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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Okay I give up for the season. About half of my games today were complete stomps by people playing on smurfs or getting boosted. I'll take my gold 1 and be happy with it considering my aim for the season was anything but Bronze.
  2. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Aaaand, done.

    Lost the 2nd series, too, same pattern loss, win, win, loss, loss. Down to 90 LP, then I just won the next four in a row to get into series and promoted.

    22 matches in that playing session, with a break for dinner and a couple breaks where I read story updates. Now, I must rest.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    +18, won lane as Ziggs against a Zed that was obsessed with trying to dive me over and over, not seeming to understand I could CS under tower just fine. No chance in hell of promo out of bronze hell, but I know this time not to play placement matches with friends with shit internet.
  4. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    ...or with friends at all, necessarily. If you are concerned about being matched against higher level opponents than you should be. Duo stuff matching against higher rated opponents and all that.
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    And now, Fenrally, DIAMOND! THE RIIIIIIIISE~~~
  6. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I made it to Plat today, just 2 weeks too late. One of my promo games was a 4v5 after our toplane Hecarim dc'd 3 minutes in. So I rushed banner of command on my jungle Elise, used the promote to push out toplane while we killed them with our fed Nidalee and Jinx. It was the most satisfying win I've had in a long time.
  7. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Some casual support games brought me to Plat 4, though I've mostly stopped playing after hitting Plat.
  8. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    One day and five hours before LP decay started. 4th pick Jax into a first pick Riven who doesn't load for the first five or so minutes, but my client crashes at 99%. I get into lane on time though, and their jungle Elise covers with double buffs, killing me for an early second blood. Level advantage and slight item advantage lets me kill Riven 1v2 under tower, then I splitpush the rest of the game as per usual.

    Huzzah, 1 game win streak out of 5 LP.
  9. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Welp, I'm on another hot streak. Played some Jungle Yi, fun times.

    First game, Vayne afk'd and threw a hissy fit at lvl 4 because our support was taking his cs. New gold items are broken? Nah, he doesn't even know what they are. He doesn't even see the little health and gold animation.

    Had to hard carry, and got a pentakill at the end to wrap it up. Props to our mid Heimer and our duo queue top and supp.

    Second game was stupidly bad. I check on LolKing and it's a Plat 1/Gold 5 duo on my team, vs their Gold 3/Silver 1 on their team.
    Our Plat 1 duo Lee top afk's and doesn't come to lane until Jax is lvl 2. So I have to camp top for a solid 2 mins just to let him get back to even. Thankfully, he picks up 2 kills, but then gets camped by Shyv and can't do anything about it for some reason despite playing Lee and being 2 kills up.
    Our mid Mordekaiser gets First Blood but then somehow dies 3 times in a row. What.
    Our bot lane Nid/Ez goes 1/5 before 15 minutes vs their Annie/Jinx.

    And everyone blames the jungler of course. Despite me playing vs a Shyvana. Despite me having to spend 2 minutes top early to make sure Jax doesn't rape our Lee Sin. Despite me staying around mid for counterganks, and then pinging him back when I'm going back to base. Despite bot lane never using their trinkets to ward or deward so I can help them.
    Mid game was even more hilarious. We get random picks and we do a good job split pushing, getting 5 towers. It's the only reason the other team never grouped and ended it. Bot lane ends up something like 4/15 by 30 minutes. It was pretty bad. Their Jinx sold boots for Zephyr around 45 minutes.
    Thankfully, we drag it way out and their Annie gets caught in a bad position and has to burn everything for just my ulti. We win the following teamfight and push to win.
  10. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Been mostly playing normals trying to figure out what works and what's fun and decided I'd finally give ranked a go today as it can't hurt.

    First game I get a Kha'Zix who does nothing but flames all game, dies under their top inhib tower mid rage fit and then probably yanked his ethernet cable out judging by his immediate DC - we went on to lose the game despite having a strong position early on.

