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Micro Mafia #2 - High Noon Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    I was very clearly offline. The fact that you're so sensitive about my vote on you implies you're scum.

    Does not compute. Three posts to convince you to not do what I want?
    Why evade the thing about stojil?

    Yes you can: Duel someone or we lynch you.
  2. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Hm, vote or die? Sounds scary~

    Why are you ignoring my question, blab?
  3. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    You mean: Are you scum? No.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    blab is town. Lutris, on the other hand, is scum.

    Vote Lutris

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 PM ----------

    Bill Door


    Uncle Stojil

    Vira and Stojil are unaligned pairs.

    Yeah, that looks right.
  5. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    You mistake my insistence for sensitivity - do at least consider that I don't have a handle on any of you as players (well, most of you). Pressuring you for a response is a natural consequence of that.

    That said, I'll concede that you could draw those implications from what I've posted so far.

    I'd like to hear your reasoning for town!blab+scum!me.

    While you're at it, I'd appreciate it if you at least try not to weasel out of it by citing 'reasons' or some mysterious plan.
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Lutris: I'll give you a clue. The town read on blab comes from the part I quoted, and the scum read on you mostly comes from posts 41 and 50. Have fun.
  7. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Fun is definitely being had.

    I assume you find my posts suspicious generally in that I phrase my points in a non-committal way, and more precisely because of the jab I layered at LL and my subsequent attempt at lengthening D1 - I didn't instigate, but instead followed up on KaiDASH's casual remark. Which I do agree could be indicative of a scum tell.

    Rest assured that that's simply how I play.

    It does occur to me that you're adding your vote against me to the one already thrown in by blab, which I find suspicious in itself. So, there are three possible scenarios regarding my and your guilt:

    1. fontisian = Town/Lutris = Scum.
    2a. fontisian = Town/Lutris = Town.
    2b. fontisian = Scum/Lutris = Town.

    You're arguing scenario 1, without stating an actual argument outside of "I find you scummy". You've consistently been trying to frame the discussion in the thread, which can be indicative of scum in general, and your largely unexplained turnaround regarding blab is suspicious as your posts can be interpreted as two scum doing a song and dance to establish that either or both of you are Town members. Then again, you could be Town and also be bad at reading me. Given the content of your posts, you seem to be relying heavily on meta reads accrued through experience, so this is excusable.

    All in all, I'm leaning towards 2a at the moment, depending on how the rest of D1 plays out and if I manage to survive or not. You calling me out at this juncture could set up to a Lynch or Duel, which will always be pro-Town on D1. I will accept a Duel offer if A) you instigate, and B) your challenge is issued D1. It can only be pro-Town.

    As a final point: There is little reason not to be forthright with your reasoning in this game.

    Apologies for the long post.
  8. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Eh, both of you suck.

    What am I supposed to do then?

    Why? Simply because it's a vote on you? Elaborate on your suspicions.
    Since there is little reason not to be forthright.

    Duels have to be accepted. What's the point of this?

    I shall remember. And you will explain yourself or answer to me and my gun.

    @KaiDASH: I am missing your terribly good insights in this game. Join us. Do not hide in lurkdom for my gun will find you. What's your opinion on fontisian vs. Stojil.

    @Lucky: So any reason for you to insist on that super useful question?
  9. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I don't like being ignored. Other than that, nope.
  10. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Allow me again to allow you to be useful.
    Say something about player x's opinion about player y (for a player x and y of your choice).
  11. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    if it comes down to a duel between Lutris and Fonti, bros before hoes. Take that however you will.
  12. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    “Pain is nothing, just a warning signal from the body to the brain. Pain is no more the real thing than an X-ray photograph is the real thing. But of course he is wrong.”

    -- J.M. Coetzee, Slow Man

    Vote Count
    (5 to lynch)

    Uncle Stojil (2): Kalas, Vira
    fontisian (2): Uncle Stojil, Bill Door
    Lutris (2): blab, fontisian

    blab (1): Lutris
    Vira (1): Luckylee

    Abstaining (1): KaiDASH
  13. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    So insistent that font is scum? Where and how?

    Did we ever play together? I'd argue that I'm being way less aggressive than my usual.

    That's your problem? Not risking to end day less than 24 hours in?

    I'm more than fine with dueling you. Maybe it'll force you to start playing? What has your secret plan accomplished, exactly, beside twarting discussion?

    I'm town (for what it's worth saying it). I don't really know what you are except anti-town. You're basically throwing shit around with no explaination, both scum and town reads, and with a suspicious-looking certainty to boot. In a game where there's a mechanic in which any trigger-happy player (townies included and foremost) can try and basically force a two-men lynch vote, what you're doing is super stupid if you're town, pretty stupid if you're scum. All townies hate being called scum, but do you know what they hate more? Being called scum without reasons. That's annoying, and annoyance and the duel-mechanics don't make for a good pair.

    So, explain what you think and why or I duel you, and I really won't care what you turn out to be.

    Bill Door: who would you duel at the moment and why?

