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Tiny Hunt 3 Game Thread

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by jwlk, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    List making is a scumtell because you're trying to appear helpful without actually /doing anything/ - like analyzing or offering thoughts on other players.

    Why are people suspecting Probellum again? The entire post reads as lack of self-awareness and stream-of-conscious-y, which strikes me as town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

    Oh and Wetnurse/Rents are in this game.

    I think I'll pbpa them when I have some more time.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Assumptions: Kai was town. Since no one has counterclaimed Luckylee and Zeit is an unlikely kill or protect target, Luckylee is town.

    Aekiel/EricF: Aek came in with post 39 by voting himself for lump, advocating the judge plan, explaining his time constraints, and asking Zeitgeist a good question and Proph a poor one. It’s strange that he voted himself for lump while saying that he would be fairly inactive in the same post. He claims to have forgotten how terrible the judge plan turned out to be last time in post 46. Aekiel continues to push the judge plan in post 60, which I tend to associate with town!Aekiel, even if his points were bad. The way he backs down two minutes later is a bit strange. He continues to defend the judge plan in post 66, but the really weird bit is “I hadn't realised that Soup was a thing in this when I suggested people claim before being lynched,” because he never actually suggested that people claim before being lynched. The phrasing of the post is also odd, as Aekiel was thinking about the odds of a lynch or judge kill hitting town instead of the odds of them hitting scum. Aekiel gets back, supports his mechanics talk, asks Zeit, Proudboar and blab questions, and then soft defends Zeit from Wetnurse. His follow up on Zeit in post 131 is good.

    Conclusion: Aekiel spent way too much time talking about mechanics and way to little questioning people. Scummy.

    Bill Door: Lumps votes himself, naked votes Aekiel and says that “If someone roleclaims for no reason I swear to god I will slap a bitch,” for no apparent reason. The last part is frankly suspicious because no one had even brought up roleclaim and because it means that he was thinking about scum’s (or his) need to rolehunt. He explains his scum read of Aekiel in post 54 after Proudboar questions him, but doesn’t explain why he withheld his reasons in the first place. He implies in post 61 that the judge plan was a game long thing, when it was never intended to go past day 1. He pops back in in post 74 to point out that Luckylee doesn’t seem to have read the rules closely. There’s a bunch of filler and joke stuff, the only interesting part of which being when he says “Also I'm not usually top of the N1 scum kill list,” in post 90. The posts are also notable for their complete lack of pressure on Aekiel. He lightly follows Kai’s lead in pressuring Luckylee in post 95. He continues to pressure Aekiel in post 135 by saying “The problem isn't that you were talking about mechanics, it's that you were talking about bad mechanics,” which is wrong. The problem with Aekiel was entirely that he was talking about mechanics instead of scumhunting, not that his mechanics were bad. He then leaves Aekiel alone to focus on Wetnurse in post 145 for not being active, even though Rents hadn’t even posted yet. When asked for town reads from Stojil, he gives the bare minimum by following up the many town reads on Proudboar and not even committing to a town read of Stojil. Post 169 is the worst.

    Bill Door said “He's never done anything to alleviate my concerns about him,” because he didn’t want to lay out an actual case against Aekiel, but he still wanted his vote to look justified. The fact that he threw in Rubicon’s name out of nowhere makes me think there’s a Bill Door/Rubicon team. The response to my question about his inclusion of Rubicon in post 176 was just bad because it revealed nothing of Bill Door’s opinion of the lynch on Kai. Post 180 is more information instead of analysis. Post 188 has the most bullshit reasoning against me I’ve ever seen, by claiming “It looks to me like Fonti has been playing very safely,” when I actually had one of my least “safe” Day 1s. He then says “My dislike for Rubicon stems mainly from this … First he is the person who initially brings up the terrible idea of using the judge instead of the lynch, while he didn't directly advocate it I dislike that he even suggested it. Then he implies he was just hoping someone would jump on the idea, like he was trying to bait scum into it. But if that is what he was trying I don't see why he would come out and say this. It looks to me like he was just trying to cover himself for making the suggestion in the first place,” which directly contradicts his earlier reasoning that he didn’t like Rubicon because of the way Rubicon and I built the wagon on Kai. The t/s itself was a joke. Post 190 is more information over analysis. Post 209 after Kai’s reveal with its “Wat. No. Vote people. Judge is a last resort only,” was weird and anti-town.

