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A Super Highschool Level Mafia ~Mafia Win~

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Lexicat, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    RVS has something to do with First Day acting like your char, idk the acronym. As for the rest, I'm testing the waters so to speak, I'll probably pressure Blab if he doesn't die, or Aek/Proph is he does. If Doctor protects him and we get a scum kill stuff will obviously get clearer, but I don't feel the need to pressure when others are already doing so. I'll make my observations from that, I have no interest in beating a dead bush/bandwagoning when I have nothing to add.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Unless the player is me, apparently.

    Blab, man, you're still setting off alarm bells. What precisely is wrong with Rents' posts?

    Luckylee: Why do you think blab would have been lynched if he hadn't claimed?

    Lochness: RVS stands for Random Voting Stage and RQS stands for Random Question Stage. Basically, they're the typical stuff we go through at the beginning of Day 1.
  3. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Blab seemed to be the strongest target as he had 3 votes, Aek was secondary which was started by Sesc although I didn't like his meta game reasons. Aek definitely seems like a better target considering Blab's claim though.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Luckylee: Blab had three votes (one of which was leftover from RVS) of the seven necessary for a lynch less than two days into a week long Day. I wouldn't call that a guaranteed lynch at all. Even if it was, why would that make blab's claim more believable?
  5. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    - I don't know the game/anime/whatever, so I didn't catch onto that.
    - What do you mean by "changing the question"? I saw you ask three questions on post #16 and you responded to fontisian about those questions.

    What do you mean by "actualized"?

    I will keep this response in mind.

    Hmm.. I just noticed it, which should be weird.

    If I have time I'll go look at your other games.

    Combination of gut + he just felt off with the jokey post #3 and the useless questions.

    I'm a bit more worried about you as scum claiming roleblocked every single day, and living because (lol PR claim). We'll see your results on Day 2, though.

    I am seeing something and I'm very surprised that no one has caught onto Kalas yet. More on it in my next post.

    This is a whole lot of words about nothing. Noted.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

    I'm just going to point out all the uselessness that Kalas has brought to this game as to why I find him scum.

    No analysis, no pressuring, no actual thoughts about players in-game. Just useless fluff and appearing to be "helpful". Also his "Vote Everyone" post where he doesn't actually vote anybody in-game in RVS. It's just posting to post - typical scum behavior.

    The fact that people have not caught onto this yet supports my position as to why he's scum - scum would probably recognize this right away if Kalas was town and pressure him strongly.
  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Err to be totally honest I didn't know one of the votes was a leftover RVS. I felt with how fast his claim was, along with his ability made it pretty believable. I never really felt anything off about Blab anyways, other than him being defensive. I doubt scum would claim this early, so I'm far more tempted to believe him and Lynch someone else.
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Just popping in to say I'm still here. Just had a busy weekend with a Christening and shit so I haven't been able to devote much attention to this. I'll go through the thread when I get back from work and analyse stuff though.
  8. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012

    Alright, I don't like this post:
    It is
    >implicitly assuming I am town
    >still trying to get that implicitly assumed town player to reveal that ability that that implicitly assumed town player didn't want to reveal.

    He doesn't buy that it is a negative ability. What? Either I am town, (then I just posted that for shit's and giggles, or what) or I am scum in which case the whole claim was a big fat lie.
    Specifically not believing only that part of my claim only makes sense to me in one situation:
    If you're scum and you think I am playing you.

    Let's say Wetnurse is town; I can only make sense of him asking for my ability if he thinks I am likely scum and he is trying to give my claim less "wriggle room". But he seems pretty sure I am town.
    Let's say Wetnurse is scum: Yes I can see why he would like me to reveal more.

    @Wetnurse: not going to tell, if it wasn't obvious.

    Unvote, Vote Wetnurse

    Because I was tired and derped: somehow thought he said he won't react at all until he watched the episodes instead of just not reacting to mechanics.

    -I don't either, but I did read the wiki page for my character (if you're interested)
    -Last game I asked the doctor question and got criticized for the answers potentially helping scum. So I asked a question less likely to do that.

    Taking into account the most recent votes. To prevent confusion.

    More worried than what?

    No scumhunting, you're right, not sure about the reasoning in the last sentence. I'll look at a game where Kalas has played from the beginning.