    Second game I get a silent lobby bar the Kha'Zix from last game who's flaming the crap out of me in lobby for last game - How I got paired with him again is what I'd like to know but eh, whatever. Anyway, I pick Leona as someone's hovering over Janna and lock in - she then locks in automatically at the end.

    She wanted to support - And nobody said a word, about any role, bar me. So everyone's now raging over who's going where whilst I get a drink, eventually she goes mid and we lose again because my Jinx is determined she can safely farm against Lucian/Sona whilst eating too much harrass.

    Eventually her & our jungler go afk and I just ended up ignoring and reporting everyone from that second game. I can see why I said I'd avoid ranked in the pre-season now. I didn't achieve anything in those two games outside probably destroy my MMR as I'm still Gold II but probably dropping to III later on. Not too bothered about my league, much more concerned about my MMR for next season if this continues.

    The depressing part is both games were before school was out in Europe, so, I guess there are some very angry people over in Spain during the noon - 3pm stint of the day.

    TLDR; Trolled into 2 ranked losses after first ranked games in nearly 6 weeks following ARAM & normals for practise.

    Consolation prize; Kha'Zix lost his Plat IV promo due to those 2 games, so, content with that.

    Edit; 3rd Game made up for it - 25LP. THey invaded, we caught 3 and went 3-0 up, bot had blown everything so we (Leona/Graves) dumped on them (Vayne/Ali) to go 7-0 in lane before they got a kill back, game went on from there. Graves finished like 24/1/5 with a Penta.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2013
  11. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    On a 3 win streak on ranked. Played two super aggressive support lanes, first with Taric, second with Annie, both times made the adc snowball like fuck, felt good. Third game played Cait with a Sona supporting me into a Jinx/Annie lane. Jinx was really bad, I felt sorry for the Annie who landed some amazing Tibbers stuns. Idk why a Jonx with half HP, doran's blade, boots and a dagger thinks she can duel a Cait with two doran's and a BF sword but there you go..
  12. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    People are nutty? Beats me. I've been watching a friend just trash most bot lanes with Quinn and I don't even get how, the blind maybe?

    Voli top's still broken as fuck, as is flipping someone after they flash away much to their chargrin, 50LP Gold II again. Also seen a guy playing Shyvana jungle all day and rush Wriggles - never ganks, just farms to 6, gets Wriggles and ganks if need be. Full on Meteos mode, just, no ganks.

    When he does gank though it's fun, as he tower dives people with no health and somehow still dies for nothing, often burning flash too. Plat V looks like it'll be fun.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
  13. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    4th game, first pick on our team instalocks Kass because "they didnt ban u reteard". Last pick calls he wants support so I decide to go adc, when I pick an adc he says "I wanted adc" and I say fuck it and change to Annie support, he goes Graves. Then he keeps standing next to brush e have no vision on that I told him their Thresh was standing in. Gets hooked, I blow summoners and stun and save him, manage to force their bot lane to recall and he refuses to push lane and take tower. He gets hooked two more times two more times and I manage to save him both times.

    Get a godly gank from our Fiddle jungle and Graves... just keeps farming and loses us a triple kill and tower, then decides to go back in by himself and gets killed by the Brand mid who roamed bot. Kass calls us retarded for feeding Brand (after not calling the SS). Brand roams top and kills Riven, again, Riven is a retard for feeding Brand. Kass didn't call the SS. He decides to back when he could take tower, all while calling us retards for losing lane while he "won" his. Before he gets back to lane, they 5 man push mid and take two towers.

    Nightmare mode engaged, -27LP for me. ;_;
  14. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Whenever I'm AD bot, I've been main-ing Quinn pretty much ever since she came out(yes, before the tweaks to her W/E/R). She's also fairly effective at Top, but I am far more often solo lane Mid than I am Top.

