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Micro Mafia #2 - High Noon Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Prophylaxis, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Challenge failed.

    Your answer is lots of words having nothing to do with what you had said and what I had asked you to prove.

    I'll address them, anyway.

    Or because the Rubicon one is a square, different from the circle of the Sesc one, and you were already trying to make that fit into the triagle hole by cramming it down despite logic.

    Your behavioral analysis seems to fail to realize the differences in context:

    1) My argument with Sesc spanned multiple pages and was a fuckton longer than what we had.
    2) It had similarities to the one I had in that same day with Rubicon, which added to the frustration, while you were the only source here.
    3) Are you saying I wasn't trying to understand your pov? The fuck? What have you been reading?
    4) I had various stronger scumreads in that game while you're definitely the prominent one, here, and I was looking for a lynch for them, anyway (why are you implying that looking for a lynch is a bad thing? That's looking for a mislynch, and it's entirely different).

    What is this supposed to mean, compared to the previous quote? What's the argument, here? It's an interpretation you're just pulling out of thin air instead of basing it on what I wrote.

    1) "because you know I'm town" - interpretation with no basis (point them out if there are any).
    2) "and you see an easy lynch" - I'm sorry... you, an easy lynch? In what world? Or do you think I thought you were never going to elaborate and would just keep saying "Reasons" and "It's a plan" until you died to sharp rocks or pistol?
    3) "much in that same way I was trying to understand why Zeit claimed in the last game" - what is similar and how?
    4) "you do feel that way, and are trying to justify it to us" - your anti-town behaviour was justification enough, but I was giving you an explaination of what I wanted and what would happen if I didn't get it. Are you implying that's scummy? Also, now you're back to saying I did feel (or could have felt) annoyance. Again, which is it? Fake or real but scummy because I wanted to justify it?

    Because that's the syllogism I made to explain it. And the actual reaction was the post before, at least in part.

    Again, the fuck? I attacked your so-called plan for being stupid in this setup. I threatened you. I accused you of nake-voting when we were clearly past that point in our discussion. I accused you of a whole bunch of other things in previous posts. And my vote was already on you.

    You based it on his past game, making it the premise that you had played with him for a long time as scum-buddies and citing how he acted there and how it was different to now. I agree that this is a tad better. Is it enough to declare a 90% town read on him? Not even close.

    Which tells you what? What kind of tell is that?

    which half the playerbase had already addressed.

    It was an answer to your post, and that's enough for me not to touch it until you did, especially since you kept saying you had a plan.

    Same as above but with blab and minus the plan. It was his question. Also, it mostly became relevant when Luckylee brought out a town-read on you later on, and look, after blab never followed up, I did.

    Let's quote them:

    Meant to stop people from saying things that had no basis in reality (note how she never answered/quoted my posts etc, which she won't 'cause it was bullshit). Was it about me? Sure. Can it be considered a defense? Yes, while also calling out bullshit. Entirely defensive? Nope, and that "entirely" looks like a case of your beloved language tells (see how I actually explained it, though?).

    Meant to get scum-reads, scum-tells and/or possibly a strategy of some kind (no luck there :rolleyes:). How is this pointless (I'm assuming you didn't want to apply "entirely defensive" to this one)?

    He has yet to answer this, so I'm not going to say what I wanted to get from it.

    What, were you looking to debunk it? You obviously just had to explain it.

    Alright, and it's scummy. Not only because your history says you always open up with random votes, but especially because your sentence ("I want to lynch you both") didn't match up with your actions (lack of vote). I used that bolded phrase deliberately, because it's the one you used while supporting your scum!Vira read.

    I had voted, you hadn't. I had pushed Kalas to vote, you had given blab (and yourself) an easy way out of a duel, affecting the only pressure you had generated. Hence the "already poor pressure" comment. Try again.

    I didn't attack you because the duel was random, but, again, because you gave blab (and yourself) an easy way out. And what blab did in his first post doesn't tell me anything, since it was a joking one, just like if he had opened without mentioning it. The only thing about it that could have meant something would have been if he had actually started the duel, and that would have given me a blab idiot-read more than anything else. He didn't back out of anything, there.

    That's a strong word considering that this:

    is all there is to it.

    Noted. I didn't use it with any kind of derogatory sense, I hope you know that.

    Luckylee isn't blatantly town in any way, shape or form, but he is or can be an easy lynch. You're right. We should leave him alone, never pressuring him while letting him stroll to end game without minding him when he says stuff that doesn't make sense, contraddicts itself or previous statements, and when he reacts in an over-defensive way.

