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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Let's go through this once more, then. With your post, you tried to say I was a Witch for the following reasons:

    - Because I explained why no game ever will have the Garcia rule enshrined in the actual rules
    - Because I said there wasn't anything in the thread (when there wasn't)
    - Because I mentioned roles

    The first was a clear indication that I was going break it that way, the second was a clear indication that I wasn't going to post any content, the third was a clear indication that I was searching for roles.

    That is so awkward, constructed-worst-possible-case reasoning that I don't even know what to say. (As an aside, it's also mildly insulting, because it implies I didn't know exactly what I was writing. Rest assure that you couldn't find any implications in my post -- what you saw was what you got.)

    And that was the reason I asked you why I poked Typhon, and you went off like that. Additionally, I now want to ask you, if I was that suspicious, why is your vote now on Zeitgeist, instead of continuing to push for my lynch?

    And finally, since you disagreed that there was nothing to be found in the thread prior to my first post, it'd be very nice if you could go back and share some of the information you found on the first three pages.

    @Stojil: No, really not. You know what I was doing, and if you don't, there's no reason to tell you.

    @Typhon: I actually did miss the bit about addressing Moridin's readwall. And I'm sure you don't like your first post, but it's there and not going away (the 'question' was the one your post was about). "I sometimes express myself badly" is pretty meh, as far as excuses go.

    Asking me what I would have liked as a response to my post is like asking me how best to appear Towny. I wouldn't have liked anything. You are supposed to make me like it, and if you don't, you have a problem. On the flip side, you get responses like Rubicon's #91. Do you agree with his conclusions? What's your opinion about Rubicon, based on that?

    Re: Aekiel, I don't know how else to write it than the way I did. If Aekiel answers "2" for the question "How much is 1 + 1", do you then go and whack him having a view any sane person will have? Considering your Aekiel case was originally based on that, it remains flimsy.
  2. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I was working on a tl;dr but fuck it.

    @Stojil: You wanted a ranking of questions. I gave you that. If you wanted an analysis of the thread then ask for that. Simple.

    @Rubicon: Gogo chainsaw. To spell this out for you there are times its better to insinuate rather then shove it in someone's face.

    As for 99. Read it. Then read the last paragraphs. Then reread it. What do you see?
  3. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    /me breaths in deeply

    The last one of my "playing conditions" is getting closer and closer, Sesc. :(

    Just to make it clear to all the mafia players.


    This is the Zorro rule. It obviously trumps the Garcia rule so hard that its fat ass gets spanking-red for the embarrassment. If you decide not to respect it, you better explain extremely well why you're doing that.

    So, Sesc, why is there no reason to tell me if I don't already know?

    Kalas: the point, young pandawank, you missed.
  4. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    In your opinion. On the other hand I got some lovely reactions.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:

    Going through thread now, will post a case when I'm done.
  6. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Stojil: How about this. You do what you want, and I do what I want. That aside, if you're talking specifically about the original three points you had, they have been explained multiple times by now, so wtf is even your point?
  7. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Use day extension token

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 AM ----------

    oh ninja'd but I still use it.
  8. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
  9. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I really don't like this everyone is scum thing, it seems like you're using it as an excuse to not give any actual opinions.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I had to ask someone and Zeit/Lucky seemed good choices at the time. That's about as much thought as I gave it.

    Reads. A scum list. Outlining scenarios about a town!Moridin world and a scum!Moridin world like you are presumably asking Stojil expound on. Anything where you put forth your opinions would be nice.

    I swapped to you because this is D1 and votes are the main method of applying pressure. You're making the mistake of thinking any of my reads are particularly strong at this stage. They're not, for the most part, which is why I'm more than willing to switch my vote for little to no reason.

    Hell, I out and out said that I thought votes should be put down early and often, so I don't see how this is going against my previous stance at all.
  11. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    You explained the vote and the 'nothing had happened' thing, which leaves #2 of my 3 initial points plus a couple more that evolved from our frustrating back and forth. Let me see if this makes it more clear. The original post:

    Beside my questioning your naked vote and your 'nothing had happened' position, at that point I had:

    "I also feel comfortable telling you" doesn't make sense as a phrase, considering the preceding sentence and the context in general.

