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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I cannot apologize enough guys. Lodge not having internet + family + travel has meant zero time for this. Giving thread a quick read through.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

    Really don't like it. The fact that eliminating a strong player for the sake of eliminating a strong players doesn't cross his mind is.. bleh (unless that's what he meant for his second scenario cause other then that I've got no clue).

    I think he was onto something. That's why he was targeted. All he needed to say. I hate padded reasoning, especially for something so simple (and wrong depending on the scumteam).

    He then lists out his reasons for understanding why people could consider lurking scummy :)facepalm). Zeit's been acting weird and this part of Prob's post doesn't help that one bit.

    Very reasonable and actually worth posting. Reads weirdly compared to the rest of the post.

  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    This reads like you knew Aekiel was town.

    This... no. That's not how it works. If being a townie was all it took to make accurate great, town would win every game. Do you agree with Aekiel's reasoning for his reads

    Vote Bill Door

    I feel like there's been a trend recently of people hinting at but refusing to clarify a scum read for some (usually stupid) reason. Please don't make that a thing on this site.

    Do you have any thoughts on Day 1 posts?

    I'm liking the pressure on Zeit, but I don't really have anything to add.
  3. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Yes, that's what I meant by the second scenario. I guess I should have been more clear, but I'll blame it on having just woken up.

    Which is why I reconsidered it and found going back over Stojil' scumreads less useful than i first thought. but the chances of there not being Scum in Stojil's read is low, when you factor in people actin scummy and regular scumhunting.

    I'm not sure I understand. I was simply agreeing that the lurkin was scummy.

    So wait, I get negative points, for conveying myself clearly for once?

    Can you tell me what about that post reads scummy to you? I was simply saying I probably wasn't experienced enough to say whether or not it was good idea to have Stojil reveal that information, which is why I left it up to him.

    In what way have I connected myself to Zeit? As far as I can tell, I haven't said a thing about him until prompted. Unless that's what you mean? In which case, I'd point out that I wasn't sure how to read him, because, hey, he wasn't there. And I felt no need to point out information that had already been clearly stated by others.
  4. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Why? Because I'm perhaps a convenient target, mayhaps? I am indecisive and diffident but if you knew my previous history with these sort of games, you would know that they don't end well for me when I'm aggressive. Moreover, I don't mind if I am consigned to a lynch due to the nature of what I drew.

    Honestly, I don't what to say because I'm quite awful at these games. However, I am simply curious as to why you changed your mind on the Typhon vote. Did anything Vira say potentially change your mind?

    I feel dreadful as though my entrails are burning because guilt is ravaging me. I mean, you're a player who is quite scummish on my list, due to your actions during the Aekiel Lynch, yet I am such an awful player that I will die as a mislynch before you fall on your own blade as a Witch. Ultimately, I was unable to procure your demise, which is why I have failed my task.


    I've tried, honestly. However, this is the Christmas period and it has taken a substantive amount of my time. Nothing is worse than scum-hunting for the wrong person and misfiring, I feel. There is not contributing and then there's contributing... in a deleterious manner. I do not wish to have the blood of an innocent on my hands. That sort of stain cannot be washed out, no matter the price.

    Typhovira never provided adequate reasons for either lynch, while Luckylee's post 74 insinuates that he is preemptively attempting to generate excuses to rationalise potentially Witchlike behaviour which has not even eventuated yet. As in, he makes a lynch-vote for Aekiel, then posts that he can only make one-liners and then attempts to justify any potential scumslips. Furthermore, Post #214 implies that basically he made a vote for "no reason" and would be content to bandwagon whoever.

    Wetnurse chose not to vote for Aekiel, I assert, and I do not have any worthwhile read on Moridin. I'll confess that Kalas had the most solid read from me out of those three, since the other two were more elusive to my nonexistent scumhunting abilities. Quite frankly, I am neither talented nor assertive in these arts, which is why I doubted myself too much. You are right, however, in averring that both Wetnurse and Moridin need to post more judiciously.

    I am trying to make the post of my limited time here. Ultimately, I do not wish to accidentally steer discussion on a snipe-hunt. The death of an innocent would be too much for me to bear, and having the blood of another concerns me greatly. Although I do not mind if I die, I do mind if I'm the person who drives the nail into the Town's coffin. Hence, my reticence is emergent when the game is concerned.

    I hope that answers at least some of your questions.