    While there are some AD's that can pose an issue at the early levels by themselves, such as Cait and MF, it's usually a matter of the competency difference between the supports for the laning phase.
    After the early levels, and an item or two, pretty much any of the ADC's will have a hard time fighting successfully against Quinn as long as she kept at least close to even in gold and is comparable in skill. Graves can do decently to start a fight, because of his initial burst, but if it's prolonged he will generally lose it.

    The trickiest part about fighting in lane is that minions can all too easily end up blocking your blind. If you can land that, though, she will generally negate at least two, if not three auto attack or on-hit modifiers during her blind. Also, if you do have a cc-support, don't use your blind right when they engage for the damage, as you end up wasting the blind part itself. That, and chain your E when the other hard-cc would be over, since even the 0.5 second stun(written as 'interrupt') is still something, and can help the other team mates land more of their own stuff.

    Also, none of the other ADC's can effectively escape if her ult is up and they don't have backup incoming. Well, Trist perhaps, since she can knock-back then jump over a wall if available to give enough distance that you can't simply chase their wall jump with your own E. Other than that, they should be hard pressed if forced to escape.

    In an actual fight, though, don't underestimate the double-proc passive damage initiation/harass(to be fair, not always a distinction that I can effectively communicate to my support if a random). That, or simply engaging in bird form when assassinating, possibly with a Youmuu's and Ruined King. The boon of the bird-form Q's blind being almost guaranteed, rather than human-form, is handy at those times. That, and the slow from bird-form's E is stronger than human-form.

    [blargy random ranty-stuff = over]
  15. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    I've found Quinn can shut down Vayne super effectively as well.
  16. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Another hot streak, and my smurf is now higher than my main acc.

    This Lux was trying so hard to steal my blue at lvl 1 she missed the entire wave mid and our Syndra dumpstered on her. Game got real hard when Vayne and Jayce were both dc'ing, but we pulled it through.
  17. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Don't mean to double post, but not much activity here in the preseason.

    Ok, I definitely think Master Yi is still broken. Especially on this patch.
    Jungle Yi's clear speed is ridiculous, and with an Avarice and Spirit of the Lizard Elder he makes bank too. The last 3 games I've routinely kept up with solo laners in farm while also ganking/stealing buffs.

    Also, since the Master Yi rework, he's completely broken in terms of damage. Who cares about subpar ganks when he adds stupid amounts of damage to fights. He also gets a big boost from the fact that the assassins got nerfed. His split push is very good. Master Yi also benefitted a lot from the exp change. He reaches higher levels faster now. After 20 minutes, you can make plays almost anywhere because of the your damage output.

    As for actual games, I just won 3 straight with Yi today where it was pretty much the same old formula. Farm the Avarice and Lizard Elder, then make bank. People also underestimate his early ganks, and I got first blood in 2 of the 3, and the 3rd the enemy laner got it before I killed him in retaliation. My lanes didn't always do well, usually because of lots of ganks from enemy junglers. You have to balance how much ganking with farming the jungle and split pushing. But by midgame I would have a 2 or 3 level advantage on their jungler. I would also usually be the highest level in the game. One game, I was 18 while everyone else was 14/13.

    Late game was just silly. Stupid amounts of damage from Alpha Strike and he gets scaling true damage so if you're ahead, you don't even need to build Last Whisper until later. Pretty much just popped ulti, run in, use Alpha to dodge something and then wreck their squishys in 2 autos and Alpha again to drop aggro.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  18. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Welp, I'm in promos for Plat.

    Played Master Yi mid because people wanted to play Eve jungle real badly. She ended up doing alright but fed blue buff to Cho'gath and he pretty much snowballed mid from there and a mistake by me.

    Lots of stupid shit happens on both teams, and we win a teamfight to take their inhib tower but not inhib. More stupid shit happens and we lose our inhib. We stall and then we win another teamfight to push to win. Wewt?
  19. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    Finally manage to get out of bronze(hell) into silver lets see if I can get higher now.
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Plat V is the true elohell.

    Fly, you fools.
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