    Conclusion: Bill Door has tried to active lurk, by avoiding giving opinions and sticking to a weak wagon all of Day 1. His reasoning for attacking Rubicon was made up when he was questioned on it. Lynch him.

    Blab: Comes in in post 47 to ask about lump in a way that says he really had no idea how it worked, which implies that he hadn’t discussed lump with scum mates. The lack of commentary or questions is concerning and very un-blab like. In post 71, he defends himself calmly and spreads out attacks amongst Proph, Luckylee, Aekiel and Zeit. Again, it was lacking in the questions that I’m used to from blab and the pressure on Zeit was the only bit that read as genuine. He answers my call for reads in post 139 with three town reads and a single scum reads, all of which reflected Stojil’s and my own reads. The rest of the post just turns around questions asked of him on the askers. Post 196 has a bunch of (bad) speculation, though I do like the line “Tbh, I am not exactly sure if/what you're criticizing.” The rest of the Day is a bit better.

    Conclusion: Very slight scum lean because the weirdness is balanced by his very calm responses to pressure.

    Proph: The claim that he “doesn’t do setup speculation” in post 8 was bad, because I had only asked what he thought of the (completely known) setup. Post 13 was equally bad, as it was a minimalist response to my question that avoided commenting on anything else in the game. I don’t really see the scum motivation in acting this way, as Proph must be aware that it puts him under scrutiny. Proph doesn’t get back into the game until post 101, where he votes Aekiel for focusing on mechanics (a good reason), calls Zeit Aekiel’s teammate without explaining why, and asks Kai about his shitty questions. He then calls Proudboar newb town. He has a quick exchange between post 106 and post 113 with Rubicon that probably means they aren’t teammates. He was oddly focused on Stojil in post 116. Post 179 has a bunch of towny pressure and follow up pressure on Aekiel. He then has a bit of a back and forth with Stojil which looks pretty good from both sides.

    Conclusion: Proph reads town.

    Proudboar: Proudboar excuses himself from commenting on the game in post 26 by saying that he is “kind of out of depth,” which is a legitimate excuse. In post 32 he shows a fair bit of hesitation, but barns Luckylee’s attack on Proph. In post 34, he asks if Zeit and Kai are both scum, which could potentially be an attempt to set up two mislynches or ensure that Kai would be the next lynch is scum!Zeit was lynched. Proudboar then clarifies that “Kai hasn’t really done much at all,” which was completely false at the time. Post 41 asks for clarification on the judge plan and asks Luckylee for his read of me, which is good. Votes Zeit in post 44 for knowingly doing something that looks scummy. Unvotes from Zeit in post 50, with the slightly veiled implication that Zeit might be the acolyte to Kai’s priest. The fact that he took a couple hours to come to this conclusion, probably means that he was actually scumhunting and not power role hunting. He asks Bill Door to elaborate on Aekiel, and the posts 54 and 55 exchange was very fast. Post 57 was really weird, so I’ll quote it:
    First Proudboar explains that “he’d rather not get lynched D1,” which implies a level of self-awareness. Then, he votes for KaiDASH while believing that Kai is either scum or the priest. Both possibilities would have made Kai a bad lump owner. He goes on to pressure Bill Door in post 81, while heavily using the newb card. He follows up his question to Luckylee in post 84, which is good, but the post 96 vote for Luckylee based on the fact that Lucky didn’t answer his question and his pressure on Proph seemed excessive was not. In fact, accusing Lucky of focusing too much on Proph is weird because all of is posts after the initial one regarding Proph were really just responses to my questions. Luckylee responds and Proudboar immediately unvotes. For some reason, he then switches his lump vote from Kai for me and votes for the maybe!acolyte Zeit. The weird thing he later follows this up in post 151 by saying that I’ve “seemed slightly off since the beginning.” Why vote me for lump then? The Zeit, Kai, me coven idea was interesting. Post 198 has him voting me “for reasons posted earlier,” even though those reasons boiled down to “Font seems off.”

    Conclusion: Proudboar’s posts read as extremely genuine, and most of his weirdness can be excused by his newness. Still, I suggest he be watched carefully because of lump.

    Rents: His only post on Day 1 before Kai’s reveal was post 157, where he says a bunch of random stuff that makes my head hurt. The lynch vote for Proph comes out of nowhere.

    Conclusion: Hell if I know.

