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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    It ... slipped your mind? As in, you forgot it? Did you also accidentally vote for Kalas?

    (Don't answer that. I don't even want to know.)

    So what were your reasons to vote for Kalas? You talked about Rubicon, and Moridin, and Stojil and Zeit and Vira, and then you voted for Kalas. There has to be something there.
  2. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    It slipped my mind, as in, I hadn't realized my vote wasn't on anybody at the time. I voted for Kalas, because Rubicon made a convincing argument that Kalas was scum and Kalas didn't defend himself to well, imo.

    Of course, then Kalas role-claimed and Rubicon kamikazed, so...

    Stojil's townfirmed, Zeit made a couple better posts after that one that made me think he was scummy and while he's not Null, I was more convinced of Kalas at the time. Moridin was having problem with his net, so he'd have a hard time actaully responding to any pressure placed on him. Typhon was pretty scummy, but Vira hasn't done anything to ping my scumdar yet. (Though he has been more active then I remember him being when he replaced me in the last Tinyhunt)
  3. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Your preoccupation with me is quite fascinating. Could you clarify what you meant by role fishing? Perhaps by extrapolating with some examples?

    There is this rather quaint little thing called predictions and deduction. Just because I was cognisant enough to accurately suspect that one of Rubicon or Kalas was a Priest does not equate to me being a Witch. My main reasons for suspecting a possible Priest was that at the time, I witnessed two competing pairs: Kalas/Luckylee (who was chainsaw defending) and Rubicon/Probellum. With the perhaps misleading quality of the chainsaw defenses, I received an inkling that maybe either Kalas or Rubicon was a Priest. I even hinted it in one of my posts during the last day by saying "one of them could be something more sacred".

    Of course, I did not know which one was the Priest, which is why I wished to forego lynching both of them and proceed with lynching you instead, as a safer option.


    I never joined the Kalas bandwagon. Merely, all I stated was my mild suspicion at him before Rubicon blew it out of proportion and all of you led a bandwagon against me. May I remind everybody that I refrained from lynching Kalas? I never once voted for him and instead voted for Luckylee and Bill Door, the former for his radical chainsaw defences (and losing a possible Acolyte is less damning than losing the Priest) and the latter for being a probable Witch Assassin.

    Au contraire, I believe that Probellum is more than a worthy lynch. Due to his association with Rubicon, Probellum warrants closer scrutiny. Moreover, you have made some interesting interactions with both Probellum and Rubicon:

    I make a post explaining my reasons: one of them is a possible Priest, I couldn't ascertain who the Priest was, so I opted for the safer option of lynching Bill Door. Fontisian's response is to gung-ho insist on lynching Rubicon/Kalas, when both of those bandwagons were lagging behind the Bill Door bandwagon. She could be a Witch attempting to distance herself from Rubicon, and possibly sharing the identical faction as Probellum.

    As I reiterated multiple times, at the time, I could not ascertain who was the Witch duo out of Luckylee/Kalas and Rubicon/Probellum was the Witch pair and which was the Priest/Acolyte duality. Luckylee, due to his chainsaws, was far less likely to be the Priest than Kalas, so he was the safest lynch option for me. There's not risk of lynching a Priest, and I might have caught a possible Witch. Of course, now that Luckylee has dropped a train on Kalas, his possible Acolyte nature is far less likely.

    You, on the other hand, voted for Kalas. And proposing the ridiculous notion of a Kalas/Rubicon Witchpair. Are you a Witch, perhaps?

    Now, I will keep my vote on Bill Door for now, because I still believe that he is a safer bet. However, you, Dermon, will be my back-up option; I am not afraid to default to lynching either you or fontisian, if the Bill Door bandwagon refuses to gain sufficient traction.
  4. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."

