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WIP Harry Potter: The Last Avatar by The Sorting Cat - T - Avatar: The Last Airbender

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Tutorial Boss, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I feel like I should point out that the WbA is a place for constructive feedback, not a place to lurk about for earlier access to new chapters. Or at the least, leave your thoughts in exchange for said access as a courtesy.
  2. thisperson

    thisperson Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Oct 29, 2006
    All I hear is Wah Wah Wah Wah.

    I've seen it mentioned in DLP authors' profiles that early access to chapters can be found at the forums. I'm betting some members have joined because of this.

    I think it's more a perk of being a DLP member to have early access to the chapter and you shouldn't discourage the viewing. Those who have something insightful to share will.
  3. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Why is everyone raving about this fic? To me it just seems mediocre. It has some interesting world-building, but that's all it is: interesting. It's not exactly done well.

    The first 6 chapters are mind-numbing. It's amazing how spineless Harry is. And the whole visions of drowning started to get on my nerves after the third or so time Harry started spazzing out. That seems to be a common thread throughout the story, Harry going batshit crazy.

    Even after the 6th chapter, where everyone told me that it would get amazing, Harry remains weak. Sure, there are moments of strength, but only moments. Why did he purposely lose the fight to Malfoy? I dunno. He said it was to get him off his back. Because that's a surefire way to deal with bullies, let them pound on you. Because it worked for him before? This Harry is not only spineless, he's also quite stupid.

    What was the deal with the Nargles and Luna? Was that EVER explained other than blocked chi or whatever? That brings me to a tangent: Luna is not this omniscient demi-goddess who is full of wisdom. JKR never made her into anything more than a disturbed girl who has retreated into her own little fantasy world. She's not sociable, she's not this wonderful person who has the answer to anything magical. Every fanfic author and their mother like to make Luna out to be this way, and it is incredibly irritating. Just once I'd like to see someone not make Luna this Mary-Sue and write her as a real person.

    It's the inconsistency of the story that bothered me. Also the mystery schtick that the author seems to love. Harry is weak, then he's strong, then he's weak because he's scared of being strong. Rather than confront people, he runs away. What did he do when faced with the issue of competing in the tournament? He blew up the door. He didn't stand there and defend himself and let everything come to a conclusion, he just ran the fuck away.

    I think the ONLY battle (other than the recent battle with Ron) he's won in this story was when he put his only friend in the hospital wing. Every other fight he has thrown or something. He knows Crouch is evil but tells no one because they MIGHT not believe him. How idiotic is that? The guy just threatened his family and his only response is to bend over and take it. Now Charlie is dead because of his inaction.

    This story is called Harry Potter: The Last Avatar, correct? A year and a half, 15 chapters and 150k words and still not even an inkling that Harry is the Avatar.

    I just really don't understand how anybody could like this fic. I thought it would get really good when the tournament started, but it just remained meh. I'm more excited for my guilty pleasure fics to update than this mediocrity.
  4. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    While I would normally agree with you on that point, this is a HP/TLA crossover. We know there are spirits in TLA. I feel that the character of Luna is pretty appropriate to demonstrate that their are some spirits that have an influence over the real world; yes because she seems to invent creatures and be a bit barmy. She sees things other do not (or she invents them in HP I don't care), because in this story, they are real.

    As for Harry being spineless. In case you haven't follow the story, we haven't even reach december yet. It's been like, what, 4 months? It's short on time to make consistant changes in your life when you consider that Harry is traumatized since June (CoS) and earlier (I think all of his life?) that he's dreaming of being drowned. I'm not surprised he has his ups and down.
  5. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    One of the things that has been bugging me personally, and has kept the story at a 3.5-4 star rating, is the lack of real world-building. A lot of things that I would expect to have learned by now are nowhere to be found. What type of bender is Dumbledore? Does he still have Fawkes, and if so does that make him a fire-bender, or does the freedom and whimsy inherent in air-bending fit him more? If he is one of the last surviving friends of the Avatar, is he a person from the show, who took on a different last name? Or is he one that never showed up in the show, and was friends with Korra post-series? Why has there been absolutely no mention of the Avatar, or lack thereof, other than a few lines about Korra? I'd think that it would have been mentioned, either in class or conversation, that the Avatar cycle seems to have been ended, or that the Avatar is in hiding, since no Avatar has publicly appeared since Korra.