    What do you think about Wetnurse's post?
  9. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    Where in my post did I say that you are town? The entire point of my post was to question the authenticity of your claim. If I look at your entire claim, everything looks like it got slapped together to create a role that seems important enough to avoid an early lynch while having an out for when people start questioning why you can't produce results.

    1. You claim cop/vig-hybrid - important enough to avoid a lynch (very OP imo)
    2. You claim that your ability can only be used if gets claimed in-game - rendering this ability useless because of possible night kill or role-block post-reveal
    3. You claim to have a second ability which could be considered negative

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 14:25 ----------

    Lynch Vote : blab
  10. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I was kidding in that post, time with the girlfriend isn't to be interrupted with mafia so I didn't have a chance to do more than skim, it's 1 am and I just drove her back to uni so I'll be posting tomorrow, sorry about that, RL won't be in the way for sure for 5 full days at least other than y'know... sleep.
  11. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    If you want to question the authenticity of my claim then actually say that. Just posting stuff about what you think is inconsistent without telling that you post that to show how it is inconsistent makes me think: Dude, your post does not make sense.

    That said: My second ability is the Macho (dis-)ability, it should have been obvious. I wanted to misdirect scum, by mentioning the Macho only on a side-note and hope they don't know what it means.

    I am claiming it now, because the chance of a whole scumteam not knowing what Macho means is really low, and it's really not worth if that ploy distracts from actual scumhunting. Plus, the chance of fooling the hypothetical doctor/bodyguard was significantly higher, and now that role can focus on protecting against a potential serial-killer/second scum-team/kill or whatever. (Just don't protect the scum I'll kill.) Also, if there exists a watcher-type role, it makes it easier if less people target me, I'd think.

    Sorry if this is the wrong call, but I just want to prevent a high-risk-low-reward town gambit and get lynched or have half the discussion about how vig/cop is OP or whatever.

    So: I have now claimed a role that makes me super-suspicious if I survive to day 2, because while scum can try to let me live and try to lynch me day 2, they really can't risk having a town-confirmed vig/cop-hybrid*. Can we now scumhunt?

    * On a totally unrelated note I am actually town vanilla. It really would be a waste to kill me.
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    No. Not this time, Ollie. Unvote, Lynch Vote: Rents

    With that out of the way ... what? Obviously you had to offer the entire thing, blab. The question is whether it was useful to claim in the first place. And then this:

    <long reasoning how Mafia has to play in this situation BAD BAD BAD>

    And wrong on top of that. I don't doubt his ability for a second. However, it's the easiest thing in the world to trueclaim his ability, while offering a wrong alignment. If blab were Mafia, he could stick around behaving exactly as his (Town)role should (and even worse, not behave that way without us knowing it). It should be fairly obvious. So basically, his roleclaim tells us nothing except for introducing some WINE of the variant "Mafia wouldn't risk that high a profile this early in the game".

    @Luckylee: Can you stop throwing around "meta" when there's no meta at all involved? I didn't like how much Aekiel talked mechanics, plus his third vote on blab was arguably already bandwagoning. Those are both solid in-game reasons.

    And no, it's impossible to tell if blab would have been lynched, with that much day left.

    @Prophylaxis: I got that you disliked the questions. I wondered why -- Aekiel #7 was at least as useless, personally I thought they were worse.
  13. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Hey guys, I know a week feels like a long time, but it'll go by too quickly if we aren't active.

    Caesar: Could you ask someone a question?

    Sesc: What do you think of Kalas?
  14. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    What do you think of Kalas? I feel it's strange you haven't caught onto him yet.

    Responding to everyone else soon.
  15. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Proph: Post 54 felt like town Kalas. The rest is null. Is it strange that I haven't caught on or strange that no one is "catching on"?
  16. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Right. Finally have time to respond to this (at 1am. FML) Firstly, I'd like to (somewhat hypocritically) second font's call for greater activity. Moving on-

    @Fishy Justice and Wetnurse: Would you mind giving your biggest scum read and some reasoning, please? I know there's not a lot to go on but it'll give us something to talk about.

    @Bill Door: What do you think of font?

    @Aek: What do think of Kalas?

    @Proph: What do you think of Aek?

    @Kalas: What do you think of Proph?

