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Micro Mafia #2 - High Noon Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:

    Quiet players in a 9 player game are suspicious and stuff.

    I'm not exactly sure what to make of Stojil/Fonti fight.

    Lutris/Fonti building halfish TLDR's Day 1 is giving me a headache and a half too tbh.

    I don't know what you mean by dialing it up to 11, Kai.

    Lol @ Vira for actually putting me in a situation where I could hammer, (I only hammer as scum, and by accident >.>)

    BillDoor is, semi aggressive and quiet? Null atm.

    Where is Kalas? I don't see him anywhere. Only I may make shit post and get away with it.

    blab is being blabby which is a good thing.
  2. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I'm alive.. somewhat. Need to do an indepth read but Bill's posts stood out for me. He's reading scummy.
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Alright, no day chat, so Stojil and Vira are most likely unaligned pairs.

    Kalas: Could you explain what you find scummy about Bill Door?
  4. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    What prompted it, finally?

    It really isn't, since it's all proportioned. I attacked less simply because there was less, and despite that I still managed to be the most aggressive player (disagree?). There was very little to pressure at the time Vira said that, and there's barely a little more, now.

    You can, and yet you didn't mention the risk of shortening the day. Your reaction was only about not having a duel.

    Wow. You're really slinging meta stuff around hoping some of it sticks. I dare you - nay, I double dare you - to quote the posts vs. Sesc/Rubicon in which I explained why I, and not every useful townie, was annoyed (I like how you went and found Bill's quote to "prove" your town-reading of him in the automerge and yet didn't bother for this). Besides, I freaking opened that paragraph with "I'm town". Are you in any way familiar with syllogisms?

    Are you implying I left out my being annoyed at you? Did you even read my post or are you just making stuff up? The whole thing was about my irritation at your gameplay and my earlier post was as well.

    Now you're implying I was more acutely annoyed, since I'm scum? Which one is it?

    As for the point itself, I completely disagree, anyway, to the point where I have to think you're lying. Scum are almost always scared (relatively speaking) by votes without explained reasons, not annoyed. Annoyance is almost entirely a town prerogative (easily faked, though). And actually, you seem to agree to this when you say:

    and you vote for Lutris.

    My god, it's like you're addicted to met(h)a. How about the game before that, then, Hammerfest? He was town there and he didn't look at all like this game's Luckylee, either. Point is, meta works up to some point, but with a relatively new (and knowingly derpy) player like him, you have to expect changes and even swings in different directions.

    Lexicat who isn't even in the game? Wut?

    Really? The post where I asked Vira and Lutris questions about some things they said, and prodded Bill Door and Kai to participate? I fail to see much of anything worthy to comment on about the other posts, half of which are about you and our interaction, anyway, and another half are about stuff I shouldn't have commented on because they were directed at other players and still up in the air (like the Lutris and Vira bit of your last post, for example).

    Repeating this isn't going to make it true, and I already asked you to explain it. I also asked you to address my accusations, or did you miss that as well?

    Aaaaaand, now it's faked. :facepalm

    Just pick one, woman.

    -stop fencesitting.
    -read the TL;DRs and tell me what you think about them.
    -do you not see Kalas or do you see him making shit-posts?
    -how is blab being blabby and how is that good?
  5. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I'm not really fence sitting, at all?

    I did read the TLDR's and they are almost entirely on wording/Meta. Shit I agreed with I already pointed out so I'm… exactly sure what you want? Tbh I don't see why you and Fonti are attacking each other so much atm, you two are probably my strongest town reads. Thats why I'm not sure what to make of it.

    I saw Kalas make one post aka not seeing him, and it was a trlololololol post. Thats a shit post. I thought that was clear :eek:

    blab being blabby was just a pun. He has said a lot of nothing, just like pretty much everyone else atm.

    Atm I'm curious as to what Kalas has to say about BD, but thats about it. I already threw my vote on Vira who I think is acting weird/put me in a position where my hammering would help scum. I don't see how my voting of Vira is fence sitting, at all.
  6. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    You were fence-sitting about my confrontation with fontisian before this:

    Now, there's another problem. In post #51 you said:

    while in #71 you said:

    You think Lutris is scum and fontisian is town, and you pick the latter instead of the former for a lynch?

    Then why did you say it was a good thing?
  7. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Jesus you're attacking me for the lamest of reasons Stojil. The Bros before Hoes thing was a joke :/

    blab being blabby is a good thing, discussion is usually a good thing. I didn't know I'd come under scrutiny for 2 bad jokes though, esp on Day 1.
  8. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    That (and what follows) is called pressure, Lucky, and not even strong in this case. Why are you being so defensive? Why are you so uneasy with "coming under scrutiny"? It's like you have something to hide.

    Lynch: Luckylee

    Waiting for fontisian's answer before possibly dueling her.
  9. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    @fontisian: How does the post (Bill's) you've quoted in any way support your point? I. e. Why not: look Bill does the same thing that he does when he is scum, except he puts a little more effort in it this time.
    I also can't really see the case on Stojil.

    Furthermore, thanks for this:
    Because, really? How does that work with this:
    and this:
    @Stojil: Your defense is cool. What do you conclude about fontisian's alignment from it?