    To which you answered:

  12. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    This whole Stojil/Sesc thing looks kinda like scumbuddy distancing to me.
  13. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    No, because everything is cleared up. #2 is you saying "it doesn't make sense", to which I responded that it does. I even explained why I wrote it (in case that was your question, since you didn't actually ask me any question). What else is there to say?

    And that you should know better was directed in a general fashion at you questioning my post.

    So this is stupid. You really aren't relevant at the moment, this is wasting thread space. Why are you asking me to explain sentence structures?
  14. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    ...A case on Aekiel and some town reads. Nothing stands out to me that would justify "there are times its better to insinuate". It's actually hard to imagine anything of that nature which would make you want to vote him.

    If you have a case, make it? Otherwise this sounds like a clumsy way to avoid justifying the discrepancy between your vote, your apparent scum reads, and the things you said when you talked about people's questions (and then proceeded to never follow up on).

    It's your own fault for reacting in such a deliciously entertaining way every time someone does it. It may not be pro-town, but god damn if it isn't pro-fun - for me anyway. :p

    And it doesn't help that your question really was so unproductive. If you'd asked me something specific and useful, I couldn't so easily get away with ignoring it. Which is, you know, the point? The questions to me & Kalas were boring, general, and so pointless that neither of us felt we needed to do anything with them.

    See also: The reason Kalas feels like he can wave away all your pressure by saying "I just gave you what you asked for!".

    Touche. I'm restraining myself from asking why you would ever say such a thing as town. For your own amusement, I assume.

    #83 is a strong opening with firm scum reads, reasonable arguments & follow-up questions. He was unmoved by Sesc's crappy response, and continued to pressure him until Sesc actually answered the question, and then he adjusted his reads accordingly. He's pressured other people in an apparently consistent way. His analysis of you is reasonable.

    All of which I would describe as "townish and focused", and not what I'd expect from a first-time scum player who is not receiving coaching. I am not ready to say this makes him town, because the obvious problem with "for a newbie" is that not every newbie acts the same.

    Not really. I didn't like your post because of your weird as fuck phrasing and because you had apparently been digging through the thread trying to root out other people's roles.

    It's not on Zeitgeist. Should I ask why you're so focused on responding to my paragraph about you that you missed the other paragraphs about Kalas?

    Moridin's wall post & questionable fake vote (by the way Moridin - did you ever respond to Typhon about this?), the somewhat awkward exchange about soup, fontisian jumping to a quick conclusion about "unaligned pairs". Caesar complaining about not being able to vote, but not probing at anyone either. Caesar's pressure on Moridin is also on page 3. Other stuff. It's hard to believe you don't think any of this is useful.
  15. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    I took issue with your original questions because they didn't seem to be directed at any specific occurrences or statements. However, I qualified it with:
    The analysis of replies that you posted in #130 vindicates the questions by drawing conclusions from answers received. Additionally, I now understand from Rubicon's reactions why you asked for town-slips rather than town-reads. The question that really stood out as having little worth was asking Kalas for a questionwall, and it's now clear from your subsequent posts that you wanted analysis to go along with that.

    Speaking of Kalas,
    I can certainly see that now, but why post it without any analysis? You must have recognized while making the wall that it would be of little value without following up on at least a few of the townier or scumier questions.
    (And don't just say "cause Stojil told me to")
  16. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    This is phone post, and I've driven 12 hours today (go Christmas -_-), but I don't want to just drop off the map, so here's what a quick catch up gets me, stream of consciousness style:

    Stojil is looking more and more town, but definitely noting a possible Sesc-Stojil connection. It doesn't feel particularly canned, but frankly they're probably both better players than me, so I'm not ruling it out.

    Kalas also misread my simplification of Moridin's readwall. Apparently my lack of clarity is a thing. That, or there is some serious willful misinterpretation going on. Further, I would like to see some follow up on your question ranking.

    Still liking Caesar.

    Agree with Kalas that Dermon missing Stojil asking for the question ranking and calling him (Kalas) out for it is uncharacteristically careless. Downgrading from his strong town lean.

