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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Yawn gimme a min to reread the thread and I'll let you know.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 AM ----------

    Alright I'm alive and tired hope anything of what I say makes sense. Bill and Zeit seem to post very little and then just bounce. (Yeah I know I'm being a hypocrite here but w/e) Idk about Bill but Zeit got some partial pressure from Aek and then it was just dropped. I'm guessing it's because Aek had bigger fish to fry or something. Typh is... idk I didn't like him at first but he looks ok for now. I'm not really sure how to elaborate in words.

    Stojil and Sesc had a very interesting congo and I have no clue what to make of it.
  2. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011

    This, please.

    Are you questioning the point of analizing grammar/sentence structure? If yes, quiz time: who said

    You have one guess.

    So, in your case:

    Who is "you"? Why did you use "also" when the sentence before has very little to do with the one in which it's used, including the verb? Like I said, it doesn't make much sense written there. There isn't the right context for it. That, added to the double free lines (I honestly don't know what's the English term for it) that preceed it, make it look like you copypasted that from somewhere that had another sentence before.

    I'm super-interested in your thought-process writing that sentence. :colbert:


    Read the post and answer it. Is it really that hard?

    You want to get away with ignoring questions or worse sprouting bullshit without a shred of evidence/motivation/reasoning? Don't play mafia. Or play mafia and die to a lynch. If players start to do that and go unpunished, no matter their alignment, that means scum's life is going to get loads easier. Do you disagree?

    There. Do you not see the value of this, especially compared to:

    Dermon: reread what I asked of you and actually answer/do it.

    Bill: why did you use your extension?
  3. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Honestly? Cause I thought Stojil was looking for something in particular with that general question so I responded as I read the question. If he wanted actual analysis? On Day 1 with no info to go for?

    If that is what he wanted, a 90-something post analysis looking at everything in the thread, I would have rightly told him to fuck off and come back with a real question.

    @Rubicon: My last big game was Dangan Ronpa mafia. I yelled in that. A lot. What I was looking at being scummiest behavior (until this post) was an unwillingness to poke me when I clearly deserved it. That informed my scum choices far more then out-of-context bad questions.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

    And god damn Rubicon. Postt 99.

    To this.
    Justifying by comparison is bad and he should know that.
  4. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    For all the legitimate comments I had on the infolessness of the first three pages, there now is a ton of info out there. Do try to find a few things to comment on -- and Stojil's and mine conversation isn't interesting, it's retarded. Try checking Moridin, BillDoor, Rubicon and Typhon.

    Yes. But that had no grammatical reason, I didn't understand the sentence. Which is why I asked about that 'he', which was subsequently cleared up. I missed it being part of paraphrasing Moridin's readwall. Whereas you said ... well, whatever.

    Well, why not ask that right away? I still think it's a stupid question, but at least it's understandable now. I had no idea what you were talking about before. "You" is "All of you" i.e. you, pl.. It was, as I said, a tongue-in-cheek comment (which should have been obvious by the wording) for Moridin and everyone else spending time to search through the first three pages for information, when there wasn't any to be found.

    Furthermore, I used "also", because it was the second sentence of my post. I could alternatively have used "additionally", "furthermore" or "in other news". Actually I wish I had used the latter now, it fits the tone of the sentence better.

    It had a double spacing because it was not strongly related to the first line (which was a reply to a specific post, whereas this was a comment directed at thread in general), and I wanted to provide a visual break. I do that often. You trying to deduce something by that is Rubicon-style logic. As I said to him, there's nothing hidden in that post. What you saw was what you got.


    And I was unmoved by his "pressure", but as they say, it probably depends on your perspective.

    Yes really. How is what you just said not exactly what I just said:

    The only thing you missed this time around was that you also had said I was trying to get out of posting content (plus the "subtle" hint at me being Mafia last game). And right, it's still awful logic.

    No, you should assume that I meant Kalas, and answer the question. Here is is again:

    Feel free (as in, do it) to fit the answer with an answer to the original question as to why, if I poke Typhon, you explode all over the page, which you still haven't answered.

    Finally, regarding the thread:

    Yeah, because it isn't. When I said "information you found", I meant information by which you can tell me something useful about the players that posted it (was that unclear?).

    What's the use in knowing that Caesar would like to vote? Is that something Mafia would want, or Town? What use is a sucky readwall, when it had to suck, because there was nothing out there to make it non-sucky? The soup-exchange? Is Bill suspicious for answering a stupid question, or is that a Towny thing to do? Etc. pp.

    Possibly, it tells you something in hindsight, but at the time it happened it could have meant anything, and that's why it meant nothing. The thread started to become useful the moment reactions came in, for my post, for the votes, also to an extent for Moridin's readwall.

