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Looking for :) (Yes, I've read the thread)

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Okayt, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. Okayt

    Okayt Guest

    Anyways, as the topic implies my intentions in this thread (annoyingly) I'm looking for 3 fanfics. Before you start killing me - you should know that I did use the search option at Fanfiction.net, unfortunately, without any results.

    The 2nd fic I'm looking, well, I don't have any specifics like I do have on the above, so it might seem general. In this Fic Harry does not believe he is the one to kill Voldemort, so he tries to train Nevill because he showed some potential once he got some confidence. Last time I check, it had about 40 Chapters, so it is probably a novel or something.
    Perhaps Narcissa is involved there too (and Harry had sex with her)

    The 3rd fic might annoy you even greatly ;)
    I'm looking for a story that aborts the prophecy. I mean, in the fic, Voldemort does a ritual (that is possible only once in millions years) and cancles the prophecy. Pay attention - does not change it, cancles it!

    Could somebody recommend me fics that have a netrual Harry (one that doesn't support a side, light or dark..)..

    Thank you very much!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2006
  2. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Oh boy......you really don't understand the gist of this forum, do you? And on your first post too.......

    The second story doesn't sound so bad, but I've never heard of it, the third story I faintly recall, but no specifics....but the first story.
    Strike 1: You used the roadkill's name....(the one that starts with D!)
    Strike 2: Slash.......mate, you're going to get flamed hard for that one!

    Apart from the slash, the story doesn't sound so bad......maybe they'll go easy on you. Dark Sayoran is pretty nice, but Midknight can be brutally honest sometimes..............
    Prepare yourself for criticism
  3. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
  4. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    God even with all the recent thread and flames you open a thread where you asking for a SLASH fic. Man I will give the pleasure of flaming you to other members because I don't know English very well to make a good flame post.

    And I didn't heard about the other 2 fics.
  5. Okayt

    Okayt Guest

    Oh, I forgot to mention - all of them are 6th year. So thanks ip82, but it isn't that one.. ;/

    Anyways, people, you should be calmed down. I haven't seen any restriction on opening 'Looking for' threads, besides the warning that one should SEARCH! I did use the search options, and here you are all jumping around. I also gave the thread the title of 'Looking for', so anyone of you been warned. I also wrote in the first lines of this threads that I'm looking for Fics - another indication for what I need.

    With all due respect, if this kind of threads annoy you - just don't enter them.
    You had all the signs. I also searched ff.net (and this forum), yet you're jumping around. God, this is just a forum.

    Yet again, with all due respect - if this kind of threads are banned - it should be deleted, otherwise, instead of warning me on flaming like little children just don't enter this 'zone'.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2006
  6. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Morons need not apply.

    Read, and digest. I point out especialy rule number 5.

    Also, you should know that flaming people is practically the official hobby of DLP...

    Anyway, I'll leave you to Xiph0 (when he turns up) or any of the other zealous DLP members, they enjoy talking to people like you.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  7. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
  8. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Isn't this like the second thread in two days to make this mistake? I didn't say anything last time because I was in a good mood because someone rec-ed my fic, but damn. This is an anti-slash site. You don't come here looking for slash unless you want to be flamed for trolling.

    Think->Write->Spell Check
  9. Spacks

    Spacks Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2005
    Queensland, Australia

    Problem #1.

    You requested slash.

    Problem #2.


    Problem #3.


    I don't think I can make that any clearer.
  10. Okayt

    Okayt Guest

    Okay, I'm sorry then. I also do not like Slash, however, romance isn't a big part in Changes, so I mostly ignore it.
    I editted my threads. Please lock the thread.

    "Also, you should know that flaming people is practically the official hobby of DLP..."
    I hope it isn't, otherwise, it will indicate this forum as childish low-standart one. Perhaps, Kiddie-DLP will suit this forum more then?

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2006
  11. BloodLust

    BloodLust Banned

    Mar 12, 2006
    Out of my mind...back in 5 minutes
    KiddieDLP.net? oh and that's real mature. If you don't like it or can't take it just leave...
  12. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Relax. No need to get irritated. If you don't appreciate childish remarks made towards you, then don't retaliate in kind.

    Now, I looked for Changes, but I didn't find what you were looking for. I came across what IP linked, but you said that it wasn't the one you want.

    Perhaps you could check on the Forums on FFNet...there must be a forum somewhere that'll have people interested in the sort of fic that you're looking for. (I'm not telling you to piss off from DLP, just saying that they might be able to help with this)
  13. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    I have to say, that for al the complaining a lot of members have been doing recently about useless posts, there are a fair number of them in this thread. And none of them are by the original poster.