    I'm always calculating, but feel free to point out where it's scummy and why. And now there's doubtcasting, too. Quote it, please.

    EXTERMINATE: fontisian

    (for format purposes:

    Duel: fontisian)

    blab: it was 5% misguided townie, 25% townie with some kind of plan, 70% scum. The second is now knocked off.


    Was fontisian posting a lot/applying pressure last game? Was Sesc, in the game before that? Remind me what they were again? I could pick many others but these are the best examples in the most recent games (which you played).

    Kalas: you're basically playing like last game, but you can't be the priest this time and Christmas is over. Change it.
  2. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    To the comment about Sesc, it was Sesc vs Bill Door (who messed up early game and looked scummy). Fonti wasn't nearly this aggressive last game, imo. Thats why I am unsure what to make of it, considering both of you are my stronger town reads.

    Scum acting like I'm obviously town has been done before. (aka Lexicat/battleschool) I just didn't comment on it, but I did notice it. Half of my post have been jokes/and the other half apparently not that good. So I'm not sure about Fonti's strong town read on me. Thats why Idk what to make of any of this.

    Still waiting on Kalas/Kai to respond to me.

    What do you make of all of this, Lutris Senpai?
  3. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    I'm in the process of catching up to post now, if anyone wants to shoot me a Q or 2.
  4. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    @LL: I'm assuming you meant clarify my BD position? There's no long analysis here, just a general feel of his posts so far which look to be fairly classic scum!Bill. Now that's just a somewhat meta informed read, but the drunk posting really did it for me. When you're spellings reached those levels I can't imagine any town player posting. And if it was faked well..

    The only issue I have with this is I don't see a fonti/Bill team atm (funny as that would be) and Stojil's not striking me as scum either.
  5. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You


    If you're gonna be giving out shit about spelling, man...

    In other news I regret nothing and will reread what happened last night when people stop hitting me in the head with ice picks.
  6. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    The point ----

    You ------

    That wasn't a critique of the spelling. The spelling was used as a measure of your drunkness during the drunk posting something I believe no town would do.
  7. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Well, since Proph isn't able to access the internet at work . . .

    Uncle Stojil has challenged Fontisian to a duel!

    All previous votes are now invalid. Fontisian and Uncle Stojil cannot vote until the duel has concluded. Additionally, votes cast for players other than Fontisian or Uncle Stojil will be counted as invalid. The duel ends when one participant reaches majority and is killed.
  8. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Ok, let's see.

    vote fontisian

    I would have put this as a regular vote had stojil not done his duel thing btw.

    If fontisian flips town (Proph: is the duel flip at end of day or when the duel 'ends'?) then I'll want to look hard at Lutris. Not sure who I'd go for if she goes scum, since I think she's independently scummy... The luckylee thing is likely misdirection in that case.

    (also, verbose mode wall to wall combat, the most exciting of posting styles, thanks everyone!)

    As a personal commentary, I think fontisian likes referring to meta and past games way too much.

    Kalas: How will fontisian's flip affect your bill door read? (either / both alignments)

    LL: 'up to 11' is a silly meme which basically means you've gone above and beyond your previous maximum - referring to your distinct posting style.

    Day's been extended by 24 hours with that duel too, so we're once again at ~36 hours to end.
  9. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    The irritation with Bill felt real, so I have them as unaligned.
  10. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    A duel has been initiated! Uncle Stojil has challenged fontisian to battle. Votes have been reset as of post #101.

    “It seemed like a nice neighborhood to have bad habits in.”

    -- Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

    Vote Count
    (4 to concede the duel)

    fontisian (1): KaiDASH

    Abstaining (6): Vira, blab, Bill Door, Kalas, Luckylee, Lutris

    The Day ends at this time.

    When the duel ends.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  11. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    So i'm rereading and Vira has literally done 0 things to help town in any way, she's not just scummy she's like a complete void of any town actions or motivations.

    i'll comment on fonti/stojil soon, tldrs too stronk.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------

    okay I think that this is actually a town vs town duel which sucks. The whole tldr off just felt like 2 town players bashing heads against each other.

    Kai/Vira is my new scum otp.
  12. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Vira you'd at least mentioned before but Kai out of nowhere. Do you have anything there other then choosing the two lowest post counts?
  13. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I'm not really sure how to explain it. He's just feels off. Like he's not doing town stuff. Look at post #74, this is meant to be a rushed post or whatever but instead of commenting on anything that matters he chooses to comment on vira about some mechanics thing. THat's just the wrong prorities. Also his vote on fonti with like no reasons, and his only previous comment about either her or stojil was that he didn't like what fonti was doing.
  14. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Seeing as they're both scums reads for you, what's worse: Kai commenting on it or Vira saying it in the first place?