    Rubicon: The way Rubicon voted himself for lump in post 10 but never followed up on it implies that he was never really interested in receiving lump and the extra scrutiny it entails. He brought up the judge lynch in post 18, but didn’t bother to say where he stood on the issue. He then attacks blab in post 67 for good reasons, claims that he always opposed the judge plan, uses kiddy gloves with his response to ProudBoar (in a similar way to how I tend to treat new players as scum), soft defends Zeit and calls Wetnurse out for calling me town. He lump votes Bill Door in post 100 without any explanation and gets no flak for it and pressures Kai, only bothering to vote for Kai when Proph calls him on not putting a vote down. He follows up the pressure in post 118 and argues against Proudboar’s acolyte and priest idea. Posts 173 and 175 are classic information instead of analysis posts. He jumps on Zeit in post 178 when Zeit comes back into the thread, and doesn’t bother to do anything about Kai despite the fact that his vote was still on Kai. Post 196 has a lot of stuff, but the only follow up on Kai is “Just to remind everyone, though, the KaiDASH wagon exists and is super awesome. We've even got Uncle Stojil on board. Only five more votes and we can hang the bastard from a tree by a rope and then search his corpse for clues,” which is just pathetic. No questions to Kai, no pressure, just an explanation less push to get people to vote for Kai. The “Also worth noting that Aekiel's alignment will probably come to light soon, whether we lynch him or not,” is terrible reasoning, and Rubicon should know that.

    Conclusion: Lean scum.

    Stojil/Titus: First big post is 114, in which Stojil pressures me, Aekiel and Zeit without putting a vote down and lump votes Proudboar for being newb town. He follows up the pressure on me in post 137, which probably means he’s town. He switches from me to Kai in post 144 for good reasons. He does more towny things in post 165.

    Conclusion: Early stuff looks like Townjil.

    Wetnurse: Lump votes himself in post 35 and says nothing of importance. I really don’t like his post 40.
    This is strange because the early votes for the mayoral vote in DLPhunt3 were made almost entirely on a meta basis, something that Wetnurse had no problem with. I believe he tried to talk people into voting for him in that game by stating that he’s easy to read and unlikely to be nightkilled early on. The bit about me lacks the usual skepticism I’m used to seeing from Wetnurse about my early behavior.
    Wetnurse then manages to completely miss the point of Zeit’s defense in post 45, and uses it to vote for him. The whole attack seems very contrived. Post 148 is a lot better, as it expresses the paranoia I would expect to see from a town Wetnurse towards me and Zeit.

    Conclusion: Null, with a slight town lean from his posts toDay.

    Zeitgeist: The lump vote for KaiDASH in post 33 was weird, especially because it assumed that Zeit would be around in late game to read Kai. He then coaches Kai in how to act town in post 42, but the response to Wetnurse is fairly logical. The way he asks Wetnurse what he thinks of him was weird as hell. Claims that Aekiel and Luckylee are “pinging his scumdar” in post 64, but refrains from voting because he wants to see what Aek has to say. The next post is 130. It completely misses the point of Aek and my questions, while being incredibly defeatist, neither of which is scum tell. The question to blab, on the other hand, is just terrible. The “and lolnope to giving Lumpy to Stojil, since he's as slippery as an Eelektross,” comes out of nowhere in post 132 and makes me consider a Stojil/Titus and Zeit team. Post 177 is more apathy, and shows that Zeit wasn’t reading the thread closely. Post 189 is more apathy, with a bit of pressure on me, Wetnurse and blab. For some weird reason, he goes from this to voting for Aekiel in post 192. The stuff about one of me and KaiDASH being scum looks like the setup up for two mislynches if Kai is indeed town.

    Conclusion: The apathy is really throwing me off, so I’ll put him as a scum lean.

    I’m going to stop at Kai’s fakeclaim, because everything afterwards pisses me off.

    Town/Scum list




    Bill Door

    Unaligned pairs:
    Proudboar and Wetnurse: The mutual pressure on Zeit.
    Rubicon and Zeit: I can’t see a scum Rubicon soft defending his teammate less than a day into the game.
    Blab and Zeit: The pressure from Blab felt very genuine.
    Proph and Proudboar: I can’t see Proph making his scum mate his only town read.
    Proph and Rubicon: There was a fast, fairly genuine looking exchange
    Proudboar and EricF, Proudboar and Titus: Proudboar mixed them up.
    Proudboar and Zeit: Zeit called him “Proudbear.”
    Blab and Rubicon: See post 199.

    Yeah, there are so many unaligned pairs with Proudboar that the chances of him being scum are very low.

