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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Mori: Why are you posting a read wall less than 24 hours in? It feels like you're trying to overcompensate.

    For post 47: Unaligned pairs are a very useful thing.
  2. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Your post about soup and reveals feels off Wetnurse, if I had a reason I would have said so in the first place.
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Wetnurse: Any non holy role has about a 30% chance of being scum. There's a fair chance the assassin is town, but let's not risk it.
  4. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Because there is nothing happening. Barely anybody's said anything so far, and I wanted to throw what I have out there so someone can start talking about it.

    I initially posted it to comment on you and Caesar, then also brought in Aekiel and Bill, and then decided to just say fuck it and post about whoever's on the Who's Posted list. Hopefully there'll be some discussion about something on there now.

    Also, #47 just feels far too early and weak for that kind of connection, imo. There's not much reason to think they are an unaligned pair, especially since Caesar was basically replying in the context of responses to your plan, and not just about all the posts after yours.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Alright, the frustration feels pretty genuine. Could elaborate on your read of Aek?

    The thing is, scum tend to be hyper aware of their scummates. Since Stojil and Probellum's posts fall within the bounds of my original question (Caesar: Could you take a look at the responces to my point about not reaching supermajority and tell me what you think?), I would have expected a scum Caesar to include the posts from his scummates simply because of that hyper awareness. The fact that he didn't makes a decent case for unaligned pairs.
  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Wait there are unaligned pairs? Am I misunderstanding something because I thought it was just town v scum?
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Unaligned pairs: When two players are not knowingly on the same side. What were you thinking of?

    Actually, no, I take this back. Mori, you should know that posting asking questions and applying pressure is the way to get a game moving, not posting a random readwall.

    Fake Vote Mori
  8. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Oh. I thought you meant a neutral third party, not aligned with town or scum. Carry on.
  9. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Don't forget scum have chat right now. It's possible enough he ignored the post on purpose. I'll give you that one for now, though.


    Decent post, feels okay. Puts the onus on people to vote, so they are tied to their wagons. While we could argue about the details, this feels alright. It is still a fairly standard town response, though, so not something I'd base an opinion on.

    Zeitgeist may have been online at this time or something, but he hasn't posted yet. Meanwhile, Fonti, Probellum, Lucky, Kalas, Caesar, Dermon, Bill, Rubicon. All these people have posted in the previous couple of hours.

    Of those, Caesar's been asked for his opinion of the exchange after your post, Probellum has a line supporting me (#7) but that falls before Aekiel's rebuttal, and I don't think anyone else has responded to that idea.

    As such, Zeitgeist seems an odd choice. Kalas would have been my pick, along with you, since he hasn't said anything and you were the one who kicked off the discussion. Dermon too, since he's new and it would be good to see his perspective (along with informative re: how coached his reply seems). Almost anyone would be better, really. So that's weird.

    #42 is a bit worrying ince it provides cover for some covert mechanics ploy, but there really isn't much mechanics to play with given uncertainty regarding non-holy roles.

    Lucky is better, since he was active shortly before Caesar's post (notably, Lucky responds with a read on Caesar, not really an evaluation of his post).

    Another standard 'townie' post that doesn't contribute to game-specific discussion.

    Two posts asking for opinions, no opinions of his own. No analysis of Caesar's post or anyone else's anything. Hopefully when he gets back he'll respond to Lucky and Zeitgeist, and actually post something of content too.
  10. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    “Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.”
    -- Not the Dalai Lama​

    It is now Day 1, so Coven Chat is closed and will remain so during all future day phases, opening only at Night.

    You may now lynch vote.

    Deadline is in 47 hours and 47 minutes from the time of this post. You can always find the updated current deadline on the status document (coming soon™), which will be the best place to check both deadline status and vote totals.

    As a reminder, each player can--once per game--call for the day deadline to be extended by 8 hours.

    There are 15 players alive. As such, 8 votes is a majority, and 10 votes is a super majority.

    Happy Hunting.
  11. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    The first vote goes to .....

    Lynch Vote : Aekiel
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Unless, of course, you want to fuck someone's plan up. And that's why it's not in the rules.

    I also feel comfortable telling you that there is exactly nothing in this thread so far to determine anything of anything. As far as the blatantly obvious roles in the last hunt go, that is probably an improvement.

    Well, except for one thing. Typhon is a witch.

    Vote: Typhon
  13. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    After a cursory read of the past posts, I believe Aek and Typhon's names were the most frequently mentioned as people of suspect. Personally, I want to hear Typhon's reaction to these accusations before I make any sort of judgements and potential lynch votes.

    I don't want my posts to be emblematic of impetuosity or lack of careful thought. :/
  14. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I'm somewhat confused, can we unvote or not? I'm guessing we can since Sesc/Wetnurse voted so early. Also do you two mind elaborating? I'm guessing it has something to do with the mechanics talk/useless questions but I can't be sure.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

    Fake Edit: Reread the rules, the red text just/lynch mechanic talk threw me off.
  15. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Hi, a game with day phases spanning multiple IRL days where you are unable to change your vote would be stupid.

    If you have previously experienced that type of game, then I feel bad for you.


    The Moderator.
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Why do you think it's a good idea to reach supermajority before the day is over?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

    Lack of thought is bad. Not being willing to pressure because of it is worse.

    Vote: Zeitgeist

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------

    Stojil: When you get a chance, go through Moridin's post #60. Tell me what's wrong with it.
  17. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    So, Moridin strikes me as off. His read-wall seems like an early attempt to seem towny and maybe influence opinions. Pregame might be able to tell you somethings about how people lean, but generally, it just seems like time to fuck around.

    Which is basically what I was doing.