    @Lucky: You're now allowed to answer the question I last asked you again. This time seriously.
  10. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Yet you just said no townie likes being called Scum? You're kinda contradicting yourself here, Stojil.


    My answer to that is, fuck off. If you're gonna condescend to me I'm not gonna bother answering your question.
  11. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    I want to see her answer first, but I can tell you it's a 5/25/70 ratio right now (don't ask).

    Annoyance =/= Overdefensiveness
  12. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    It wasn't my intention to be condescending, though I probably was. I'll refrain from using the word 'allow' with you from now on. Neither was the 'useful' in the first question supposed to be a dig at you rather then just a reference to inanity of the discussion about the question "Are you scum?".

    The same way you didn't like your question to be ignored I didn't like my (serious) question to be evaded with a joke, especially as I thought you were serious (I felt fooled). Therefore I wanted you to answer the question again.
  13. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Mmk then.

    Fonti's opinion of Stojil and vice versa confuse me. They both look townish to me, but I've already stated that. So I already inadvertently answered that question. But yeah, sry I get a little irritated when I'm condescended to, even if it's unintentional. Thats why I answered with a joke in the first place.
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Reasons. (I got impatient with dicking around and I got a reaction out of you.)

    Fair enough. I do have the impression that you're going for lynches more than scumhunting, but I'm not sure I can explain it.

    Shortening the day is always a thing and the duel thing is unique to this game.

    You say meta, I say behavioral analysis. IMO, meta is pure reliance on a history and saying "they're acting the same way, so they must be town" or "they're acting differently, so they must be scum." It fails because it doesn't take motivation and player improvement into account. I'm attacking you because what you're doing is different and scummy.

    Challenge accepted. I'm going to look at the Sesc one, because I feel like it.
    You got genuinely angry at Sesc and kept pressing for him to answer your questions, without actually calling him scum. It was clear that you were trying to understand his pov, rather than looking for a lynch.

    Then we have your post in this game:
    You're trying to understand why I'm doing this, because you know I'm town and you see an easy lynch, much in that same way I was trying to understand why Zeit claimed in the last game. You're stating how a townie would feel for one of two reasons: You either do not feel that way yourself or you do feel that way, and are trying to justify it to us.

    (We actually discussed syllogisms today in my Compartive Politics class. Not exactly what I was looking for in that kind of class, but what can you do?)

    Fyi: The "I'm town" is part of the problem. Why did you say "I'm town" and then explain how townies reacted, instead of making the implicit assumption that you're town and reacting?

    No. It was all about how a townie would be annoyed at my gameplay. You were justifying you position instead of just straight up attacking me.

    This is a pedantic argument, but fine. I, personally, feel annoyed when townies vote for me when I am scum. The difference can succinctly be described as the town "I'm town, what are you doing?" and the scum "I'm scum but you don't have a case against me."

    Did you actually read my argument? It's not that he different, so much as he's so much better, with a more town attitude.

    Yes Stojil. That would be the point. He didn't try to justify his joke vote when I called him on it.

    Let's see. There's the fact that Vira almost hammered you, Lutris' bullshit response to me that a town!jil would have torn apart, Luckylee's bro before hoes comment etc. Your questions, with the exception of the section directed to me, were either entirely defensive or pointless.

    I already explained it. The words that I pointed out were excessive and unnecessary. That’s all there is to it.

    Which accusations? The ones where you accuse me of not voting for anyone? How do you expect me to argue with a fact? I didn't feel like voting for anyone at the beginning, so I didn't. End of story. Or where you refering to your accusation that I was applying poor pressure, an accusation that you made in post 21? Tell me Stojil, how could you attack me for not applying pressure when you hadn't applied any pressure yourself before that post?

    Honestly, the only legitimate thing you were attacking me for was arguably the duel rhetoric with blab, on the basis that it was "random." I didn't consider it random because blab backed out of it in his first post.

    Allow me to explain with small words. You faked that post, and I know that because of your word choice, as previously explained.

    And Stojil, dear, using "woman" to refer to me like that is also a very good way to get on my badside.

    This is why you're scum. Luckylee is blatantly town, and you're going for an easy lynch.

    Look at the difference in wording, blab. It's all about the wording.

    Do I look like Proph to you?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 PM ----------

    I don't understand how everyone else isn't seeing this. Look at the calculating edge to Stojil's posts, the doubtcasting that goes with every bit of pressure.
  15. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    how bout yu actually give an opinion on the 2 of them. not just towbnsih actually commit to something

    why nbot try??

    why the hate mang?

    fonti how is what stolij si doing different and rong?
  16. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    @fonti: The distinct differences in his posting style when he's scum as opposed to town. Playing with him last game I'm sure you've picked up on at least some of them.

    FakeEdit: Also drunk posting apparently. Something I consider an extreme scum tell, mostly due to Lungs.
  17. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Can you elaborate on it?

    Bill Door: I will respond to your questions, when they make sense.

    Fair warning: I may duel Stojil or Lutris in the morning, depending on what happens while I'm asleep.
  18. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    ill respond whn you make sense.

    taqke that yo.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Oh God.
  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    When people are posting a lot/applying pressure, I assume they're town.