    -- William Penn​

    Current Vote Total:

    Bill Door (2): Zeitgeist (#497), Moridin (#499)
    Dermon (2): Luckylee (#516), Vira (#518)
    Zeitgeist (1): Bill Door (#500)
    Fontisian (1): Prophylaxis (#492)
    Luckylee (1): Dermon (#503)
    Vira (1): Fontisian (#494)
    Probellum (1): Sesc (#495)
    Moridin (1): Probellum (#520)

    Abstaining: Caesar

    It requires 6 to lynch, 8 to auto-hammer.

    As always, updated information can be found in the status document.

    As of this post, day has 30 hours and 10 minutes remaining. (Yes, you got ~4 hours for free)

    Also I need a replacement for Probellum and I'm all out. Does anyone know anyone?


    Prophylaxis voted Fontisian (#492)
    Fontisian voted Vira (#494)
    Sesc voted Probellum (#495)
    Zeitgeist voted Bill Door (#497)
    Moridin voted Bill Door (#499)
    Bill Door voted Zeitgeist (#500)
    Dermon voted Luckylee (#503)
    Luckylee voted Dermon (#516)
    Vira voted Dermon (#518)
    Probellum voted Moridin (#520)
  5. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Zeit, if you are so certain of a Rubicon/Probellum scum pair, than why are you not voting for Probellum after Rubicon has turned out to be scum?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

    I never suggested you did, but your hyper defensiveness is interesting.
  6. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Luckylee: The reason I am suspicious of you is not for your vote on Rubicon, but for how long it took you to call him out, after he said that he would "compromise" with a lynch on you. You weren't at all concerned with Rubicon actually joining and pushing a lynch on you because as your teammate, you thought he probably wouldn't do that.

    Additionally, most of my suspicion falls from your unsupported switch of vote from Rubicon to Kalas, whereas you had made no case before that.

    Also, what pressure on Fontisian was I missing?
  7. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    A bit of a OOG note, but:


    Do you have replacements ready or do you want me to call in a couple?
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Proph: I don't have anyone lined up, though I can probably find someone.

    Zeit: What I got from your overly wordy paragraph was that you didn't vote for Rubicon, despite suspecting him, because you thought he might be the priest to Probellum's acolyte. How exactly did you come to that conclusion, because I can't see it?
  9. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Alright, I may have a replacement lined up.

    Generating content soon.
  10. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    blab is replacing Probellum, effective from now.
  11. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Zeit, I can't possibly comprehend why you think I'm the acolyte. Even discussing it looks like role fishing, and you just admitted you wanted to lynch the acolyte, which is a town role. I don't even. Dermon has since vanished since my accusations which is adorable.

    What are your thoughts on Dermon, Fonti?
  12. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Back during the Kalas/Rubicon bandwagon, I firmly believed that Probellum was scum, but once again, my doubt plagues me like a shrouding cloud. However, he is a member of the Kalas bandwagon and thus will be next on my list after we defenestrate you. And oh no, I know that you did not imply that; I was simply stating my case mainly to fontisian as to why I believed she was perhaps suspicious, being a fervent member of the Kalas bandwagon.

    Oh, m'dear, I'm sure you actually see why Rubicon could have been a Priest at that time. Mainly, he reminded me a little of a player in another mafia game who acted hyper-aggressively in order to scumhunt efficiently and cast doubt on players whom he had checked.

    Any how, talking about the topic of Priests, I have been advised by KaiDASH in my QuickTopic that once I receive certain information, I should come forward. I am a Villager Oracle and would like to inform you that during the Night of Stojil's death, both the Archangel and Archdemon cards were used. The reason why I've been playing rather elusively was because I wanted to seem like an easy enough mislynch so that the Witches would keep me around, around long enough to accrue the appropriate information.

    What the use of Archangel and Archdemon signify is firstly, Rubicon is most likely to be a Witch, a fact we already know. Secondly, the Angels will know for sure that I am the Oracle and have no use coming forward if I am not a townsperson. Thirdly, all dead players can see who the actual Priest is: I do not know why Rubicon would expend his Archdemon card unless he discovered upon death that Kalas was not actually the Priest and hence needed to mislead the actual Priest. Hence, the reason why I'm posting: the real Priest needs to know that his/her Check was invalid.