    Anyway, my point is, while you might get some reads from people pregame, they seem like they would be hesitant ones at best and gut feelings at worst and there's no real reason to inform anyone but yourself about them.

    If any of that makes sense.

    Lynch Vote Moridin
  18. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    If and only if I [read earlier post for the conditions].

    I don't like this at all. I agree with Moridin that there isn't close to enough reason to say Caesar isn't scum with me/Probellum, but the timing is also wrong. Why post the 'good to know' thing after 'gah, sorry' and not earlier, if the reason was:

    So, it reads either scripted in its entirety (Caesar's post included) or more likely like fontisian was trying to force that statement there for whatever reason (buddying, clearing, town-posing, etc.).

    Lynch Vote: fontisian

    Horrible post.

    1. Explain your vote.
    2. "I also feel comfortable telling you" doesn't make sense as a phrase, considering the preceding sentence and the context in general.
    3. Really? There was "exactly nothing in this thread so far to determine anything of anything"? Are you talking roles (like the next sentence seems to suggest) or any behaviour-related reads?

    Too safe. Also why are you just looking at the most frequently mentioned names? Wanna wait to fit in on the best bandwagon?

    This wtf-bit coming after this:

    doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about you, especially after last game.

    Aekiel: 50/50 chance of it (Moridin's post) being scum attempting to look like a townie doing something, or town attempting to generate discussion. It sort-of-sucks at both for different reasons (didn't look like townie stuff while it certainly looked like he was doing something - it did generate discussion but not the kind he was probably looking for simply because there was basically no pressure coming off his reads, so the discussion all revolves around him).

    Not much. Do you realize that you're getting a read from him because of a pregame post?

    But enough linking myself to Moridin.

    Moridin :))): take your read-wall and add pressure to everything you can in there.

    Kalas: take all the questions in the thread and rank them in order of usefulness, explaining why if need be. Avoid the fillerish ones unless you think they had some kind of in-game purpose.

    Bill Door: rank the 5 scummiest things you've read in here and explain why.

    Rubicon: rank the 5 towniest things you've read in here and explain why.
  19. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    People have often said the same about D1, the 'RVS' and so on.

    I disagree. While pregame is admittedly time to fuck around, it's still a part of the game. As you yourself said, scum would put in 'an early attempt to seem towny and maybe influence opinions'. Regardless of the seriousness of what people say, they are still going to be influenced by their alignments (and roles), and disregarding that is silly. Which you acknowledge, since you, you know, chose not to disregard my post.

    You may consider most of the 'no contribution' or so on reads in my post as a product of the pregame if you wish, but there was certainly enough content for a cursory analysis. Pregame seems merely to be a prelude to D1, after all, albeit one in which there are no votes and scum have chat, which could actually increase the boldness of people's posts.

    Aekiel, you seem a little better after your last post, but I'm still hoping you'll respond to Lucky's answer as well. Also, why did you ask Zeitgeist for his opinion?

    Bill, my question earlier stands whenever you get in here. Specifically, opinions on Fontisian, Aekiel and Typhon. Also, what was your view of the gamestate at #54? i.e. reads and suspicions at that point.

    For now, I'm a bit wary of Lucky, since #74 kind of post seems overly noobish. 'Can we unvote' indeed. Reads as a setup to future 'mistakes', so he can point back and say he's always derping. Especially in conjunction with #55.

    Lucky, you put down Caesar as townish in #55 in response to his post. Can you elaborate on what you thought of the post itself? In the sense, to what extent do you agree with his analysis, and do you have anything to add. Also, if you had to vote now who would it be for and why?

    Zeitgeist, can you add something to the conversation that doesn't involve waiting on Typhon to respond? Find someone else to pressure based on your own reads. I'm hoping the 'careful thought' you refer to is in progress, but in the meantime give us what reads you have.

    Fontisian, Typhon responded to your question. Anything to say, about him or Aekiel?

    Wetnurse, why are you voting for Aekiel? Who else do you think is suspicious at this point?

    Dermon, top 3 scumreads as of right now, with reasoning. Doesn't matter if it's barebones, just give me 3 names and a couple of lines on each one.

    Probellum, same question as Dermon.

    Rubicon, who would you vote for now? Who would you have voted for at #24 if you had to?

    Fake edit: Lol Stojij.

    Vote: RuckyRee

    Don't like the overdone 'derpiness', as stated above.
  20. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    @Moridin Yes, I realized the hypocrisy of my post. I still went with it, because my reasoning was that every rule has an exception and your post would such an an exception in my mind.

    And as I said, while it's definitely fine to form opinions on Pregame stuff, those opinions will most likely be tentative at best. Shallow, but still a lead. It would make more sense to me to use the opinions formed to keep an eye on them. Maybe follow up your opinions with questions to those players and put pressure on them from and maybe make them slip if they're scum. I mean, you have followed some of them up with questions, but the early read wall just makes it look like your trying to lead us on

    And then,when you made your readwall, you put a fake!vote on Bill Door. Why not follow that up with a real vote? I mean, your reasons for putting a fake!vote on BD in the first place was kind of weak, but so is your one on Luckylee. (The question about unvoting occured to me as well, before I assumed that you could. It's not hard to Believe Lucky had the same question, but was hesitant to assume)

    As it is, my "scum" reads (If they could be called that, theyre more like neutral with a lean at most) right now are mostly shallow, besides yourself. Fonti and Dermon, raised a small, small, smaaaaalll flag with Fonti's comment about having faith in Dermon. But like I said it small and more of an "Keep an eye out on those two," kind of thing. Also, I AM naturally suspicious of Fonti, so lets put that down as "Gut feeling."

    And that's three and I wouldn't classify Fonti or Dermon as scum quite yet.

    Anyway, Sesc, could you expand on why you think Typhon is a witch?
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