    He also hasn't posted in like... 28 hours? Bit past the 10-12 there.
  15. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    The problem isn't what was said or whatever, it's that kai chose to comment on that over stuff that's actually important in one of his few posts when he knew he didn't have much time or ability to post.

    You also might wanna scroll up like 6 posts.
  16. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    ... I got no words. Derp da derp derp.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

    Even responded to him. Fuck.
  17. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You

  18. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I just got out of class.

    Why do people keep saying I set up Stojil to be hammered? Of course Lucky wouldn't hammer, he's been making jokes about so he would have been hyper-aware of accidentally hammering. The same goes for everyone else. With all the fuss that’s been made over the last two games, only scum would “accidently” skip mine and Proph’s post, and hammer, in which case they could be lynched the next day.

    On the Stojil / Font duel, I’m still on Font’s side. Font’s using meta to justify her claims, but her claims are coming off as reasonable to me. She did just serve with Luckylee and Bill Door. Her later posts replying to Stojil seem desperate and annoyed that no one’s believing her, and it comes across as town. Stojil on the other hand seems too focused on making a case on Font to the point of dueling her. I don’t care what people say, Stojil’s coming off as overly-aggressive and it’s weird.

    Duel Vote: Stojil.

    Other notable people:

    Luckylee is vague but that’s Luckylee’s way. He comes across as town. I don’t think scum would forget an entire post and reply. I haven’t seen Kalas and Bill Door do much of anything, though Bill Door has only started actually playing within the last page. Lutris makes long posts with vague sayings. I haven’t played with him in like a year, so I don’t know where to place him. Blab seems reasonable with his scum-hunting, probably town. I haven’t seen much of Kai’s posts, he’s being lurky. He also hasn’t stated why he’s voting for Font.
  19. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    How's classic scum!Bill like?

    Why? For this?

    What post are you referring to?

    Just to keep up with the theme, the bold bit is scummy language, since the sentence would have worked without, and the "btw" only serves as an unwarranted justification.


    What are you referring to?

    Did you like/dislike anything they said?


    Where and how?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

    Also, Vira, I disagree with everything you said about me and fontisian, but I already asked you to explain/elaborate on your opinion on us when you first voted for me before the duel, and you ignored it. You said:

    when it was fontisian that had declared me scum with basically no room for doubt (at the time without even giving reasons). I asked you:

    And you never answered. Care to do it now?
  20. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    ... I got Kalas mixed up with Luckylee. Never mind. -.-

    I don’t have opinions on either of them at the moment. Kalas got mixed up farther up the page, which I believe is a town thing to do, but other than him thinking Bill Door is scummy, I haven’t seen much of him. Bill Door drunk posting was dumb, though I don’t think it’s a particular scum tell. He thinks I’m scum for reasons that also apply to him (i.e. being useless). Other than his reasons on Kai, he hasn’t elaborated on his town/scum reads. For now, Kalas is leaning town and Bill Door is null / leaning scum.

    Lutris is being casual with his posts and by his own words, “non-committal”. Blab quoted it best:

    He’s also been indecisive with his scum-reads, citing lack of experience when deciding whether something was being scummy or not.

    He's backtracking and being non-commital. Now that I've written it all out, it looks scummy.

    This one’s kinda meta. He’s asking questions, prodding lurkers, refuting points, and tries to understand his fellow player’s positions like with Luckylee in post #92. He has less posts than I thought he had, but he seems town to me.

    Sorry, I must have missed that question. Give me like half-an-hour to get examples.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

    Answering Stojil's question:

    I still stand by that basing a scum-read on not voting for someone is a weak reason. Sure, Font may have voted for people on page one in past games, but in how many of those games was she town? I don’t think it’s a scum or a town-tell, sometimes people just change up their gameplay.

    Er, you think she was serious about lynching you both for your joke posts? It's not like she could vote for both of you in one post.

    You mean her joke-duel with Blab that they weren't going to do anyways?

    These are small, dumb things to base a lynch off of and that’s why I said you were really focused on Font. I’m not sure how serious you were at that point of the game, but it’s only in the middle of page four that you branched out into questioning other people. It's weird for you to get ‘wrapped up’ in one person, especially for weak reasons.