    Your rationale? I find it a little jarring that you are so bloodthirsty that you are keeping count. This paradigm of scumhunting to lead to a mislynch is a staple of Witches, after all. Of course, I'm not entirely sure whether you truly are a Witch, because my scumdar is something that I do not trust sometimes, but you're certainly on my list after Luckylee and Typhovira. Does this sort of behaviour warrant a Priest Check? I am not entirely certain.

    Although I am not sure why Kalas claims that a connection exists between us, I do appreciate the vote of no confidence, dear friend. My main question to you is what are your contemporary thoughts on Caesar, who is on my scumlist, and fontisian, who is on my town list?

    My behaviour is readily extrapolates from the fact that doubt drapes over my thoughts like a shroud of uncertainty. I do not know what to do and have worries that I will cost the town. Honestly, how do I ensure that the death of an innocent isn't on my hands? How do I ensure that we do not pull the trigger on the wrong person?

    Your implication that Probellum and I are affiliated perplexes me, however. Why would you imply such a thing?

    Please do add. Because you helped orchestrate a lynch against a most probably confirmed townsperson, so you shall not elude suspicion so blithely, perhaps? What are your thoughts?
  5. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    I must say, I'm partially amused. I'm also wholly late for something. Will post again in a few hours.
  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Hey Zeit, instead of making passive aggressive statements, answer my question.
  7. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Would you add anything else on the topic?

    Explain the connections, please.

    Also, what happened to:

    from day 1?

    While you did. Why are you counting that in Wetnurse's favor?

    Go over his posts and get one, then.

    And your argument is flawed. If you're playing mafia and you're town, you need to lynch the bad guys. It's as simple as that, unless you (stupidly) believe in waiting for scumfirming of some kind before acting. So you'll always be at risk of mislynching. If you're town and you "let" us lynch you, you are 100% sure we mislynch, while if you try and get another lynch done, there's at least the chance you'll gank scum.

    That said, Zeit, that post is definitely an improvement. Of course, you basically NO-U'd and recommended no-lynches in it, which is what you did on day 1 already, but at least there's actual pressure in there.


    for now. But you're the default lynch in my eyes, meaning that, if you don't keep up the posting or you suck at it, my vote is going to fall back to you.

    And you? Are you not going to comment on what he said about you?
  8. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Right. Hopelessly late but here it is:

    I've already analysed the "five scummiest things" in #106. Opening paragraph is alright, though I wouldn't call #61 "discouraging people from posting." Typhon thing is interesting and is an angle I hadn't considered. Response to Moridin's question re: gamestate is very safe. Pressure vote on Aekiel is consistent with expressed opinions. Overall, town side of meh.

    Another very safe answer (which is forgivable at that point but is beginning to form a pattern). Like the fact that the readwall wasn't considered in isolation but in the context of the thread. Would have liked some thoughts on Moridin's potential motivations.

    Request for me to elabourate on my read on Wetnurse. Standard town action.

    Expands upon why he found #61 bad. Personally, I felt that font was questioning Moridin on the reasoning behind his read wall rather than criticizing but that's an issue of personal interpretation. Null.

    May have missed that Kalas was answering Stojil's question. Request for opinions is still understandable. Like his calling Typhon out on his WINE.

    The point on mechanics tricks seems to result from a misunderstanding of my point. I meant that mechanics tricks weren't a thing in this game, due to the fact that we don't know which roles are available to Town. I would expect Bill to realise that. This strikes me as being deliberately obtuse. The Aek/Zeit interactions were strange and I really like the pressure on Zeit.

    Agree wholeheartedly with this.

    I didn't get that impression but it's a valid line of thought.

    Pushes the link between Aek and Zeit. Again, I really think that the quoted post makes Zeit look worse rather than strengthen any such link. It's a decent follow up to his (Bill's) earlier posts. Town

    Further emphasis on his Aek/Zeit theory. It's a valid line of speculation- this was by far the scummiest thing about Aekiel IMO. The consistency is good. At this point, I'd have given Bill Door as a fairly solid town read.

    Mixed feelings on this post, probably due to my instinctive leeriness of revealing role stuff and paranoia re: certain unlikely scenarios. It pinged my scumdar slightly, though I still can't find any concrete reason for it.

    Some... interesting thoughts on how Aek's alignment would affect his reads on people. Lack of reasoning is irksome

    These posts are what really drew my attention. Bill should know that being town does not mean you are infallible. It really reads like he's trying to direct attention towards/away someone. There is also a hint of a row back in the last post as well.