    Now, I would personally like to lynch either Bill Door or fontisian today, because the former being a possible Witch Assassin makes me feel uneasy, especially in light of my role-reveal. My play-style in this game was to deliberately seem like a possible mislynch so that the Witches would not kill me during the Night. That way, I would live until only Witch remained. What I did not anticipate is both Arch cards to be used, forcing me to come forward, as KaiDASH advised it.

  13. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Zeit: What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that?

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------

    OK, deep breaths.

    Really, when did you say that?

    No, I fucking don't. That's why I asked you. (And don't say it was because he was playing like Typhon. That situation was so far from analogous that I can't believe you brought it up.) When you fail to answer my question, I tend to assume that it's because you can't answer it.

    And now we're at the part that makes me want to scream. You think Bill Door is a scum assassin, so you roleclaimed to tell us what exactly? That the archdemon and archangel cards were played? Why the actual fuck would you say the archangel card was played? Why would you give that information to scum? Further, you're saying that because the archdemon card was played, Kalas must have lied about his role. I'm going to say (and may me expecting sane players to not behave like idiots not bite me in the ass again) that that would be completely moronic.

    Nothing you've done makes sense from a town perspective, but from the perspective of a scum trying to get town cred? Hell yeah.

    I'm going to finish this case on Vira, but really, she can wait.

    Vote Zeitgeist

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

    Bleh, Titus not Typhon. (Beginning letter, man)

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------

    Zeit, if you're an idiot townie and this is the reason you posted that, I have no fucking words.
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Well, you are a probable Witch, so let's start from there.

    I roleclaimed because in the role description that KaiDASH gave me, it advised to role-reveal when the Archdemon is used. If Kalas is not the Priest, which is not likely but possible, the real Priest needs to be sure that the Check was false. Kalas may not have lied about his role, but just in case he did, I am role-claiming so that the Priest will know. Regarding Archangel, Rubicon finds out when the card has been used anyway, so that point is moot. I am also role-claiming in order to eliminate my name from the list of suspects so that we can finally move onto lynching the people who are most likely to be Witches: you, Bill Door, and Probellum.
  15. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Hi, I'm not up totally up to speed yet (have skimmed), but I'll be soon.
    There are no open questions to me, I think, if there are, ask again please.
    Fake edit:

    In the interest of getting involved:

    Zeit, why mention the town archangel at all? Rubicon can't communicate with the witches, afaik

    fontisian, why are you white-knighting me?

    Prophylaxis, what is townier, blue or green?

    Bill Door, why is nobody missing Caesar?
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    You roleclaimed because the card told you to. Because the motherfucking card told you to.
  17. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Luckylee: I'm don't know if you somehow missed post #526, where I responded to you.

    Zeitgeist: How does your roleclaim in any way eliminate you from the "list of suspects," since Oracle is not a holy role?
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    The early mixup and general genuiness of Probellum's post outweighed his later behavior. (Also, if you haven't noticed, he's not great at defending himself.)
  19. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Cursing mainly concerns Demons, which is what Rubicon is. That is why I mentioned it because I thought the town might find that information useful.

    Yes, the card told me to do so. The Game Host usually does not provide misleading advice, so I took it. Also, you're getting awfully defensive and aggressive. Feeling cornered, perhaps? As a Witch?

    Only a Village Oracle would come forward with this information. A Witch Oracle would keep the information to the coven only; why tell a potential Priest who is still out there that his/her Check was invalid? You should mislead them instead and refrain from role-revealing. Only a townsperson, intelligent or derpy and I am probably one of the two, would reveal as the Oracle.

    Perhaps I am a derptastic town. However, my intentions were to refocus the town onto proper Witch targets and to stop the misleading indecisiveness that I was playing at. We need to stay firm as a group and scumhunt the people who are exhibiting signs of being cornered, namely Bill Door, fontisian, and Dermon. I role-revealed so that we may move forward.
  20. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Zeit, the archdemon doesn't invalidate the next priest check, it invalidates the next priest check against a specific person.
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