    I would have ranked anyone except Typhon varying degrees of Null before that point, and if you're telling me you didn't, I have problems seeing how you could have gained that assessment in a serious manner.
  5. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Because we need the time. There's no way we're letting this go to judge.

    I'm gonna be travelling for a fair bit of today but I'll try to keep up on my phone.
  6. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Not entirely, but, God, getting what I got was like pulling teeth. I'll just take it.
  7. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Hey Probellum, genuinely curious, under what circumstances would you consider a readwall scummy?
  8. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    @Kalas' question: One's that are timed and sufficiently vague enough, that seem more like they're their to try and get an early influence on others' opinions by giving them False Targets? Really, I've said this enough, I thought it was obvious. Maybe there are other scenarios, but I don't have the experience with mafia necessary to think of them. Or maybe I'm just dull.


    The way I see it, since we have 15 people and 4 are scum, and I know I'm not scum, there's a 10:35 ratio or, 2/7 or ~28.6% chance of randomly hitting Scum with a Lynch.

    That is, of course, without factoring in how Scum will vote, or any other myriad of variables, like who's looks scummy because they're scum and who looks scummy because they've derped.

    So, best to start putting in some of those variable to narrow it down, I guess.

    Right now, Fonti is pretty much my only strong Town read, She's been her usual self, as far as I can tell. She's acted the same as she was in the last game I played and the few other games I've read through here she was Town.

    Possible Scum reads are:

    Moridin (My reasons are obvious by now)

    Aekiel (Was kind of Nullish, but some of his comments when he started defending himself make me suspicious)

    Kalas (Not as strongly as the others, but some things feel off. There was something specific, but my Chemo-fog is keeping it on the tip of my tongue and I can't be assed to go and reread from page 7 to remember why right now)

    Sesc/Stojil (As Bill_Door said, it kind reads like distancing. Otherwise, Sesc seems to be kind of willfully reticent at times. Stojil would read pretty towny, if not for the distancing thing.)

    Typhon (For a lot of reasons stated by others)

    Thing is, with Typhon, the people who have votes him are also Scum-reads.

    There are others who seem kind of scummy, but these 6 stick out most heavily to me. Though that may be because they're so active.

    Since we're getting kind of close to deadline, I think we should figure out who we're lynching.
  9. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    The current votes are clear, Probellum. What is there to figure out? If you want to lynch Moridin, convince more people to vote for him. Was his readwall your only reason?
  10. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Well, I figure it's better to get started on these things early. I'd really rather not have us end up leaving it to the Judge, when there's a chance the Judge is Scum.

    His readwall was the biggest thing, but since then, he's poked a couple people (Wetnurse and Luckylee) and has focused primarily on Zeitgeist. But his pokes seem more for show and half-hearted and his reasons against Zeitgeist seem weak. I'll admit that he doesn't he seem as Scummy as he seemed before, but I'd still consider him as such.

    As it is, we'll probably end up Lynching Typhon or Aekiel. I'm wary of voting Typhon, when all of the people voting for him right now are also on my Possible Scum list, so:

    Lynch Vote Aekiel

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ----------

    Urgh, forgot to Bold:

    Lynch Vote Aekiel
  11. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Alright. I'm mostly recovered from yesterday. Going to read over what I missed and see if anything jumps out at me. Currently I'm not happy with Zeit but that's going nowhere today so:

    Vote Player: Typhon

    Of the current options he's the one I'd be happiest lynching. (I'm not at all a fan of the Aekiel wagon.) I'll check in again soon.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

    Just as a reminder.
  12. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    On phone, so will check in later
    Cesar I'm pretty sure I've already done that. Should have pc net before deadline 6 hrs so I'll find it and otherwise contribute then.
  13. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Still on my phone, still Christmas-ing with my girlfriend's family, so I'm still not going delve too deeply into the tl:drs. I did see that Sesc asked me a direct question in one, though, so I can knock that out while I have a minute of break.

    Point by point:

    I really didn't have a problem with that. Hell, trying fuck Aek's perceived scummy plan up is why I've railed against him so long. In context of the Garcia Rule, I could see that applying with leading questions, perhaps. Scum have plans too, and letting them prey on someone who would make an easy lynch is just poor play by anyone that sees what's happening. Best part of your post, to me. I don't think that was a particular leap in rational thinking, either, so I'm counting that against Rubicon.

    I agree a lot more with him here. Saying nothing of nothing can be determined and following that with talk of last game's more obvious roles reads awfully. I had honestly not examined your first post particularly closely, but this combined with your misrepresentation of what I have said (in the tl;dr) is giving me a sinking feeling about you. I'll know more about whether I'd call you a full on scum read after I can examine your most recent posts a bit, but regardless you're trending downwards.

