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Worm RPG - City & Character Creation Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Aekiel, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    And we're off!

    Make sure to have a look through the City Creation section of the rulebook to know what we're talking about here.

    First up I need to know what type of campaign you guys want. I'll be putting up character creation/house rules in the next post, but for now I need to know if you guys want to play as heroes, rogues, villains or whatever. As I said in the other thread, I want this campaign to start off with you guys as fairly small fish. Wards or Undersiders at the start of the story level, but otherwise I'm open to suggestion.

    Anyway, we need a city. I'm in favour of London, since I know the place quite well and I've got a bunch of ideas for potential plots. If anyone has a better idea, shout up and we'll discuss it. FATE as a system is much more of a group thing than a GM shouting instructions at people, so don't feel the need to stick with what I've written if you can improve on it.

    After that are the Themes and Threats. I've got a few ideas for these, but I'll want input from you guys on all of them. There's no point in me putting days in to, say, a gritty crime thriller type setting if you guys want to play cops and robbers, for instance. :p

    On that note, how gritty do you guys want this to be? On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being Lovecraftian Horror and 10 being BRIGHTHAMMER 40,000! What would you guys prefer?

    Themes are generalised ideas about a city (think Neo-Nazi Capital of America for Brockton Bay) while threats are newer, more upfront problems a city faces (such as ABB Bombing Bonanza).

    Next up we have Locations. These are places of interest that we'll be using throughout the campaign, so if you have any ideas go ahead and throw them out here. I'll ask you to use this format for the locations:

    And finally we have Faces. These guys are the major players in the city, so we want to make them interesting. Notable examples from Worm would be the Undersiders (Warlords of Brockton Bay), Coil (Thinker Supervillain), Armsmaster (Head of the BB Protectorate), Lung (Lung), and so on.

    Faces should have the following format:

    I'll want preferably two character ideas from each of you. Doesn't have to be full character sheets; just an idea and a description will do, though I won't complain if you want to do more. Read this page on the wiki for various power levels and the refresh/skill points they provide, since Submerged isn't enough for many characters in Worm. For scale, Skitter marks in at Snorkelling level for the majority of the story.

    Campaign Details and House Rules will be coming very soon. For now, enjoy!

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------

    I've decided to lower the number of skill points to 25 and the skill cap to Great (+4). I've also decided to get rid of the 8 refresh + 2 for stunts rule. In the Wormverse powers are instinctive to the point where it's like having another limb (in some cases literally), whereas Dresden powers require knowledge and study to get the fullest effects of an ability.

    However, having great power does not necessarily make you very good at other things. Hence the skill points/cap.

    Worm RPG Campaign Rules

    Campaign Details
    Characters should be in the 14-19 age range (I can go lower, but not higher),

    Refresh – 10
    Skill Points – 25
    Skill Cap – Great (+4)

    Core Rule Changes
    • Unavailable Powers: Cassandra's Tears (See Prophecy on the wiki), Ritual, Soul Gaze and the Sight.
    • Changed Powers: Channelling/Evocation (see below), Thaumaturgy (see Tinker), Demesne, Guide My Hand, Holy Touch, Righteousness, World Walker.
    • The pool of powers granted by Variable or Modular Abilities may not contain more Refresh points than ½ the character's total Refresh (rounded down).
    • 'Lore' is renamed 'Capes', but otherwise works similarly.
    • Thresholds don't exist in the Wormverse, beyond potentially being a part of a Trump power or similar device.

    • Channelling & Evocation have Inner Focii wrapped into them and cost [-1] Refresh higher apiece.
    • Max Focii bonuses are limited by the user's Capes skill. (If your Capes skill is +3 you can have a maximum Focus Item bonus of +3.)
    • 'Spirit' is replaced with 'Force'
    • Item slots may only be used for Focii. In exchange:
    • Those with Channel/Evocation get Power Resistance: +2 to all rolls made to defend against an element they can control (Air/Earth/Fire/Force/Water).
    • Focus Items and Specialisations do not count towards targeting rolls. (Roll once at the relevant skill level, then add on the bonuses for control.)

    Take a Consequence to Improve a Roll
    You can take a single Consequence to improve an action.* This is the equivalent to a runner straining themselves for a sprint or someone hitting their head into the wall in an attempt to jar themselves from mind control.* Declare an appropriate Consequence and the severity of it (Extreme Consequences have to have a good story reason as per usual), after the roll if you like. Your character will get a +1 bonus per Consequence level (+1 for Mild, +2 for Moderate, and so forth).

    Consequences inflicted this way can only be healed normally and not faster with Healing or Recovery powers.