    Bloodlust, Evil Schnitzel, Taure, Spacks, your posts served no purpose but ot agravate and prokove the OP. Why did you make the posts. The OP followed the letter of the law. He made sure and searched for the fics before posting here for them. If you attack the ones who follow the rules, you don't encourage otehrs to do so as well.

    This might not have been on topic, but it needed to be said. I apologise to anyone I offended, but I also apolgise to Okayt for the fact that they recieved the crappy welcome on what used to be a welcoming, interesting board.
  14. Spacks

    Spacks Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2005
    Queensland, Australia

    Mordecai, read the rule.

    He HAS broken that rule.

    It's his just reward.
  15. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Just because I said you're liable to be flamed doesn't mean I gave you a carte blanche to do so whenever slash is even mentioned. Some slash stories can be okay (one of my favorite stories is slash), so keep that in mind before you jump the gun like a bunch of overexcitable five year olds.
  16. Okayt

    Okayt Guest

    I don't see what is childish in my reply. Perhaps to you the post seemed childish, however, to me it seemed as the honest truth. It's been said above that flaming is one of DLP's memebers hobbies, I consider it as a childish thing to 'grow balls', hide beyond a keyboard and a screen and act like a man.
    KiddieDLP.Net wasn't a childish joke, but a mature offer, so people will not mistake and\or get disappointed by the level of this forum. Can you blame me for making a constructive critism?
    You may say that this isn't the level of the forum, however, most of the posts in this thread were like 'I'll let someone else flame you', 'Be ready, you're going to be massly flamed' and even one smartass admitted flaming is a hobby of DLP members.
    I didn't retaliated in a childish matter, but merely suggested an appropriate name.

    Can you blame me? Look around:

    "..maybe they'll go easy on you. Dark Sayoran is pretty nice, but Midknight can be brutally honest sometimes..............
    Prepare yourself for criticism"

    "Man I will give the pleasure of flaming you to other members because I don't know English very well to make a good flame post. "

    "Also, you should know that flaming people is practically the official hobby of DLP..."

    "You don't come here looking for slash unless you want to be flamed for trolling."
  17. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    Flaming certainly isn't one of DLP's hobbies. While some people enjoy I tend to sit back and watch. KiddieDLP.net was childish, but so were some of the the other posts in this thread.
  18. Kai Shek

    Kai Shek Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2006

    The recent rule seems more like a suggestion than anything else. As shown in the NC-17 stories there is a warning telling you that Slash stories are welcome, as long as they are really good.

    This whole thread just seems to be bashing the poster for liking slash, which is stupid, as it is allowed on the forum.

    Yes, I am new to the forum, no I don't like slash, but from what I have seen on this forum...some of you need to take a break. I understand that a few people have done horrible things on these forums resulting in many recent bans, but have they done these horrible things, for the simple reason that they like slash?

    BTW: The people warning others about being flammed aren't the bad guys, as they don't seem to be supporters of it. There are few that do flame on these boards, for one reason or another, the others just try to warn others.
  19. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    This has gotten pathetic. Really, it has.

    If this is what happens when one person asks for slash, even though the poster should really know not to ask that if said poster has actually had a look around, I'd shudder to think what would happen if something worse were to come about.

    Okay, most of us hate slash, got it. Just, I dont know, ignore him and let the mods/admins take care of it. He even edited out the slash, so I don't see the big deal after that. This thread is just a waste of space.

    KiddieDLP.Net? Well, if that's what you think, kindly leave. It's not hard. And your response was quite childish. You edited the slash out, thats good, but then you insult the board. Not good.
  20. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    I was going to leave this thread alone because Okay edited out the Slash request, which is all that can be asked, but a few things are bugging me.

    Number 1
    So wait, let me get this clear, you criticism is that you wanted to find a Slash fic and got a not-so-warm welcome?

    Furthermore, you replied by calling us "KiddieDLP.net" based on the actions of some 6 posters?

    There is a good 1,200 members of this board, slinging petty insults based on the actions of few is pitiful flame-baiting.

    Number 2

    Given that 90% of the Slash fanfiction in the Harry Potter fandom as of now is utter Shit, and that few of us want to read about Harry buttfucking any other male, yes, I can blame you.

    I could go on a long-winded speech about how DLP is a haven against shitty fanfiction, and until Slash fiction proves itself as anything but, it won't be welcome, but I doubt one as mature as yourself would listen to a little old KiddieDLP.net member.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006