    Zeit's posts continue to suck. Like, I still think Aekiel was trying to prey on the weakest link, but damn man. You seem horribly indecisive at best, and scum trying to divert attention and lurk at worst.

    Some Stojil, Rubicon, Sesc posts that I honestly don't have the mental capacity to properly analyze. Expect thoughts on them as soon as I wake up. Aekiel will be discussed there too.

  17. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Did not, actually, sorry about that Typhon. Not that much to say, actually, on reflection. I voted Bill to get him to say something. Fontisian and Aekiel were both active enough (and I didn't think Fontisian was scummy anyway), and Bill has a history IIRC of fading into the background unless prodded, so I tried to get him to post some more. I've already explained my Lucky switch, and stand by it.

    As for Fontisian's scumlist question,

    Lucky seems to have disappeared (to be fair, I did the same) after hasitly backtracking on everything he's said so far and throwing a vote on Aekiel for 'mechanics talk'.

    Wetnurse has also disappeared after getting extremely defensive over his RVS vote, and hasn't said a thing other than to defend himself so far - even his one scumlist is basically a giant NOU.

    Aekiel, I don't like his interactions with Typhon.

    That's originally your question, Aekiel. Stojil's answered it, feel free to do the same.

    Beyond those three, all of whom remain on my list, Zeitgeist continues to confuse me. The vote on Aekiel, combined with no actual case or opinion on anyone, doesn't really make sense at all. Kalas' signature comes to mind. At this point, I'd rank him above Aekiel in suspicion. It's not impossible that they are scumbuddies, but given Zeitgeist put him in the lead for lynch so close to day end (his vote came before the extensions) it's unlikely.

    I could see all three (Lucky, Wetnurse, Zeitgeist) as scum that, without daychat, are overly wary about how to proceed forward. Let's see how they ramp up tomorrow.
  18. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Hm? I haven't disappeared, nobody has asked me anything and I have no comments atm. I don't like D1.
  19. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    “Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.”
    -- Gladiator (2000)​

    Current Vote Total:

    Aekiel (4): Bill Door (#84), Typhon (#99), Luckylee (#120), Zeitgeist (#140)
    Typhon (3): Sesc (#72), Aekiel (#107), Kalas (#131)
    Moridin (2): Probellum (#77), Fontisian (#85)
    Rubicon (1): Uncle Stojil (#130)
    Zeitgeist (1): Caesar (#87)
    Kalas (1): Rubicon (#137)
    Luckylee (1): Moridin (#79)

    Abstaining: Wetnurse, Dermon

    It requires 8 to lynch, 10 to auto-hammer.

    As always, updated information can be found in the status document.

    As of this post, Day 1 has 13 hours and 45 minutes remaining.

    blah blah vote format


    Wetnurse voted Aekiel (#71)
    Sesc voted Typhon (#72)
    Aekiel voted Zeitgeist (#76)
    Probellum voted Moridin (#77)
    Uncle Stojil voted Fontisian (#78)
    Moridin voted Luckylee (#79)
    Bill Door voted Aekiel (#84)
    Fontisian voted Moridin (#85)
    Caesar voted Zeitgeist (#87)
    Rubicon voted Sesc (#91)
    Dermon voted Sesc (#96)
    Luckylee voted Sesc (#97)
    Typhon voted Aekiel (#99)
    Aekiel voted Typhon (#107) | Previous Target: Zeitgeist
    Luckylee unvoted Sesc (#108)
    Dermon unvoted Sesc (#109)
    Wetnurse unvoted Aekiel (#114)
    Luckylee voted Wetnurse (#116)
    Luckylee unvoted Wetnurse (#118)
    Luckylee voted Aekiel (#120)
    Uncle Stojil voted Rubicon (#130) | Previous Target: Fontisian
    Kalas voted Typhon (#131)
    Rubicon voted Kalas (#137) | Previous Target: Sesc
    Zeitgeist voted Aekiel (#140)
  20. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Fair enough. Who do you think is scum aside from Aekiel? i.e. who would you vote for if not Aekiel? What are your opinions on Bill, Typhon and Zeitgeist?
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