    TL;DR: I'm still somewhat ambivalent on Bill. He's leaning towards scum ATM due to those last few posts and some potentially willful misunderstandings.
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I skimmed day one. Aekiel didn’t stand out to me. He seemed town, but maybe that’s only in hindsight. Scum!Aekiel tends to be more obvious with his plays than just posing questions to everyone. Font pushed on an Aekiel lynch a lot and even now, she’s not posting as much as I’d expect her to.

    @Zeit: mislynching is the worst thing we can do? Nope, wrong, the worst thing we could do is do nothing. I’d rather lose the game by a series of hilarious mislynchings than sit back and wait for the scum to pick us off. It’s active actions that make town win, not passive indecisiveness.

    We seriously need replacements too. Where are Moridin and Wetnurse?
  10. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    He made a half assed statement and didn't even throw a lynch vote, nothing really to respond to Stojil. And he has still yet to build a case against Kalas :/ Throwing out some pressure is great and all Zeit, but I got a lot of shit for doing the same thing, so lol. Answer the original question, why are you suspicious of Kalas?
  11. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    @Stojil: groundwork of a wagon shift layed in 306. Zeit posts.. whatever that was. Prob distances in 336.

    Didn't read like this. Still doesn't.

    In the context of the rest of the post? Yes.

    Doubtcasting then backing away from the statement.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

    Also, Wetnurse disappeared, Rubicon's continued being a derp and Bill read's slightly worse. I can't pursue other people I find scummy?
  12. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    I think that covers your first question. (Basically, I felt that there were better lynches and two of them were on the Aekiel wagon. Hence my dislike.)

    As to your second, they are both varying degrees of town. I'd rather not explain my town reads if you don't mind.
  13. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Is that all you have to tell us about day 1? A bunch of stuff about the only dead player (and a nearly townfirmed one at that)? Also, consider expanding on fontisian because that throwaway line only looks like scummy doubtcasting at the moment.

    I would give an answer to this:

    but *shrugs*.

    Actually, no. You got a lot of shit for posting nothing until urged by a bandwagon on you. Keep your facts straight, yo.

    What about Dermon/TyphVira?

    Sure you can. But it's important to note whom anyone mentions/leaves out, especially if it jars with their earlier posts. Wouldn't you agree? I asked you for a scumteam and you mentioned two pairs plus Luckylee. If you had only listed the former I wouldn't have brought up your day 1 post, because I would have chalked up the differences to having to pick guys with connections, not just scummy players. But since you also mentioned a straggler with no links, I had to ask.

    So, why did you pick the guys you picked and left out the others?

    I do mind, unless you have a legit reason not to talk, but I can't imagine what that would be.
  14. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    I consider explaining town reads to be anti-town as it educates scum in how to appear town (to me, at least).
  15. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    And when did Zeit make a decent post Stojil? After a couple of votes on him, I fail to see the difference. Also, that whole "trying to excuse slumslips!" was a an exact copy from what Dermon said earlier, post your own shit, yo. And it wasn't, it was a general statement made because a lot of people were pist at me for playing like shit, which I'll admit.
  16. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Is scumhunting anti-town because it educates scum in how not to appear scummy?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 AM ----------

    This is an example of what I meant by "commenting on what he said about you".

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------

    Speaking about town-reads, the more I think about what Bill Door said, the more I think it's too stupid to be true. If he really thought that, why didn't he ask for my town-reads since I'm pretty much as townfirmed as Aekiel? Also, why didn't he ask for town-reads in every other game where a player gets confirmed as town?

    Lynch Vote: Bill Door
  17. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Since Zeit probably isn't gonna answer me, I'm gonna beat another dead horse, Wetnurse. Get in here, please. Inactivity is annoying and scummish :/
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    @Stojil: These reads are newer and I feel that I might be onto something. That's about it.
  19. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    @Kalas: What do you mean groundwork for a wagon shift? And I'm distancing because I agreed with several others that Zeit's post was scummy? I'd already said that I understood why his lurking was scummy and combined with that post, it was scummy enough together, that I'd rather Lynch him. Or Moridin (For reasons from D1 and now his lurking.)

    I'm not sure what you mean by Doubtcasting? As far as I can tell it's supposed to mean throwing suspicion on someone else w/o follow through and I mentioned no one but myself, in regards to how how my first instinct said that it was a bad idea, but that, in lieu of my lack of experience, I'd leave it up to Stojil. (As the more experienced player and also the one the subject was about in the first place)

    As far as everything else goes, I'm not sure what else to say, beyond that I tend not to convey myself clearly.

    Anyway, I have Lumbar Puncture on tuesday, so I may not feel up to posting for a couple days after.
  20. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Where the hell did I say that I thought Aekiel's reads were infallible if he was town?
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