    Anyone got anything for me?
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'm here, alive and awake, and I've got reads.

    At the moment my best town reads are:

    Blab - Hilariously likely to die tonight, probably should have waited until later in the game. Doesn't make sense for scum to claim it since we have role reveal on death and his power is effectively a Desperado/Vigilante mix. If scum he probably wouldn't have used it yet.

    Prophylaxis - He's been pressuring well and consistently. He's active and I haven't gotten any scumreads from him. He's my best non-claimed town read.

    Sesc - Again, he's attacking me, but he's got some decent posts beyond that. Looking back over my posts I can see why he's gone after me, but all I can say is that this time I'm town and will prove it over the course of the game. Also note the lack of defence from anyone when people pressure me.

    That's it for town reads, with Sesc being the least of them.

    A couple of null-scum reads are:

    Font - Her habit of posting questions instead of opinions rankles me. She's also tunnelled in on Blab a lot, and attacked Luckylee. So, could go either way but something about her posts sets off my scumdar.

    LochNess - Only decent post is #67 and that was effectively coaching scum. Could be a sign of her having analysed from a mafia POV.

    Hard scum reads are:

    Caesar - My strongest scum read. He's been very passive in his posts, not attacking much and always qualifying his statements (as Sesc mentioned). His sole attempt at pressure has been against me/Blab, where he tried to build an early link between us. After Blab's claim he effectively abandoned the Blabwagon to settle on the second greatest bandwagon (me), while not giving any of his own opinions.

    Luckylee - Font went over this in detail, but Luckylee hasn't posted anything much of worth during the game and all he seems to do is follow one bandwagon without actually attempting to give opinions, unless pressed for them. Shows a similar degree of passivity as Caesar.

    Kalas - Would be a null-scum read, but the consistency of his complete lack of content pushes him fairly heavily into scum territory.

    Everyone else is pretty much a null read for me at the moment. I'll answer questions I've missed over the last few days in my next post.

    So for now:

    Caesar - Give me 2 town and 2 scum reads.
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    First off, I have to apologize. Its midterm (and other school related bs) week and I really haven’t nearly had the time to even post lately. That said, midterms are done, game on.


    Things I like about Proph: if he sees something he doesn’t like he’s pushing at it like there’s no tomorrow. Its an aggressive style thats really needed.

    Things I don’t like: Picking his actual thoughts apart.

    “X is so bad that scum should have picked up on it and pushed the wagon, but they didn’t. So I’m pushing the wagon, but I’m obviously town, therefore X MUST be scum.”

    Is just really tortured logic, completely ignoring the fact that Proph is himself scum by this, if you fine someone scummy you convince others. Other people not being convinced is not some conspiracy.

    The immediate switch from blab to me once he revealed is.. odd. Revealing means nothing in a set up like this. And its not like the suspicions went away. The target just shifted. Unless Proph posts something more solid I am more than happy putting this down.

    Vote: Prophylaxis

    @Sesc: Never again eh? :p

    @LochNess: RVS = Random Voting Stage. We make flavor jokes, vote for less than serious reasons etc. Basically the first 20ish posts we had. RQS = Random Question Stage. Where people ask fairly random questions to generate some discussion cause we really only have RVS stuff to discuss at the moment.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

    @Aek: How does town blab and Proph jive in your head?
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I find it interesting that you've backpedaled so much from Blab, and consider Proph one of your strongest town reads Aekiel. I haven't bandwagoned with anyone either so I'm pretty confused on that front. If I wasn't lazy I could give examples of how Proph your supposed "stronger town read" has posted even less than I with shittier content IE voting for Kalas since cuz, or your attempts to build town cred via discussing game mechanics. My offhand comment about you and Proph may have just revealed two scummates, so yay me.
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    What do you mean by "again"? And why is this bit mostly a defense of you instead of a read of Sesc?

    How exactly was I tunneling on Blab?

    How was Lochness's post both decent and coaching scum? Actually, why would it even be coaching scum when the scum probably have day chat?

    Explain what you mean by the last sentence.

    Again, some specificity would be nice.

    tl:dr I think Aekiel is bullshitting his reads. The town read of Sesc is particular reads as if he's trying to ensure that Sesc doesn't go back to voting for him.

    Vote Aekiel
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