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Need ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by RAWRcarrie, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. RAWRcarrie

    RAWRcarrie First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    Ha ha ha thanks to everyone who posted even the dbags. This was an interesting way to bounce around ideas, knowing how others think, even the Draco haters, is incredibly helpful and I don't dislike any thoughts anyone had other then the ones hating on me just for asking. I have so many more solid thoughts on what I'm trying to write now.
  2. Tommy

    Tommy The Green Ranger

    Nov 30, 2012
    In a bomb shelter, South Africa.
    Just curious, why Draco? Why not Nott or some other fuckwit Slytherin with more plausibility to be, well, decent.

    Are you character driven? Do you wanna write this fic just to see Harry and Draco interact in a civil manner?

    What are you aiming for, Carrie? That's what, I guess, we're all still unclear on.

    And Pers.

    You're fucking awesome, dude.
  3. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    What the fuck, Tommy? That's the worst Harry Potter related analogy I've ever seen, and that's saying something. I guess... kudos for that?

    OP: That thing about your boyfriend is beyond ridiculous and probably one of those pathetic things you keep to yourself from now on; however, I sense that he's probably not as bad as you make him sound, otherwise you'd have kicked him to the curb long ago. I ain't Doctor Phil or anything, but I wouldn't settle for a relationship where the other person dictated everything I said -- especially online.

    Moving on to the subject of the thread, it doesn't sound like you need ideas at all. You've already got something to work with, even if it isn't exactly DLP's favored cup of tea. At this point, you should be writing a rough draft, editing it, and then posting it into WbA. The best way to improve your fic is to actually have one.

    As far as Draco's character goes, I've always thought that Rowling intended Draco to be the antithesis of Harry -- where Harry was raised virtually impoverished, without direction or even a set of loving parents, he became a person with solid morality and, more often than not, good judgement in the face of adversity. Draco, on the other hand, was raised with more money than he could count, a family that only cared for themselves and with a constant reminder of what he was going to become due to Lucius' influence. Thus, even before he arrives at Hogwarts, he believes he's destined for greatness.

    The rude awakening for Draco is when he finds out he's destined to die alongside his family because of Voldemort. Recently I wrote a small Hermione/Draco plot bunny that fits in sixth year canon, where Hermione is crying over Ron and goes to Myrtle's bathroom, where she finds Draco crying over his mission to kill Dumbledore. Over time, they realize that they can help each other, though Draco is still just as much a douche as ever -- just with a guilty conscience. In the end, he does the right thing by working with Dumbledore and Snape to set up the Astronomy Tower situation -- without Hermione, Harry or Ron's knowledge. Only Hermione realizes that Draco isn't quite dark.

    In any case, don't worry so much about what we think. Do what suits your fancy, and then if it sucks, at least you felt good about writing it. You will get better with time, and DLP is a great environment to get feedback you can actively use. Even the best writers on the forums get an occasional "what the hell is this? do not want".

    Keep your head up, gee.

    One of the greatest posts in the history of DLP. Props, Pers.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  4. RAWRcarrie

    RAWRcarrie First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    Originally I wanted to write about Blaise Zabini, but it seems like thats what everyone is doing at this point in time.
  5. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:

    Holy. Shit.

    If there's ONE point you should have gotten by now, it's that you need to stop giving a damn what anybody else is doing and write what you fucking want to write. Stop asking for permission.
  6. RAWRcarrie

    RAWRcarrie First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    I'm not asking anyone's permission for anything just find other people insight helpful to my own creative method. Even if they completely disagree with me on every point. I'm writing this story to make myself happy not for anyone else.
  7. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    And there's nothing wrong with asking for feedback - once you've actually fucking written something.

    You remind of the person who wants everybody's opinion on some big plan or scheme or idea they might have and how they might plan to do something, but when it comes to actually doing that thing, they can't produce jack shit. And then you realize exactly what that person wanted: to be the center of attention somewhere.

    Until you actually put words to paper, I see no reason why any discussion should continue.
  8. RAWRcarrie

    RAWRcarrie First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    I am writing. I already had a rough draft of the first 6 chapters before I posted this question. I am many things, but an attention whore is not one of them. I don't see why your commenting talking shit when you didn't really have anything productive to say. You don't know me, Go troll someone else please.
  9. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    So why didn't you just post that in the WBA? This thread is pointless. You need to lurk more and work on both your grammar and defensiveness.

    This reminds me of old intro forum threads.
  10. SilverOtter

    SilverOtter Seventh Year

    Feb 20, 2011
    I will agree to this exception. However if they are Inferi they can not talk, or do anything useful. Just mindless zombie-type things.
  11. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Unless their creator uses some charm to talk through them and make the protagonist believe they returned jut to screw with him. Like saying they blame him for their deaths or lure him to a trap. Of course, that would require the protagonist having no idea what an inferi is or how it works but it is doable under the right circumstances.
  12. Joe's Nemesis

    Joe's Nemesis High Score: 2,058 ~ Prestige ~

    Jan 29, 2012
    High Score:
    So I went to check out the WbA thread to see if you've posted in there yet. Don't see anything.

    Here's something I found out about DLP. This place is a gold mine of damn good help and advice, but the only way to get it is to put a lot of thought into what you're working on and then lay it out for others to read and comment on (either in the WbA, or if it's just a concept/idea, then in the appropriate subforum/thread).

    In other words, work out for yourself everything you asked in your OP, then present it and ask for it to be torn apart, and how it could be made better. Hell, Sesc ended up rewriting an entire scene of mine in WbA because it was so horrible. He laid out what was wrong, and how he'd fix it. Some of the best advice I had up to that point, and I still revisit the thread once in a while to make sure I keep things in mind. But I wouldn't have learned any of that had I not worked it out for myself first, then had all the problems exposed.

    Not trying to put words in SC's mouth, but I think that's at the heart of what he's getting at.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013