually going to become the final villain. If Obito is losing his mind to Juubi already, despite Juubi not having fully evolved yet, then the odds are good that once Juubi does reach its full powers, it will be able to basically crush Obitos mind and take over.

    My guess is that either Madaras final "trump card" will somehow allow him to resurrect himself in some asspull kind of way and rip Juubi out of Obito and become a Juubi jinchuuriki who actually manages to maintain his sanity.

    Or the final villain will actually be Juubi itself, after it evolves into its final form and completely consumes Obitos mind. This would then give us a final villain in Juubi, but in a humanoid form (possessing Obito) able to communicate with words and such (which I would assume Kishi probably wants the final villain to be able to do).
  11. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Does it matter all that much? I don't know about you guys, but I really couldn't care less about the jyubi and Obito and think them to be about as threatening as those three illusion grass ninja they encountered in the forest of death. I know without a doubt that regardless of Madara, Obito or the jyubi being the final villain, it will be disappointing and lame.

    Now "obito" is stronger than the four Hokage, yeah, totally didn't see that coming. They needed to be worfed somehow, manga couldn't have ended with the protagonists sitting there while the dead spiritual predecessors handled everything with their broken power. So, we can look forward to some kind of Rasengan, probably a Rasengan that is going to be fueled by the hopes, dreams and willpower of all the shinobi there, Sasuke and Sakura mainly before Naruto slams it into the jyubito after distracting it with a clone or two.

    You know, before Madara hijacks the jyubi and says "now you will see the TRUE power of the sage!". Lather, rinse, repeat with Orochimaru after they are done with Madara. Probably a heroic sacrifice or two from the Kages before one of them sacrifices themselves to either bring Neji or everyone who died back, so that the new generation can take over with a fresh start.

    Just hope some of the characters will show a good technique or two before this ends.
  12. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Yeah, unfortunately that prediction is likely to be correct. Still, I think I would prefer a sentient Juubi for the final villain.

    Obito basically lost his final villain credentials the moment we learned that he was doing all this stuff because his crush died in war. A crush that did not even return his feelings. Sure, Kishi tried to make it look like Obito was opposed to the entire shinobi system and all, but he failed in that by constantly having Obito have talk about Rin and have flashbacks about Rin and all that. Obito is a joke at this point, IMHO.

    Madara may have been pretty badass when he first appeared, but since then he has basically turned into a joke the way he just lusts after Hashirama and basically sits there doing nothing at all, rather than actually fighting and actually DOING things. I think Kishi screwed up by making Madara too strong. He ended up writing himself into a corner, where having Madara go all out would allow him to destroy the good guys&alliance easily. Since Kishi does not have the courage to do something like that, Madara had to basically be prevented from doing anything. And that makes him look pathetic and lazy moron. I think it would have been much better if Madara had actually been weaker than he is (but still strong), and rather than just sitting there watching, he would have been in the thick of things fighting all along. That would have made him better final villain material.

    Admittedly I don't have high hopes for Juubi either, but in theory atleast it might be possible for Kishi to salvage things by having a fully evolved Juubi to actually be scary and alien thing. Something that could actually evoke "fear" (to the extent that such thing is possible in a series like this).

    Admittedly I don't have too much hope for that (at this point its getting harder and harder to get my hopes up), but atleast there is still a tiny chance that a sentient Juubi would turn out to be an interesting opponent for the good guys, if he ends up being more like somekind of eldritch abomination or somesuch, with goals that are actually interesting to read about. Madara and Obito have no such hope anymore in my view, their villain credentials have already been ruined pretty much beyond recovery.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Meh. I don't think anyone is still surprised that the plot is going to shit, contradicting itself, or destroying already established facts.