    Important Custom Power Rules
    Adjustable Powers
    Incite Effect (replaces Incite Emotion)
    *The 'Tied' Effect [-1] custom power allows you to tie a single attack power to a non-attack power with a variety of different effects.
    Variable Abilities (all lists require GM approval)
    Limitation (replaces the Catch)
    Item Limitation (replaces Item of Power)
    Natural Weaponry (replaces a bunch of powers like Claws & Breath Weapon)
    Immunity (replaces Physical Immunity)
    Affliction (status effects)
    Tinker (replaces Thaumaturgy)

    Other powers on the wiki are available, but these are the biggest changes.

    Important Links
    Obsidian Portal - This will be the site we'll keep all the character sheets and the likes on. Sign up and post your username here.
    The Wiki
    Invisible Castle - Dice Roller #1
    Rolz.org - Dice Roller #2

    I'll likely add more to this as the campaign goes on (since Worm RPG is still very much a WIP), but the character creation rules aren't going to change any.

    Player List
    Ashan - Fissure (Long Li Wei - Kyle) - Non-metallic Shaker
    Corellon -
    Kalas -
    Mishie - Wisp (Unnamed) - Air Changer/Striker/Stranger
    Nemrut -
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2014
  2. Ashan

    Ashan Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2007
    Obsidian Portal: Rentarded

    Type of Campaign: Preference towards being minor, independent group of villains, but open to playing as Wards.

    Location: Fine with London. I'm not very familiar with any city outside of Singapore, so anything everyone is comfortable with is fine.

    Themes: ? No clue.


    If Wards: Out of control Case 53
    If Villain: Psychotic vigilante (a la Shadow Stalker)

    Grittiness: 2-4, as Worm is. 2 at its worst, 4 at its best. Never quite reached Lovecraftian, to me.

    Tried to paint one of the local large gangs I was thinking of. Magic themed, but not into rituals and whatnot.

    Edit: Fleshed out the group a little, detailed the leaders of each sub-unit of the organisation.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  3. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    So I'm pretty lost on where this originated and what the details about it are, what's going on in this thread?

    Because it looks really interesting, I'm just not seeing much basic info.
  4. Ashan

    Ashan Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2007
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Jesus Christ you don't start small with the NPCs, do you? Looking good though!

    Sunderer looks to be a bit more difficult to write up than Grimorium, but I think I'll be able to handle it. Both will need Variable Abilities, I think.
  6. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Is it okay if I create the PRT leader? Already have an idea but if you already have a concept, don't want to step on your toes there.
  7. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:
    I'm interested in playin', bro. Where do I sign up?
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Well, I'm about full up on PCs at the moment, but you can join in playing NPCs if you like.
  9. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    [FONT=&quot]Name is nemrut22 on Obsidian.

    Type of Campaign:
    Would lean towards a small group of independent villains as well, but if the majority goes with Wards, would join them. However, while I would be okay with villains, I draw the line at becoming depraved and psychopathic. Not heeding the law, okay, becoming the Mountain that Rides or Coil (addicting a child to drugs) or Heartbreaker, not really.

    Think the Black Lagoon company, really.

    Location: London is fine, hope you'll forgive that I would go with an Arthurian theme for the heroes.

    Themes: I am fairly unoriginal at this point, since I would like a sort of repeat of canon, where a city is slowly but surely losing to the villains as they grow in numbers and strength while the heroes decline, having less people volunteer for them and all the trouble that follows such a development.


    If Wards: Potential traitors within the PRT/Wards, not much trust in command structure except a select few.

    If Villain: Comparatively less tolerant Wards and PRT, low tolerance by the populous, much competition

    Grittiness: As for the grittiness, am with Ashan on this, Worm levels are fine.



    [FONT=&quot]Obviously, am not dead-set on any of this, so, if anything is wrong/dumb, just say.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  10. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Thirded on the the minor villains/Worm level grittiness. Don't have any awesome PC/NPCs made up :(
  11. Ashan

    Ashan Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2007
    Something that's occurred to me is that London is that the UK isn't handled by the PRT. Rather, by two groups called the "King's Men", and the "Suits".

    While we're given little information about either group (Apart from specific parahumans from the Suits), it appears as though the PRT doesn't function in the UK. Thoughts?
  12. Lucien

    Lucien Muggle

    Dec 20, 2011

    I'm Ashan's brother - he told me about this and I'm interested in playing, if there's spots.