    Meh. Your playstyle can be a little infuriating regardless of your alignment. I'm being soft defended there, and I'm not particularly comfortable with that. This was an annoying wrap up by you, and you made no case, but simply staying that (the no case part) would-be been enough.

    I'd have really liked for Rubicon to just answer the question. Stojil's stated rationale for asking about that, instead of town reads our something else, mirrored what I thought almost exactly. Hated this.

    I feel the need to do that as well, and I'm quite town. This is not a thing. Our it shouldn't be, at least. It doesn't make the links go away, but acknowledging them is hardly a scum tell.

    I've already talked about that post from Aekiel. I obviously think Rubicon is on to something in calling it out.

    Approve of the Zeit pressure. Regardless of what I said about Aekiel, he must contribute.

    Overall, he said some positive things, but I disagree more than I agree. Him not (and continuing to not) answer the question, defending me more than necessary, and making the jumps he did over your Garcia Rule post had more considerably more suspicious of him than I was before this post. Based on it alone, he's scummy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ----------

    Also, is the suspicion falling on me coming solely from Sesc's case? Because I'd rather like to not be lynched, if I'm neglecting to defend myself against something. My death wouldn't cripple the town by any means, so I guess it wouldn't be a huge deal, but I think I'd be able to contribute something every couple days.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Looking back, I'm probably overstating things there. My bad. I was annoyed and let it influence my memories.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ----------

    What? The extent of my plan for this game has been 'poke people, find scum.' I kinda recall someone misinterpreting me to think that I was jumping on the weakest players, but really? I asked a couple of questions and got an interesting answer from Zeit that I followed up on with some pressure.

    I fail to see what's so strange about my question (for reference it was: "Zeitgeist: What do you make of Moridin's suggestion?"). I asked a person about another person. That's generally how these things work. I wasn't going to be back for a while so I felt no specific need to pick someone currently posting. Aside from which, it was early enough on pregame/D1 that it'd be stupid to just focus on the active players since most people had barely even checked in at that point.

    Who are you talking about here? I can't tell if you're following on talking about me or if you've jumped on to someone else.

  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    @ prob: to be clear that wasn't a poke. just wanted your opinion. imo read walls are almost never pro town. Town can make them but their benefits are vastly overestimated.

    @ Typhon: vote on you has nothing to do with sesc. I don't like things you've posted and I don't like how you posted them.
  16. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Got sent after ice.

    That was me, and I rather thought that it was your plan. Honestly, though, I'd almost be satisfied letting it rest at this point, because your reactions to my continued tunneling have felt pretty genuine. I'm not convinced that you're town, per say, but there are better targets. Hell, in the ironic post of the day, I'd be okay with lynching a non contributor (Luckylee, Zeitgeist), if for no other reason because Aekiel and I have at least been around, and have made our cases, both for ourselves and for people we'd like to see be lynched.

    I just thought it seemed quite likely that it was meant to look random while giving you easy scum hunting points. That was very much in line with my early analysis of you (posting something that would net easy town cred), and the trend made me uncomfortable. So I tunnelled for a bit, but never got a reaction that was doing any more to convince me you were scum. In light of everything that has gone on since I made the initial decision to come after you, I no longer want you lynched at the moment. Certainly not first.

    That was my conclusion on Rubicon, side I ess analyzing Rubicon's post.

    It was, admittedly, heavy handed, but it would've been impossible to narrow me to a single role from that. Further, there was a chance it could've been missed by people skimming, which you made far less likely.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------

    How clear. Any particulars?
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Don't be silly. It narrows down which roles you aren't likely to be, which makes it easier for the Assassin to narrow down yours and other roles.

    Think of it this way. The Assassin now has one less person he suspects of being Priest. Assuming that the Assassin is scum, that is. The same applies to scum as well, assuming you're town.

    Also, you can't pin the blame on me when you are the one who did it in the first place.
  18. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    There was also Firefly mafia now that I look back, so you kinda have a point, but you were scum then too.
  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Okay, readwall time. I'd appreciate it if we could get one more time extension from someone, since I expect this to start some decent conversations off.

    Fontisian - She's been a bit odd this game, though just as prolific as ever. She's poked a few people, asked some interesting questions and followed up on them (even if her logic at that point is a bit weird). I could go either way, but given how different she feels from normal, I'm going to lean towards scum.

    (Font: Out of all the people you've questioned today, who do you think is the scummiest and why?)

    Dermon - Has raised some decent points, pressured people and followed up on questions until he got a satisfactory answer. Town lean at this stage.