    Like Nemrut said, all we can hope for besides closure is a few cool panels.
  14. EkulTeabag

    EkulTeabag Seventh Year

    Jul 8, 2013
    Sandy, England
    I wouldn't be surprised if Obito thinks his name is now Tobi, as I think they're the same kanji, just reversed, and also "tobi" apparently also means "ten tails". I bet "Tobi" is what the juubi calls itself, rather than Juubi.
  15. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009

    "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Tobi's a good boy, yes he is." ~ The Sage of Six Paths
  16. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I expect Naruto to somehow be named the Reincarnation Of/Successor To The Sage of Six Paths(God), and to gain a massive powerboost, after Madara(Satan) pulls his next major Uchiha Flavored Asspull(Temptation of Humanity) (TM). So that he can Steal(Redeem) back and Seal(Perform Miracles On) the Juubi(Humanity), bring peace to the world and officially spend the next one hundred at fourty years as A Hero-Ninja (Jesus).

    Edit 1: The Give Sakura Boobs Movement? I'm intrigued by your ideals, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Yes, I'm high. No, I have no idea where that came from.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
  17. CrippledGod

    CrippledGod Banned

    Jan 11, 2013
    Here's hoping the ending is so spectacularly horrible that it gives rise to a new wave of good fanfiction.
  18. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Obito and Madara were both very poor ideas, Kishimoto had something interesting going with Pain/Nagato and then squandered it with a weak backstory and crap conclusion, just like he wasted Orochimaru and Kabutomaru who would've made alot more interesting final villain that the crap we've got now.
  19. EkulTeabag

    EkulTeabag Seventh Year

    Jul 8, 2013
    Sandy, England
    I was confused by this at first, but then I checked the tags.

    On a somewhat related note, another thing that confuses me is the utter vitriol that gets poured on Sakura. Yeah, she's comparitively useless on-screen (and probably off), but she's first and foremost a medic. What do people expect her to do? Jump into a fight immediately and risk getting killed? Yeah, she's got a mighty punch that can kill in one hit, but is she fast enough and creative enough with her fighting style to land that hit? The second bell test Kakashi had with Naruto and Sakura lasted all night, and Sakura had Naruto helping her, and Kakashi still dodged absolutely everything she threw at him.

    As for her personality, there's not enough to hate, and not enough to like. Her character development is poor, and so is her motivation (her love for Sasuke is pretty much the only thing we know about that's driving her). I don't understand how a character this bland evokes such violent reactions in people. If people are gonna feel anything for her, then feel indifference.

    Now onto Obito and Madara. Well, I can certainly understand the feelings of the fanbase towards them, especially concerning how powerful they are (I won't bring up old topics about Obito vs. Minato on Naruto's birthday). One of the recurring themes of the series is that the new surpasses the old, but look at the all the young characters compared to the older characters: Sasuke, Kimimaro, Naruto, Gaara, Deidara... they're pretty much the best of the new generation, and while all of them are very powerful they're so completely out of their league against anyone older than them that the ideals that the older characters keep talking about fall kinda flat.

    Madara's power is obscene, and was even before his ridiculous power-ups of Wood Release, Rinnegan, and immortal Edo Tensei body. Obito's a plot-related Uchiha, and he has the Mangekyo, so we already knew he'd be over-the-top in terms of power and ability, despite previously being a laughingstock. But now he has a Rinnegan eye and he's doing nothing with it, which just proves how much he doesn't need it.

    I hope Obito kills off some major characters to make his new transformation threatening. I don't care how much he bitchslaps the Kage around, they're already dead so there's no drama in them being defeated. He needs to kill off some actual living characters, like Kakashi, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Lee, not people who are already dead, or no-name characters we know nothing about. Author favouritism drives me mad sometimes.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
  20. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    It's because she chose Sasuke over Naruto, basically. That's why a majority of fans hate her. Dunno whether that applies to DLP or not, since generally people here are smarter than the average tard, but that's what it is in general. Maybe I used to see her the same way for the same reason, before I just quit caring. I honestly don't even remember. The rest of the bashing is pretty much just fault finding because Sakura dared not to return the main character's affection.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
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