    Possible scumteams:
    Wetnurse and Zeit
    Aekiel and Zeit
    Aekiel and Blab
    Bill Door and Rubicon
    Bill Door and Wetnurse

    Honestly, I still can’t see Kai as town, which means that Luckylee and one of Rubicon and Bill Door are probably scum. Hopefully an info role will be able to sort that out or, if I’m wrong, this will turn out to be useful.

    That about sums it up. The only other thing I might do before deadline is roleclaim. Open question: Pretend for a moment that I’m town. Under what circumstances should I roleclaim?
  3. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Pretty much now given the deadline. You aren't claiming cop, otherwise you likely would have given a confirmed inno or scum, so there's no risk of outing the cop. Plus you don't read like just 1 confirmed. Anything else can be protected efficiently if cc does arise. Claiming also closes that avenue for scum (as they would have cced you).

    Strike Prop and Rubicon from possibly being aligned. I frequently do fast exchanges. That rationle is weak Your reads also attack far too much for your tiwnreads imo. Will read for detail an logix later.
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well... You shouldn't

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------

    There really is no reason at this point to claim Fonti, you can't prove it and I doubt anyone would believe you anyways >.> but I'm getting a little nervous about mislynching you now :/ Your rage quit doesn't seem like a scum ploy, just general outrage because town might lose a member, I'm happy you posted tbh.


    Alternate lynch target for me would be probably be
    Lynch Vote Eric
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Luckylee: Sorry about losing my temper. I'm still very pissed off, but I shouldn't let a game get to me like that. Though, your vote change makes me think you're town. Sigh.

    Lynch vote EricF

    Save Font 2013!

    Not that I actually expect it to happen, but we'll see.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

    The best option is probably softclaiming. I have a role that should be able to provide information if I'm still alive tomorrow. If you guys want a full claim, I can do that too.
  6. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Do not claim.

    We are lynching EricF toDay. No brakes, no bullets.
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Excuse me while I look a gift horse in the mouth. Why?
  8. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Lynch vote Fonti

    This does seem like frustrated town. I am worried.

    Ruckylee, do you disagree with my analysis regarding the claim?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ----------

    I am fine with Eric as well.

    Can we get a votecount with deadline?
  9. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I was pretty impressed with your last post and I may have to reread you.

    If you're town, then softclaiming is good because

    a. You hint at your role while providing too much caution around the lines for Witches to soupkill you
    b. You could be lying, which invites WIFOM into the scum

    I'm not interested in a claim at this point for most of the same reasons Luckylee posted.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

    This does not read well. You think font is "frustrated town" yet vote her anyways?

    Please switch to Eric. He's the better wagon, if you read my "People we need to keep an eye on" post.
  10. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
  11. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Where is the thumbs up button? I've been wondering this since I came to DLP.

    I thumbs up the votal post.
  12. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Prophy, one post can be town. I was actually early lynching Fonti. I moved my vote to match my confidence level.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

    *can appear to be town.
  13. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    What's the point of a symbolic vote change?
  14. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Which claim Titus?
  15. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Since I forgot to include it, with 12 people alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    To adequately leave a confidence level if I get nightkilled. I like for my thinking to be crystal clear in case people need to figure out how I feel about someone.

    Basically anyone who is certain to be lynched should claim. Right now, even with my unvote, that's Fonti.

    Vote: Unvote

    I will leave this in the judge's hands. Just in case Fonti is the judge.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

    Oh scrap I thought we had ten alive. Two are unvoting. Fonti's not a certain lynch anymore with my unvote.
  17. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Speaking of NK's, I'm probably gonna be murdered tonight. But since it looks like Kai can look at the thread I will say this- Kai if you protected the SC last night, than please protect me tonight I'd rather not be murdered. SC if Kai protected only me last night and Kai protects you tonight, protect me please. Also which Claim were you talking about Titus?
  18. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    caught up.

    Would be fine with EricF lynch instead, would have been nice to get an answer about his random scumteam. I'll reread him now.

    Also still want to emphasize KaiDASH last reads.

    Stop being confusing with the clown-check, somebody should put up the vote!
    I think Rubicon is still leading, but maybe it's Zeit.
  19. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    @Blab, Kaidash (with mod permission) provided a VC. You are not voting. Yet, you are saying someone should "put up the vote"? Did you miss something or am I not understanding you?

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

    Ruckyree, clarify your question?
  20. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    I really am fine lynching
    Lynch EricF/Aekiel

    Also am fine doing it by judge given probably no vig

    I mean the votes for the clown-target.