    Obsidian: Luciend
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Hmmm. That is an issue. The PRT is actually centered in the US iirc. Individual teams around the world, with the Guild handling international stuff.
  14. Ashan

    Ashan Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2007
    The Guild is actually Canadian, but they're heavily involved in global stuff. I presume this is because Canadians are too polite to be proper villains.
  15. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I'd be interested in playing, just need someone to give me a quick rundown of character creation and such.
  16. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    So yeah, haven't had much time to work on side characters since I've been busy working on my own, and well, I may have ended up with the bastard child of Carmen Sandiago and Where's Wally, who is also a hilariously cliche Scotsman when he's a civilian, and may or may not transform like a fucked up magical girl into his costume, although instead of bright lights and panty shots, he has a mild breeze and testicles.

    This guy is going to be amazing to play ;3
  17. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Guess that is Aekiel's call, whether we just ignore the fact that the PRT/Protectorate is US and Canada centric and just say all UN nations have this or whether or not we make up a new system so that it follows the "true" UK model. Am cool with both, but I guess the latter would be more troublesome overall, for comparatively little payoff. Unless someone here has a really good idea to make that new structure really work.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  18. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Oh dear god, I just noticed that the refresh cap was boosted to 10, I'm going to have fun with this ;3

    Also, I'm putting my vote towards being a villain, it suits the character I have in mind a lot better than being a hero.
  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I've been looking for the alternate UK system in the story for ages now. I knew they existed, I just couldn't remember what they were called.

    I do want to use them though, because they fall nicely into one of the themes I've been thinking of using. That being:

    Fortress London - London has been the site of three Endbringer attacks in the last 15 years and has suffered for it, but the monsters have been fought off and the defenders are still standing, if not whole and hearty.

    I was thinking two attacks by Leviathan, one by Behemoth, which would lead me to my first location:

    Name: The Trafalgar Wasteland
    Description: Behemoth attacked London nearly ten years ago, but the effects of his assault are still with us. A large swathe of London centred on the old Trafalgar Square has been turned into an irradiated wasteland, uninhabitable to all but a few (un)lucky parahumans.
    Idea: An uninhabitable section of the city with a lone cape making it his home.
    Aspect: Behemoth's Legacy
    Face: Megaton
    Theme/Threat: Threat
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  20. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Time for actual details about my character!

    So yeah, cannibalised a character I came up a while ago using the Cauldron method and oddly enough the power fit really well for this system. Long story short is that I can turn into air, in this form I'm pretty stealthy since well, I appear to be normal air, although if it were raining or there was smoke in the air, it would be easier to spot me moving around. Although, whilst I'm in this form I do move faster than usual, because well, I'm wind.

    When I return back to normal, unless it's a really severe injury I've normally healed back to normal as I basically gather up air and use it to replace what's been damaged. Generally when I've been hit with a physical attack I turn what's been effected to air as an immediate action, but it's not much good against say, poison in my food.

    A couple of other things that were added to make the power more interesting, is that going back and forth from air mode has a vacuum/explosive effect depending on which way I'm going. The other is that I can also turn non-living things into air and take them with me to turn back later, but I have to be touching them and it's not instant, with the larger the object, the longer is takes to spread.

    In actual game terms:

    Supernatural Recovery [-4]
    Inhuman Speed [-2]
    Incite Tied (Scaling?) Physical Effect [-4] (Discipline - Vacuum/Explosion - Tied to Gaseous Form)
    Limitation [+4] (Only in Air Form)
    Incite Effect [-1] (Discipline - Air Transformation)
    Gaseous Form [-3] (Air Form)

    Not really sure about the exact number for the Limitation, and how exactly the vacuum/explosive effect will be stated since well the way I see it is that as I changed forms, their was a change in air pressure or something and it caused the effect to happen. The reason for the scaling is that the effect could be based on what I'm changing, so that a partial transformation would have a lesser effect (say a 1 shift effect) whilst a full body one would be stronger (2-3 shift effect).

    I added in Tied because Aekiel mentioned it, but my problem is that I'm not really sure if it should really count as a -1 because well, it's not a bonus, it's a limitation, it's meant to be that I'm forced to swap back and forth from my squishy body to be able to do it, instead of just doing it whenever I want. That and the fact that it just feels more fun to have it happen along with me disappearing and reappearing instead of just being at random.

    I'm not sure about adding the air transformation to being restricted to Air Form, if I need to do it for Refresh amount I will, but it would be nice to have something left for when I'm not in Air Form.

    Pretty sure I've covered the major points for my character, got a few other things I wouldn't mind clarifying but they can wait :p

    Edit: Also, pretty sure that Endbringers only attack a target once, mainly because they kinda only need to attack once to ruin it.