    I would have thought that these essential bits of knowledge at the very least, would have been brought up by now and not have been hidden behind the mystery angle. Like I said, it's pretty much one of the few things that's holding me back.
  6. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    I would have thought that Dumbledore being from Gryffindor goes without saying.
  7. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Ok, spirits make sense. But why? Why were they in Harry and why were they blocking his bending? Why was Luna the only one able to sense that he had something wrong with his bending, when even seasoned benders like McGonagall were unable to see that his chi was blocked? Fanfic authors use Luna like a crutch and it is simply lazy writing.

    And yes, we haven't even reached December yet. Hell, we don't even know what the plot of the goddamned story is beyond that it's a HP/ATLA cross and Harry is the Avatar (at least I hope he is). The problem is that it's already the length of a (maybe a bit shorter than average) novel and the main character is my least favorite character because of how weak willed and cowardly he is.
  8. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    Yeah, but for some reason I keep picturing him as one of Tenzin's kids. Probably the infant, what's-his-face.
  9. bbodysplash

    bbodysplash Third Year

    Jan 24, 2012
    You think Dumbledore is Meelo? I don't know how to feel about that lol.
  10. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Have you seen the series about Korra? There's one child who can see spirits. No one else can, in the entourage of Korra that is.
  11. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    Not the kid fartbender. The infant. The one born at the end of season 1. And although Meelo is...eccentric?, he's also like three. Everyone is a very different person at that age.
  12. bbodysplash

    bbodysplash Third Year

    Jan 24, 2012
    Ooooh. I didn't actually watch the entire season.
  13. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    This fic only accepts Book 1: Air, as the changes, reveals, and politics in Spirits completely destroy this fic.

    Dumbledore is clearly a fire-bender, that's pretty clear I thought o.0

    I love this fic, because when faced with a crossover there's more to take in account than just what spin it puts on HP, and this isn't a universe cross like most HP/DF we see on here, it's a full fusion, something only seen in T3t's Why We Fight as far as I can remember.
  14. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Nope. I stopped watching Korra when the little bitch was partly responsible for getting her father arrested.
  15. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    I'll grant you, Korra was shit!

    Is that stated somewhere? I didn't pay much attention on my first read since I hadn't actually watched the series and such notice were barely worth noting.
  16. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I believe it was noted in one of the A/N's at the beginning of a chapter. I didn't read the full thing but I remember an A/N mentioning something about some new revelations about spirits fucking up what the author had already said in the story.
  17. cash0maker

    cash0maker Third Year

    Sep 28, 2013
    Its same thing that was happening with "The Prince That Was Promised" (although it was way better than this). If you write something in a genre where your fic is only thing readable and not cringe worthy then its bound to get popular.
  18. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    Then it's not really the same thing is it? As "The Prince That Was Promised" would still stand out if the genre was as big as Harry Potter itself.

    That said, I get your point, the premise itself is new, so it can stand on that instead of fantastic writing and character development (even though I don't believe it's as bad as some are making it out to be).
  19. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I enjoy the story, but it's not really a massive favorite of mine. There are some serious flaws; much of the plot seems to be happening based upon authorial fiat rather than real characterizations, Harry spends far too much time moping, and the general air of mystery tends to be more annoying than intriguing. Still worth reading on the update, but I feel like much of the hype comes from the potential; you found a great way to blend the two series and it could be so incredible.
  20. Sal Paradise

    Sal Paradise Fifth Year

    Feb 2, 2010
    underneath a rock
    I'm mostly confused by the rage. Harry does become stronger as the story progresses, and the initial weakness and following character growth is well written and engaging. More than anything else, this makes us value the power Harry has later, and gives some meaning to what he had to go through/come to realize to obtain it.