    Lutris: why would duels always be pro-town?

    KaiDASH: play the game.
  14. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Sorry, been busy.

    We still have like 36 hours + the dual extension, so still enough time to do stuff.

    I should be able to get some posts in, in about 10-12 hours.

    Quick commentary is that I don't like what fontisian is doing, luckylee has dialed it up to 11 and Vira is wrong - we force people to do the duels we want by lynching them if they do not partake in the duel.
  15. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Fonti/vira scumteam is a thing.

    Really bad reasoning for lynching stojil combined with a shitty half defense of fonti. Also putting us within 1 vote of a lynch in a game that has Luckylee in it is just straight up stupidity.

    @Stojil I'll happily duel either of fonti and vira.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Serious!font time.
    Oh, I agree. And it's concerning.

    Why can't I have a problem with both of those things?

    It wasn't a plan so much as a general idea to bait you and compare your reaction here to your reactions to Sesc and Rubicon in Witchhunt 3.

    I'm going to quote these sentences in particular, because they were the worse ones of that post. In the past, when town!Stojil was annoyed he explained why he in particular was annoyed. Instead, we have Stojil explaining why a townie would be annoyed and conveniently leaving out his own emotions, as it makes for easier acting. The funny part is that he also didn't mention how scum feel when they're called out without stated reasons. Hint: It's a more acute annoyance, because there are no arguments to be knocked down.

    But Stojil wants some explanations? I can provide.

    Having been Lucky's scummate for several days, I'm about 90% sure right now that he's town. In the last game, he was constantly doubtcasting, setting up mislynches, leaving himself outs and OMGUSing. Here he's genuinely scumhunting, in his own weird way.

    blab is most likely town, because instead of trying to get out of a duel with me by making the logical arguments against it, he instead pushed me to duel him. He doesn't have the sense of self-preservation I'd expect a scum to have.

    Bill Door is the weakest of my town reads. I like the way he didn't attempt to justify his vote for Lexicat, and then immediately put pressure on me.

    Kai and Kalas are nulls because I haven't seen anything from them that's indicative of town or scum. Kalas might be a slight town read solely for his joking demeanor.

    Vira is possible scum because her actions don't match up to her words. If she was worried about mislynching Stojil, then she shouldn't have put him in hammer range in the first place. IMO, the point of the line about hammering ("If we hit five votes, will the day end immediately? If so, no one hammer, please.") was made solely to absolver herself of responsibility if someone else hammered.

    Now if Proph could just answer my question in my qt about whether scum have day chat, I could decide if Stojil and Vira are unaligned pairs. (Hey Proph, you could also answer it here.)

    Stojil is likely scum because his aggression is more focused than usually (notice how his post 73 ignored most of the activity in thread to focus on me, he used unnecessary language to strength his argument, and reacted in a faked manner to my baiting.

    Lutris is my strongest scum read for a couple reasons:
    1. In post 41, he attempted to doubtcast Stojil and get others to attack Stojil for him. Had he actually been suspicious of Stojil, he would have commented on my attack. He also tried to play it both ways by supporting Stojil's attack against me.
    2. Post 50 is fake as fuck.
    "No words"? Really? It's not like Lucky hammered, when he just put a serious vote down on Vira. There's also the "gives me pause" line that heavily reminds me of my own "Now this is interesting" comment to Vira in Witchhunt. How did it give him pause, and what does that mean? Then we have generic comment about how more discussion is good, as is everyone and they brother wasn't already fully aware of that.

    3.Post 67:
    First off, let's note that I never intended my post to become a "Make a case against yourself." I said I had problems with two posts, and Lutris immediately went on the defensive, explaining "that's simply how I play." I don't like it, and I expected him to be more curious about what parts of his play I saw as scummy, or annoyed at my vagueness, instead of making up reasons that I attacked him. These two paragraphs say guilty conscience to me.

    The rest of the post isn't any better. Lutris makes his scenario chart for whatever reason, states many reasons that I could be scum, and then declares that I am likely town anyway, for reasons that I don't comprehend.

    We also have a drawn out thought process, in which he decides the most pro-town thing to do would be to accept a duel should I propose it. Three problems: 1. Duels don't work like that. The challenged person has not choice but to accept. 2.He just town read. Now he wants to go into a duel in which either he or someone he's townreading will have to die? What? 3. The passage reads as if he decided to accept a duel only because it would make him look town.

    So, yeah, more votes on Lutris.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

    Compare this post with the doubtcasting of Sesc and Stojil and Witchhunt:
    Confirm town read on Bill Door.
  17. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    This reads super fake to me.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Why? Because we discussed fake towntells in our scum qt in the last game? I'm not the type of idiot who uses scum strategies against the people I just discussed them with.

    Do you have any comments on the rest of the post?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

    EBODP: For reference, I'm refering to this exchange:
  19. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I'd actually forgotten about that conversation, I just thought what you said looked fake.
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    You didn't address my other question. What do you think of the rest of the post?