    (Poke someone other than Kalas and Luckylee.)

    Bill Door - Pokes people and doesn't afraid of anything. Also defends Moridin a bit. Has posted decently and on a wide range of topics, but doesn't tend to follow up on his pressure very much. Slight town lean.

    (Top three scumreads. Answer after Fontisian, unless day is about to end.)

    Typhon - I don't like the way he always prefaces an attack on someone with a statement about his own uncertainty/lack of ability. Attacks me for what I consider to be fairly weak reasons. Has done some analysis, but it reads to me as though he's already decided to attack someone and then found justifications for it. Sesc also made a good case against him.

    Definite scumread at the moment.

    (What's your opinion of Zeit? Town or scum with reasons?)

    Luckylee - Can't decide whether he's being his usual derp self or scum. Same as usual really. Null read so far.

    (Think of two worlds. One where I'm scum; who are my scumbuddies? One where I'm town. Who then do you think are scum?)

    Moridin - The more I look at Moridin the more confused I get. Some posts read scummy as hell to me while others are up there with the towniest. I've spent a lot of today around trying to work out his alignment, but haven't quite come to a conclusion yet. I think I'd prefer to leave him alive for today, see what I think about him in light of the lynch/nightkill tonight.

    (Looking at the lynchwagons so far, who do you think are the likely scum?)

    Stojil - Towniest town to ever town. Nothing he's posted as read wrong to me and his pressure has been consistent and useful. Strongest town read.

    (Don't take this to mean I'm not still watching you. At night. You have lovely curtains.)

    Probellum - Post #82 still stands out as odd to me. The 'I don't expect to find anything' comment just sounds wrong no matter which way I look at it. He's backtracked a couple of times, used the same self-defacing tactic as Typhon as well as what reads as some distancing to me.

    #168 especially has distancing, since he attacks Typhon (without stating his own reasons) then immediately comments that he doesn't like the wagon around him. If Typhon is scum, Probellum probably is too.

    Zeitgeist - I've been poking him all day and his responses haven't been particularly good. Hasn't done any scumhunting. Hasn't pressured. Hasn't even asked questions. Lurky lurker needs to lurk less. Scum lean.

    (Give me your top five strongest reads in any direction.)

    Sesc - The play off between Sesc and Stojil has been both entertaining and enlightening. Reads like a town argument. Has been poking people with decent questions, raised some good points in regards to Rubicon (why did he defend Typhon?) and Typhon.

    Town read.

    (Analyse Moridin's answer to my question. If he doesn't post before deadline, take it instead.)

    Kalas - Aggressive and poking at people I also find suspicious. Other than that, relatively null read. Most of my read on Kalas revolves around my reads on others. A good target for some pressure tomorrow.

    (If not Typhon, who would prefer lynching?)

    Wetnurse - Rightly picked up on Font assuming Assassin is scum. Otherwise has a big load of nothing. Null read through lack of evidence.

    (Post more. Give me some reads on people. Scumhunt. Anything.)

    Caesar - I liked #43 but didn't like the conversation between him and Font, which other people picked up on too. Has a weird read on Wetnurse, I think, given his complete lack of content so far. The assassin question was fairly null as far as giving reads is concerned, imo. Decent analysis of Bill's top 5 and I agree with it for the most part.

    Slight town lean, but could change based on Font.

    (How did you get your read on Wetnurse when his posts are basically empty?)

    Rubicon - Hasn't posted much, but his posts are fairly informative. Sesc raises a good point that his defence of Typhon came relatively out of the blue. Seems to be tunnelling on Sesc and Kalas. Got to wonder why would he restrain himself from asking Stojil a question (#154).

    (Give me three scumreads that aren't Kalas or Sesc.)
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I propose you both shut up about roles.

    None of this jibes. You say you picked your scum choices based on who was "unwilling to poke you" for not yelling enough. But then the section you quote from #99 is doing the exact opposite. Dermon also was poking you.

    I did: "The questions to me & Kalas were boring, general, and so pointless that neither of us felt we needed to do anything with them."

    But hey, guess what. You made a good point that you've asked other bad questions in the past as town, and consequently I don't feel like wasting any more mental energy on what amounts to a mafia wiener fight.

    Do you think I'm scum? Are you voting me because you really think I'm who we should lynch today, or are you just pissed that I'm not playing the game the way you think I should? (It really says something that I have no fucking idea.)

    If it's the former, you should probably think about actually making a case because deadline is in four hours.

    I'm voting Kalas because he's scummier than you.

    Seeing your naked vote really turned me on. Sorry if I was premature.

    This is basically what I'm saying.
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